You can modify the above config examples easily for VMWare, Parallels, HyperV, RedHat, Amazon AWS, DigitalOcean, Rackspace and many more.
Command: "docker" "ps" "-a" "-q" "--no-trunc"
Just run it one more time.
Command: "docker" "run" "--name" "db" "-d" "-e" "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secretroot" "-e" "MYSQL_USER=dev" "-e" "MYSQL_PASSWORD=dev-123" "-e" "MYSQL_DATABASE=myapp-vagrant" "-p" "3306:3306" "-v" "/var/lib/docker/docker_1424995498_65018:/vagrant" "mysql"
Stderr: Unable to find image 'mysql:latest' locally
Pulling repository mysql
time="2015-02-27T00:09:38Z" level="fatal" msg="Get dial tcp: lookup on server misbehaving"
Fix nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf
in dockerhost VM.
TODO link to GitHub issue