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Releases: GeoscienceAustralia/DynAdjust

Release v1.0.3 of DynAdjust (64-bit Windows)

04 Sep 03:27
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This release contains several code enhancements, fixes and updates, including:


  • Previously, database IDs were not printed to the output adjustment file (via --output-database-ids) when adjusted measurements were sorted on criteria (e.g. correction, n-statistic, etc.) other than the default sort order (original input file order). This release enables database IDs to be printed irrespective of adjusted measurement sort order.
  • When sorting adjusted measurements according to n-statistic (via --sort-adj-msr-field 7), GNSS baselines are now sorted using the maximum of the 3 n-statistic components, whereas previously the sorting of GNSS baselines was based upon the magnitude of 3 (x, y, z) n-statistic components.
  • Version 1.0.2 provided a capability to print ignored measurements for simultaneous adjustments only (see #39). This version provides a capability to print ignored measurements for phased adjustments. In addition, this change also prevents ignored measurements connected to unused stations from being printed. Unused stations are those which are not connected to any measurements or are only connected to ignored measurements, and are therefore not estimated by least squares adjustment.

General enhancements

  • Minor revisions to the User's Guide to reflect the changes to printing ignored measurements for phased adjustments
  • Code enhancements addressing various compiler warnings
  • Remove old prerequisite installation and build scripts
  • Add debug launch handlers for gdb in vs code

Release v1.0.2 of DynAdjust (64-bit Windows)

01 Jun 08:07
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This release contains several code enhancements and changes to address the following issues:

  • #42 - Add support for Measurement ID and Cluster ID in DynaML. In order to exchange Measurement IDs and Cluster IDs in DynaML measurement files, download the latest version of DynaML.xsd file from the sampleData folder to the folder containing your measurements.
  • #39 - Print ignored measurements to the adjustment output file.
  • #10 - Random crash that occurred during printing of the adjustment output file with certain options.

Minor changes to the way direction sets are reported to the adjustment output file have been added, including:

  • Each value in the measured column is the original measured direction
  • Each value in the adjusted column is the previous (measured) direction in the set plus the adjusted angle

The values in all other columns remain unaltered. Note also the column header Residual has been replaced with Corr. SD.

Improvements have also been made to the shell scripts used to download, build and install dynadjust and its prerequisites on Linux (Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS, SUSE, Ubuntu, and Debian) and Darwin (Apple Mac).

Recompilation with older platform toolsets

23 May 02:30
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This release is simply a recompilation of version 1.0.0, including additional Visual Studio platform toolsets to overcome problems when running on systems with older Visual C run time distributables and Window SDKs.

This release may resolve run time execution issues where the following message is displayed:
"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application"

Release v1.0.0 of DynAdjust (64-bit Windows)

18 Dec 22:39
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This release contains only the DynAdjust binaries built using VS2017. All prerequisites will need to be installed separately, including: