var parentNode *TreeNode
func recurseTree(node, p, q *TreeNode) bool {
if node == nil {
return false
l := recurseTree(node.Left, p, q)
r := recurseTree(node.Right, p, q)
mid := 0
if node.Val == p.Val || node.Val == q.Val {
mid = 1
left := 0
if l {
left = 1
right := 0
if r {
right = 1
if mid+right+left >= 2 {
parentNode = node
return (mid + right + left) > 0
func lowestCommonAncestor(root, p, q *TreeNode) *TreeNode {
parentNode = nil
recurseTree(root, p, q)
return parentNode
Recursively search for nodes
If the nodes are in the left subtree and the right subtree of the current node, the current node is the solution.
Additionally, if a node is in either one of the subtrees and the other node is the current node itself, the current node is the solution.
func getParents(root, node *TreeNode, parents []*TreeNode) []*TreeNode {
if root == nil {
return parents
if root.Val == node.Val {
parents = append([]*TreeNode{root}, parents...)
return parents
parents = getParents(root.Left, node, parents)
if len(parents) != 0 {
parents = append([]*TreeNode{root}, parents...)
return parents
parents = getParents(root.Right, node, parents)
if len(parents) != 0 {
parents = append([]*TreeNode{root}, parents...)
return parents
return parents
func lowestCommonAncestor(root, p, q *TreeNode) *TreeNode {
pParents := getParents(root, p, []*TreeNode{})
qParents := getParents(root, q, []*TreeNode{})
i := 0
for pParents[i].Val == qParents[i].Val {
i += 1
if i >= len(pParents) || i >= len(qParents) {
return pParents[i-1]
Get the parents for both nodes.
Iterate through parents and the last matching parent is the solution.