Clement Helsens [email protected]
Donal Hill [email protected]
- First studies of Bc+ → τ+ ντ with EDM4hep and FCCAnalyses Donal Hill, talk at the Physics Performance meeting, Dec 14, 2020.
- Analysis of Bc / B+ to tau nu Clement Helsens, talk at the Physics Performance meeting, Apr 19, 2021.
- Updates on the Bc / B+ to tau nu analysis Donal Hill, talk at the Physics Performance meeting, May 17, 2021.
- Prospects for 𝐵+𝑐→𝜏+𝜈𝜏 at FCC-ee Clement Helsens, talk at the general FCC-ee physics meeting, May 31, 2021.
- The CEPC feasibility study in the leptonic channels: their Snowmass LOI and the preprint Analysis of Bc→τντ at CEPC, Taifan Zheng et al, arXiv:2007.08234
The following scripts are used to run the variois steps of the offline analysis:
: paths and common
: definitions of the branching ratios and cross-sections for the exclusive B-hadron modes considered as
: awkward array conversion of ROOT files to pandas data frames used in stage 1 xgboost training. Output stored in pickle
: train first stage
: train second stage
: fit the two MVA distributions above 0.95 in a summed sample of exclusive background. This is used to create cubic splines for accurate cut efficiency determination in the
: run the 2D cut optimisation procedure to determine best purity for a given set of cuts, and the signal and background yield at those cuts. Persists output to dictionary in
: create files for signal and background passing tight BDT cuts, which are then used to make templates for the fit. Files are written as pandas dataframes in
: run toy fits to measure the signal yield for a given number of Z’s. Can run with one toy to plot, or with many for toy studies of signal yield precision and
: gather toy fit results and look at the distribution of fitted signal yields. Use this to determine the overall signal yield uncertainty
: calculate branching ratios and their precisions for different number of Z's. Plot the trends in signal yield, branching fraction ratio, and branching fraction vs. number of Z's.
A few scripts are also used to generate plots and tables for the paper:
: plot the BDT distributions from first stage training and the efficiency
: plot the BDT distributions from second stage training and the efficiency
: summarise the exclusive background statistics and efficiencies for the paper in a
: plot charged vs neutral maximum hemisphere energies in signal and background, which are shown in
: make a table for the paper showing signal yields and uncertainties for different number of Z'
: make summary tables of yield and branching fraction precision as a function of number of Z's.