0.4.0-beta (2023-08-07)
- 756 postgre sql to big query (#805) (121bf93)
- add bq_dataset_region parameter (a9647ad)
- Add ORACLE_SCHEMA to parameterize scripts (969e314)
- added init file (3273fe7)
- Added Paramterized script file (2951e3a)
- HiveToBiqquery parameterize script (2eec146)
- include logging (ca1f9be)
- include logging (2714b7f)
- include logging (cf0a81c)
- service account as env variable (9c93710)
- service account as env variable (57292f9)
- update nb constants & script name (cb07530)
- update nb with IS_PARAMETERIZED flag (b4dcd35)
- update notebook constants (5c9bdc2)
- update working dir (ea6a52b)
- update working dir for parameterization (5840c88)
- Updated notebook to handle parameters (08dd1c4)
- updated readme for parametrized script (82ff6ad)
- updated readme for parametrized script (afac2a6)
- updated run_notebook (c84883f)
- add log_output (09dc88a)
- black formatting (fcab888)
- correct pip install cmd (f9c17c5)
- correct project id variable (5c61b94)
- correct sqlachemy execute (14cb3d3)
- Deal with upgraded google_cloud_pipeline_components.experimental vs v1 (4551fab)
- Deal with upgraded google_cloud_pipeline_components.experimental vs v1 (2304179)
- deletes gcs folder created after all tests run (66e3000)
- except statement (b88758a)
- Fix merge conflict (deb3a43)
- Fix merge from main (5a75ae0)
- Fix merge from main (6ad8fe6)
- Fix merge from main (2dd4be5)
- Fix merge from main (fcc8ca6)
- Fix merge from main (90a65ec)
- ignored some tests in general template (ae74321)
- Implement de-duplication (b1c9f8a)
- implement de-duplication changes (1aeef92)
- implement de-duplication changes (02c2508)
- implement get_common_args function (6525dc5)
- implement get_env_vars in base script (0734fb7)
- integration test - change custom container image (#810) (8943508)
- make subnet optional variable (64c0e68)
- make subnet optional variable (294eea5)
- modified except block (8871b25)
- move max_parallelism from common_args (1f88912)
- oracle table list parsing corrected (5f33fb4)
- oracle table list parsing corrected (7f1e913)
- raise exception on job failure (e5b1a99)
- remove common args from script (fc125f2)
- remove duplicate get_env_var (73bad48)
- remove log_level from nb_parameters (634d926)
- remove log_level from nb_parameters (fe49799)
- remove project id constant (e9173bb)
- removed duplicate arugment (e0c3262)
- removed pubsub output project parameter (24a9d18)
- removed pubsub output project parameter (838c23a)
- removed unused outputProjectID (5f106c4)
- removing version parameter while running with cluster (d9faf34)
- renamed init file (aa60431)
- Resolve conflicting changes (8ab7e0d)
- small fixes in notebook (155c5c8)
- update project id variable (97e58f1)
- update PROJECT_ID to PROJECT (1a06e52)
- update scipt_name with oracletopostgres (5dac5d4)
- update spark to 3.3.2 (60757dd)
- updated indentation (306e4e5)
- updated log_output (0b2a510)
- updated notebook with tag parameters (df007b4)
- updated notebook_constants (c4aaaa7)
- updated pom.xml to avoid commons-cli conflict in cluster mode (40cc8f7)
- updated postgres arg in notebook_constants (5900066)
- updated sql connection (8c5680d)
- updated sql query error for boolean value (a71e7f1)
- updated to UUID GCS staging location (a6fef9e)
- added Oracle to Postgres notebook blogpost link to README files (281bde5)
- Change Dataflow to Dataproc (#815) (74cee01)
- Corrected typos in Snowflake README (78e9d42)
- Corrected typos in Snowflake README (ab60e0e)
- removed PubSubLiteToGCS from README files (a5d4c06)
0.3.0-beta (2023-05-12)
- 655 pubsublitetobigtable java template - Fixes for changes requested (aa591d8)
- 655 pubsublitetobigtable java template - Fixes for changes requested (1000dde)
- 655 pubsublitetobigtable java template - Fixes for changes requested (656b485)
