diff --git a/examples/lap_cartesian_vs_next.ipynb b/examples/lap_cartesian_vs_next.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb80122570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/lap_cartesian_vs_next.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
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+ "GT4Py - GridTools for Python\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Copyright (c) 2014-2023, ETH Zurich\n",
+ "All rights reserved.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "This file is part the GT4Py project and the GridTools framework.\n",
+ "GT4Py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\n",
+ "the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the\n",
+ "Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later\n",
+ "version. See the LICENSE.txt file at the top-level directory of this\n",
+ "distribution for a copy of the license or check .\n",
+ "\n",
+ "SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "attachments": {},
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Demonstrates gt4py.cartesian with gt4py.next compatibility"
+ ]
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Imports"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ "nx = 32\n",
+ "ny = 32\n",
+ "nz = 1\n",
+ "dtype = np.float64"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Storages\n",
+ "--\n",
+ "\n",
+ "We create fields using the gt4py.next constructors. These fields are compatible with gt4py.cartesian when we use \"I\", \"J\", \"K\" as the dimension names."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
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+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
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+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
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+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "import gt4py.next as gtx\n",
+ "\n",
+ "allocator = gtx.itir_embedded # should match the executor\n",
+ "# allocator = gtx.gtfn_cpu\n",
+ "# allocator = gtx.gtfn_gpu\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Note: for gt4py.next, names don't matter, for gt4py.cartesian they have to be \"I\", \"J\", \"K\"\n",
+ "I = gtx.Dimension(\"I\")\n",
+ "J = gtx.Dimension(\"J\")\n",
+ "K = gtx.Dimension(\"K\", kind=gtx.DimensionKind.VERTICAL)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "domain = gtx.domain({I: nx, J: ny, K: nz})\n",
+ "\n",
+ "inp = gtx.as_field(domain, np.fromfunction(lambda x, y, z: x**2+y**2, shape=(nx, ny, nz)), dtype, allocator=allocator)\n",
+ "out_cartesian = gtx.zeros(domain, dtype, allocator=allocator)\n",
+ "out_next = gtx.zeros(domain, dtype, allocator=allocator)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "attachments": {},
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "gt4py.cartesian\n",
+ "--"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import gt4py.cartesian.gtscript as gtscript\n",
+ "\n",
+ "cartesian_backend = \"numpy\"\n",
+ "# cartesian_backend = \"gt:cpu_ifirst\"\n",
+ "# cartesian_backend = \"gt:gpu\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "@gtscript.stencil(backend=cartesian_backend)\n",
+ "def lap_cartesian(\n",
+ " inp: gtscript.Field[dtype],\n",
+ " out: gtscript.Field[dtype],\n",
+ "):\n",
+ " with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):\n",
+ " out = -4.0 * inp[0, 0, 0] + inp[-1, 0, 0] + inp[1, 0, 0] + inp[0, -1, 0] + inp[0, 1, 0]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "lap_cartesian(inp=inp, out=out_cartesian, origin=(1, 1, 0), domain=(nx-2, ny-2, nz))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from gt4py.next import Field\n",
+ "\n",
+ "next_backend = gtx.itir_embedded\n",
+ "# next_backend = gtx.gtfn_cpu\n",
+ "# next_backend = gtx.gtfn_gpu\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Ioff = gtx.FieldOffset(\"I\", source=I, target=(I,))\n",
+ "Joff = gtx.FieldOffset(\"J\", source=J, target=(J,))\n",
+ "\n",
+ "@gtx.field_operator\n",
+ "def lap_next(inp: Field[[I, J, K], dtype]) -> Field[[I, J, K], dtype]:\n",
+ " return -4.0 * inp + inp(Ioff[-1]) + inp(Ioff[1]) + inp(Joff[-1]) + inp(Joff[1])\n",
+ "\n",
+ "@gtx.program(backend=next_backend)\n",
+ "def lap_next_program(inp: Field[[I, J, K], dtype], out: Field[[I, J, K], dtype]):\n",
+ " lap_next(inp, out=out[1:-1, 1:-1, :])\n",
+ "\n",
+ "lap_next_program(inp, out_next, offset_provider={\"Ioff\": I, \"Joff\": J})"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "assert np.allclose(out_cartesian.asnumpy(), out_next.asnumpy())"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
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+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
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+ "name": "python",
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+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
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+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 4
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/__init__.py b/src/gt4py/next/__init__.py
index cbd5735949..1398af5f03 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/__init__.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/__init__.py
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
+from .program_processors.runners.gtfn import (
+ run_gtfn_cached as gtfn_cpu,
+ run_gtfn_gpu_cached as gtfn_gpu,
+from .program_processors.runners.roundtrip import backend as itir_python
__all__ = [
@@ -74,5 +79,9 @@
+ # from program_processor
+ "gtfn_cpu",
+ "gtfn_gpu",
+ "itir_python",
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/common.py b/src/gt4py/next/common.py
index 29d606ccc0..6bf6858369 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/common.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/common.py
@@ -574,38 +574,39 @@ def __call__(self, func: fbuiltins.BuiltInFunction[_R, _P], /) -> Callable[_P, _
-# TODO(havogt): replace this protocol with the new `GTFieldInterface` protocol
-class NextGTDimsInterface(Protocol):
+# TODO(havogt): we need to describe when this interface should be used instead of the `Field` protocol.
