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Pub/Sub Lite to Cloud Storage

Template for reading files from Pub/Sub Lite and writing them to Google Cloud Storage.


  • PubSubLite Input Subscription Url
  • Output write mode (one of: append,overwrite,ignore,errorifexists)(Defaults to append)
  • Cloud Storage Location to put Output Files (format: gs://BUCKET/...)
  • Cloud Storage Checkpoint Folder Location
  • Cloud Storage Output File Format (one of: avro,parquet,csv,json) (Defaults to json)
  • Time for which the subscription will be read (measured in seconds)
  • Time at which the query will be triggered to process input data (measured in seconds) (format: "1 second")

Optional Arguments

  • Sets a single character used for escaping the escape for the quote character. The default value is escape character when escape and quote characters are different, \0 otherwise
  • None
  • Sets the string that indicates a date format. This applies to date type
  • Sets the string representation of an empty value
  • Decodes the CSV files by the given encoding type
  • Sets a single character used for escaping quotes inside an already quoted value
  • A flag indicating whether values containing quotes should always be enclosed in quotes. Default is to escape all values containing a quote character
  • Uses the first line of CSV file as names of columns. Defaults to True
  • A flag indicating whether or not leading whitespaces from values being read/written should be skipped
  • A flag indicating whether or not trailing whitespaces from values being read/written should be skipped
  • Defines the line separator that should be used for parsing. Defaults to \r, \r\n and \n for reading and \n for writing
  • Sets the string representation of a null value
  • Sets a single character used for escaping quoted values where the separator can be part of the value. For reading, if you would like to turn off quotations, you need to set not null but an empty string
  • A flag indicating whether all values should always be enclosed in quotes.
  • Sets a separator for each field and value. This separator can be one or more characters
  • Sets the string that indicates a timestamp with timezone format
  • Sets the string that indicates a timestamp without timezone format


$ python --template PUBSUBLITETOGCS --help

usage: [-h] PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.INPUT.SUBSCRIPTION.URL [ {append,update,complete}]
               [ {avro,csv,json,parquet}] 

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.WRITE.MODE 
            {overwrite,append,ignore,errorifexists} Output Write Mode (Defaults to append) PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.FORMAT
            {avro,parquet,csv,json} Output Format (Defaults to json) PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.INPUT.SUBSCRIPTION.URL
                        Pub/Sub Lite Input subscription url {append,update,complete}
                        Output write mode (one of: append, update, complete) (Defaults to append) PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.LOCATION
                        Cloud Storage output Bucket URL PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.CHECKPOINT.LOCATION
                        Temporary folder for checkpoint location {avro,csv,json,parquet}
                        Output Format to Cloud Storage (one of: json, csv, avro, parquet) (Defaults to csv) PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.TIMEOUT
                        Time for which subscriptions will be read PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.PROCESSING.TIME
                        Time interval at which the query will be triggered to process input data PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.IGNORETRAILINGWHITESPACE
                        A flag indicating whether or not trailing whitespaces from values being read/written should be skipped PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.ESCAPE
                        Sets a single character used for escaping quotes inside an already quoted value PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.LINESEP
                        Defines the line separator that should be used for parsing. Defaults to \r, \r\n and \n for reading and \n for writing PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.TIMESTAMPNTZFORMAT
                        Sets the string that indicates a timestamp without timezone format PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.QUOTEALL
                        A flag indicating whether all values should always be enclosed in quotes. Default is to only escape values containing a quote character PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.ENCODING
                        Specifies encoding (charset) of saved CSV files PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.CHARTOESCAPEQUOTEESCAPING
                        Sets a single character used for escaping the escape for the quote character. The default value is escape character when escape and quote characters
                        are different, \0 otherwise PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.EMPTYVALUE
                        Sets the string representation of an empty value PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.TIMESTAMPFORMAT
                        Sets the string that indicates a timestamp with timezone format PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.IGNORELEADINGWHITESPACE
                        A flag indicating whether or not leading whitespaces from values being read/written should be skipped PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.SEP
                        Sets a separator for each field and value. This separator can be one or more characters PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.QUOTE
                        Sets a single character used for escaping quoted values where the separator can be part of the value. For writing, if an empty string is set, it uses
                        u0000 (null character) PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.DATEFORMAT
                        Sets the string that indicates a date format. This applies to date type PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.ESCAPEQUOTES
                        A flag indicating whether values containing quotes should always be enclosed in quotes. Default is to escape all values containing a quote character PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.NULLVALUE
                        Sets the string representation of a null value PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.COMPRESSION
                        Compression codec to use when saving to file. This can be one of the known case-insensitive short names (none, bzip2, gzip, lz4, snappy and deflate) PUBSUBLITE.TO.GCS.OUTPUT.HEADER
                        Writes the names of columns as the first line. Defaults to True

Required JAR files

It uses the Pub/Sub Lite Spark SQL Streaming for reading data from Pub/Sub lite to be available in the Dataproc cluster.

