diff --git a/v0.1.2/coverage-report/index.html b/v0.1.2/coverage-report/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b25c16 --- /dev/null +++ b/v0.1.2/coverage-report/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,17814 @@ + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +1 | ++ |
+ #' Check Input Arguments+ |
2 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
3 | ++ |
+ #' Given outcomes, prediction scores, methods, checks for obvious issues,+ |
4 | ++ |
+ #' and returns warnings if needed.+ |
5 | ++ |
+ #' These may include unequal lengths, missing values, ensuring binary outcomes,+ |
6 | ++ |
+ #' and numeric scores, etc.+ |
7 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
8 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
9 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
10 | ++ |
+ #' @return A list of containing standardized outcomes and predicted scores.+ |
11 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
12 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
13 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
14 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
15 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
16 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
17 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted+ |
18 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
19 | ++ |
+ #' inputCheck(truth, rscore)+ |
20 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
21 | ++ |
+ inputCheck <- function(outcome, score) {+ |
22 | ++ | + + | +
23 | ++ |
+ # Predscore - check numeric+ |
24 | +41x | +
+ if (!is.numeric(score)) {+ |
25 | +1x | +
+ stop("'score' vector must be represented as a numeric.")+ |
26 | ++ |
+ }+ |
27 | ++ | + + | +
28 | ++ |
+ # Outcome - logical to numeric+ |
29 | +40x | +
+ if (is.logical(outcome)) {+ |
30 | +33x | +
+ outcome <- as.numeric(outcome)+ |
31 | ++ |
+ }+ |
32 | ++ | + + | +
33 | ++ |
+ # Outcome - check numeric+ |
34 | +40x | +
+ if (!is.numeric(outcome)) {+ |
35 | +1x | +
+ stop("'outcome' vector needs to be a numeric vector.")+ |
36 | ++ |
+ }+ |
37 | ++ | + + | +
38 | ++ |
+ # Check matching lengths+ |
39 | +39x | +
+ if (length(outcome) != length(score)) {+ |
40 | +1x | +
+ stop("'outcome' and 'score' must have the same lengths.")+ |
41 | ++ |
+ }+ |
42 | ++ | + + | +
43 | ++ |
+ # Need at least 3 observations+ |
44 | +38x | +
+ if (length(outcome) < 3) {+ |
45 | +1x | +
+ stop("Need at least 3 observations.")+ |
46 | ++ |
+ }+ |
47 | ++ | + + | +
48 | ++ |
+ # DROP NA's for data pairs+ |
49 | +37x | +
+ if (any(is.na(outcome)) || any(is.na(score))) {+ |
50 | +2x | +
+ warning("Observations with NA's are dropped")+ |
51 | +2x | +
+ ind <- intersect(+ |
52 | +2x | +
+ which(complete.cases(outcome)),+ |
53 | +2x | +
+ which(complete.cases(score))+ |
54 | ++ |
+ )+ |
55 | +2x | +
+ outcome <- outcome[ind]+ |
56 | +2x | +
+ score <- score[ind]+ |
57 | ++ |
+ }+ |
58 | ++ | + + | +
59 | ++ |
+ # Outcome - check incorrect values+ |
60 | +37x | +
+ if (!all(outcome %in% 0:1)) {+ |
61 | +1x | +
+ stop("'outcome' vector must be represented as binary 1 or 0.")+ |
62 | ++ |
+ }+ |
63 | ++ | + + | +
64 | ++ |
+ # Predscore - check low frequency of score values+ |
65 | +36x | +
+ if (length(unique(score)) <= 5) {+ |
66 | +2x | +
+ tbl <- table(score)+ |
67 | +2x | +
+ if (any(tbl <= 3)) {+ |
68 | +2x | +
+ warning(+ |
69 | +2x | +
+ paste(+ |
70 | +2x | +
+ "There is a low-occurrence value in `score` (", names(tbl)[tbl <= 3][1], ").",+ |
71 | +2x | +
+ "The results may be unreliable."+ |
72 | ++ |
+ )+ |
73 | ++ |
+ )+ |
74 | ++ |
+ }+ |
75 | ++ |
+ }+ |
76 | ++ | + + | +
77 | ++ |
+ # Outcome - check low frequency+ |
