func merge(intervals [][]int) [][]int {
sort.Slice(intervals, func(i, j int) bool { return intervals[i][0] < intervals[j][0] })
sol := [][]int{intervals[0]}
for _, interval := range intervals[1:] {
added := false
for _, solInterval := range sol {
if interval[0] >= solInterval[0] && interval[0] <= solInterval[1] {
if interval[1] > solInterval[1] {
solInterval[1] = interval[1]
added = true
if !added {
sol = append(sol, interval)
return sol
We start off by sorting the intervals slice based off the first element in each interval. This way we get ascending intervals.
We then add the first interval into the solution slice.
We iterate through the rest of the intervals and check if the first element of the interval first in between any already existing interval in the solution.
If it does, we update the second element in the solution interval to the maximum of second elements between the interval in solution and the one in intervals.
If it does not, we append this interval to the list of solution intervals.