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// along with this program. If not, see
-// * This annotation can also be used on fields or classes, similar to {@link ThreadRestricted}.
-// *
-// * In a method annotated with {@link AssistThreadOnly}, fields and methods annotated with
-// * {@link AssistThreadOnly}, {@link BaseThreadOnly} or {@link AnyThreadSafe} may be used.
-// *
-// * Methods that are annotated with {@link AssistThreadOnly} must never call methods that are annotated with
-// * {@link PotentiallyBlocking}.
-// *
-// * @author Martijn Muijsers under AGPL-3.0
-// */
-//@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD})
-//public @interface AssistThreadOnly {
-// /**
-// * @see ThreadRestricted#fieldAccess()
-// */
-// Access value() default Access.READ_WRITE;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/queue/BaseTaskQueueTier.java b/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/queue/BaseTaskQueueTier.java
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--- a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/queue/BaseTaskQueueTier.java
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-package net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.executor.queue;
-// * A tier for {@link AbstractTaskQueue}s, that indicates the priority of the tasks in the task queues.
-// * Every tier contains a list of the queues that are part of the tier.
-// * The tiers are in order of priority, from high to low.
-// * Similarly, the queues for each tier are in the same order of priority.
-// * The tasks in each queue should also be in order of priority whenever relevant, but usually there
-// * is no strong difference in priority between tasks in the same queue, so they typically operate as FIFO queues,
-// * so that the longest waiting task implicitly has the highest priority within the queue.
-// *
-// * Tasks from queues in the {@link #SERVER} tier can only be run on a {@link ServerThread}.
-// * Tasks from other tiers can be run on {@link ServerThread}s as well as on {@link AssistThread}s.
-// *
-// * @author Martijn Muijsers under AGPL-3.0
-// */
-//public enum BaseTaskQueueTier {
-// /**
-// * A tier for queues that contain tasks that must be executed on a {@link ServerThread}.
-// *
-// * Some parts of the server can only be safely accessed by one thread at a time.
-// * If they can not be guarded by a lock (or if this is not desired,
-// * because if a ticking thread would need to acquire this lock it would block it),
-// * then these parts of the code are typically deferred to the server thread.
-// * Based on the current use of the {@link TickThread} class, particularly given the existence of
-// * {@link TickThread#isTickThreadFor(Entity)} and {@link TickThread#isTickThreadFor(ServerLevel, int, int)},
-// * we can deduce that future support for performing some of these actions in parallel is planned.
-// * In such a case, some server thread tasks may become tasks that must be
-// * executed on an appropriate {@link TickThread}.
-// * In that case, the queues below should be changed so that the server thread and any of the
-// * ticking threads poll from queues that contain tasks appropriate for them.
-// * For example, {@link BaseTaskQueues#deferredToUniversalTickThread} would be for tasks that can run
-// * on any ticking thread, and additional queues would need to be added concerning a specific
-// * subject (like an entity or chunk) with tasks that will be run on whichever ticking thread is the
-// * ticking thread for that subject at the time of polling.
-// *
-// * Note that a {@link ServerThread} can only yield to {@link TaskSpan#TINY} tasks in other tiers
-// * (since there are no higher tiers, and threads can only yield to lower tiers when
-// * the task yielded to is{@link TaskSpan#TINY}, or other non-yielding tasks in its own tier (since it
-// * has a {@link BaseThread#maximumYieldDepth} of 1).
-// * Yielding to other tasks in this same tier is somewhat risky, since this means that the tasks that were
-// * yielded to must assume that although they are running on the server thread, they may be running at
-// * some unknown point in execution of the main thread. Therefore, scheduling any non-yielding tasks to
-// * a queue in this tier must be done with the utmost care that the task cannot disrupt, or be disrupted by,
-// * the surrounding code that yields to it.
-// */
-// SERVER(new AbstractTaskQueue[]{
-// BaseTaskQueues.deferredToServerThread,
-// BaseTaskQueues.serverThreadTick,
-// BaseTaskQueues.anyTickScheduledServerThread
-// }, MinecraftServer.SERVER_THREAD_PRIORITY),
-// /**
-// * A tier for queues that contain tasks that are part of ticking,
-// * to assist the main ticking thread(s) in doing so.
-// */
-// TICK_ASSIST(new AbstractTaskQueue[]{
-// BaseTaskQueues.tickAssist
-// }, Integer.getInteger("gale.thread.priority.tick", 7)),
-// /**
-// * A tier for queues that contain general tasks that must be performed at some point in time,
-// * asynchronously with respect to the {@link ServerThread} and the ticking of the server.
-// * Execution of
-// */
-// ASYNC(new AbstractTaskQueue[0], Integer.getInteger("gale.thread.priority.async", 6)),
-// /**
-// * A tier for queues that contain tasks with the same considerations as {@link #ASYNC},
-// * but with a low priority.
-// */
-// LOW_PRIORITY_ASYNC(new AbstractTaskQueue[0], Integer.getInteger("gale.thread.priority.async.low", 3));
-// /**
-// * Equal to {@link #ordinal()}.
-// */
-// public final int ordinal;
-// /**
-// * The task queues that belong to this tier.
-// */
-// public final AbstractTaskQueue[] taskQueues;
-// /**
-// * The priority for threads that are executing a task from this tier.
-// *
-// * If a thread yields to other tasks, the priority it will have is always the highest priority of any task
-// * on its stack.
