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Priority R&D for cloud native tech and DevOps solution.

This is a compiled list of interesting tools and object, coming from CNCF Landscape maps. It is made as a reference desk of interesting technolohies and opportunities for cloud tech and infrastructure development.

Each Section represente a category of software, estimated Value of the section (personnal assesment) given in a 0-5 stars rating.
Each list is ordonated by software predominance (again personnal assesment) and usability.
Explaination and selectino critera given on case by case basis. ~ denote priority target (p.a. again)

Cloud provider ***--

  • Digital Ocean: already a provider, simple and efficient
  • GKE: Major daomin actor and the most advanced techno
  • Azure: Microsoft, visual studio integration

[ AWS is voluntarly ommited due to it being heavilly proprietary and non standard in lots of aspect. Basicly its either AWS or everything else on this page.]

Automation & Configuration ****-

  • Ansible: Red Hat powered, Legendary level stability
  • ~Chef: Most used by the community

Container Registry *****

  • ~Harbor, independant docker image rregistry with a ton of added functionnality: Well known and well loved by community, CNCF incubating project
  • ~Portus, registry management and permissions dashboard: SUSE powered, Very safe
  • Azure Registry, integrated Registry in Azure: Azure

Security & Compliance *----

Cloud-Native Storage *****

  • ~Rook shared and distributed storage and volume manager: CNCF Incubating Project, loved by lots of influent people
  • Minio High performance Object storage: most Stared, Excelent reputation
  • ~etcd, key-values store : CNCF incubating project, well supported
  • Gluster quite the same as Rook : Historic precursor, Red Hat powered

Container Runtime *----

  • rkt: Most Stared, CNCF Incubating
  • containerd: CNCF Graduated, GKE default

Cloud-Native Network -----

(ususally handled by service mesh, hence low value)

Scheduling & Orchestration *****

  • ~~Kubernetes: base of nearly anything else on this list, launched the cloud revolution

Coordination & Service Discovery *----

(ususally handled by service mesh, hence low value)

Service Proxy **---

(ususally handled by service mesh, can be used separetly)

  • Traefik edge routing, service routing: Used in the docker stack, simple to use yet insanely powerfull
  • Envoy: CNCF graduated, is used as a sidecart prowy by Istio

API Gateway **---

  • Kong: most stared, stable

Service Mesh ****-

Service mesh are the basis for microservicing architecture and heavily automated self healing project.

  • ~~Istio: Most active community, Powered by Google
  • Netflix Zuul: known to be nearly unbreakable, Dev and Used by Netflix
  • Linkerd: CNCF Graduated, historic actor

Database ****-

  • ~Redis Temporary and in memory storage, cache and multi layer database system : flexibility, heavy usage and robustness, a stapple of the domain
  • TiDB, HTAP database MySQL compatible: Quite popular, MySQL compatibility
  • RethinkDB, real time DB: Linux foundation, popularity
  • CockroachDB, Cloud Native SQL: popularity, compatible SQL
  • Cassandra, large scale / big data database system: apache Software Foundation powered, revered stability and quality

Streaming & Messaging **---

  • NATS: CNCF incubating, fast and efficient
  • RabbitMQ: popularity

Application Definition & Image Build **---

  • Docker Compose, already used in the docker stack
  • ~~Helm, Kubernete manager: so much a stapple that most soft now provided helm install as primary install method
  • OpenAPI, API Specifiaction and definition: Very active community, heavilly supported
  • kaniko, Kubernete creating tool from docker image: Widly used, Google powered

Continuous Integration & Delivery ****-

  • Gitlab Git management, project management, insanely good DevOps capability: if you don't know why you need gitlab, they do
  • Drone: Second most stared devOps Tool
  • Concourse: Complete and secure, Pivotal powered

Tools ****-

  • ~~Portainer Container management visualisation and deplouement tool: already in use on dev stack heap of cool features

Monitoring ***--

  • Netdata: Realtime monitoring, hugely popular
  • ~Grafana, on dev stack visualisation of monitoring and control data: nice, personnal experience, share some code with Kibana (of ELK fame)
  • ~Prométheus, on dev stack monitoring data aggregation, enrichement and querying: Hugely popular, safe and stable, personnal Experience
  • ~Sentry, on dev stack Error collection, monitoring and analysis: quite popular, gitlab integration, personnal Experience
  • Thanos, High perf data persisting prometheus implementation: well known, review globally extremly positive
  • OpenMetrics prometheus as a standar implementtation of prom: CNCF Sandbox project, standardization
  • Nagios, network and host state monitor, service monitoring: historical actor, personnal exp, paid version is insane (automated self healing and on event automation)
  • Centreon, same function as Nagios; More recent, viewend as safe

Logging **---

  • ELK Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana. respectively Storage / query, log accretion and enrichment, visualiszation: THE stapple solution for logging and visualisation, quite hard to master
  • Fluentd, logstash equivalent, log enrichement and agregation : CNCF Graduated, reknown, quite popular
  • OpenTracing, Tracing unification in Go : CNCF incubating
  • Jaeger, Tracing unification : CNCF incubating, well known