78 | +36x | +
+ if (any(prop.table(table(outcome)) <= 0.03)) {+ |
79 | +1x | +
+ warning(+ |
80 | +1x | +
+ paste(+ |
81 | +1x | +
+ "There is a low frequency of one of the outcome classes (`prop.table(table(outcome))`).",+ |
82 | +1x | +
+ "The results may be unreliable."+ |
83 | ++ |
+ )+ |
84 | ++ |
+ )+ |
85 | ++ |
+ }+ |
86 | ++ | + + | +
87 | +36x | +
+ return(list(outcome = outcome, score = score))+ |
88 | ++ |
+ }+ |
89 | ++ | + + | +
90 | ++ | + + | +
91 | ++ |
+ #' Order Inputs+ |
92 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
93 | ++ |
+ #' Given a vector of prediction scores, and outcome, the function orders by score.+ |
94 | ++ |
+ #' Option exists to reverse ordering, if lower scores correspond to higher rate of outcomes.+ |
95 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
96 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
97 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
98 | ++ |
+ #' @return Returns an ordered and complete case dataframe of outcomes and score.+ |
99 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
100 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
101 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
102 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
103 | ++ |
+ orderInputs <- function(outcome, score, rev.order = FALSE) {+ |
104 | +33x | +
+ tempdf <- data.frame(score = score, outcome = outcome)+ |
105 | +33x | +
+ if (rev.order) {+ |
106 | +6x | +
+ tempdf$score <- -tempdf$score+ |
107 | ++ |
+ }+ |
108 | +33x | +
+ tempdf <- tempdf[order(tempdf$score, tempdf$outcome), ]+ |
109 | +33x | +
+ return(tempdf)+ |
110 | ++ |
+ }+ |
111 | ++ | + + | +
112 | ++ |
+ #' Method Check+ |
113 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
114 | ++ |
+ #' Usage:+ |
115 | ++ |
+ #' 1. methods <- methodCheck(methods)+ |
116 | ++ |
+ #' 2. getEstMethod(methods[[1]]) or getEstMethods(methods)+ |
117 | ++ |
+ #' 3. getEst(methods, ...)+ |
118 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
119 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
120 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
121 | ++ |
+ #' @return list of named lists of method arguments+ |
122 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
123 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
124 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
125 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
126 | ++ |
+ methodCheck <- function(methods) {+ |
127 | ++ | + + | +
128 | ++ |
+ # Drop empty strings+ |
129 | +54x | +
+ if (any(methods == "")) {+ |
130 | +1x | +
+ methods <- methods[methods != ""]+ |
131 | ++ |
+ }+ |
132 | ++ | + + | +
133 | ++ |
+ # If character is supplied+ |
134 | +54x | +
+ if (is.character(methods)) {+ |
135 | ++ | + + | +
136 | ++ |
+ # Convert to lower-case+ |
137 | +32x | +
+ orig.names <- methods+ |
138 | +32x | +
+ methods <- tolower(methods)+ |
139 | ++ | + + | +
140 | ++ |
+ # Check uniqueness+ |
141 | +32x | +
+ if (length(unique(methods)) != length(methods)) {+ |
142 | +1x | +
+ stop("`methods` should be unique when specified as character.")+ |
143 | ++ |
+ }+ |
144 | ++ | + + | +
145 | ++ |
+ # Check available method+ |
146 | +31x | +
+ if (!all(methods %in% names(est.funs()))) {+ |
147 | +2x | +
+ stop(+ |
148 | +2x | +
+ paste(+ |
149 | +2x | +
+ "Supplied method is not yet available. Try selecting from (case insensitive): ",+ |
150 | +2x | +
+ paste(shQuote(names(est.funs())), collapse = ", ")+ |
151 | ++ |
+ )+ |
152 | ++ |
+ )+ |
153 | ++ |
+ }+ |
154 | ++ | + + | +
155 | ++ |
+ # Convert to list+ |
156 | +29x | +
+ methods <- structure(as.list(methods), names = orig.names)+ |
157 | ++ | + + | +