-// */
-// public final int threadPriority;
-// BaseTaskQueueTier(AbstractTaskQueue[] taskQueues, int threadPriority) {
-// this.ordinal = this.ordinal();
-// this.taskQueues = taskQueues;
-// for (AbstractTaskQueue queue : this.taskQueues) {
-// queue.setTier(this);
-// }
-// this.threadPriority = threadPriority;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Equal to {@link #values()}.
-// */
-// public static final BaseTaskQueueTier[] VALUES = values();
-// /**
-// * Equal to {@link #VALUES}{@code .length}.
-// */
-// public static final int length = VALUES.length;
-// /**
-// * Equal to {@link #VALUES} without {@link #SERVER}.
-// */
-// public static final BaseTaskQueueTier[] VALUES_EXCEPT_SERVER = Arrays.stream(VALUES).filter(tier -> tier != SERVER).toList().toArray(new BaseTaskQueueTier[length - 1]);
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/AssistThread.java b/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/AssistThread.java
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-package net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.executor.thread;
-// * A thread created by the {@link BaseThreadPool}.
-// *
-// * @author Martijn Muijsers under AGPL-3.0
-// */
-//public class AssistThread extends BaseThread {
-// /**
-// * The maximum yield depth. While an {@link AssistThread} has a yield depth equal to or greater than this value,
-// * it can not start more potentially yielding tasks.
-// */
-// public static final int MAXIMUM_YIELD_DEPTH = Integer.getInteger("gale.yield.depth.max", 100);
-// /**
-// * The index of this thread, as needed as an argument to
-// * {@link BaseThreadPool#getThreadByAssistIndex(int)}.
-// */
-// public final int assistThreadIndex;
-// /**
-// * Must only be called from {@link BaseThreadPool#addAssistThread}.
-// */
-// public AssistThread(int assistThreadIndex) {
-// super(AssistThread::getCurrentAssistThreadAndRunForever, "Assist Thread " + assistThreadIndex, assistThreadIndex + 1, MAXIMUM_YIELD_DEPTH);
-// this.assistThreadIndex = assistThreadIndex;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Causes this thread to loop forever, always attempting to find a task to do, and if none is found,
-// * registering itself with the places where a relevant task may be added in order to be signalled when
-// * one is actually added.
-// */
-// @ThisThreadOnly
-// protected void runForever() {
-// this.runTasksUntil(null, () -> false, null);
-// }
-// /**
-// * @return The current thread if it is a {@link AssistThread}, or null otherwise.
-// */
-// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
-// @AnyThreadSafe
-// @YieldFree
-// public static @Nullable AssistThread currentAssistThread() {
-// return Thread.currentThread() instanceof AssistThread assistThread ? assistThread : null;
-// }
-// /**
-// * @return Whether the current thread is a {@link AssistThread}.
-// */
-// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
-// @AnyThreadSafe
-// @YieldFree
-// public static boolean isAssistThread() {
-// return Thread.currentThread() instanceof AssistThread;
-// }
-// /**
-// * A method that simply acquires the {@link AssistThread} that is the current thread, and calls
-// * {@link #runForever()} on it.
-// */
-// @BaseThreadOnly
-// protected static void getCurrentAssistThreadAndRunForever() {
-// ((AssistThread) Thread.currentThread()).runForever();
-// }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/BaseThread.java b/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/BaseThread.java
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-package net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.executor.thread;
-//import net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.executor.wrapper.MinecraftServerWrapper;
-// * An abstract base class implementing {@link AbstractYieldingThread},
-// * that provides implementation that is common between
-// * {@link TickThread} and {@link AssistThread}.
-// *
-// * @author Martijn Muijsers under AGPL-3.0
-// */
-//public abstract class BaseThread extends Thread implements AbstractYieldingThread {
-// /**
-// * The minimum time to wait as the {@link MinecraftServer#serverThread} when performing a timed wait.
-// * Given in nanoseconds.
-// * If a timed wait with a lower time is attempted, the wait is not performed at all.
-// */
-// public static final long SERVER_THREAD_WAIT_NANOS_MINIMUM = 10_000;
-// /**
-// * The time to wait as the {@link MinecraftServer#serverThread} during the oversleep phase, if
-// * there may be delayed tasks.
-// * Given in nanoseconds.
-// */
-// /**
-// * The index of this thread, as needed as an argument to
-// * {@link BaseThreadPool#getThreadByBaseIndex(int)}.
-// */
-// public final int baseThreadIndex;
-// /**
-// * The maximum yield depth for this thread,
-// * which equals 1 for a {@link ServerThread}
-// * and {@link AssistThread#MAXIMUM_YIELD_DEPTH} for an {@link AssistThread}.
-// */
-// public final int maximumYieldDepth;
-// /**
-// * The number of times this thread holds a {@link YieldingLock},
-// * used in {@link #holdsYieldingLock()}.
-// *
-// * @see AbstractYieldingThread#incrementHeldYieldingLockCount()
-// */
-// @ThisThreadOnly
-// public int heldYieldingLockCount = 0;
-// /**
-// * The current yield depth of this thread.
-// */
-// @AnyThreadSafe(Access.READ) @ThisThreadOnly(Access.WRITE)
-// public volatile int yieldDepth = 0;
-// /**
-// * Whether this thread can currently start yielding tasks with respect to being restricted
-// * due to {@link #yieldDepth} being at least {@link #maximumYieldDepth}.
-// *
-// * This is updated using {@link #updateCanStartYieldingTasks()}
-// * after {@link #yieldDepth} or {@link #heldYieldingLockCount} is changed.
