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File metadata and controls

262 lines (230 loc) · 15.7 KB

Laptop Mod API

Add new hardware nodes

laptop.register_hardware(name, hwdef)

  • name - Item name (prefix) The created node names are name_variant
  • hwdef.description - Computer item name
  • hwdef.infotext - Text shown if node is pointed
  • hwdef.sequence = { "variant_1_name", "variant_2_name", "variant_3_name" } On punch swaps sequence. the first variant is in creative inventory
  • hwdef.custom_launcher - optional - custom launcher name
  • hwdef.os_version - optional - Set OS version. ('1.10', '3.31' or '6.33') By default the latest version is used
  • hwdef.tty_style - optional - override CS-BOS console textcolor
  • hwdef.tty_monochrome - Old computer with monochrome CRT screen
  • hwdef.custom_theme - optional - custom initial theme name
  • hwdef.hw_capabilities = { "hdd", "floppy", "usb", "net", "liveboot" } Table with hardware capabilities. Default is all, if nothing set
  • hwdef.battery_capacity - battery capacity (used if technic mod is aviable)
  • hwdef.node_defs - A list for node definitions for each variant. with hw_state parameter for OS-initialization
  hwdef.node_defs = {
		variant_1_name = {
			hw_state =  "resume", "power_on" or "power_off", -- Hardware state
			_eu_demand = 100, -- required technic power
			_power_off_seq = "variant_name", -- name of variant for switch when power source is not aviable 
			_battery_charge = 400, -- speed of batter charging (with technin mod)
			--node 1 definiton
		variant_2_name = {
			hw_state =  "resume", "power_on" or "power_off", -- Hardware state
			--node 2 definiton
  • laptop.os_get(pos) - Get an OS object. Usefull in on_construct or on_punch to initialize or do anything with OS Needed in on_receive_fields to be able to call mtos:receive_fields(fields, sender) for interactive apps
  • laptop.after_place_node / laptop.after_dig_node - (optional) can be used directly for node definition. Move laptop apps data to ItemStack if digged and restored back if placed again. So you can take along your laptop. Note: you need to set stack_max = 1 because the data can be stored per stack only, not per item.

Operating system object

local mtos = laptop.os_get(pos) - Get the Operating system object. Used internally, but usable for remote operations. mtos is passed to app methods as parameter

Operating system methods

  • mtos:power_on(new_node_name) - Free RAM, activate the launcher and if given swap node to new_node_name
  • mtos:resume(new_node_name) - Restore the last running app after power_off. Means no free ram and no switch to launcher. Update formspec and if given swap node to new_node_name
  • mtos:power_off(new_node_name) - Remove the formspec and if given swap node to new_node_name
  • mtos:swap_node(new_node_name)- Swap the node only without any changes on OS
  • mtos:set_infotext(infotext) - Set the mouseover infotext for laptop node
  • mtos:get_app(appname)- Get the app instance
  • mtos:set_app(appname) - Start/Enable/navigate to appname. If no appname given the launcher is called
  • mtos:get_theme(theme)- Get theme data current or requested (theme parameter is optional)
  • mtos:set_theme(theme)- Activate theme
  • mtos:get_os_attr()- Get OS-version attributes (see mtos.os_attr)
  • mtos:save() - Store all app-data to nodemeta. Called mostly internally so no explicit call necessary
  • mtos:pass_to_app(method, reshow, sender, ...) - call custom "method" on app object. Used internally. Reshow means update formspec after update
  • mtos:select_file_dialog(param) - call the select file dialog ('os:select_file')
		if fields.load then
					mode = 'open',  -- open/select or save mode
					allowed_disks = {'hdd', 'removable'}, -- disks shown in disk overview ('ram', 'hdd', 'removable', 'cloud' or 'system')
					selected_disk_name = data.selected_disk_name, -- Start selection on disk
					selected_file_name = data.selected_file_name, -- Start selection with file
					store_name = store_area, -- The storage_name used for fliles (Sample 'stickynote:files')
					prefix = 'open_', -- Prefix for return files
		elseif fields.open_selected_disk and fields.open_selected_file then
			data.selected_disk_name = fields.open_selected_disk  -- Selected disk (prefix 'open_' is used)
			data.selected_file_name = fields.open_selected_file -- Selected file (prefix 'open_' is used)
  • mtos:print_file_dialog({ label= , text= }) - call the print file dialog ('printer:app')

Operating system attributes

`mtos.pos` - Computers position vector
`mtos.node` = minetest.get_node(pos)
`mtos.hwdef` = Merged hardware definition (Hardware + Hardware node attributes merged to 1 object)
`mtos.meta` = Nade meta - mostly managed by block device framework
`mtos.bdev` = Block device framework object
`mtos.sysram` = System/OS ram partition, mtos.bdev:get_app_storage('ram', 'os')
`mtos.sysdata` = System/OS data partition, mtos.bdev:get_app_storage('system', 'os')
`mtos.theme` = Selected theme object
`mtos.os_attr` = Hard-coded attributes for OS version
	`blacklist_commands`  CS-BOS interpreter
	`tty_style`           CS-BOS Console color. Supported GREEN, AMBER, WHITE
	`tty_monochrome`      CS-BOS Console is monochrome, no color change supported
	`min_scrollback_size` CS-BOS Buffer
	`max_scrollback_size` CS-BOS Buffer
	`custom_launcher`     Custom launcher for OS (can be overriden on node level)
	`custom_theme`        Custom theme for OS (can be overriden on node level)