158 | ++ |
+ # Otherwise, if a list is provided:+ |
159 | ++ |
+ # list(gam1 = list(method = "gam", k = 3), pv = list(method = "pava", ...), etc)+ |
160 | ++ |
+ # or list(my_estimate = my_fun(outcome, score) {...})+ |
161 | +22x | +
+ } else if (is.list(methods)) {+ |
162 | ++ | + + | +
163 | ++ |
+ # Check named list+ |
164 | +20x | +
+ if (!checkmate::test_named(methods, type = "unique")) {+ |
165 | +1x | +
+ stop("'methods' should be a uniquely named list.")+ |
166 | ++ |
+ }+ |
167 | ++ | + + | +
168 | ++ |
+ # Check and unify estimation method names+ |
169 | +19x | +
+ methods <- lapply(methods, listMethodCheck)+ |
170 | ++ | + + | +
171 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
172 | +2x | +
+ stop(+ |
173 | +2x | +
+ paste(+ |
174 | +2x | +
+ "`methods` must be character",+ |
175 | +2x | +
+ "or named list of estimation methods / user defined functions."+ |
176 | ++ |
+ )+ |
177 | ++ |
+ )+ |
178 | ++ |
+ }+ |
179 | ++ | + + | +
180 | +42x | +
+ return(methods)+ |
181 | ++ |
+ }+ |
182 | ++ | + + | +
183 | ++ |
+ # x is a single method (element of an outer list)+ |
184 | ++ |
+ listMethodCheck <- function(x) {+ |
185 | +25x | +
+ UseMethod("listMethodCheck")+ |
186 | ++ |
+ }+ |
187 | ++ | + + | +
188 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
189 | ++ |
+ listMethodCheck.list <- function(x) {+ |
190 | ++ | + + | +
191 | ++ |
+ # Check named list+ |
192 | +20x | +
+ if (!checkmate::test_named(x, type = "unique")) {+ |
193 | +1x | +
+ stop("Inner lists in the 'methods' argument must be named.")+ |
194 | ++ |
+ }+ |
195 | ++ | + + | +
196 | ++ |
+ # Check "method" element existing in the list+ |
197 | +19x | +
+ if (is.null(x[["method"]]) || !is.character(x[["method"]])) {+ |
198 | +2x | +
+ stop(+ |
199 | +2x | +
+ paste(+ |
200 | +2x | +
+ 'All lists must have a "method" element specifying one of the predefined',+ |
201 | +2x | +
+ "estimation functions as a string. Please select from:",+ |
202 | +2x | +
+ paste(shQuote(names(est.funs())), collapse = ", ")+ |
203 | ++ |
+ )+ |
204 | ++ |
+ )+ |
205 | ++ |
+ }+ |
206 | ++ | + + | +
207 | ++ |
+ # Update method name+ |
208 | +17x | +
+ x[["method"]] <- tolower(x[["method"]])+ |
209 | ++ | + + | +
210 | ++ |
+ # Check available method+ |
211 | +17x | +
+ chck_available <- checkmate::test_subset(+ |
212 | +17x | +
+ x[["method"]],+ |
213 | +17x | +
+ choices = names(est.funs()), empty.ok = FALSE+ |
214 | ++ |
+ )+ |
215 | +17x | +
+ if (!chck_available) {+ |
216 | +2x | +
+ stop(+ |
217 | +2x | +
+ paste0(+ |
218 | +2x | +
+ "Supplied method '",+ |
219 | +2x | +
+ x[["method"]],+ |
220 | +2x | +
+ "' is not yet available. Try selecting from: ",+ |
221 | +2x | +
+ paste(shQuote(names(est.funs())), collapse = ", ")+ |
222 | ++ |
+ )+ |
223 | ++ |
+ )+ |
224 | ++ |
+ }+ |
225 | ++ | + + | +
226 | +15x | +
+ return(x)+ |
227 | ++ |
+ }+ |
228 | ++ | + + | +
229 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
230 | ++ |
+ listMethodCheck.function <- function(x) {+ |
231 | ++ | + + | +
232 | ++ |
+ # Check input arguments+ |
233 | +4x | +
+ if (!checkmate::test_function(x, args = c("outcome", "score"))) {+ |
234 | +2x | +
+ stop(+ |
235 | +2x | +
+ paste(+ |
236 | +2x | +
+ "All user defined estimation functions need to take exactly two arguments:",+ |
237 | +2x | +
+ "'outcome' and 'score'."+ |
238 | ++ |
+ )+ |
239 | ++ |
+ )+ |
240 | ++ |
+ }+ |
241 | ++ | + + | +
242 | +2x | +
+ return(x)+ |
243 | ++ |
+ }+ |
244 | ++ | + + | +
245 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
246 | ++ |
+ listMethodCheck.default <- function(x) {+ |
247 | +1x | +
+ stop(+ |
248 | +1x | +
+ paste(+ |
249 | +1x | +