-// */
-// @AnyThreadSafe(Access.READ) @ThisThreadOnly(Access.WRITE)
-// public volatile boolean canStartYieldingTasks = true;
-// /**
-// * The highest {@link BaseTaskQueueTier} of any task on the yielding execution stack of this thread,
-// * or null if there is no task being executed on this thread.
-// */
-// @AnyThreadSafe(Access.READ) @ThisThreadOnly(Access.WRITE)
-// public volatile @Nullable BaseTaskQueueTier highestTierOfTaskOnStack;
-// /**
-// * The {@link BaseTaskQueueTier} that the last non-null return value of {@link #pollTask} was polled from,
-// * or null if {@link #pollTask} has never been called yet.
-// */
-// @ThisThreadOnly
-// private @Nullable BaseTaskQueueTier lastPolledTaskTier;
-// /**
-// * The lock to guard this thread's sleeping and waking actions.
-// */
-// private final Lock waitLock = new ReentrantLock();
-// /**
-// * The condition to wait for a signal, when this thread has to wait for something to do.
-// */
-// private final Condition waitCondition = waitLock.newCondition();
-// /**
-// * Whether this thread is currently not working on the content of a task, but instead
-// * attempting to poll a next task to do, checking whether it can accept tasks at all, or
-// * attempting to acquire a {@link YieldingLock}, or waiting (although the fact that this value is true during
-// * waiting is irrelevant, because at such a time, {@link #isWaiting} will be true, and this value will no longer
-// * have any effect due to the implementation of {@link #signal}).
-// *
-// * This value is used to determine whether to set {@link #skipNextWait} when {@link #signal} is called
-// * and {@link #isWaiting} is false.
-// */
-// @AnyThreadSafe(Access.READ) @ThisThreadOnly(Access.WRITE)
-// private volatile boolean isPollingTaskOrCheckingStopCondition = true;
-// /**
-// * Whether this thread should not start waiting for something to do the next time no task could be polled,
-// * but instead try polling a task again.
-// */
-// @AnyThreadSafe
-// public volatile boolean skipNextWait = false;
-// /**
-// * Whether this thread is currently waiting for something to do.
-// *
-// * This is set to true at some point before actually starting to wait in a blocking fashion,
-// * and set to false at some point after no longer waiting in a blocking fashion. So, at some point,
-// * this value may be true while the thread is not blocked yet, or anymore.
-// * Even more so, extra checks for whether the thread should block will be performed in between
-// * the moment this value is set to true and the moment the thread potentially blocks. This means that if the
-// * checks fail, this value may be set to true and then false again, without actually ever blocking.
-// */
-// @AnyThreadSafe(Access.READ) @ThisThreadOnly(Access.WRITE)
-// @Guarded(value = "#waitLock", fieldAccess = Access.WRITE)
-// public volatile boolean isWaiting = false;
-// /**
-// * Whether {@link #isWaiting} is irrelevant because this thread has already
-// * been signalled via {@link #signal} to wake up.
-// */
-// @AnyThreadSafe(Access.READ) @ThisThreadOnly(Access.WRITE)
-// @Guarded(value = "#waitLock", fieldAccess = Access.WRITE)
-// public volatile boolean mayBeStillWaitingButHasBeenSignalled = false;
-// /**
-// * The {@link YieldingLock} that this thread is waiting for,
-// * or null if this thread is not waiting for a {@link YieldingLock}.
-// * This value only has meaning while {@link #isWaiting} is true.
-// */
-// @AnyThreadSafe(Access.READ) @ThisThreadOnly(Access.WRITE)
-// @Guarded(value = "#waitLock", fieldAccess = Access.WRITE)
-// public volatile @Nullable YieldingLock lockWaitingFor = null;
-// /**
-// * The value of {@link #lockWaitingFor} during the last wait (a call to {@link Condition#await})
-// * or pre-wait check (while {@link #isNotActuallyWaitingYet} is true).
-// */
-// @ThisThreadOnly
-// private @Nullable YieldingLock lastLockWaitedFor = null;
-// /**
-// * A special flag, used after changing {@link #isWaiting}, when the lock must be temporarily released to
-// * call {@link BaseThreadActivation#callForUpdate()} (to avoid deadlocks in {@link #signal} calls),
-// * and we wish the pool to regard this thread as waiting
-// * (which it will, because {@link #isWaiting} will be true), but we must still
-// * know not to signal the underlying {@link #waitCondition}, but set {@link #skipNextWait} to true,
-// * when {@link #signal} is called at some point during the short release of {@link #waitLock}.
-// */
-// public volatile boolean isNotActuallyWaitingYet = false;
-// /**
-// * The last reason this thread was signalled before the current poll attempt, or null if the current
-// * poll attempt was not preceded by signalling (but by yielding for example).
-// */
-// public volatile @Nullable SignalReason lastSignalReason = null;
-// protected BaseThread(Runnable target, String name, int baseThreadIndex, int maximumYieldDepth) {
-// super(target, name);
-// this.baseThreadIndex = baseThreadIndex;
-// this.maximumYieldDepth = maximumYieldDepth;
-// }
-// @Override
-// public boolean holdsYieldingLock() {
-// return this.heldYieldingLockCount > 0;
-// }
-// @Override
-// public void incrementHeldYieldingLockCount() {
-// this.heldYieldingLockCount++;
-// if (this.heldYieldingLockCount == 1) {
-// this.updateCanStartYieldingTasks();
-// }
-// }
-// @Override
-// public void decrementHeldYieldingLockCount() {
-// this.heldYieldingLockCount--;
-// if (this.heldYieldingLockCount == 0) {
-// this.updateCanStartYieldingTasks();
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * Updates {@link #canStartYieldingTasks} according to {@link #yieldDepth} and {@link #heldYieldingLockCount}.
