func uniqueMorseRepresentations(words []string) int {
codes := make(map[string]string, 0)
codes["a"] = ".-"
codes["b"] = "-..."
codes["c"] = "-.-."
codes["d"] = "-.."
codes["e"] = "."
codes["f"] = "..-."
codes["g"] = "--."
codes["h"] = "...."
codes["i"] = ".."
codes["j"] = ".---"
codes["k"] = "-.-"
codes["l"] = ".-.."
codes["m"] = "--"
codes["n"] = "-."
codes["o"] = "---"
codes["p"] = ".--."
codes["q"] = "--.-"
codes["r"] = ".-."
codes["s"] = "..."
codes["t"] = "-"
codes["u"] = "..-"
codes["v"] = "...-"
codes["w"] = ".--"
codes["x"] = "-..-"
codes["y"] = "-.--"
codes["z"] = "--.."
seenWords := make(map[string]bool, 0)
for _, word := range words {
current := ""
for _, char := range word {
letter := string(char)
current += codes[letter]
if _, ok := seenWords[current]; !ok {
seenWords[current] = true
return len(seenWords)
Maintain a set of seen words. And a map to map letter to it's morse equivalent
Iterate through words and add it's morse translation into the set.
Since the set can have only unique vales, return the length of the set.