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Tutorial on RDB to RDF Mapping with Ontop


Configure omero postgres db

If you run ontop on a different host than your omero instance, you have to allow remote tcp/ip access to the latter via port 5432. By default, this is disabled and only connections from localhost are permitted. To this end, edit these two files (paths may vary according to host OS, on debian/ubuntu servers it will likely be //etc/postgresql/VERSION/main//). - postgres.conf either allow all connections
listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;

or specify clients as comma separated values:

listen_addresses = ',,localhost'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;
  • pg_hba.conf Adding these two lines worked for me but may be too permissive in your situation (in particular if your omero is not behind a firewall):
host    all             all                  md5
host    all             all             ::/0                    md5
  • restart your postgres service, i.e.
sudo service postgresql restart

Test the connection

  • Launch Protege
  • If not present, add ontop Tabs (Menu -> Window -> Tabs -> Ontop Mappings)
  • Configure postgres jdbc driver:
    • Select Menu -> File -> Preferences -> JDBC Drivers
    • Click Add
    • Select “org.postgresql.Driver” from Class name dropdown menu
    • Select postgres jdbc driver jar file downloaded earlier from the ontop-cli jdbc directory
  • Setup connection:
    • In the Ontop Mappings Tab, select “Connection parameters” subtab
      • Enter connection URL: “jdbc:postgresql://your.omero.url:5432/omero”
      • Enter a db username with at least read access to all tables in the omero db.
      • Enter db user’s password
      • Select “org.postgresql.Driver” as JDBC driver class.
  • Click test connection
    • On error: Check postgres config on omero host and connection details.
    • On success: Hurray!

Crunch time: Your first mapping

Add entity and property to active ontology

Add one class (e.g. =:Dataset=) and one data property (e.g. =:name=) to the ontology.

More general, tables are mapped to classes, table index columns are mapped to class instances (triple subjects), table columns headers are mapped to properties (table predicates), table column values are mapped to property values (table subjects).

Define mapping

  • Select “Mapping manager” tab
  • Click “New”
  • Enter
:dataset/{id} a :Dataset;
              :name {name} .

into the field “Target” and

select id, name from dataset;

into the “Source” field.

You may want to test your query by clicking the “Execute the sql query” which will populate the “SQL Query results” field.

SPARQL query

Select the “Ontop SPARQL” tab. Click “Prefixes” and select the base prefix and further prefixes as needed. In the query editor enter
select * where {
    ?subj a :Dataset;
          :name ?name .

And click “Execute”. Find your omero dataset ids and names in the SPARQL results field and observe the generated SQL query in the “SQL tranlation” tab.

Save mapping, ontology, and properties

Select Menu -> Save (or Save as). Select “Turtle syntax” for the file format and select a file name. This filename will serve as the basis for three files: .properties (db connection settings), .ttl (ontology), and .obda (mapping definition in ontop format).

Launch ontop SPARQL endpoint

In a terminal, navigate to the directory where you just saved your mapping definition files to. In that directory, run
path/to/ontop-cli/ontop endpoint -m <filename>.obda -t <filename>.ttl -p <filename>.properties

replace // with the actual filename from above.

Open your webbrowser at http://localhost:8080 where a beautiful SPARQL frontend awaits your queries. Sparqly happy queries!

And now for something more serious

Most likely, we do not want to work out the entire mapping ontology from scratch. Keep in mind that the omero postgresql database contains of the order 160 public tables. This means, we would have to create of the order 160 classes and as many properties as there are columns in all tables combined. Not cool.

So instead, we will base our mapping on a existing omero ontology. **BEWARE** there is currently not one “the” omero ontology but a small number (somewhere between 3 and 10) of ontologies circulate in various repositories, ontology registries etc. Here, we employ the so called core omero ontology written by Norio Kobayashi (@norikoba) and published in doi:10.48550/arXiv.2110.10407. It is maintained in The owl formatted ontology file can be obtained from here (gitlab download).

Import ome_core.owl in Protege

In Protege, select the “Active Ontology” tab and “Ontology imports” tab in the lower left corner. Click the (+) icon next to “Direct Imports”. In the next dialogue, select “Import an ontology contained in a document located on the web.”


In the following dialogue, enter the URL into the “URL” field.


Optionally, save the URL as a bookmark for future reference.

Click “Continue” and “Finish” in the next dialogue (if the latter does not come up, check the URL).

Now select the “Entries/Classes” tab in Protege, which is now populated with all classes from the ome core ontology.


Optional: Set site prefix

You may want to add a prefix to the ontology that sets the base part of your omero object URIs. E.g. for the IDR, a sensible prefix could be ”” In this way, the generated URIs for images, datasets, projects, etc. would become actually valid links to the json api resources representing that object. It would also entail the possibility to run SPARQL queries or HTTP requests against that json api resource.

In the “Active ontology” tab, select “Ontology Prefixes” in the lower left, click (+) and enter the prefix name and URL (this example is for the MPI EB Omero instance, adjust according to your specifics).


Map ontology terms

Let’s now define our first mapping based on the imported ontology.