-// */
-// private void updateCanStartYieldingTasks() {
-// this.canStartYieldingTasks = this.heldYieldingLockCount == 0 && this.yieldDepth < this.maximumYieldDepth;
-// }
-// /**
-// * This method is based on {@link #signal}.
-// * {@link #signal} must always return true if this method returns true;
-// * otherwise {@link BaseThreadActivation} will get stuck while choosing a thread to activate.
-// *
-// * @see #signal
-// */
-// @SuppressWarnings("RedundantIfStatement")
-// public boolean isWaitingAndNeedsSignal() {
-// if (this.isWaiting) {
-// if (this.isNotActuallyWaitingYet) {
-// if (!this.skipNextWait) {
-// return true;
-// }
-// return false;
-// }
-// if (!this.mayBeStillWaitingButHasBeenSignalled) {
-// return true;
-// }
-// }
-// return false;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Yields to tasks: polls and executes tasks while possible and the stop condition is not met.
-// * The stop condition is met if {@code stopCondition} is not null and returns true, or alternatively,
-// * if {@code stopCondition} is null, and {@code yieldingLock} is successfully acquired.
-// * When no tasks can be polled, this thread will block, waiting for either a task that can be executed by this
-// * thread to become available, or for the {@code yieldingLock}, if given, to be released.
-// *
-// * Exactly one of {@code stopCondition} and {@code yieldingLock} must be non-null.
-// */
-// public final void yieldUntil(@Nullable Long timeoutTime, @Nullable BooleanSupplier stopCondition, @Nullable YieldingLock yieldingLock) {
-// int oldYieldDepth = this.yieldDepth;
-// int newYieldDepth = oldYieldDepth + 1;
-// this.yieldDepth = newYieldDepth;
-// if (newYieldDepth == maximumYieldDepth) {
-// this.updateCanStartYieldingTasks();
-// }
-// this.runTasksUntil(timeoutTime, stopCondition, yieldingLock);
-// this.yieldDepth = oldYieldDepth;
-// if (newYieldDepth == maximumYieldDepth) {
-// this.updateCanStartYieldingTasks();
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * This method will keep attempting to find a task to do, and execute it, and if none is found, start waiting
-// * until the {@code timeoutTime} is reached (which is compared to {@link System#nanoTime}),
-// * or the thread is signalled by {@link BaseThreadPool} or by a {@link YieldingLock}.
-// * The loop is broken as soon as the stop condition becomes true, or the given lock is successfully acquired.
-// *
-// * The above is the same as {@link #yieldUntil}, except it may be called in situations that is not 'yielding',
-// * for instance the endless loop polling tasks performed by a n{@link AssistThread}. The difference with
-// * {@link #yieldUntil} is that this method does not increment or decrement things the yield depth of this thread.
-// *
-// * Exactly one of {@code stopCondition} or {@code yieldingLock} must be non-null.
-// *
-// * @see #yieldUntil
-// */
-// @ThisThreadOnly
-// @PotentiallyYielding("may yield further if an executed task is potentially yielding")
-// public final void runTasksUntil(@Nullable Long timeoutTime, @Nullable BooleanSupplier stopCondition, @Nullable YieldingLock yieldingLock) {
-// if (TickThread.isTickThread()) MinecraftServer.THREAD_DEBUG_LOGGER.ifPresent(it -> it.info("running tasks until"));
-// this.isPollingTaskOrCheckingStopCondition = true;
-// /*
-// Endless loop that attempts to perform a task, and if one is found, tries to perform another again,
-// but if none is found, starts awaiting such a task to become available, or for the given yielding lock
-// to be released.
-// */
-// while (true) {
-// try {
-// if (timeoutTime != null && System.nanoTime() - timeoutTime >= 0) {
-// break;
-// }
-// if (stopCondition != null) {
-// if (this == MinecraftServerWrapper.serverThread) {
-// MinecraftServer.currentManagedBlockStopConditionHasBecomeTrue = false;
-// }
-// if (stopCondition.getAsBoolean()) {
-// if (this == MinecraftServerWrapper.serverThread) {
-// MinecraftServer.currentManagedBlockStopConditionHasBecomeTrue = true;
-// }
-// break;
-// }
-// } else {
-// //noinspection ConstantConditions
-// if (yieldingLock.tryLock()) {
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// } finally {
-// // Make sure other threads can be signalled for the last waited-for lock again
-// if (this.lastLockWaitedFor != null) {
-// this.lastLockWaitedFor.canBeSignalledFor = true;
-// this.lastLockWaitedFor = null;
-// }
-// }
-// // If this is the original server thread, update isInSpareTimeAndHaveNoMoreTimeAndNotAlreadyBlocking
-// if (this == MinecraftServerWrapper.serverThread) {
-// MinecraftServer.isInSpareTimeAndHaveNoMoreTimeAndNotAlreadyBlocking = MinecraftServer.isInSpareTime && MinecraftServer.blockingCount == 0 && !MinecraftServer.SERVER.haveTime();
-// }
-// // Attempt to poll a task that can be started
-// Runnable task = this.pollTask();
-// // Run the task if found
-// if (task != null) {
-// // If this is the server thread, potentially set nextTimeAssumeWeMayHaveDelayedTasks to true