+class GTFieldInterface(core_defs.GTDimsInterface, core_defs.GTOriginInterface, Protocol):
- Protocol for objects providing the `__gt_dims__` property, naming :class:`Field` dimensions.
+ Protocol for object providing the `__gt_domain__` property, specifying the :class:`Domain` of a :class:`Field`.
- The dimension names are objects of type :class:`Dimension`, in contrast to
- :mod:`gt4py.cartesian`, where the labels are `str` s with implied semantics,
- see :class:`~gt4py._core.definitions.GTDimsInterface` .
+ Note:
+ - A default implementation of the `__gt_dims__` interface from `gt4py.cartesian` is provided.
+ - No implementation of `__gt_origin__` is provided because of infinite fields.
- def __gt_dims__(self) -> tuple[Dimension, ...]:
+ def __gt_domain__(self) -> Domain:
+ # TODO probably should be changed to `DomainLike` (with a new concept `DimensionLike`)
+ # to allow implementations without having to import gtx.Domain.
-# TODO(egparedes): add support for this new protocol in the cartesian module
-class GTFieldInterface(Protocol):
- """Protocol for object providing the `__gt_domain__` property, specifying the :class:`Domain` of a :class:`Field`."""
- def __gt_domain__(self) -> Domain:
- ...
+ def __gt_dims__(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
+ return tuple(d.value for d in self.__gt_domain__.dims)
-class Field(NextGTDimsInterface, core_defs.GTOriginInterface, Protocol[DimsT, core_defs.ScalarT]):
+class Field(GTFieldInterface, Protocol[DimsT, core_defs.ScalarT]):
__gt_builtin_func__: ClassVar[GTBuiltInFuncDispatcher]
def domain(self) -> Domain:
+ @property
+ def __gt_domain__(self) -> Domain:
+ return self.domain
def codomain(self) -> type[core_defs.ScalarT] | Dimension:
@@ -923,10 +924,6 @@ def asnumpy(self) -> Never:
def domain(self) -> Domain:
return Domain(dims=(self.dimension,), ranges=(UnitRange.infinite(),))
- @property
- def __gt_dims__(self) -> tuple[Dimension, ...]:
- return self.domain.dims
def __gt_origin__(self) -> Never:
raise TypeError("'CartesianConnectivity' does not support this operation.")
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/embedded/nd_array_field.py b/src/gt4py/next/embedded/nd_array_field.py
index 8bd2673db9..9fc1b42038 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/embedded/nd_array_field.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/embedded/nd_array_field.py
@@ -107,10 +107,6 @@ def domain(self) -> common.Domain:
def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
return self._ndarray.shape
- @property
- def __gt_dims__(self) -> tuple[common.Dimension, ...]:
- return self._domain.dims
def __gt_origin__(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
assert common.Domain.is_finite(self._domain)
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/iterator/embedded.py b/src/gt4py/next/iterator/embedded.py
index ef70a2e645..390bec4312 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/iterator/embedded.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/iterator/embedded.py
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class LocatedField(Protocol):
- def __gt_dims__(self) -> tuple[common.Dimension, ...]:
+ def __gt_domain__(self) -> common.Domain:
# TODO(havogt): define generic Protocol to provide a concrete return type
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ def field_getitem(self, indices: NamedFieldIndices) -> Any:
def __gt_origin__(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
- return tuple([0] * len(self.__gt_dims__))
+ return tuple([0] * len(self.__gt_domain__.dims))
@@ -675,12 +675,18 @@ def _is_concrete_position(pos: Position) -> TypeGuard[ConcretePosition]:
def _get_axes(
field_or_tuple: LocatedField | tuple,
) -> Sequence[common.Dimension]: # arbitrary nesting of tuples of LocatedField
+ return _get_domain(field_or_tuple).dims
+def _get_domain(
+ field_or_tuple: LocatedField | tuple,
+) -> common.Domain: # arbitrary nesting of tuples of LocatedField
if isinstance(field_or_tuple, tuple):
- first = _get_axes(field_or_tuple[0])
- assert all(first == _get_axes(f) for f in field_or_tuple)
+ first = _get_domain(field_or_tuple[0])
+ assert all(first == _get_domain(f) for f in field_or_tuple)
