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271 lines (228 loc) · 18.5 KB

0.4.10 (2020-04-21)

Features / Enhancement

  • Enhanced Log Management. Centralizing log storage in MongoDB, reduced the dependency of PubSub, allowing log error detection.
  • API Token. Allow users to generate API tokens and use them to integrate into their own systems.
  • Web Hook. Trigger a Web Hook http request to pre-defined URL when a task starts or finishes.
  • Auto Install Dependencies. Allow installing dependencies automatically from requirements.txt or package.json.
  • Auto Results Collection. Set results collection to results_<spider_name> if it is not set.
  • Optimized Project List. Not display "No Project" item in the project list.
  • Upgrade Node.js. Upgrade Node.js version from v8.12 to v10.19.
  • Add Run Button in Schedule Page. Allow users to manually run task in Schedule Page.

Bug Fixes

  • Cannot register. #670
  • Spider schedule tab cron expression shows second. #678
  • Missing daily stats in spider. #684
  • Results count not update in time. #689

0.4.9 (2020-03-31)

Features / Enhancement

  • Challenges. Users can achieve different challenges based on their actions.
  • More Advanced Access Control. More granular access control, e.g. normal users can only view/manage their own spiders/projects and admin users can view/manage all spiders/projects.
  • Feedback. Allow users to send feedbacks and ratings to Crawlab team.
  • Better Home Page Metrics. Optimized metrics display on home page.
  • Configurable Spiders Converted to Customized Spiders. Allow users to convert their configurable spiders into customized spiders which are also Scrapy spiders.
  • View Tasks Triggered by Schedule. Allow users to view tasks triggered by a schedule. #648
  • Support Results De-Duplication. Allow users to configure de-duplication of results. #579
  • Support Task Restart. Allow users to re-run historical tasks.

Bug Fixes

  • CLI unable to use on Windows. #580
  • Re-upload error. #643 #640
  • Upload missing folders. #646
  • Unable to add schedules in Spider Page.

0.4.8 (2020-03-11)

Features / Enhancement

  • Support Installations of More Programming Languages. Now users can install or pre-install more programming languages including Java, .Net Core and PHP.
  • Installation UI Optimization. Users can better view and manage installations on Node List page.
  • More Git Support. Allow users to view Git Commits record, and allow checkout to corresponding commit.
  • Support Hostname Node Registration Type. Users can set hostname as the node key as the unique identifier.
  • RPC Support. Added RPC support to better manage node communication.
  • Run On Master Switch. Users can determine whether to run tasks on master. If not, all tasks will be run only on worker nodes.
  • Disabled Tutorial by Default.
  • Added Related Documentation Sidebar.
  • Loading Page Optimization.

Bug Fixes

  • Duplicated Nodes. #391
  • Duplicated Spider Upload. #603
  • Failure in dependencies installation results in unusable dependency installation functionalities.. #609
  • Create Tasks for Offline Nodes. #622

0.4.7 (2020-02-24)

Features / Enhancement

  • Better Support for Scrapy. Spiders identification, configuration, log level selection, spider selection. #435
  • Git Sync. Allow users to sync git projects to Crawlab.
  • Long Task Support. Users can add long-task spiders which is supposed to run without finishing. #425
  • Spider List Optimization. Tasks count by status, tasks detail popup, legend. #425
  • Upgrade Check. Check latest version and notifiy users to upgrade.
  • Spiders Batch Operation. Allow users to run/stop spider tasks and delete spiders in batches.
  • Copy Spiders. Allow users to copy an existing spider to create a new one.
  • Wechat Group QR Code.

Bug Fixes

  • Schedule Spider Selection Issue. Fields not responding to spider change.
  • Cron Jobs Conflict. Possible bug when two spiders set to the same time of their cron jobs. #515 #565
  • Task Log Issue. Different tasks write to the same log file if triggered at the same time. #577
  • Task List Filter Options Incomplete.

0.4.6 (2020-02-13)

Features / Enhancement

  • SDK for Node.js. Users can apply SDK in their Node.js spiders.
  • Log Management Optimization. Log search, error highlight, auto-scrolling.
  • Task Execution Process Optimization. Allow users to be redirected to task detail page after triggering a task.
  • Task Display Optimization. Added "Param" in the Latest Tasks table in the spider detail page. #295
  • Spider List Optimization. Added "Update Time" and "Create Time" in spider list page.
  • Page Loading Placeholder.

