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File metadata and controls

198 lines (131 loc) · 6.81 KB


This repository contains code and recipes for the G3W-SUITE web-gis application.

This dockerization is based on project of Alessandro Pasotti (elpaso,


Create a file .env (or copy .env.example and rename it in .env) and place it in the main directory, the file will contain the database credentials (change <your password>) and other settings:

# External hostname, for docker internal network aliases

# This volume is persistent and mounted by all
# containers as /shared-volume

# DB setup

# Caching

# URL of the QGIS Server

# Set G3W-SUITE debug state
G3WSUITE_DEBUG = 1 (0 default)

# Gunicorn workers (default to 8)

# Openrouteservice (if enabled in custom settings)
G3WSUITE_ORS_API_KEY='<your API key, if required (optional)>'



The main suite image can be built with:

docker build -f Dockerfile.g3wsuite.dockerfile -t g3wsuite/g3w-suite:dev --no-cache .

The image is build from --branch dev and from a dependencies base image Dockerfile.g3wsuite-deps.dockerfile, the dependencies image can be built with:

docker build -f Dockerfile.g3wsuite-deps.ltr.dockerfile -t g3wsuite/g3w-suite-deps-ltr:dev --no-cache .


Postgis image can be built with:

docker build -f Dockerfile.postgis.dockerfile -t g3wsuite/postgis:11.0-2.5 .

The Docker hub name for this image is g3wsuite/postgis:11.0-2.5

HTTPS additional setup

  • move config/_nginx/django_ssl.conf to config/nginx/django_ssl.conf
  • check the domain name in the .env file and in config/nginx/django_ssl.conf
  • run: docker pull certbot/certbot
  • launch ./
  • activate 301 redirect into config/nginx/django.conf
  • restart compose
  • make sure the certs are renewed by adding a cron job with crontab -e and add the following line: 0 3 * * * /<path_to_your_docker_files>/
  • if you disabled HTTPS, you can move config/nginx/django_ssl.conf back to its original location now, and restart the Docker compose to finally enable HTTPS


docker-compose up -d


  • web application: 8080


Data, projects, uploads and the database are stored in a shared mounted volume shared-volume, the volume should be on a persistent storage device and a backup policy must be enforced.

Currently, the volume is mounted in /tmp/shared-volume-g3wsuite-dev. In production environments it is encouraged to change this to a permanent location. This can be done by modifying the .env file.

First time setup

  • log into the application web administation panel using default credentials (admin/admin)
  • change the password for the admin user and for any other example user that may be present


Tile cache can be configured and cleared per-layer through the webgis admin panel and lasts forever until it is disabled or cleared.

Tip: enable cache on linestring and polygon layers.


Editing module is active by default, to avoid simultaneous feature editing by two or more users, the editing module works with a feature lock system. This locking system can remain active if users do not exit the editing state correctly, to avoid this it is advisable to activate a cron job on host machine that checks the features that have been locked for more than 4 hours and frees them:

0 */1 * * * docker exec -e DISPLAY=:99 g3w-suite-docker_g3w-suite_1 python3 /code/g3w-admin/ check_features_locked

Front-end App

Set the environment variable


This will set the front end app as the default app

Style customization

Templates can now be overridden by placing the overrides in the config/g3w-suite/overrides/templates, a Docker service restart is required to make the changes effective.

The logo is also overridden (through config/g3w-suite/ which is mounted as a volume), changes to the settings file require the Docker service to be restarted.

A custom CSS is added to the pages, the file is located in config/g3w-suite/overrides/static/style.css and can be modified directly, changes are effective immediately.

Performances optimization

General rules (in no particular order: they are all mandatory):

  1. set scale-dependent visibility for the entire layer or for some filtered features (example: show only major roads until at scale 1:1E+6)
  2. when using rule-based/categorized classification or scale-dependent visibility create indexes on the column(s) involved in the rule expression (example: "create index idx_elec_penwell_ious on elec_penwell_ious (owner);" )
  3. start the project with only a few layers turned on by default
  4. do not turn on by default base-layers XYZ such as (Google base maps)
  5. do not use rule-based/categorized rendering on layers with too many categories (example: elec_penwell_public_power), they are unreadable anyway
  6. enable redering simplification for not-point layers, set it to Distance 1.2 and check Enable provider simplification if available

PostgreSQL administration

Postgres is running into a Docker container, in order to access the container, you can follow the instruction below:

Check the container name

$ docker ps | grep postgis
84ef6a8d23e6        g3wsuite/postgis:11.0-2.5       "/bin/sh -c /docker-…"   2 days ago          Up 2 days >5432/tcp           g3wsuitedocker_postgis_1

In the above example the container name is g3wsuitedocker_postgis_1

Log into the container

$ docker exec -it g3wsuitedocker_postgis_1 bash

Become postgres user

root@84ef6a8d23e6:/# su - postgres

Connect to postgis

postgres@84ef6a8d23e6:~$ psql
psql (11.2 (Debian 11.2-1.pgdg90+1))
Type "help" for help.



Portainer( is a software for build and manage Docker environments in an easy and graphical way.

For Portainer use docker-compose-portainer.yml file and in plus of env vars before, set the follow mandatory env vars:

  • G3WSUITE_DOCKER_INSTALL_DIR: host directory where this code is.
  • PG_PUBLIC_PORT: host port to map Docker PostgreSql default port (5432).
  • WEBGIS_HTTP_PORT: host port to map Docker Nginx port (8080).
  • WEBGIS_HTTPS_PORT: host port to map Docker Nginx port (443).