+ "The estimation method must be specified as a list or a function."+ |
250 | ++ |
+ )+ |
251 | ++ |
+ )+ |
252 | ++ |
+ }+ |
253 | ++ | + + | +
254 | ++ |
+ # compared to match.arg(..., several.ok = T),+ |
255 | ++ |
+ # this does not allow NULL and returns a vector of the same length+ |
256 | ++ |
+ matchArgSubset <- function(x, choices) {+ |
257 | +24x | +
+ checkmate::assert_character(x, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)+ |
258 | +24x | +
+ out <- c()+ |
259 | +24x | +
+ for (ag in x) {+ |
260 | +60x | +
+ matched <- tryCatch(+ |
261 | +60x | +
+ match.arg(ag, choices = choices),+ |
262 | +60x | +
+ error = function(e) stop(sub("'arg'", paste0("'", ag, "'"), e))+ |
263 | ++ |
+ )+ |
264 | +60x | +
+ out <- c(out, matched)+ |
265 | ++ |
+ }+ |
266 | +24x | +
+ return(unique(out))+ |
267 | ++ |
+ }+ |
268 | ++ | + + | +
269 | ++ | + + | +
270 | ++ |
+ add0thPercPC <- function(x) {+ |
271 | +11x | +
+ bind_rows(+ |
272 | +11x | +
+ x,+ |
273 | +11x | +
+ x %>%+ |
274 | +11x | +
+ group_by(.data$method) %>%+ |
275 | +11x | +
+ summarise(+ |
276 | +11x | +
+ score = NA,+ |
277 | +11x | +
+ percentile = 0,+ |
278 | +11x | +
+ outcome = NA,+ |
279 | +11x | +
+ estimate = .data$estimate[.data$percentile == min(.data$percentile)][1],+ |
280 | +11x | +
+ pv = "PC",+ |
281 | +11x | +
+ .groups = "drop"+ |
282 | ++ |
+ )+ |
283 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
284 | +11x | +
+ arrange(.data$method, .data$percentile)+ |
285 | ++ |
+ }+ |
286 | ++ | + + | +
287 | ++ | + + | +
288 | ++ |
+ add0thPercPV <- function(x) {+ |
289 | +13x | +
+ bind_rows(+ |
290 | +13x | +
+ x,+ |
291 | +13x | +
+ x %>%+ |
292 | +13x | +
+ group_by(.data$method, .data$pv) %>%+ |
293 | +13x | +
+ summarise(+ |
294 | +13x | +
+ score = NA,+ |
295 | +13x | +
+ percentile = 0,+ |
296 | +13x | +
+ estimate = NA,+ |
297 | +13x | +
+ pvValue = dplyr::first(.data$pvValue),+ |
298 | +13x | +
+ .groups = "drop"+ |
299 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
300 | +13x | +
+ dplyr::relocate("pv", .before = "pvValue")+ |
301 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
302 | +13x | +
+ arrange(.data$method, .data$pv, .data$percentile)+ |
303 | ++ |
+ }+ |
304 | ++ | + + | +
305 | ++ | + + | +
306 | ++ |
+ add0thPercTR <- function(x) {+ |
307 | +5x | +
+ bind_rows(+ |
308 | +5x | +
+ x,+ |
309 | +5x | +
+ x %>%+ |
310 | +5x | +
+ group_by(.data$method) %>%+ |
311 | +5x | +
+ summarise(+ |
312 | +5x | +
+ score = NA,+ |
313 | +5x | +
+ percentile = 0,+ |
314 | +5x | +
+ pf = "Sensitivity",+ |
315 | +5x | +
+ value = 1+ |
316 | ++ |
+ ),+ |
317 | +5x | +
+ x %>%+ |
318 | +5x | +
+ group_by(.data$method) %>%+ |
319 | +5x | +
+ summarise(+ |
320 | +5x | +
+ score = NA,+ |
321 | +5x | +
+ percentile = 0,+ |
322 | +5x | +
+ pf = "Specificity",+ |
323 | +5x | +
+ value = 0+ |
324 | ++ |
+ )+ |
325 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
326 | +5x | +
+ arrange(.data$method, .data$pf, .data$percentile)+ |
327 | ++ |
+ }+ |
328 | ++ | + + | +
329 | ++ | + + | +
330 | ++ |
+ #' For snapshot testing of graphs+ |
331 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
332 | ++ |
+ #' @param code Code to create a graph+ |
333 | ++ |
+ #' @param width Width of the plot.+ |
334 | ++ |
+ #' @param height Height of the plot.+ |
335 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
336 | ++ |
+ #' @return Filepath+ |
337 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
338 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
339 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
340 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
341 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
342 | ++ |