Bug Fixes

  • Lost Focus in Schedule Configuration. #519
  • Unable to Upload Spider using CLI. #524

0.4.5 (2020-02-03)

Features / Enhancement

  • Interactive Tutorial. Guide users through the main functionalities of Crawlab.
  • Global Environment Variables. Allow users to set global environment variables, which will be passed into all spider programs. #177
  • Project. Allow users to link spiders to projects. #316
  • Demo Spiders. Added demo spiders when Crawlab is initialized. #379
  • User Admin Optimization. Restrict privilleges of admin users. #456
  • Setting Page Optimization.
  • Task Results Optimization.

Bug Fixes

  • Unable to find spider file error. #485
  • Click delete button results in redirect. #480
  • Unable to create files in an empty spider. #479
  • Download results error. #465
  • crawlab-sdk CLI error. #458
  • Page refresh issue. #441
  • Results not support JSON. #202
  • Getting all spider after deleting a spider.
  • i18n warning.

0.4.4 (2020-01-17)

Features / Enhancement

  • Email Notification. Allow users to send email notifications.
  • DingTalk Robot Notification. Allow users to send DingTalk Robot notifications.
  • Wechat Robot Notification. Allow users to send Wechat Robot notifications.
  • API Address Optimization. Added relative URL path in frontend so that users don't have to specify CRAWLAB_API_ADDRESS explicitly.
  • SDK Compatiblity. Allow users to integrate Scrapy or general spiders with Crawlab SDK.
  • Enhanced File Management. Added tree-like file sidebar to allow users to edit files much more easier.
  • Advanced Schedule Cron. Allow users to edit schedule cron with visualized cron editor.

Bug Fixes

  • nil retuened error.
  • Error when using HTTPS.
  • Unable to run Configurable Spiders on Spider List.
  • Missing form validation before uploading spider files.

0.4.3 (2020-01-07)

Features / Enhancement

  • Dependency Installation. Allow users to install/uninstall dependencies and add programming languages (Node.js only for now) on the platform web interface.
  • Pre-install Programming Languages in Docker. Allow Docker users to set CRAWLAB_SERVER_LANG_NODE as Y to pre-install Node.js environments.
  • Add Schedule List in Spider Detail Page. Allow users to view / add / edit schedule cron jobs in the spider detail page. #360
  • Align Cron Expression with Linux. Change the expression of 6 elements to 5 elements as aligned in Linux.
  • Enable/Disable Schedule Cron. Allow users to enable/disable the schedule jobs. #297
  • Better Task Management. Allow users to batch delete tasks. #341
  • Better Spider Management. Allow users to sort and filter spiders in the spider list page.
  • Added Chinese CHANGELOG.
  • Added Github Star Button at Nav Bar.

Bug Fixes

  • Schedule Cron Task Issue. #423
  • Upload Spider Zip File Issue. #403 #407
  • Exit due to Network Failure. #340
  • Cron Jobs not Running Correctly
  • Schedule List Columns Mis-positioned
  • Clicking Refresh Button Redirected to 404 Page

0.4.2 (2019-12-26)

Features / Enhancement

  • Disclaimer. Added page for Disclaimer.
  • Call API to fetch version. #371
  • Configure to allow user registration. #346
  • Allow adding new users.
  • More Advanced File Management. Allow users to add / edit / rename / delete files. #286
  • Optimized Spider Creation Process. Allow users to create an empty customized spider before uploading the zip file.
  • Better Task Management. Allow users to filter tasks by selecting through certian criterions. #341

Bug Fixes

  • Duplicated nodes. #391
  • "mongodb no reachable" error. #373

0.4.1 (2019-12-13)

Features / Enhancement

  • Spiderfile Optimization. Stages changed from dictionary to array. #358
  • Baidu Tongji Update.

Bug Fixes

  • Unable to display schedule tasks. #353
  • Duplicate node registration. #334

0.4.0 (2019-12-06)

Features / Enhancement

  • Configurable Spider. Allow users to add spiders using Spiderfile to configure crawling rules.
  • Execution Mode. Allow users to select 3 modes for task execution: All Nodes, Selected Nodes and Random.