Definition attributes

laptop.register_app(internal_shortname, { definitiontable }) - add a new app or view

  • app_name - App name shown in launcher. If not defined the app is just a view, not visible in launcher but can be activated. This way multi-screen apps are possible
  • app_icon - Icon to be shown in launcher. If nothing given the default icon is used
  • app_info - Short app info visible in launcher tooltip
  • os_min_version - minimum version to be used (CS-BOS, optional)
  • os_max_version - maximum version to be used (CS-BOS, optional)
  • fullscreen - (boolean) Do not add app-background and window buttons
  • view - (boolean) The definition is a view. That means the app/view is not visible in launcher
  • browser_page - (boolean) This view is shown in browser app as available page
  • formspec_func(app, mtos) - Function, should return the app formspec (mandatory) During definition the "app" and the "mtos" are available
  • appwindow_formspec_func(launcher_app, app, mtos)- Only custom launcher app: App background / Window decorations and buttons
  • receive_fields_func(app, mtos, sender, fields) Function for input processing. The "app" and the "mtos" are available inside the call
  • allow_metadata_inventory_put(app, mtos, player, listname, index, stack) - Optional: custom actions on item put
  • allow_metadata_inventory_take(app, mtos, player, listname, index, stack) - Optional: custom actions on item take
  • allow_metadata_inventory_move(app, mtos, player, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count) - Optional: custom actions on item move
  • on_metadata_inventory_put(app, mtos, player, listname, index, stack) - Optional: custom check on items put
  • on_metadata_inventory_take(app, mtos, player, listname, index, stack) - Optional: custom check on items put
  • on_metadata_inventory_move(app, mtos, player, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count) - Optional: custom check on items put
  • `on_timer(app, mtos, nil, elapsed) - Optional. The on-timer callback (no sender)

laptop.register_view(internal_shortname, { definitiontable }) - add a new app or view same as register_app, but the view flag is set. app_name and app_icon not necessary

App Object

local app = mtos:get_app(appname) - Give the app object internal_shortname, connected to given mtos. Not necessary in formspec_func or receive_fields_func because given trough interface

  • app:back_app(fields, sender) - Go back to previous app/view. Trough fields/sender additional data can be sent to the previous app trough receive_fields_func
  • app:exit_app() - Delete call stack and return to launcher
  • app:get_timer() - Get timer for this app (based on nodetimer)


Theme definition

laptop.register_theme(name, definitiontable) - add a new theme. All parameters optional, if missed, the default is used The most colors are grouped by "prefixes". Each prefix means a specific content to be themed.

Theme suffixes

  • background - A background texture
  • button - A foreground texture, used on buttons
  • bgcolor - Background RGB color, should be the same color as background texture
  • textcolor - Foreground RGB color used for label text or button texts

Theme prefixes

  • desktop - Main launcher

    • desktop_background Desktop background image
  • desktop_icon - The App icon in main launcher

    • desktop_icon_button App button background in launcher
  • desktop_icon_label The label under the app icon in main launcher (technically a button too)

    • desktop_icon_label_button Background texture for icon label text
    • desktop_icon_label_textcolor Icon label text color
  • app - App decorations

    • app_background Apps background image, adds titlebar
  • titlebar - The titlebar on app decorations

    • titlebar_textcolor Sets the color of text on app titlebar
  • back - The back button on app decoration

    • back_button Back Button image
    • back_textcolor Back Button textclolor (for '<' character)
  • exit - The exit button on app decoration

    • exit_button Exit button image
    • exit_textcolor Exit button textcolor (for 'X' character)
    • exit_character Sets the character that shows up in the close box, X is default
  • major - Highlighted Button

    • major_button Major (highlighted) button image
    • major_textcolor Major (highlighted) button text color
  • minor - not highlighted button

    • minor_button Minor button image
    • minor_textcolor Minor button text color
  • contrast - dark background in contrast for not themeable elements

    • contrast_background dark background to place under white text elements that does not support textcolor
    • contrast_bgcolor dark background as RGB
    • contrast_textcolor some labels are placed on contrast background. This color is used to colorize them
  • toolbar - Toolbar buttons toolbar_button Button unterlay toolbar_textcolor Toolbar buttons textcolor

  • status_online - Used to show status information "online / green"

    • status_online_textcolor - Sets "online" text color for peripherals
  • status_disabled - Used to show status information "disabled / yellow"

    • status_disabled_textcolor - Sets "disabled" text color for peripherals
  • status_off - Used to show status information "off / red"