- 655 pubsublitetobigtable java template - Fixes for Jenkins file and other changes requested (f187870)
- add init to util (42e0019)
- add parameterize_script (2d11bcc)
- added not_parameterized flag (713be50)
- added papermill script (987cd21)
- added template constants (bfca34d)
- argument parsing commit (7c682a9)
- correct args (39cda79)
- created the new notebook Oracle to Postgres along with readme file (#561) (15b7cc6)
- formatting (d736ae6)
- moved files (dbfded2)
- remove try exception (abb7e33)
- update arg description (41728fe)
- update arguments and description (01d2b57)
- update parameter variable (fa5ba31)
- update requirements (5af1c8d)
- update requirements.txt (35f5cd3)
- update requirements.txt and change constants (95e3b14)
- update write mode (27ca094)
- updated constants (4e5ae31)
- updated notebook to be parameterized (c6578ee)
- updated parameterize_script (aa3bf83)
- updated script (f46c711)
- correct output mode (cf7c864)
- Exclude GRPC jar file from Spanner notebooks (60a27c5)
- execute validateInput from main (f403fad)
- formatting (5b7cf0e)
- formatting (c6f86e1)
- improved usage of validateInput (49b55d6)
- improved usage of validateInput for CassandraToBQ (77f54f1)
- improved usage of validateInput for GCSToSpanner (ae24e62)
- included output mode in function (11e0b97)
- KAFKA to GCS changes (a50a634)
- Patch to handle tags in cloudbuild.yaml (#751) (d757278)
- remove validateInput call from templates (dc8a407)
- remove validateInput call in psl2bt & fix ut (38f11c8)
- remove validateOrThrow call from of() (beb3d9d)
- update KAFKA to GCS (ddc174b)
- update parameter parsing (cde18e9)
- update README.md (eae609e)
- update README.md (c88b041)
- update README.md (a42a177)
- update README.md (0349419)
- update template constants (a66b82e)
- update unit tests (c280eda)
- update validateInput() and unit test (20b9991)
- update working directory based on execution (99b0cc7)
- updated grpc version, corrected working directory and fixed sqlalchemy breaking changes (3ee71cd)
- updated unit test cases for CassandraToBQ (c1b2ef7)
- updated unit test cases for GCSToSpanner (19a052b)
- updated unit test cases for RedshiftToGCS (038e5e8)
- updated validateInput method in CassandaToGCS (601910a)
- updating the link of notebook oracle to postgres in read me files (7a37457)
- added CassandratoGCS blogpost link to README files (766b789)
- added integration test badges (2fd5108)
- fix JDBC To Spanner property name (fcde248)
0.2.0-beta (2023-04-11)
- Add all supported Spark CSV options to BigQuery and Cassandra README files (33539b0)
- Add all supported Spark CSV options to GCS reader Python templates (5c38e65)
- Add all supported Spark CSV options to GCS source README file (0001a40)
- Add all supported Spark CSV options to README files (a689f61)
- Add all supported Spark CSV write options to GCS reader Python templates (a213aa9)
- add integration test for JDBCToJDBC (5f16cde)
- Add JUnit test for DataplexGCStoBQ template (6d19473)
- Add JUnit test for DataplexGCStoBQ template (52745b8)
- Added automation bots to execute Jenkins build jobs (#712) (806119f)
- Cater for legacy CSV options in text_to_bigquery.py (517c163)
- GCStoMongo : fixed typos and variable values in utc (d65faa0)
- GCStoMongo new template - updated template name in print statement (1ab03d5)
- Refine README entries for new CSV options (34ae430)
- Small refactor to add spark options functions (100b7aa)
- Add validation for additional input fields to the template (dbaa408)
- Add validation for additional input fields to the template (2685c2c)
- added processing time as template property (57b4d61)
- build and integration test breakage (a0781db)
- container name for GCSTOBIGTABLE (a6f876f)
- fixed unit tests (5972eda)
- formatting (65c08e9)
- Made timeout value configurable via templateProperty (7dafc64)
- minor fix (cec0ea0)
- minor fix (0410575)