+ #' expect_snapshot_file(save_png(ggplot(mtcars) ++ |
343 | ++ |
+ #' geom_point(aes(hp, mpg))), "riskProfile.png")+ |
344 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
345 | ++ |
+ save_png <- function(code, width = 400, height = 400) { # nocov start+ |
346 | ++ |
+ path <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")+ |
347 | ++ |
+ png(path, width = width, height = height)+ |
348 | ++ |
+ on.exit(dev.off())+ |
349 | ++ |
+ print(code)+ |
350 | ++ |
+ return(path)+ |
351 | ++ |
+ } # nocov end+ |
1 | ++ |
+ #' Risk profile plot+ |
2 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
3 | ++ |
+ #' Predictiveness curve, PPV, NPV and 1-NPV risk estimates+ |
4 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
5 | ++ |
+ #' @param outcome Vector of binary outcome for each observation.+ |
6 | ++ |
+ #' @param score Numeric vector of continuous predicted risk score.+ |
7 | ++ |
+ #' @param methods Character vector of method names (case-insensitive) for plotting curves or+ |
8 | ++ |
+ #' a named list where elements are method function and its arguments.+ |
9 | ++ |
+ #' Default is set to `"asis"`.+ |
10 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
11 | ++ |
+ #' Full options are: `c("asis", "binned", "pava", "mspline", "gam", "cgam")`.+ |
12 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
13 | ++ |
+ #' To specify arguments per method, use lists. For example:+ |
14 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
15 | ++ |
+ #' list(+ |
16 | ++ |
+ #' pava = list(method = "pava", ties = "primary"),+ |
17 | ++ |
+ #' mspline = list(method = "mspline", fitonPerc = TRUE),+ |
18 | ++ |
+ #' gam = list(method = "gam", bs = "tp", logscores = FALSE),+ |
19 | ++ |
+ #' bin = list(method = "binned", bins = 10),+ |
20 | ++ |
+ #' risk = list(method = "asis")+ |
21 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
22 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
23 | ++ |
+ #' See section "Estimation" for more details.+ |
24 | ++ |
+ #' @param prev.adj `NULL` (default) or scalar numeric between 0 and 1 for prevalence adjustment.+ |
25 | ++ |
+ #' @param show.prev Logical, show prevalence value in the graph. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ |
26 | ++ |
+ #' @param show.nonparam.pv Logical, show non-parametric calculation of PVs. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ |
27 | ++ |
+ #' @param show.best.pv Logical, show best possible PVs. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ |
28 | ++ |
+ #' @param include Character vector (case-insensitive, partial matching) specifying what quantities+ |
29 | ++ |
+ #' to include in the plot.+ |
30 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
31 | ++ |
+ #' Default is: `c("PC", "PPV", "1-NPV")`.+ |
32 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
33 | ++ |
+ #' Full options are: `c("NPV", "PC", "PPV", "1-NPV")`.+ |
34 | ++ |
+ #' @param plot.raw Logical to show percentiles or raw values.+ |
35 | ++ |
+ #' Defaults to `FALSE` (i.e. percentiles).+ |
36 | ++ |
+ #' @param rev.order Logical, reverse ordering of scores. Defaults to `FALSE`.+ |
37 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
38 | ++ |
+ #' @section Estimation:+ |
39 | ++ |
+ #' The `methods` argument specifies the estimation method.+ |
40 | ++ |
+ #' You can provide either a vector of strings, any of+ |
41 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
42 | ++ |
+ #' c("asis", "binned", "pava", "mspline", "gam", "cgam")+ |
43 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
44 | ++ |
+ #' (`"asis"` is not available for `calibrationProfile`),+ |
45 | ++ |
+ #' or a named list of lists.+ |
46 | ++ |
