func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func createSortedArray(instructions []int) int {
mod := 1000000007
nums := make([]int, len(instructions))
cost := 0
for length, num := range instructions {
l, r := sort.Search(length, func(i int) bool { return nums[i] >= num }), sort.Search(length, func(i int) bool { return nums[i] > num })
cost += min(l, length-r)
copy(nums[r+1:length+1], nums[r:length+1])
nums[r] = num
return cost % mod
Find the left and right most indices where the element can be inserted.
Check which has lesser cost and increment cost.
Insert element into
. Insertion happens, by shifting the elements after the rightmost position by one space, and inserting the element into that newly created space.