Bug Fixes

  • Task accidentally killed. #306
  • Documentation fix. #301 #301
  • Direct deploy incompatible with Windows. #288
  • Log files lost. #269

0.3.5 (2019-10-28)

Features / Enhancement

  • Graceful Showdown. detail
  • Node Info Optimization. detail
  • Append System Environment Variables to Tasks. detail
  • Auto Refresh Task Log. detail
  • Enable HTTPS Deployment. detail

Bug Fixes

  • Unable to fetch spider list info in schedule jobs. detail
  • Unable to fetch node info from worker nodes. detail
  • Unable to select node when trying to run spider tasks. detail
  • Unable to fetch result count when result volume is large. #260
  • Node issue in schedule tasks. #244

0.3.1 (2019-08-25)

Features / Enhancement

  • Docker Image Optimization. Split docker further into master, worker, frontend with alpine image.
  • Unit Tests. Covered part of the backend code with unit tests.
  • Frontend Optimization. Login page, button size, hints of upload UI optimization.
  • More Flexible Node Registration. Allow users to pass a variable as key for node registration instead of MAC by default.

Bug Fixes

  • Uploading Large Spider Files Error. Memory crash issue when uploading large spider files. #150
  • Unable to Sync Spiders. Fixes through increasing level of write permission when synchronizing spider files. #114
  • Spider Page Issue. Fixes through removing the field "Site". #112
  • Node Display Issue. Nodes do not display correctly when running docker containers on multiple machines. #99

0.3.0 (2019-07-31)

Features / Enhancement

  • Golang Backend: Refactored code from Python backend to Golang, much more stability and performance.
  • Node Network Graph: Visualization of node typology.
  • Node System Info: Available to see system info including OS, CPUs and executables.
  • Node Monitoring Enhancement: Nodes are monitored and registered through Redis.
  • File Management: Available to edit spider files online, including code highlight.
  • Login/Regiser/User Management: Require users to login to use Crawlab, allow user registration and user management, some role-based authorization.
  • Automatic Spider Deployment: Spiders are deployed/synchronized to all online nodes automatically.
  • Smaller Docker Image: Slimmed Docker image and reduced Docker image size from 1.3G to ~700M by applying Multi-Stage Build.

Bug Fixes

  • Node Status. Node status does not change even though it goes offline actually. #87
  • Spider Deployment Error. Fixed through Automatic Spider Deployment #83
  • Node not showing. Node not able to show online #81
  • Cron Job not working. Fixed through new Golang backend #64
  • Flower Error. Fixed through new Golang backend #57

0.2.4 (2019-07-07)

Features / Enhancement

  • Documentation: Better and much more detailed documentation.
  • Better Crontab: Make crontab expression through crontab UI.
  • Better Performance: Switched from native flask engine to gunicorn. #78

Bugs Fixes

  • Deleting Spider. Deleting a spider does not only remove record in db but also removing related folder, tasks and schedules. #69
  • MongoDB Auth. Allow user to specify authenticationDatabase to connect to mongodb. #68
  • Windows Compatibility. Added eventlet to requirements.txt. #59

0.2.3 (2019-06-12)

Features / Enhancement

  • Docker: User can run docker image to speed up deployment.
  • CLI: Allow user to use command-line interface to execute Crawlab programs.
  • Upload Spider: Allow user to upload Customized Spider to Crawlab.
  • Edit Fields on Preview: Allow user to edit fields when previewing data in Configurable Spider.

Bugs Fixes

  • Spiders Pagination. Fixed pagination problem in spider page.

0.2.2 (2019-05-30)

Features / Enhancement

  • Automatic Extract Fields: Automatically extracting data fields in list pages for configurable spider.
  • Download Results: Allow downloading results as csv file.
  • Baidu Tongji: Allow users to choose to report usage info to Baidu Tongji.

Bug Fixes

  • Results Page Pagination: Fixes so the pagination of results page is working correctly. #45
  • Schedule Tasks Duplicated Triggers: Set Flask DEBUG as False so that schedule tasks won't trigger twice. #32
  • Frontend Environment: Added VUE_APP_BASE_URL as production mode environment variable so the API call won't be always localhost in deployed env #30

0.2.1 (2019-05-27)

  • Configurable Spider: Allow users to create a spider to crawl data without coding.

0.2 (2019-05-10)

  • Advanced Stats: Advanced analytics in spider detail view.
  • Sites Data: Added sites list (China) for users to check info such as robots.txt and home page response time/code.

0.1.1 (2019-04-23)

  • Basic Stats: User can view basic stats such as number of failed tasks and number of results in spiders and tasks pages.
  • Near Realtime Task Info: Periodically (5 sec) polling data from server to allow view task info in a near-realtime fashion.
  • Scheduled Tasks: Allow users to set up cron-like scheduled/periodical tasks using apscheduler.

0.1 (2019-04-17)

  • Initial Release