+ #' In the latter case, the inner list must have an element "method",+ |
47 | ++ |
+ #' which specifies the estimation function (one of those above),+ |
48 | ++ |
+ #' and optionally other elements, which are passed to the estimation function.+ |
49 | ++ |
+ #' For example:+ |
50 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
51 | ++ |
+ #' list(+ |
52 | ++ |
+ #' gam = list(method = "gam", k = 3),+ |
53 | ++ |
+ #' c_gam = list(method = "cgam", numknots = 3)+ |
54 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
55 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
56 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
57 | ++ |
+ #' To see what arguments are available for each estimation method,+ |
58 | ++ |
+ #' see the documentation of that function.+ |
59 | ++ |
+ #' The naming convention is `getXest`,+ |
60 | ++ |
+ #' where `X` stands for the estimation method, for example [getGAMest()].+ |
61 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
62 | ++ |
+ #' "gam", "cgam", and "mspline" always fit on percentiles by default.+ |
63 | ++ |
+ #' To change this, use `fitonPerc = FALSE`, for example+ |
64 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
65 | ++ |
+ #' list(gam = list(method = "gam", fitonPerc = FALSE))+ |
66 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
67 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
68 | ++ |
+ #' "gam" and "cgam" methods are wrappers of [mgcv::gam()] and [cgam::cgam()], respectively.+ |
69 | ++ |
+ #' The default values of function arguments (like `k`, the number of knots in [mgcv::s()])+ |
70 | ++ |
+ #' mirror the package defaults.+ |
71 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
72 | ++ |
+ #' @return A list containing the plot and data, plus `errorbar` data if they were requested+ |
73 | ++ |
+ #' (through `"binned"` estimation method with a parameter `errorbar.sem`).+ |
74 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
75 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
76 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
77 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [calibrationProfile()] [sensSpec()]+ |
78 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
79 | ++ |
+ #' [getPAVAest()] [getBINNEDest()] [getGAMest()] [getCGAMest()] [getMSPLINEest()]+ |
80 | ++ |
+ #' [getASISest()]+ |
81 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
82 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
83 | ++ |
+ #' # Read in example data+ |
84 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
85 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted_calibrated+ |
86 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
87 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
88 | ++ |
+ #' # Default plot includes 1-NPV, PPV, and a predictiveness curve (PC) based on risk-cutoff+ |
89 | ++ |
+ #' p1 <- riskProfile(outcome = truth, score = rscore)+ |
90 | ++ |
+ #' p1$plot+ |
91 | ++ |
+ #' p1$data+ |
92 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
93 | ++ |
+ #' # Show also NPV+ |
94 | ++ |
+ #' p2 <- riskProfile(+ |
95 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
96 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
97 | ++ |
+ #' include = c("PC", "NPV", "PPV", "1-NPV")+ |
98 | ++ |
+ #' # or use partial matching: include = c("PC", "N", "PPV", "1")+ |
99 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
100 | ++ |
+ #' p2$plot+ |
101 | ++ |
+ #' p2$data+ |
102 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
103 | ++ |
+ #' # All estimates of prediction curve+ |
104 | ++ |
+ #' p3 <- riskProfile(+ |
105 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
106 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
