func simplifyPath(path string) string {
// Get all directories in between slashes "/"
dirs := strings.Split(path, "/")
// Init Solution slice and pointer
solutionPath := []string{}
currentPosition := 0
// Iterate over each directory
for _, dir := range dirs {
// Skip if nil or current directory
if dir == "" {
if dir == "." {
// If previous directory, drop last element and move pointer one level back
// If already at root (pointer = 0), do nothing
if dir == ".." {
if currentPosition > 0 {
solutionPath = solutionPath[:len(solutionPath)-1]
// If none of above, append directory to solution and increment pointer
solutionPath = append(solutionPath, dir)
// Join string array with slashes and root slash
solution := "/" + strings.Join(solutionPath, "/")
return solution
- Split input path on "/" to get only directory names or relative symbols.
- Keep track of directories in string slice. And level with pointer.
- Iterate over above slice, disregard empty, or "." directories.
- If previous directory ".." is encountered, move one level back. Skip if at root.
- On encountering directory, append to solution slice and increment level pointer.
- Return concatenated solution of solution slice, joined on "/".