- minor fix (ba94365)
- Modified subscription name (c8dc953)
- modified timeout property name (87e5aa0)
- reduce number of imports (72eb0e7)
- remove extra changes from rebase errors (5108afe)
- remove extra changes from rebase errors (4adc445)
- remove sensitive information from logs (4eda3f1)
- removed unwanted imports (cbbb7f7)
- revert "hive_ddl_extractor_enhancement" (78632f1)
- revert "hive_ddl_extractor_enhancement" (4581468)
- update Dataproc version to 1.1 (2627351)
- update parameters to dummy values (4e0a3d7)
- update parameters to dummy values (d803cf1)
- Update release-please-config.json (#703) (7a344bd)
- updated README (194cc96)
- updated tests (a6eeade)
- updated the ad-hoc folder path in Jenkins integration-test-python job (fa8eec1)
- Updated the ad-hoc folder path in Jenkins job (#724) (3a14176)
- Updated the bots to skip release-please branch (#717) (9fbd66c)
- upgrade dataproc version (c8bf1bf)
- #361 Adding medium article link in Readme.md for OracleToBQ notebook (d8dbbf6)
- Added README links (62c0b1a)
- Added README.md (f9363ca)
- fixed links (85adaa9)
- minor changes in README (e3504e4)
- updated README (bba7277)
- updated README (a9f4f20)
- updated README (81598fd)
0.2.0 (2023-03-17)
- Add csv as a valid input format for GCSTOJDBC Java template (4710ade)
- Add fetchsize attribute to Oracle based Python notebooks (57e70e2)
- Add fetchsize attributes to template.properties file (fa09b3e)
- Add fetchsize attributes to template.properties file (d399307)
- Add JDBC fetchsize attribute to Java templates (93fafc3)
- Add JDBC fetchsize attribute to Python templates (0f9114c)
- Add sessionInitStatement to JDBC read Java templates (b7bb8e1)
- Add sessionInitStatement to JDBC read Python templates (6198dfa)
- Add sessionInitStatement to Oracle reading Python notebooks (34702d6)
- Added a new feature to extract HIVE table DDLs from Hive Metastore (3b10378)
- Added Java Mongo to GCS new Template (a3c9237)
- Added KafkaToPubSub template (617e6e9)
- Added optional arguments to make DDL compatible with Spark Tables and BQ Translation API (c897566)
- Added spark log level config for HIVE and HBASE templates (640c177)
- Added spark log level for GCS & S3 templates (8ba0f9c)
- Added Spark Log Level support for BQ and Cassandra Templates (055ec1a)
- Added spark log level support for Kafka & PubSub templates (9878dac)
- Added spark log level support for other templates (51ae1d3)
- added SPARK_LOG_LEVEL variable (3b0b4ee)
- Adding spark log level property (d9f204d)
- Built Python CASSANDRAtoGCS template for Dataproc (97a90fc)
- Built Python CASSANDRAtoGCS template for Dataproc (552745a)
- Created Kafka-To-GCS Python Template and added Documentations (de3f374)
- Fix input data source logic (8f33fdd)
- Integrated log.level to JDBC templates (ca59e29)
- New python template for kafka to bq (c6ce462)
- New template for Kafka To GCS (ec6822c)
- S3ToBigQuery change read logic and tests (c3c59d8)
- S3TOBIGQUERY constants (b4bc63b)
- S3TOBIGQUERY tests (8232217)
- S3TOBIGQUERY Update README.md (3d521f9)
- Update README.md (6bfd85c)
- #398 (d122413)
- #447 (0720102)
- 447 - Added video links in the readme (ec75083)
- 448 - Added video links in the readme (3b984f5)
- 448 - Updated video links in the readme (7f8fd8a)
- add batchInsertSize to template.properties (267d8bf)
- add catalogName to templates.properties (bb7593a)
- add default mode to template.properties (854bfcf)
- add Spark runtime version to fix #577 (0bd33d6)
- add Spark runtime version to Java file (83a1057)
- added default value for kafka.starting.offset (1d0a298)
- added output mode in template (23fc1b1)
- Argument name for temp bucket (3b2cefa)
- avoid unbound input_data (db5d5f6)
- BIGQUERYTOGCS Configurable write mode (f4408f8)
- BIGQUERYTOGCS default write mode (9be23eb)
- BIGQUERYTOGCS Updated README.md (f8f125d)
- BIGQUERYTOGCS Updated README.md (1740f7d)
