This session guides you to create a Batch Spark Job to transform data from Google Cloud Storage to BigQuery
The src code used in this guide is located here.
You can generate this input table using the create-dataset job
|value |timestamp |date |
|Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |2022-01-25 02:35:55.630 UTC |2022-01-25 |
partitioned by date_partition=YYYY-MM-DD (copy of date column)
|words |count |timestamp |date |
|Lorem |1 |2022-01-25 02:36:42.630 UTC |2022-01-25 |
|ipsum |1 |2022-01-25 02:36:42.630 UTC |2022-01-25 |
|dolor |1 |2022-01-25 02:36:42.630 UTC |2022-01-25 |
|sit |1 |2022-01-25 02:36:42.630 UTC |2022-01-25 |
|amet |1 |2022-01-25 02:36:42.630 UTC |2022-01-25 |
partitioned by date_partition=YYYY-MM-DD (copy of date column)
- Compile the jar of the application
export PROJECT_ID="your_project_id"
export CLUSTER_ID="your_cluster_id"
export REGION="your_region"
export BUCKET="gs://your_bucket-batch-gcs-to-bq"
export SPARK_APP_PATH="${BUCKET}/your_spark_app.jar"
export BQ_DATASET="migration_dataset"
export BUCKET_INPUT_PATH="${BUCKET}/your_data_input_path/"
export OUTPUT_TABLE="${BQ_DATASET}.your_bq_job_output_table"
export BQ_WRITE_MODE="indirect" # use indirect in this example because partitioning and overwriting is not currently supported using direct mode
export TEMPORARY_BQ_BUCKET="your_bucket/your_temp_bucket_bq_path/" # here the bucket is e.g. "your_bucket" and not "gs://your_bucket"
gsutil mb -p ${PROJECT_ID} -c ${BUCKET_CLASS} -l ${REGION} ${BUCKET}
bq mk --location=${BQ_LOCATION} --dataset ${BQ_DATASET}
gsutil cp target/scala-2.12/{YOUR_LOCAL_JAR}.jar $SPARK_APP_PATH
Jobs Submit Reference Documentation
Prerequisite: Create a Dataproc cluster. Note: since it is a batch job, instead of creating a persistent cluster, follow the Composer guide, to run the job using a pipeline, that creates an ephemeral cluster and then deletes it after running the job
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
--cluster=$CLUSTER_ID \
--region=$REGION \
-- --inputPath=$BUCKET_INPUT_PATH \
--outputTable=$OUTPUT_TABLE \
--writeMode=$BQ_WRITE_MODE \
Workflow Reference Documentation 1
Workflow Reference Documentation 2
Before running the workflow, you must update the gcp-dataproc-workflow/workflow.yaml file with the required variables values that above are passed as arguments.
This example workflow will create an ephemeral cluster to run the job (Managed Cluster), but it can also be configured to select an existing cluster (Cluster Selector).
export BUCKET_WORKFLOW_PATH="${BUCKET}/config/batch-gcs-bq-workflow.yaml"
gsutil cp gcp-dataproc-workflow/batch-gcs-bq-workflow.yaml $BUCKET_WORKFLOW_PATH
gcloud dataproc workflow-templates instantiate-from-file \
Serverless Batches Submit Reference Documentation
gcloud dataproc batches submit spark \
--region=$REGION \
--subnet="your_subnet" \
-- --inputPath=$BUCKET_INPUT_PATH \
--outputTable=$OUTPUT_TABLE \
--writeMode=$BQ_WRITE_MODE \
You now have a populated BigQuery table with the following path.
All code snippets within this document are provided under the following terms.
Copyright 2022 Google. This software is provided as-is, without warranty or representation for any use or purpose. Your use of it is subject to your agreement with Google.