You need to be able to access your InfluxDB engine path, which contains your data files. If you run a server with InfluxDB's v1.8 official Docker Image, the engine path is /var/lib/influxdb
- Obtain a free Greptime service from GreptimeCloud.
- Click the "Connection Information" button and find the connection string.
- Export the necessary environment variables:
export GREPTIME_HOST="<host>"
export GREPTIME_DATABASE="<dbname>"
export GREPTIME_USERNAME="<username>"
export GREPTIME_PASSWORD="<password>"
You can run the following commands to export data in InfluxDB's line protocol:
export DATABASE="<dbname>" # possible value: mydb
export ENGINE_PATH="<engine-path>" # possible value: /var/lib/influxdb
influx_inspect export \
-database $DATABASE \
-lponly \
-datadir $ENGINE_PATH/data \
-waldir $ENGINE_PATH/wal \
-out /tmp/influxdb_export.lp
You can specify more concrete data sets, like time range, to be exported. Please refer to the influx_inspect export
manual for details.
Copy the influxdb_export.lp
file to a working directory. Before import data to GreptimeDB, if the data file is too large, it's recommended to split the data file into multiple slices:
split -l 1000 -d -a 10 influxdb_export.lp influxdb_export_slice.
# -l [line_count] Create split files line_count lines in length.
# -d Use a numeric suffix instead of a alphabetic suffix.
# -a [suffix_length] Use suffix_length letters to form the suffix of the file name.
Now, import data to GreptimeDB via the HTTP API:
for file in influxdb_export_slice.*; do
curl -i -H "Authorization: token $GREPTIME_USERNAME:$GREPTIME_PASSWORD" \
-X POST "https://${GREPTIME_HOST}/v1/influxdb/write?db=$GREPTIME_DB" \
--data-binary @${file}
sleep 1
You're done!