107 | ++ |
+ #' methods = c("mspline", "gam", "cgam", "binned", "pava", "asis"),+ |
108 | ++ |
+ #' include = c("PC", "PPV", "1-NPV")+ |
109 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
110 | ++ |
+ #' p3$plot+ |
111 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
112 | ++ |
+ #' # Specifying method arguments (note each list has a "method" element)+ |
113 | ++ |
+ #' p4 <- riskProfile(+ |
114 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
115 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
116 | ++ |
+ #' methods = list(+ |
117 | ++ |
+ #' "gam" = list(method = "gam", bs = "tp", logscores = FALSE, fitonPerc = TRUE),+ |
118 | ++ |
+ #' "risk" = list(method = "asis"), # no available arguments for this method+ |
119 | ++ |
+ #' "bin" = list(method = "binned", quantiles = 10, errorbar.sem = 1.2)+ |
120 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
121 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
122 | ++ |
+ #' p4$plot+ |
123 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
124 | ++ |
+ #' # Compare multiple GAMs in terms of Predictiveness Curves+ |
125 | ++ |
+ #' p5 <- riskProfile(+ |
126 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
127 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
128 | ++ |
+ #' methods = list(+ |
129 | ++ |
+ #' "gam_3" = list(method = "gam", k = 3),+ |
130 | ++ |
+ #' "gam_4" = list(method = "gam", k = 4),+ |
131 | ++ |
+ #' "gam_7" = list(method = "gam", k = 7)+ |
132 | ++ |
+ #' ),+ |
133 | ++ |
+ #' include = "PC"+ |
134 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
135 | ++ |
+ #' p5$plot+ |
136 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
137 | ++ |
+ #' # Using logistic regression as user-defined estimation function, fitting on percentiles+ |
138 | ++ |
+ #' # Function needs to take exactly these two arguments+ |
139 | ++ |
+ #' my_est <- function(outcome, score) {+ |
140 | ++ |
+ #' # Calculate percentiles+ |
141 | ++ |
+ #' perc <- ecdf(score)(score)+ |
142 | ++ |
+ #' # Fit+ |
143 | ++ |
+ #' m <- glm(outcome ~ perc, family = "binomial")+ |
144 | ++ |
+ #' # Generate predictions+ |
145 | ++ |
+ #' preds <- predict(m, type = "response")+ |
146 | ++ |
+ #' # Return a data.frame with exactly these columns+ |
147 | ++ |
+ #' return(+ |
148 | ++ |
+ #' data.frame(+ |
149 | ++ |
+ #' score = score,+ |
150 | ++ |
+ #' percentile = perc,+ |
151 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = outcome,+ |
152 | ++ |
+ #' estimate = preds+ |
153 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
154 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
155 | ++ |
+ #' }+ |
156 | ++ |
+ #' p6 <- riskProfile(+ |
157 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
158 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
159 | ++ |
+ #' methods = list(my_lr = my_est)+ |
160 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
161 | ++ |
+ #' p6$plot+ |
162 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
163 | ++ |
+ #' # Using cgam as user-defined estimation function+ |
164 | ++ |
+ #' # Note that you can also use the predefined cgam using methods = "cgam"+ |
165 | ++ |
+ #' # Attach needed library+ |
166 | ++ |
+ #' # Watch out for masking of mgcv::s and cgam::s if both are attached+ |
167 | ++ |
+ #' library(cgam, quietly = TRUE)+ |
168 | ++ |
+ #' # Function needs to take exactly these two arguments+ |
169 | ++ |
+ #' my_est <- function(outcome, score) {+ |
170 | ++ |
+ #' # Fit on raw predictions with space = "E"+ |
171 | ++ |
+ #' m <- cgam(+ |
172 | ++ |
+ #' outcome ~ s.incr(score, numknots = 5, space = "E"),+ |
173 | ++ |
+ #' family = "binomial"+ |