- cassandra_to_bigquery accepts either input query or both keyspace and table (a65ba01)
- CassandraToBQ accepts either input query or both keyspace and table (ff6b968)
- CassandraToBQ catalog name to default to casscon (c5d22dd)
- CassandraToGCS accepts either input query or both keyspace and table (b963901)
- changed error log (2156a62)
- Correct ojdbc jar file name (24c27a0)
- corrected links in readme (3990e76)
- Corrected Template Constants (26fcf11)
- corrected validateInput method (e8bb138)
- Enabled partition level writes in HIVE2GCS template (f7e109e)
- enabled SPARK_PROPERTIES in start.sh (b0be39d)
- fixed formatting (7ec60f9)
- Fixing Kafka2Bq template script (e83388b)
- formatting (ffb98ef)
- formatting issues (76debf7)
- GCSTOBIGQUERY Configurable write mode (613d7e4)
- GCSTOBIGQUERY Updated README.md (eae7da6)
- GCSTOBIGTABLE Updated README.md (6ef6802)
- GCSTOGCS Updated README.md (85672b3)
- GCSTOJDBC Updated README.md (46048d6)
- HBASETOGCS Updated README.md (3c208aa)
- HIVETOBIGQUERY Updated README.md (44e262a)
- HIVETOGCS Updated README.md (8ea621b)
- JDBC_URL in Oracle notebooks to use DB service format (ac0b769)
- JDBCTOGCS add input query as argument (a8d2242)
- made kafka.message.format a required property (652f7c2)
- minor changes (e7e0621)
- minor changes (d9b829b)
- minor fixes (beb4976)
- Modification done for requested changes (9c96551)
- Modified Dependencies in pom.xml (c171712)
- MongoToGCS java template test (03a2852)
- MONGOTOGCS Updated README.md (0ec9550)
- MSSQL to POSTGRES replaced == with = (d7cc235)
- options method to read (b27c66e)
- partition write fix in HIVE2GCS template (3adf2b2)
- read saveModeString (c8ad354)
- Redact sensitive keys (68b36ed)
- Removed import error (75a8b54)
- removed umwanted files (3149c34)
- Removed unnecessary Properties (1595cf1)
- removing kafka2gcs separate issue (7f2e22a)
- revert "hive_ddl_extractor_enhancement" (0d93f47)
- Revert "Removed import error" (51a9c2c)
- revert build breaking change (649429e)
- revert partition level writes (a138158)
- S3TOBIGQUERY Configurable write mode (631f948)
- S3TOBIGQUERY minor fixes (0a61f50)
- simplified check conditions in SnowflakeToGCS (c3ce1a2)
- snowflake_to_gcs accepts either query or db, schema and table (9b5d502)
- SnowflakeToGCS accepts either query or db, schema and table (df0ba77)
- Spotless apply for HiveToGCS (ead0f40)
- supports parquet format (9d12f60)
- Template should accept either query or input table (5605b67)
- TEXTTOBIGQUERY Updated README.md (0e93243)
- update Dataproc version to 1.1 (3133db1)
- Update Oracle Client installation to be dynamic, previously hardcoded values were out of date (9b925b8)
- Update python-publish.yml (#675) (9fe458d)
- update README.md (4c7775f)
- update README.md (7837071)
- Update README.md (2b8b53a)
- Update README.md (d7f10a3)
- Update README.md (2cfb64c)
- Update README.md (b2cb4cd)
- update unit tests (1744547)
- updated (a62686c)
- updated Cassandra templates' logic (ce24124)
- Updated kokoro release pypi security keystore (#489) (79e0691)
- Updated pom.xml (8be6939)
- updated readme (c9e209d)
- updated README (e2dd8b2)
- updated README (bdeac39)
- updated README (dfb25a1)
- Updated README (1a849b0)
- Updated README (dde6a80)
- updated README.md (8525410)
- updated README.md (c788ca3)
- updated README.md (d0854fc)
- Updated required properties for input_keyspace and input_table (6dba293)
- Updated start.sh for wrong attribute name (ae6bc22)
- upgrade dataproc version (ae8a648)
- upgraded dataproc version to 1.1 (f31319c)
- Use ORACLE_URL so SQLAlchemy can connect to Oracle DB service (70a07fb)
- WORDCOUNT remove duplicate save command and unused property (1e819a6)
- WORDCOUNT remove input format property (e7a426f)
- Add description of sessioninitstatement to Java JDBC readme file (1a82c31)
