- minimalistic, environment variables based configuration
- Docker support, runs on PHP 5 or 7
- Support for efficient building and testing on GitLab CI
- using stable PHP package versions, embracing semver
- continuous integration support
- application versioning
- separate database connection for system components (audit, session)
runs withArrayCache
- full responsive Bootstrap 3 theme
- AdminLTE theme
- application backend dashboard (screenshots)
- user management (dektrium/yii2-user)
- role-based access control (dektrium/yii2-rbac)
- runtime settings
- I18N lajax/yii2-translate-manager
- sitemaps (dmstr/yii2-pages-module)
- extended model & crud code generators (schmunk42/yii2-giiant)
- markdown documentation in application backend (schmunk42/yii2-markdocs-module)
- Job queue
- extended database migration support
- fully non-interactive deployment to work on PaaS
- CLI command for application maintenance tasks
- containerized Yii 2.0 Codeception test-suites
- composer
- asset-plugin
- codeception
- fast builds through optimized Docker image layers and composer caches
- LESS-compiler and closure-compiler on PHP-CLI and PHP-FPM for seamless integration with Yii 2.0 Framework asset-bundles
- xDebug
- APCu support
- npm
- shell file linting
Source ———
PHP Image für Yii2 (runtime only) https://git.hrzg.de/dmstr/docker-php-yii2
Dockerized Yii2 App (100 lines, no db) https://git.hrzg.de/dmstr/docker-yii2-app
Phundament 5 (nur Open-Source) https://git.hrzg.de/dmstr/docker-phd-app
Entrprise-Edition (inkl. Closed Source) https://git.hrzg.de/hrzg/docker-ee-app
Commercial/Closed source: https://git.hrzg.de/groups/hrzg