return first
- return field_or_tuple.__gt_dims__
+ return field_or_tuple.__gt_domain__
def _single_vertical_idx(
@@ -894,14 +900,14 @@ class NDArrayLocatedFieldWrapper(MutableLocatedField):
_ndarrayfield: common.Field
- def __gt_dims__(self) -> tuple[common.Dimension, ...]:
- return self._ndarrayfield.__gt_dims__
+ def __gt_domain__(self) -> common.Domain:
+ return self._ndarrayfield.__gt_domain__
def _translate_named_indices(
self, _named_indices: NamedFieldIndices
) -> common.AbsoluteIndexSequence:
named_indices: Mapping[common.Dimension, FieldIndex | SparsePositionEntry] = {
- d: _named_indices[d.value] for d in self._ndarrayfield.__gt_dims__
+ d: _named_indices[d.value] for d in self._ndarrayfield.__gt_domain__.dims
domain_slice: list[common.NamedRange | common.NamedIndex] = []
for d, v in named_indices.items():
@@ -1046,8 +1052,8 @@ class IndexField(common.Field):
_dimension: common.Dimension
- def __gt_dims__(self) -> tuple[common.Dimension, ...]:
- return (self._dimension,)
+ def __gt_domain__(self) -> common.Domain:
+ return self.domain
def __gt_origin__(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
@@ -1165,8 +1171,8 @@ class ConstantField(common.Field[Any, core_defs.ScalarT]):
_value: core_defs.ScalarT
- def __gt_dims__(self) -> tuple[common.Dimension, ...]:
- return tuple()
+ def __gt_domain__(self) -> common.Domain:
+ return self.domain
def __gt_origin__(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
@@ -1452,7 +1458,7 @@ def _tuple_assign(field: tuple | MutableLocatedField, value: Any, named_indices:
class TupleOfFields(TupleField):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
- self.__gt_dims__ = _get_axes(data)
+ self.__gt_domain__ = _get_domain(data)
def field_getitem(self, named_indices: NamedFieldIndices) -> Any:
return _build_tuple_result(self.data, named_indices)
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/iterator/tracing.py b/src/gt4py/next/iterator/tracing.py
index 30fec1f9fd..05ebd02352 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/iterator/tracing.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/iterator/tracing.py
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ def _contains_tuple_dtype_field(arg):
# other `np.int32`). We just ignore the error here and postpone fixing this to when
# the new storages land (The implementation here works for LocatedFieldImpl).
- return common.is_field(arg) and any(dim is None for dim in arg.__gt_dims__)
+ return common.is_field(arg) and any(dim is None for dim in arg.domain.dims)
def _make_fencil_params(fun, args, *, use_arg_types: bool) -> list[Sym]:
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/type_system/type_translation.py b/src/gt4py/next/type_system/type_translation.py
index 88a8347fe4..12649bf620 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/type_system/type_translation.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/type_system/type_translation.py
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ def from_value(value: Any) -> ts.TypeSpec:
elif isinstance(value, common.Dimension):
symbol_type = ts.DimensionType(dim=value)
elif common.is_field(value):
- dims = list(value.__gt_dims__)
+ dims = list(value.domain.dims)
dtype = from_type_hint(value.dtype.scalar_type)
symbol_type = ts.FieldType(dims=dims, dtype=dtype)
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
diff --git a/src/gt4py/storage/cartesian/utils.py b/src/gt4py/storage/cartesian/utils.py
index 0f7cf5d0ab..4e7ebb0c21 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/storage/cartesian/utils.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/storage/cartesian/utils.py
@@ -192,6 +192,10 @@ def cpu_copy(array: Union[np.ndarray, "cp.ndarray"]) -> np.ndarray:
def asarray(
array: FieldLike, *, device: Literal["cpu", "gpu", None] = None
) -> np.ndarray | cp.ndarray:
+ if hasattr(array, "ndarray"):
+ # extract the buffer from a gt4py.next.Field
+ # TODO(havogt): probably `Field` should provide the array interface methods when applicable
+ array = array.ndarray
if device == "gpu" or (not device and hasattr(array, "__cuda_array_interface__")):
return cp.asarray(array)
if device == "cpu" or (