func numDecodings(s string) int {
M := 1000000007
n := len(s)
dp := make([]int, n+1)
dp[0] = 1
if string(s[0]) == "*" {
dp[1] = 9
} else {
if string(s[0]) == "0" {
dp[1] = 0
} else {
dp[1] = 1
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
num := string(s[i])
if num == "*" {
// Using star as an individual digit
dp[i+1] = 9 * dp[i] % M
// Using * in combination with previous digit
if string(s[i-1]) == "1" {
// If preceeding digit is 1, there are 9 additional
// ways to to form 2 digit decodings (11-19)
dp[i+1] = (dp[i+1] + 9*dp[i-1]) % M
} else if string(s[i-1]) == "2" {
// If preceeding digit is 1, there are 6 additional
// ways to to form 2 digit decodings (21-16)
dp[i+1] = (dp[i+1] + 6*dp[i-1]) % M
} else if string(s[i-1]) == "*" {
// If preceeding digit is 1, there are 9 + 6 additional
// ways to to perform last 2 digit decodings
dp[i+1] = (dp[i+1] + 15*dp[i-1]) % M
} else {
// Using the individual digit, there are i-1
// ways to perform single digit decoding
if num != "0" {
dp[i+1] = dp[i]
if string(s[i-1]) == "1" || string(s[i-1]) == "2" && num <= "6" {
// If preceeding digit is 1, we have an additional
// i-2 ways of decoding (last 2 digits as one letter)
// Along with the existing i-1 ways of decoding with
// last digit as one letter
dp[i+1] = (dp[i+1] + dp[i-1]) % M
} else if string(s[i-1]) == "*" {
// If the preceeding digit is * and the current digit is
// less than 6, additonal of 2 * i-2 ways are possible:
// (1x, 2x) where x is current digit
// If x is > 6, we can have an additional of i-2 ways (1x)
if num <= "6" {
dp[i+1] = (dp[i+1] + 2*dp[i-1]) % M
} else {
dp[i+1] = (dp[i+1] + dp[i-1]) % M
return dp[n]
Solution adopted from here