- Add fetchsize to Java template JDBC readme (cfbef9f)
- Add Oracle examples (with fetchsize) to JDBC readme (4dab429)
- Add reWriteBatchedInserts=True to PostgreSQL target examples and recommendation to README files (b24552e)
- added links in readme for cassandra to gcs (d8db7c7)
- Added links in README for Mongo To GCS (fb2d3e5)
- Added Spark Log Level in README.md (3ee051b)
- blogost for Hbase to GCS (e24a77a)
- Change example for JDBC_SESSION_INIT_STATEMENT in JDBC readme (8127054)
- Fix merge conflict (c43e3c4)
- Fix some typos (1045184)
- Fix some typos (291cc91)
- fixed incorrect README links (fe8a2bb)
- minor fix (17e40b8)
- Published article for MsSqltoBQ Notebook and added hyperlinks (05e87fd)
- Release automation (#505) (d12338b)
- test (8b8e200)
- update branding name to cloud storage (d8b5206)
- Updated all README for new template (3a1368e)
- updated README (c4c4ca8)
- Updated README (cd1d255)
- Updating the docs screenshots link (#507) (ee00765)
- Add csv as a valid input format for GCSTOJDBC Java template (4710ade)
- Add fetchsize attribute to Oracle based Python notebooks (57e70e2)
- Add fetchsize attributes to template.properties file (fa09b3e)
- Add fetchsize attributes to template.properties file (d399307)
- Add JDBC fetchsize attribute to Java templates (93fafc3)
- Add JDBC fetchsize attribute to Python templates (0f9114c)
- Add sessionInitStatement to JDBC read Java templates (b7bb8e1)
- Add sessionInitStatement to JDBC read Python templates (6198dfa)
- Add sessionInitStatement to Oracle reading Python notebooks (34702d6)
- Added a new feature to extract HIVE table DDLs from Hive Metastore (3b10378)
- Added Java Mongo to GCS new Template (a3c9237)
- Added KafkaToPubSub template (617e6e9)
- Added optional arguments to make DDL compatible with Spark Tables and BQ Translation API (c897566)
- Added spark log level config for HIVE and HBASE templates (640c177)
- Added spark log level for GCS & S3 templates (8ba0f9c)
- Added Spark Log Level support for BQ and Cassandra Templates (055ec1a)
- Added spark log level support for Kafka & PubSub templates (9878dac)
- Added spark log level support for other templates (51ae1d3)
- added SPARK_LOG_LEVEL variable (3b0b4ee)
- Adding spark log level property (d9f204d)
- Built Python CASSANDRAtoGCS template for Dataproc (97a90fc)
- Built Python CASSANDRAtoGCS template for Dataproc (552745a)
- Created Kafka-To-GCS Python Template and added Documentations (de3f374)
- Fix input data source logic (8f33fdd)
- Integrated log.level to JDBC templates (ca59e29)
- New python template for kafka to bq (c6ce462)
- New template for Kafka To GCS (ec6822c)
- S3ToBigQuery change read logic and tests (c3c59d8)
- S3TOBIGQUERY constants (b4bc63b)
- S3TOBIGQUERY tests (8232217)
- S3TOBIGQUERY Update README.md (3d521f9)
- Update README.md (6bfd85c)
- #398 (d122413)
- add batchInsertSize to template.properties (267d8bf)
- add catalogName to templates.properties (bb7593a)
- add default mode to template.properties (854bfcf)
- add Spark runtime version to fix #577 (0bd33d6)
- add Spark runtime version to Java file (83a1057)
- added default value for kafka.starting.offset (1d0a298)
- added output mode in template (23fc1b1)
- Argument name for temp bucket (3b2cefa)
- avoid unbound input_data (db5d5f6)
- BIGQUERYTOGCS Configurable write mode (f4408f8)
- BIGQUERYTOGCS default write mode (9be23eb)
- BIGQUERYTOGCS Updated README.md (f8f125d)
- BIGQUERYTOGCS Updated README.md (1740f7d)
- cassandra_to_bigquery accepts either input query or both keyspace and table (a65ba01)
- CassandraToBQ accepts either input query or both keyspace and table (ff6b968)
- CassandraToBQ catalog name to default to casscon (c5d22dd)
- CassandraToGCS accepts either input query or both keyspace and table (b963901)
- changed error log (2156a62)
- Correct ojdbc jar file name (24c27a0)
- corrected links in readme (3990e76)
