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81 lines (54 loc) · 3.26 KB

File metadata and controls

81 lines (54 loc) · 3.26 KB



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'secrets-manager'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install secrets-manager


To use this gem, you must have an AWS account and permissions to setup secret values using Secrets Manager

This gem makes assumptions and has requirements about how you should be storing your secrets.

Path Name

This gem uses the concept of env specific secrets within the same account. While separate AWS accounts can be used to maintain separation, it can be desirable to use a single account.

The path format is as follows: {{secret_env}}/{{secret_path}}. When using this gem you would leave the secret_env out of your request.

For example, to access the secret twlio-key, $secrets.fetch('twilio-key'). This would be stored in AWS SM as dev/twilio-key.

If you would like to define a secret that is available in all envs, you can prefix your lookup with global and the secret_env will not be prependded to the request.

For example: to access the secret global/config/foo, $secrets.fetch('global/config/foo'). This would be stored in AWS SM as global/config/foo.


This gem expects your secret value to be a JSON object. The only required key is value. The following keys are optional:

  • ttl - Time to live in seconds. Describes how long the secret should live in in-memory cache.
  • encoding - Currently, only base64 is supported as a value. If your value is base64 encoded, this will result in a returned secret that is base64 decoded.
  • type - Currently, only json is supported as a value. If your value is valid JSON, this will result in a returned secret that is symbolified ruby hash.


{"value": "secretvalue", "ttl": 60} // Will live in cache for 60 seconds.
{"value": "c2VjcmV0dmFsdWU=", "ttl": 60, "encoding": "base64"} // Will live in cache for 60 seconds and is base64 encoded. Result will be "secretvalue"


The follow ENV vars are expected:

  • AWS_SECRETS_ENV - preceeds all path lookups, ex: dev, staging, qa, production
  • AWS_SECRETS_KEY - AWS IAM access key
  • AWS_SECRETS_SECRET - AWS IAM access secret

The manager should be created at boot time, in an initializer for example, and stored as a constant or global.

$secrets =



To use a secret that is available in all envs, prepend the secret name with global



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/secrets-manager.