Select the “Ontop Mappings” tab and first enter your omero database connection parameters


adjust the settings according to your omero instance’s configuration. Test your connection.

In the “Mapping manager” tab, click “New” .

Resuming the example made earlier id:476119de-9e10-41cb-aa4c-33294c324a81, enter the target as


This mapping is slightly more complex than the one above, so let’s go through the details.

The first three lines are repeated from the earlier, simple example. The dataset’s name and description are linked to the Dataset instance template via the `rdfs:label` property and the `rdfs:comment` property, respectively. Note that the Dataset instance is prefixed by the site prefix defined above. Furthermore, the type property value “ome_core:Dataset” now employs the ome core ontology instead of the “toy” ontology written from scratch in the earlier example.

The following two lines are new. They link property values to the Dataset instance: the dataset’s annotation and the images contained in the dataset. However, this information is not provided in the postgresql database table “dataset”, so how get it?

The relation between a dataset and its images is a one-to-many relation because a given dataset typically contains more than one image). Relational databases represent such relations through link tables. Dataset-image relations are defined in the “datasetimagelink” table. The Source SQL query hence `join`s the “dataset” table and the “datasetimagelink” table on the “id” column from the “dataset” table and the “parent” column from the “datasetimagelink” table. A second `join` on the “datasetannotationlink” table also pulls the dataset annotations into the sql query result. The additional column names, resulting from the two `join`s can then be referred to in the the Target Triples Template in the two last lines.

Note that we also define aliases using the SQL `as` keyword for the templated variables to disambiguate them in case of potentially duplicate column names in the joined tables.

Mapping annotations

The above example adds triples to link Datasets to their images and annotations. Let’s add a few more mappings:





Maps (aka Key-Value pairs)


With this, we are now in the position to query key-value pairs. E.g.

    PREFIX : <>
    PREFIX owl: <>
    PREFIX rdf: <>
    PREFIX xml: <>
    PREFIX xsd: <>
    PREFIX obda: <>
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    PREFIX omemap: <>
    PREFIX ome_core: <>
    PREFIX ome_instance: <>

select distinct ?img ?key ?val where {
    ?img a ome_core:Image;
         ome_core:annotation ?annotation .
    ?annotation ome_core:mapAnnotationValue ?map .
    ?map ome_core:key ?key;
         ome_core:value ?val .
  order by ?img
  limit 10
imgkeyval Venu fluorescens

Nice 🥳!

Constructing new triples.

The previous query seeks key-value annotations for images. Imagine we wanted to query for the Strain information. In above example we would have to filter on the “key” string, e.g. using a regular expression in a filter statement:
    PREFIX : <>
    PREFIX owl: <>
    PREFIX rdf: <>
    PREFIX xml: <>
    PREFIX xsd: <>
    PREFIX obda: <>
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    PREFIX omemap: <>
    PREFIX ome_core: <>
    PREFIX ome_instance: <>

select distinct ?img ?key ?val where {
    ?img a ome_core:Image;
         ome_core:annotation ?annotation .
    ?annotation ome_core:mapAnnotationValue ?map .
    ?map ome_core:key ?key;
         ome_core:value ?val .
    filter(regex(?key, "Strain"))
  order by ?img
  limit 1

The more intutive query would contain a triple template of the sort ?img :strain ?strain, i.e. we would ask to return the “strain” property of our image.

One way to achieve this is to add new triples using the construct keyword: In other words, we have to convert the property value “?key” into an instance of rdf:type rdf:Property. This can be achieved by a construct query:

    PREFIX : <>
    PREFIX owl: <>
    PREFIX rdf: <>
    PREFIX xml: <>
    PREFIX xsd: <>
    PREFIX obda: <>
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    PREFIX omemap: <>
    PREFIX ome_core: <>
    PREFIX ome_instance: <>
    prefix ome_instance_annotation: <>

construct {
  ?key a rdf:Property .
  ?img ?key ?val .
  where {
    ?img a ome_core:Image;
         ome_core:annotation ?annotation .
    ?annotation ome_core:mapAnnotationValue ?map .
    ?map ome_core:key ?keystr;
         ome_core:value ?val .
  bind(iri(concat("",str(?keystr))) as ?key)
  limit 10

which results in

@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix obda: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix omemap: <> .
@prefix ome_core: <> .
@prefix ome_instance: <> .
@prefix ome_instance_annotation: <> .
@prefix rdf4j: <> .
@prefix sesame: <> .
@prefix fn: <> .

omemap:Study a rdf:Property .
omemap:Investigation a rdf:Property .
omemap:Strain a rdf:Property .
omemap:Organism a rdf:Property .
omemap:Parent a rdf:Property .
omemap:MPB a rdf:Property .
omemap:Author a rdf:Property .
omemap:Type a rdf:Property .
omemap:Assay a rdf:Property .

<> omemap:Study "pending";
  omemap:Investigation "pending";
  omemap:Strain "SBW25";
  omemap:Organism "Pseudomonas fluorescens";
  omemap:Parent "0";
  omemap:MPB "0";
  omemap:Author "Malavika Venu";
  omemap:Type "still";
  omemap:Assay "pending" .