func isCyclicUtil(node int, graph map[int][]int, visited, recStack []bool) ([]bool, []bool, bool) {
visited[node] = true
recStack[node] = true
for _, neighbour := range graph[node] {
if !visited[neighbour] {
visited, recStack, isCycle := isCyclicUtil(neighbour, graph, visited, recStack)
if isCycle {
return visited, recStack, true
} else if recStack[neighbour] {
return visited, recStack, true
recStack[node] = false
return visited, recStack, false
func isCyclic(graph map[int][]int) bool {
visited := make([]bool, len(graph))
recStack := make([]bool, len(graph))
isCycle := false
for node, _ := range graph {
if !visited[node] {
visited, recStack, isCycle = isCyclicUtil(node, graph, visited, recStack)
if isCycle {
return true
return false
func canFinish(numCourses int, prerequisites [][]int) bool {
if numCourses == 1 {
return true
graph := make(map[int][]int, 0)
for i := 0; i < numCourses; i++ {
graph[i] = []int{}
for _, p := range prerequisites {
graph[p[0]] = append(graph[p[0]], p[1])
if isCyclic(graph) {
return false
} else {
return true
The problem boils down to checking if there is a cycle in the graph, if yes, courses can't be finished.
To check for cycle, we do so using dfs. We call check cycle for all nodes in graph.
For each check cycle call, we maintain a recursion stack and visited.
Visted is to keep track of previously visited nodes. The recursion stack is required if two nodes lead to the same node but do not form a cycle.
We need a recursion stack because if a neighbour was visited, it need not be from the current path we traverse on. Only if the neighbour was visited and it exists in recursion stack, can we say that a cycle exists.