Example submission

export GCP_PROJECT=my-project
export JARS="gs://spark-lib/pubsublite/pubsublite-spark-sql-streaming-LATEST-with-dependencies.jar"
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION="gs://my-bucket"
export REGION=us-central1
./bin/ \
-- --template=PUBSUBLITETOGCS \ \ \ \ \"json" \ \"1 second"

Pub/Sub Lite to Bigtable

Template for reading data from Pub/Sub Lite and writing it to Bigtable.


  • pubsublite.bigtable.subscription.path: Pub/Sub Lite subscription path in the format projects/<PROJECT>/locations/<REGION>/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION>
  • pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.timeout : (Optional) Time duration after which the streaming query will be stopped (measured in seconds). Default: 60
  • pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.trigger : (Optional) Time interval at which the streaming query periodically runs to process incoming data (format: string such as "5 seconds" or "3 minutes"). Default: "0 seconds"
  • pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.checkpoint : (Optional) Temporary folder path to store checkpoint information
  • pubsublite.bigtable.output.project : GCP project containing the Bigtable instance
  • pubsublite.bigtable.output.instance : Bigtable instance ID, containing the output table
  • pubsublite.bigtable.output.table : Table ID in the Bigtable instance, to store the output

If the table doesn't exist in Bigtable instance, the following arguments can be passed to create one:

  • pubsublite.bigtable.output.column.families : List of Column family names to create a new table (format:"cf1, cf2, cf3").
  • pubsublite.bigtable.output.max.versions : (Optional) Maximum number of versions of cells to keep in the new table (Garbage Collection Policy). Default: 1


$ python --template PUBSUBLITETOBIGTABLE --help

usage: [-h] \
--pubsublite.bigtable.subscription.path PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.SUBSCRIPTION.PATH \
[--pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.timeout PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.STREAMING.TIMEOUT] \
[--pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.trigger PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.STREAMING.TRIGGER] \
[--pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.checkpoint.path PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.STREAMING.CHECKPOINT.PATH] \
--pubsublite.bigtable.output.project PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.PROJECT \
--pubsublite.bigtable.output.instance PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.INSTANCE \
--pubsublite.bigtable.output.table PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.TABLE \
[--pubsublite.bigtable.output.column.families PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.COLUMN.FAMILIES] \
[--pubsublite.bigtable.output.max.versions PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.MAX.VERSIONS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pubsublite.bigtable.subscription.path PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.SUBSCRIPTION.PATH
                        Pub/Sub Lite subscription path
  --pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.timeout PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.STREAMING.TIMEOUT
                        Time duration after which the streaming query will be stopped (in seconds)
  --pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.trigger PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.STREAMING.TRIGGER
                        Time interval at which the streaming query runs to process incoming data
  --pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.checkpoint.path PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.STREAMING.CHECKPOINT.PATH
                        Temporary folder path to store checkpoint information
  --pubsublite.bigtable.output.project PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.PROJECT
                        GCP project containing the Bigtable instance
  --pubsublite.bigtable.output.instance PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.INSTANCE
                        Bigtable instance ID, containing the output table
  --pubsublite.bigtable.output.table PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.TABLE
                        Table ID in Bigtable, to store the output
  --pubsublite.bigtable.output.column.families PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.COLUMN.FAMILIES
                        List of Column Family names to create a new table
  --pubsublite.bigtable.output.max.versions PUBSUBLITE.BIGTABLE.OUTPUT.MAX.VERSIONS
                        Maximum number of versions of cells in the new table (Garbage Collection Policy)

Pub/Sub Lite message format

The input message has to be a string in the following format for one rowkey.

    "columns": [

The below command can be used as an example which populates a message in the lite topic LT1:

gcloud pubsub lite-topics publish LT1 \
--location=us-west1 \
    "columns": [

Required JAR files

Pub/Sub Lite Spark Connector is used for reading data from Pub/Sub Lite and needs to be available in the Dataproc cluster.

Example submission

export GCP_PROJECT="my-project"
export JARS="gs://spark-lib/pubsublite/pubsublite-spark-sql-streaming-LATEST-with-dependencies.jar"
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION="gs://my-bucket"
export REGION="us-west1"
export SUBNET="projects/my-project/regions/us-west1/subnetworks/test-subnet"

./bin/ \
--pubsublite.bigtable.subscription.path="projects/$GCP_PROJECT/locations/$REGION/subscriptions/psltobt-sub" \
--pubsublite.bigtable.streaming.checkpoint.location="gs://temp-bucket/checkpoint" \
--pubsublite.bigtable.output.project="my-project" \
--pubsublite.bigtable.output.instance="bt-instance-1" \
--pubsublite.bigtable.output.table="output_table" \

The below cbt CLI command to read rows can be used as an example to verify if data was written to the Bigtable table named output_table :

cbt -project my-project -instance bt-instance-1 read output_table