type point struct {
x int
height int
isStart bool
func getSkyline(buildings [][]int) [][]int {
// make a slice to store all points
pointList := make([]point, 0)
// Populate pointList
for _, building := range buildings {
start, end, height := building[0], building[1], building[2]
p1 := point{start, height, true}
p2 := point{end, height, false}
pointList = append(pointList, p1, p2)
// Sort list based on specified conditions
sort.Slice(pointList, func(i, j int) bool {
// pick lower of x value, if same follow below rules
if pointList[i].x > pointList[j].x {
return false
} else if pointList[i].x < pointList[j].x {
return true
} else {
// If both are start points, pick one with higher height
// If both are end, pick one with lower height
// If both are at same point and either one is start, return the one which is start
if pointList[i].isStart && pointList[j].isStart {
if pointList[i].height > pointList[j].height {
return true
} else if pointList[i].height < pointList[j].height {
return false
} else {
return pointList[i].isStart
} else if !pointList[i].isStart && !pointList[j].isStart {
if pointList[i].height > pointList[j].height {
return false
} else if pointList[i].height < pointList[j].height {
return true
} else {
return pointList[i].isStart
} else {
return pointList[i].isStart
// Maintain a map to keep track of points
heightQueue := make(map[int]int, 0)
maxInQueue := 0
heightQueue[0] = 1
sol := [][]int{}
// Iterate through points
for _, point := range pointList {
// If point is starting of building, add to queue
// If the point is taller than all existing ones, append to solution and modify height
if point.isStart {
if _, ok := heightQueue[point.height]; ok {
heightQueue[point.height] += 1
} else {
heightQueue[point.height] = 1
if point.height > maxInQueue {
sol = append(sol, []int{point.x, point.height})
maxInQueue = point.height
} else {
// If point is ending of building, decrement or delte value from map
val := heightQueue[point.height]
if val == 1 {
delete(heightQueue, point.height)
} else {
heightQueue[point.height] -= 1
// If point was the sole maximum, compute new max and append to solution
if point.height == maxInQueue {
if _, ok := heightQueue[point.height]; !ok {
max := 0
for key, _ := range heightQueue {
if key > max {
max = key
maxInQueue = max
sol = append(sol, []int{point.x, maxInQueue})
return sol