    • status_off_textcolor = - Sets "offline" text color for peripherals
  • table - Colorize the table-like output

    • table_bgcolor - Table background color
    • table_textcolor - Table text color
  • table_highlight - Colorize the selection in tables

    • table_highlight_bgcolor - Table highlighted background
    • table_highlight_textcolor - Table highlighted textcolor
  • muted - muted color

    • muted_textcolor - Table textcolor muted
  • monochrome - Optimized for monochrome output (old computers). Some elements will be colorized using this color

    • monochrome_textcolor - default is nil. if set to RGB, colorization is applied on some textures (like tetris shapes)
  • url - Browser URL's for default background url_textcolor url_button

  • url_dark - Browser URL's for dark background url_dark_textcolor url_dark_button

  • url_bright - Browser URL's for white background url_bright_textcolor url_bright_button

  • fallback - without prefix (obsolete)

    • textcolor Default text color for buttons and labels. Each "prefix" can have own textcolor, like major_textcolor and minor_textcolor for major/minor buttons or labels
  • Other settings / without prefix

    • taskbar_clock_position_and_size Set where the clock is positioned and its size on the taskbar
    • node_color Palette number to set if the node is paramtype2 = "colorfacedir" (inactive)
    • os_min_version - minimum version to be used (CS-BOS, optional)
    • os_max_version - maximum version to be used (CS-BOS, optional)
    • table_border - draw tables border (true or false)
    • texture_replacements - A table with texture replacements, defined as { ['orig_texture_name.png'] = 'themed_texture_name.png', }

Theme methods

function laptop.get_theme(theme_name)

  • theme:get_button(area, prefix, code, text) get a themed [prefix]_button in area 'x,y;w,h' with code and text
  • theme:get_image_button(area, prefix, code, image, text) get a themed [prefix]_button in area 'x,y;w,h' with code an image and text. Text is colorized by [prefix]_textcolor or textcolor
  • theme:get_label(pos, text, color_prefix) get a themed label text starting at pos 'x,y', colorize theme by color prefix (usually the button text colors)
  • theme:get_texture(image) get replacement for texture image if set in theme or the image. Called internally from get_image_button()
  • theme:get_tableoptions(show_select_bar) get themed tableoptions string before table[]. If show_select_bar is set to false, the highlight values are the same as non-highlight so no selection is visible
  • theme:get_bgcolor_box(area, prefix) get plain box colorized by [prefix]_bgcolor or bgcolor

Block devices / Data objects

mtos.bdev = laptop.get_bdev_handler(mtos)

Low-Level methods

Can be used for non-data and/or system tasks. For usual data store please use the storage methods

  • bdev:get_ram_disk() ram store - a table with all app-related storage partitions
  • bdev:get_hard_disk() hdd store - a table with all app-related storage partitions, if hard disk capatibility exists
  • bdev:get_removable_disk() removable data object (drive)
  • bdev:get_cloud_disk(storage_name) - Get named cloud storage
  • bdev:sync() - Write/store all opened and maybe changed data (cached)
  • bdev:sync_cloud() - Write/store all opened and maybe changed data in cloud

Storage methods

  • get_boot_disk() - Check which device can be booted. possible return value is "hdd" or "removable"
  • get_app_storage(disk_type, storage_name) - Get data storage table to be used in apps.
    • disk_type can be 'ram', 'hdd', 'removable', 'cloud' or 'system'. System is eather hdd or removable storage depending on booted device
    • store_name is usually the app name. 'os' is reserved for System related saves

Low-level Removable data

data = bdev:get_removable_disk()

  • bdev.inv - node inventory (the slot)
  • bdev.label - Meda label. Item name by default
  • bdev.def - Registered item definition (read-only)
  • bdev.stack - The item stack
  • bdev.meta - Stack metadata
  • bdev.os_format- The format type: "none", "boot", "backup", "filesystem" (read-only)
  • bdev.rtype - Removable type. "usb" or "floppy"
  • - Data table used for app storage, if format is data compatible
  • bdev:reload(stack) - Reload all data from node inventory. If stack is given, the stack will be inserted to slot
  • bdev:eject() - Remove item from slot and drop them to the world nearly computer
  • bdev:format_disk(ftype, label) - Format the disk. ftype can be "" or nil, "data" "backup" or "boot"

Compatible Items

There is no own compatible items registrator. The item needs to match the item group to be usable with the laptops

  • laptop_removable_floppy = 1 - The item is a floppy
  • laptop_removable_usb = 1 - The item is usb storage disk

Browser app specific functions

  • laptop.browser_api.navigate(app, mtos, pagename) Check the "pagename" and start if the app have browser_page setting
  • formspec = laptop.browser_api.header_formspec_func(app, mtos) Contains the formspec for navigation bar. Needs to be included to all pages
  • laptop.browser_api.header_receive_fields_func(app, mtos, sender, fields) Process the navigation bar buttons. Needs to be included to all pages