-// if (this == MinecraftServerWrapper.serverThread && !MinecraftServer.nextTimeAssumeWeMayHaveDelayedTasks && AbstractTaskQueue.taskQueuesHaveTasks(BaseTaskQueueTier.SERVER.taskQueues)) {
-// MinecraftServer.nextTimeAssumeWeMayHaveDelayedTasks = true;
-// }
-// // Update highestTierOfTaskOnStack and the thread priority
-// var highestTierBeforeTask = this.highestTierOfTaskOnStack;
-// var threadPriorityBeforeTask = this.getPriority();
-// //noinspection DataFlowIssue
-// var newHighestTier = highestTierBeforeTask == null ? this.lastPolledTaskTier : highestTierBeforeTask.ordinal < this.lastPolledTaskTier.ordinal ? highestTierBeforeTask : this.lastPolledTaskTier;
-// //noinspection DataFlowIssue
-// var newThreadPriority = newHighestTier.threadPriority;
-// if (newHighestTier != highestTierBeforeTask) {
-// this.highestTierOfTaskOnStack = newHighestTier;
-// BaseThreadActivation.callForUpdate();
-// if (threadPriorityBeforeTask != newThreadPriority) {
-// this.setPriority(newThreadPriority);
-// }
-// }
-// this.isPollingTaskOrCheckingStopCondition = false;
-// task.run();
-// // If this is the server thread, execute some chunk tasks
-// if (this == MinecraftServerWrapper.serverThread) {
-// if (newHighestTier != BaseTaskQueueTier.SERVER) {
-// newHighestTier = BaseTaskQueueTier.SERVER;
-// this.highestTierOfTaskOnStack = newHighestTier;
-// BaseThreadActivation.callForUpdate();
-// if (newThreadPriority != newHighestTier.threadPriority) {
-// newThreadPriority = newHighestTier.threadPriority;
-// this.setPriority(newThreadPriority);
-// }
-// }
-// MinecraftServer.SERVER.executeMidTickTasks(); // Paper - execute chunk tasks mid tick
-// }
-// // Reset highestTierOfTaskOnStack and the thread priority
-// if (newHighestTier != highestTierBeforeTask) {
-// this.highestTierOfTaskOnStack = highestTierBeforeTask;
-// BaseThreadActivation.callForUpdate();
-// if (threadPriorityBeforeTask != newThreadPriority) {
-// this.setPriority(threadPriorityBeforeTask);
-// }
-// }
-// this.isPollingTaskOrCheckingStopCondition = true;
-// continue;
-// }
-// /*
-// If no task that can be started by this thread was found, wait for a task that we are allowed
-// to poll to become available (when that happens, the BaseThreadPool will signal this thread),
-// or for the given yielding lock to be released. This is the only time we should ever block inside
-// a potentially yielding procedure.
-// */
-// this.waitUntilSignalled(timeoutTime, yieldingLock);
-// }
-// this.isPollingTaskOrCheckingStopCondition = false;
-// /*
-// If the thread was signalled for another reason than the lock, but we acquired the lock instead,
-// another thread should be signalled for that reason.
-// */
-// SignalReason lastSignalReason = this.lastSignalReason;
-// if (lastSignalReason != null && yieldingLock != null && lastSignalReason != SignalReason.YIELDING_LOCK) {
-// BaseThreadActivation.callForUpdate();
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * @see #pollTask()
-// */
-// @ThisThreadOnly
-// @YieldFree
-// private @Nullable Runnable pollTaskFromTier(BaseTaskQueueTier tier, boolean tinyOnly) {
-// for (var queue : tier.taskQueues) {
-// // Check whether we can not yield to the queue, if we are yielding
-// boolean canQueueBeYieldedTo = queue.canBeYieldedTo();
-// if (!canQueueBeYieldedTo && this.yieldDepth > 0) {
-// continue;
-// }
-// Runnable task = tinyOnly ? queue.pollTiny(this) : queue.poll(this);
-// if (task != null) {
-// this.lastPolledTaskTier = tier;
-// return task;
-// }
-// /*
-// Check if the tier has run out of tasks for a span,
-// in order to update BaseThreadActivation#thereMayBeTasks.
-// */
-// for (int spanI = 0; spanI < TaskSpan.length; spanI++) {
-// TaskSpan span = TaskSpan.VALUES[spanI];
-// if (queue.canHaveTasks(span)) {
-// int oldTasks = BaseThreadActivation.thereMayBeTasks[tier.ordinal][spanI][canQueueBeYieldedTo ? 1 : 0].get();
-// if (oldTasks > 0) {
-// if (!queue.hasTasks(span)) {
-// boolean tierHasNoTasksForSpan = true;
-// for (AbstractTaskQueue otherTierQueue : tier.taskQueues) {
-// // We already know there are no tasks in this queue
-// if (otherTierQueue == queue) {
-// continue;
-// }
-// if (otherTierQueue.hasTasks(span)) {
-// tierHasNoTasksForSpan = false;
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// if (tierHasNoTasksForSpan) {
-// // Set thereMayBeTasks to false, but only if it did not change in the meantime
-// BaseThreadActivation.thereMayBeTasks[tier.ordinal][spanI][canQueueBeYieldedTo ? 1 : 0].compareAndSet(oldTasks, 0);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// return null;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Polls a task from any queue this thread can currently poll from, and returns it.
-// * Polling potentially yielding tasks is attempted before yield-free tasks.
-// *
-// * @return The task that was polled, or null if no task was found.
-// */
-// @ThisThreadOnly
-// @YieldFree
-// private @Nullable Runnable pollTask() {
-// /*
-// * If this is a server thread, poll from SERVER, and poll tiny tasks from other tiers.
