from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, abort
app = Flask(__name__)
# Dummy data for books
books = [
{"id": 1, "title": "To Kill a Mockingbird", "author": "Harper Lee", "year": 1960},
{"id": 2, "title": "1984", "author": "George Orwell", "year": 1949},
{"id": 3, "title": "Pride and Prejudice", "author": "Jane Austen", "year": 1813}
# Endpoint to retrieve all books (GET)
@app.route('/books', methods=['GET'])
def get_books():
return jsonify(books)
# Endpoint to add a new book (POST)
@app.route('/books', methods=['POST'])
def add_book():
if not request.json or 'title' not in request.json:
abort(400) # Bad request
book = {
'id': books[-1]['id'] + 1,
'title': request.json['title'],
'author': request.json.get('author', ""),
'year': request.json.get('year', "")
return jsonify({'message': 'Book added', 'book': book}), 201 # Created
# Endpoint to retrieve a specific book (GET)
@app.route('/books/<int:book_id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_book(book_id):
book = [book for book in books if book['id'] == book_id]
if len(book) == 0:
abort(404) # Not found
return jsonify(book[0])
# Endpoint to update a specific book (PUT)
@app.route('/books/<int:book_id>', methods=['PUT'])
def update_book(book_id):
book = [book for book in books if book['id'] == book_id]
if len(book) == 0:
abort(404) # Not found
if not request.json:
abort(400) # Bad request
book[0]['title'] = request.json.get('title', book[0]['title'])
book[0]['author'] = request.json.get('author', book[0]['author'])
book[0]['year'] = request.json.get('year', book[0]['year'])
return jsonify({'message': 'Book updated', 'book': book[0]})
# Endpoint to delete a specific book (DELETE)
@app.route('/books/<int:book_id>', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_book(book_id):
book = [book for book in books if book['id'] == book_id]
if len(book) == 0:
abort(404) # Not found
return jsonify({'message': 'Book deleted'}), 204 # No content
if __name__ == '__main__':
curl -X GET
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"title\":\"New Book\", \"author\":\"Author Name\", \"year\":2022}"
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"title\":\"Updated Title\", \"author\":\"Updated Author\", \"year\":2023}"
curl -X DELETE
First Create One json file with
Here My Json File Name data.json
"title": "Still Thinking",
"author": "Guru patil",
"year": 2023
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @data.json
-Here Name my file name as update_data.json
"title": "Peace",
"author": "God",
"year": 2023
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @update_data.json