- Corrected Template Constants (26fcf11)
- corrected validateInput method (e8bb138)
- Enabled partition level writes in HIVE2GCS template (f7e109e)
- Fixing Kafka2Bq template script (e83388b)
- formatting (ffb98ef)
- formatting issues (76debf7)
- GCSTOBIGQUERY Configurable write mode (613d7e4)
- GCSTOBIGQUERY Updated README.md (eae7da6)
- GCSTOBIGTABLE Updated README.md (6ef6802)
- GCSTOGCS Updated README.md (85672b3)
- GCSTOJDBC Updated README.md (46048d6)
- HBASETOGCS Updated README.md (3c208aa)
- HIVETOBIGQUERY Updated README.md (44e262a)
- HIVETOGCS Updated README.md (8ea621b)
- JDBC_URL in Oracle notebooks to use DB service format (ac0b769)
- JDBCTOGCS add input query as argument (a8d2242)
- made kafka.message.format a required property (652f7c2)
- minor changes (e7e0621)
- minor changes (d9b829b)
- minor fixes (beb4976)
- Modification done for requested changes (9c96551)
- Modified Dependencies in pom.xml (c171712)
- MONGOTOGCS Updated README.md (0ec9550)
- MSSQL to POSTGRES replaced == with = (d7cc235)
- options method to read (b27c66e)
- partition write fix in HIVE2GCS template (3adf2b2)
- read saveModeString (c8ad354)
- Redact sensitive keys (68b36ed)
- Removed import error (75a8b54)
- removed umwanted files (3149c34)
- Removed unnecessary Properties (1595cf1)
- removing kafka2gcs separate issue (7f2e22a)
- Revert "Removed import error" (51a9c2c)
- S3TOBIGQUERY Configurable write mode (631f948)
- S3TOBIGQUERY minor fixes (0a61f50)
- simplified check conditions in SnowflakeToGCS (c3ce1a2)
- snowflake_to_gcs accepts either query or db, schema and table (9b5d502)
- SnowflakeToGCS accepts either query or db, schema and table (df0ba77)
- Spotless apply for HiveToGCS (ead0f40)
- supports parquet format (9d12f60)
- Template should accept either query or input table (5605b67)
- TEXTTOBIGQUERY Updated README.md (0e93243)
- update Dataproc version to 1.1 (3133db1)
- Update Oracle Client installation to be dynamic, previously hardcoded values were out of date (9b925b8)
- update README.md (4c7775f)
- update README.md (7837071)
- Update README.md (2b8b53a)
- Update README.md (d7f10a3)
- Update README.md (2cfb64c)
- Update README.md (b2cb4cd)
- update unit tests (1744547)
- updated Cassandra templates' logic (ce24124)
- Updated kokoro release pypi security keystore (#489) (79e0691)
- Updated pom.xml (8be6939)
- updated readme (c9e209d)
- updated README (e2dd8b2)
- updated README (bdeac39)
- updated README (dfb25a1)
- Updated README (1a849b0)
- Updated README (dde6a80)
- updated README.md (8525410)
- updated README.md (c788ca3)
- updated README.md (d0854fc)
- Updated required properties for input_keyspace and input_table (6dba293)
- Updated start.sh for wrong attribute name (ae6bc22)
- upgrade dataproc version (ae8a648)
- upgraded dataproc version to 1.1 (f31319c)
- Use ORACLE_URL so SQLAlchemy can connect to Oracle DB service (70a07fb)
- WORDCOUNT remove duplicate save command and unused property (1e819a6)
- WORDCOUNT remove input format property (e7a426f)
- Add description of sessioninitstatement to Java JDBC readme file (1a82c31)
- Add fetchsize to Java template JDBC readme (cfbef9f)
- Add Oracle examples (with fetchsize) to JDBC readme (4dab429)
- Add reWriteBatchedInserts=True to PostgreSQL target examples and recommendation to README files (b24552e)
- added links in readme for cassandra to gcs (d8db7c7)
- Added links in README for Mongo To GCS (fb2d3e5)
- Added Spark Log Level in README.md (3ee051b)
- Change example for JDBC_SESSION_INIT_STATEMENT in JDBC readme (8127054)
- Fix merge conflict (c43e3c4)
- Fix some typos (1045184)
- Fix some typos (291cc91)
- Release automation (#505) (d12338b)
- update branding name to cloud storage (d8b5206)
- Updated all README for new template (3a1368e)
- updated README (c4c4ca8)
- Updated README (cd1d255)
- Updating the docs screenshots link (#507) (ee00765)