-// * Note that when polling on the ServerThread, we do not check whether we would be allowed to do so
-// * by the BaseThreadPool, as we consider keeping the ServerThread in the Thread.State.RUNNABLE state for
-// * as long as possible to be more important than the off-chance of for example starting a TINY ASYNC task
-// * on the server thread while no ASYNC tasks are allowed to be polled by other threads at the moment.
-// */
-// if (this instanceof ServerThread) {
-// // Poll from the SERVER queues
-// Runnable task = this.pollTaskFromTier(BaseTaskQueueTier.SERVER, false);
-// if (task != null) {
-// return task;
-// }
-// // Poll tiny tasks from other tiers
-// for (var tier : BaseTaskQueueTier.VALUES_EXCEPT_SERVER) {
-// task = this.pollTaskFromTier(tier, true);
-// if (task != null) {
-// return task;
-// }
-// }
-// // We failed to poll any task
-// return null;
-// }
-// // If this is not a server thread, poll from all queues except SERVER
-// for (var tier : BaseTaskQueueTier.VALUES_EXCEPT_SERVER) {
-// /*
-// Make sure that we are allowed to poll from the tier, according to the presence of an excess number of
-// threads working on tasks from that tier during the last BaseThreadActivation#update call.
-// In the case this check's result is too optimistic, and a task is started when ideally it wouldn't have been,
-// then so be it - it is not terrible. Whenever this happens, enough threads will surely be allocated
-// by the BaseThreadPool for the task tier that is more in demand anyway, so it does not matter much.
-// In the case this check's result is too pessimistic, the polling fails and this thread will start to sleep,
-// but before doing this, will make a call to BaseThreadActivation#callForUpdate that re-activated this
-// thread if necessary, so no harm is done.
-// In the case this check causes this thread to go to sleep, the call to BaseThreadActivation#callForUpdate
-// while isWaiting is true will make sure the BaseThreadPool has the ability to correctly activate a
-// different thread (that is able to start tasks of a higher tier) if needed.
-// Here, we do not even make an exception for TINY tasks, since there may already be ongoing avoidable
-// context-switching due to excess threads that we can solve by letting this thread go to sleep.
-// */
-// if (tier.ordinal < BaseThreadActivation.tierInExcessOrdinal) {
-// /*
-// Tasks of a certain tier may yield to tasks of the same or a higher
-// tier, and they may also yield to tiny tasks of a lower tier.
-// */
-// var tierYieldingFrom = this.highestTierOfTaskOnStack;
-// Runnable task = this.pollTaskFromTier(tier, tierYieldingFrom != null && tier.ordinal > tierYieldingFrom.ordinal);
-// if (task != null) {
-// return task;
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// // We failed to poll any task
-// return null;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Starts waiting on something to do.
-// *
-// * @param timeoutTime The maximum time to wait until (compared to {@link System#nanoTime}).
-// * @param yieldingLock A {@link YieldingLock} to register with, or null if this thread is not waiting for
-// * a yielding lock.
-// */
-// @ThisThreadOnly
-// @PotentiallyBlocking
-// private void waitUntilSignalled(@Nullable Long timeoutTime, @Nullable YieldingLock yieldingLock) {
-// // Remember whether we registered to wait with the lock, to unregister later
-// // Register this thread with the lock if necessary
-// boolean registeredAsWaitingWithLock = false;
-// if (yieldingLock != null) {
-// // No point in registering if we're not going to wait anyway
-// if (!this.skipNextWait) {
-// yieldingLock.incrementWaitingThreads();
-// registeredAsWaitingWithLock = true;
-// }
-// }
-// /*
-// Remember whether we changed anything that requires a BaseThreadPool#update call
-// (after the last call to that method).
-// */
-// boolean mustCallPoolUpdateAtEnd = false;
-// /*
-// If we cannot acquire the lock, we can assume this thread is being signalled,
-// so there is no reason to start waiting.
-// */
-// waitWithLock: if (this.waitLock.tryLock()) {
-// try {
-// // If it was set that this thread should skip the wait in the meantime, skip it
-// if (this.skipNextWait) {
-// break waitWithLock;
-// }
-// // Mark this thread as waiting
-// this.lockWaitingFor = yieldingLock;
-// this.mayBeStillWaitingButHasBeenSignalled = false;
-// this.isWaiting = true;
-// // But actually we are not waiting yet, signal has no effect yet during the next short lock release
-// this.isNotActuallyWaitingYet = true;
-// } finally {
-// this.waitLock.unlock();
-// }
-// // Update the pool
-// BaseThreadActivation.callForUpdate();
-// /*
-// If we cannot acquire the lock, we can assume this thread is being signalled,
-// so there is no reason to start waiting.
-// */
-// if (this.waitLock.tryLock()) {
-// try {
-// // We passed the short lock release
-// this.isNotActuallyWaitingYet = false;
-// // If it was set that this thread should skip the wait in the meantime, skip it
-// if (this.skipNextWait) {
-// this.isWaiting = false;
-// this.lastLockWaitedFor = this.lockWaitingFor;
-// this.lockWaitingFor = null;
-// mustCallPoolUpdateAtEnd = true;
-// break waitWithLock;
-// }
-// // Wait
-// try {
-// // -1 indicates to not use a timeout (this value is not later set to any other negative value)
-// long waitForNanos = -1;
-// if (timeoutTime != null) {
-// waitForNanos = Math.max(timeoutTime - System.nanoTime(), SERVER_THREAD_WAIT_NANOS_MINIMUM);
-// } else {
-// /*
-// Check if we should wait with a tick-based timeout:
-// this only happens if this thread is the server thread, in
-// which case we do not want to wait past the start of the next tick.
