func threeSum(nums []int) [][]int {
n := len(nums)
solution := [][]int{}
for i := 0; i < n-2; i++ {
for i != 0 && nums[i] == nums[i-1] && i < n-2 {
if nums[i] > 0 {
lowerB := i + 1
upperB := n - 1
for lowerB < upperB {
sum := nums[i] + nums[lowerB] + nums[upperB]
if sum == 0 {
solution = append(solution, []int{nums[i], nums[lowerB], nums[upperB]})
for lowerB < upperB && nums[upperB] == nums[upperB-1] {
for lowerB < upperB && nums[lowerB] == nums[lowerB+1] {
} else if sum < 0 {
for lowerB < upperB && nums[lowerB] == nums[lowerB+1] {
} else {
for lowerB < upperB && nums[upperB] == nums[upperB-1] {
return solution
First we sort the given array in ascending order.
To get 3 numbers who's sum is 0, we turn the problem into finding 1 number and a pair who's sum is 0.
We iterate through the rest of the array and try to find a pair of numbers such that the sum of all 3 is 0.
To find this pair we keep a lowerBound index as i+1 and upperBound index as n-1.
If we find one, we add the three numbers to a solution list.
If the sum is lesser than 0, we increment the lower bound. We continue to increment the lower bound till two adjacent values are not equal. This helps avoiding duplicates.
Similarly if the sum is greater than 0, we continually decrement the upperBound till we get a number different from current upperBound.
We repeat this for every i in the list and break if i is a positive number, as all numbers after i will only give sums greater than 0.