HeroQuest character, items and quest tracker. View the app live here.
Hero's Log is a companion app for the HeroQuest board game. It allows players to track their character(s), character items and quest progress. There's also an items library that contains all of the item cards in the game for players to be able to reference.
I play HeroQuest with some friends, and found that the paper character sheet provided with the game would become illegible as you tried to erase and update stats to avoid running out of room. It was also easy to misplace and damage if something was spilled on it. I wanted to create a digital version that would solve these drawbacks.
Web Fundamentals: HTML, CSS and Javascript
Responsive Design: Used Grid, Flexbox and media queries to adapt to various screen sizes
Video Walkthrough: https://www.loom.com/share/3fe738b61d4f4ada8b821852d7363757?sid=bf1e4af0-701d-44f9-918f-9c19993f4b3c