-// */
-// if (this == MinecraftServerWrapper.serverThread) {
-// if (MinecraftServer.isWaitingUntilNextTick) {
-// /*
-// During waiting until the next tick, we wait until the next tick start.
-// If it already passed, we do not have to use a timeout, because we will be notified
-// when the stop condition becomes true.
-// */
-// waitForNanos = MinecraftServer.nextTickStartNanoTime - System.nanoTime();
-// if (waitForNanos < 0) {
-// waitForNanos = -1;
-// }
-// } else if (MinecraftServer.SERVER.isOversleep) {
-// /*
-// During this phase, MinecraftServer#mayHaveDelayedTasks() is checked, and we may not
-// be notified when it changes. Therefore, if the next tick start has not passed, we will
-// wait until then, but if it has, we wait for a short interval to make sure we keep
-// checking the stop condition (but not for longer than until the last time we can be
-// executing extra delayed tasks).
-// */
-// waitForNanos = MinecraftServer.nextTickStartNanoTime - System.nanoTime();
-// if (waitForNanos < 0) {
-// waitForNanos = Math.min(Math.max(0, MinecraftServer.delayedTasksMaxNextTickNanoTime - System.nanoTime()), SERVER_THREAD_WAIT_NANOS_DURING_OVERSLEEP_WITH_DELAYED_TASKS);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// if (waitForNanos >= 0) {
-// // Set the last signal reason to null in case the timeout elapses without a signal
-// this.lastSignalReason = null;
-// // Skip if the time is too short
-// //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
-// this.waitCondition.await(waitForNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
-// }
-// } else {
-// /*
-// If we did not wait with a timeout, wait indefinitely. If this thread is the server thread,
-// and the intended start time of the next tick has already passed, but the stop condition to stop
-// running tasks is still not true, this thread must be signalled when a change in conditions causes
-// the stop condition to become true.
-// */
-// this.waitCondition.await();
-// }
-// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-// throw new IllegalStateException(e);
-// }
-// // Unmark this thread as waiting
-// this.isWaiting = false;
-// this.lastLockWaitedFor = this.lockWaitingFor;
-// this.lockWaitingFor = null;
-// mustCallPoolUpdateAtEnd = true;
-// } finally {
-// this.waitLock.unlock();
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// // Unregister this thread from the lock if necessary
-// if (registeredAsWaitingWithLock) {
-// yieldingLock.decrementWaitingThreads();
-// }
-// // Reset skipping the next wait
-// this.skipNextWait = false;
-// // Update the pool if necessary
-// if (mustCallPoolUpdateAtEnd) {
-// BaseThreadActivation.callForUpdate();
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * An auxiliary method for exclusive use in {@link #signal}, that marks the {@link YieldingLock}
-// * that this thread is waiting for as having been signalled for, so that no other threads
-// * are also signalled for it.
-// *
-// * This must be called when {@link #signal} returns true, and must be called before any other
-// * actions relating to the signalling of this thread are performed.
-// */
-// private void markLockWaitingForAsSignalledFor() {
-// @Nullable YieldingLock lockWaitingFor = this.lockWaitingFor;
-// if (lockWaitingFor != null) {
-// lockWaitingFor.canBeSignalledFor = false;
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * Signals this thread to wake up, or if it was not sleeping but attempting to poll a task:
-// * to not go to sleep the next time no task could be polled, and instead try polling a task again.
-// *
-// * @param reason The reason why this thread was signalled, or null if it is irrelevant (e.g. when the signal
-// * will never need to be repeated because there is only thread waiting for this specific event
-// * to happen).
-// * @return Whether this thread was sleeping before, and has woken up now,
-// * or whether {@link #skipNextWait} was set to true.
-// */
-// @AnyThreadSafe
-// @YieldFree
-// public final boolean signal(@Nullable SignalReason reason) {
-// while (!this.waitLock.tryLock()) { // TODO Gale use a wait-free system here by using a sort of leave-a-message-at-the-door Atomic class system
-// Thread.onSpinWait();
-// }
-// try {
-// if (this.isWaiting) {
-// if (this.isNotActuallyWaitingYet) {
-// if (!this.skipNextWait) {
-// this.markLockWaitingForAsSignalledFor();
-// this.lastSignalReason = reason;
-// this.skipNextWait = true;
-// return true;
-// }
-// return false;
-// }
-// if (!this.mayBeStillWaitingButHasBeenSignalled) {
-// this.markLockWaitingForAsSignalledFor();
-// this.lastSignalReason = reason;
-// this.mayBeStillWaitingButHasBeenSignalled = true;
-// this.waitCondition.signal();
-// return true;
-// }
-// } else if (this.isPollingTaskOrCheckingStopCondition) {
-// if (!this.skipNextWait) {
-// this.markLockWaitingForAsSignalledFor();
-// this.lastSignalReason = reason;
-// this.skipNextWait = true;
-// return true;
-// }
-// }
-// return false;
-// } finally {
-// this.waitLock.unlock();
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * @return The current thread if it is a {@link BaseThread}, or null otherwise.
-// */
-// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
-// @AnyThreadSafe
-// @YieldFree
-// public static @Nullable BaseThread currentBaseThread() {
-// return Thread.currentThread() instanceof BaseThread baseThread ? baseThread : null;
-// }
-// /**
-// * @return Whether the current thread is a {@link BaseThread}.
-// */
-// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
-// @AnyThreadSafe
-// @YieldFree
-// public static boolean isBaseThread() {
-// return Thread.currentThread() instanceof BaseThread;
-// }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/OriginalServerThread.java b/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/OriginalServerThread.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3296380..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/OriginalServerThread.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.executor.thread;
-//import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
-//import org.spigotmc.WatchdogThread;
-// * A type that is unique to {@link MinecraftServer#serverThread},
-// * to distinguish it from {@link WatchdogThread#instance}.
-// *
-// * @author Martijn Muijsers under AGPL-3.0
-// */
-//public final class OriginalServerThread extends ServerThread {
-// public OriginalServerThread(final Runnable run, final String name) {
-// super(run, name);
-// }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/ServerThread.java b/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/ServerThread.java
deleted file mode 100644
index afeb8ad..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/ServerThread.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-package net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.executor.thread;
-//import io.papermc.paper.util.TickThread;
-//import net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.executor.wrapper.MinecraftServerWrapper;
-//import net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.mixin.virtual_thread.accessors.MixinMinecraftServer;
-//import net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.mixin.virtual_thread.accessors.MixinWatchdogThread;
-//import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
-//import org.gradle.internal.impldep.com.esotericsoftware.kryo.NotNull;
-//import org.spigotmc.WatchdogThread;
-//import javax.annotation.Nullable;
-// * A {@link TickThread} that provides an implementation for {@link BaseThread},
-// * that is shared between the {@link MinecraftServer#serverThread} and {@link WatchdogThread#instance}.
-// *
-// * @author Martijn Muijsers under AGPL-3.0
-// */
-//public class ServerThread extends TickThread {
-// protected ServerThread(final String name) {
-// super(name);
-// }
-// protected ServerThread(final Runnable run, final String name) {
-// super(run, name);
-// }
-// /**
-// * This method must not be called while {@link MinecraftServer#isConstructed} is false.
-// *
-// * @return The global {@link ServerThread} instance, which is either
-// * {@link MinecraftServer#serverThread}, or {@link WatchdogThread#instance} while the server is shutting
-// * down and the {@link WatchdogThread} was responsible.
-// */
-// public static @NotNull Thread getInstance() {
-// if (((MixinMinecraftServer) MinecraftServerWrapper.SERVER).hasStopped()) {
-// if (((MixinMinecraftServer) MinecraftServerWrapper.SERVER).shutdownThread() == MixinWatchdogThread.getInstance()) {
-// return MixinWatchdogThread.getInstance();
-// }
-// }
-// return MinecraftServerWrapper.serverThread;
-// }
-// /**
-// * @return The same value as {@link #getInstance()} if {@link MinecraftServer#isConstructed} is true,
-// * or null otherwise.
-// */
-// public static @Nullable Thread getInstanceIfConstructed() {
-// return MinecraftServerWrapper.isConstructed ? getInstance() : null;
-// }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/pool/BaseThreadPool.java b/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/pool/BaseThreadPool.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c2f7f3..0000000
--- a/src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/executor/thread/pool/BaseThreadPool.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// Taken from https://github.com/GaleMC/Gale/blob/ver/1.19.4/patches/server/0151-Base-thread-pool.patch (separate license)
-package net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.executor.thread.pool;
-// * A pool of threads that can perform tasks to assist the current {@link ServerThread}. These tasks can be of
-// * different {@linkplain BaseTaskQueueTier tiers}.
-// *
-// * This pool intends to keep {@link #targetParallelism} threads active at any time,
-// * which includes a potentially active {@link ServerThread}.
-// *
-// * As such, this pool is closely intertwined with the {@link ServerThread}. This pool can not control the
-// * {@link ServerThread} in any way, but it is responsible for signalling the {@link ServerThread} when tasks become
-// * available in a {@link BaseTaskQueueTier#SERVER} task queue, and for listening for when the {@link ServerThread}
-// * becomes (in)active in order to update the number of active {@link AssistThread}s accordingly.
-// *
-// * Updates to the threads in this pool are done in a lock-free manner that attempts to do the right thing with
-// * the volatile information that is available. In some cases, this may cause a thread to be woken up when it
-// * should not have been, and so on, but the updates being lock-free is more significant than the updates being
-// * optimal in a high-contention environment. The environment is not expected to have high enough contention for
-// * this to have much of an impact. Additionally, the suboptimalities in updates are always optimistic in terms of
-// * making/keeping threads active rather than inactive, and can not a situation where a thread was intended
-// * to be active, but ends but not being active.
-// *
-// * @author Martijn Muijsers under AGPL-3.0
-// */
-//public final class BaseThreadPool {
-// private BaseThreadPool() {}
-// public static final String targetParallelismEnvironmentVariable = "gale.threads.target";
-// public static final String maxUndisturbedLowerTierThreadCountEnvironmentVariable = "gale.threads.undisturbed";
-// /**
-// * The target number of threads that will be actively in use by this pool,
-// * which includes a potentially active {@link ServerThread}.
-// *
-// * This value is always positive.
-// *
-// * The value is currently automatically determined according to the following table:
-// *
system threads | threads spared |
≤ 3 | 0 |
[4, 14] | 1 |
[15, 23] | 2 |
[24, 37] | 3 |
[38, 54] | 4 |
[55, 74] | 5 |
[75, 99] | 6 |
[100, 127] | 7 |
[128, 158] | 8 |
[159, 193] | 9 |
[194, 232] | 10 |
[233, 274] | 11 |
≥ 275 | 12 |
target parallelism = system threads - threads spared
-// *