174 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
175 | ++ |
+ #' # Generate predictions and convert to vector+ |
176 | ++ |
+ #' preds <- predict(m, type = "response")$fit+ |
177 | ++ |
+ #' # Return a data.frame with exactly these columns+ |
178 | ++ |
+ #' out <- data.frame(+ |
179 | ++ |
+ #' score = score,+ |
180 | ++ |
+ #' percentile = ecdf(score)(score),+ |
181 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = outcome,+ |
182 | ++ |
+ #' estimate = preds+ |
183 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
184 | ++ |
+ #' return(out)+ |
185 | ++ |
+ #' }+ |
186 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
187 | ++ |
+ #' p7 <- riskProfile(+ |
188 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
189 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
190 | ++ |
+ #' methods = list(my_cgam = my_est)+ |
191 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
192 | ++ |
+ #' p7$plot+ |
193 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
194 | ++ |
+ #' # Prevalence adjustment to 0.1+ |
195 | ++ |
+ #' p8 <- riskProfile(outcome = truth, score = rscore, prev.adj = 0.1)+ |
196 | ++ |
+ #' p8$plot+ |
197 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
198 | ++ |
+ riskProfile <- function(outcome,+ |
199 | ++ |
+ score,+ |
200 | ++ |
+ methods = "asis",+ |
201 | ++ |
+ prev.adj = NULL,+ |
202 | ++ |
+ show.prev = TRUE,+ |
203 | ++ |
+ show.nonparam.pv = TRUE,+ |
204 | ++ |
+ show.best.pv = TRUE,+ |
205 | ++ |
+ include = c("PC", "PPV", "1-NPV"),+ |
206 | ++ |
+ plot.raw = FALSE,+ |
207 | ++ |
+ rev.order = FALSE) {+ |
208 | ++ | + + | +
209 | ++ |
+ # Argument checks (except outcome, score, methods - below)+ |
210 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::assert_number(prev.adj, lower = 0, upper = 1, null.ok = TRUE)+ |
211 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(show.nonparam.pv)+ |
212 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(show.best.pv)+ |
213 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(show.prev)+ |
214 | +15x | +
+ include <- matchArgSubset(toupper(include), choices = c("PC", "PPV", "NPV", "1-NPV"))+ |
215 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(plot.raw)+ |
216 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(rev.order)+ |
217 | ++ | + + | +
218 | ++ |
+ # Standardize/Check outcome, scores+ |
219 | +15x | +
+ op <- inputCheck(outcome = outcome, score = score)+ |
220 | ++ | + + | +
221 | ++ |
+ # Order Data by scores+ |
222 | +15x | +
+ tempdf <- orderInputs(outcome = op$outcome, score = op$score, rev.order = rev.order)+ |
223 | +15x | +
+ score <- tempdf$score+ |
224 | +15x | +
+ outcome <- tempdf$outcome+ |
225 | ++ | + + | +
226 | ++ |
+ # Check methods+ |
227 | +15x | +
+ methods <- methodCheck(methods = methods)+ |
228 | +15x | +
+ method.names <- names(methods)+ |
229 | ++ | + + | +
230 | ++ |
+ # Calculate prevalence and percentiles+ |
231 | +15x | +
+ prev <- mean(outcome, na.rm = TRUE)+ |
232 | ++ | + + | +
233 | ++ |
+ # Get the plot settings+ |
234 | +15x | +
+ show.pc <- "PC" %in% include+ |
235 | +15x | +
+ show.pv <- any(c("PPV", "NPV", "1-NPV") %in% include)+ |
236 | +15x | +
+ show.one.only <- sum(c("PC", "PPV", "NPV", "1-NPV") %in% include) == 1+ |
237 | ++ | + + | +
238 | +15x | +
+ if (plot.raw) {+ |
239 | +2x | +
+ xvar <- "score"+ |
240 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
241 | +13x | +
+ xvar <- "percentile"+ |
242 | ++ |
+ }+ |
243 | ++ | + + | +
244 | ++ |
+ # Prediction Curve Data+ |
245 | +15x | +
+ if (show.pc) {+ |
246 | +12x | +
+ pc.ests <- getEsts(methods = methods, outcome = outcome, score = score)+ |
247 | +12x | +
+ PC.data <- mutate(pc.ests$plotdata, pv = "PC")+ |
248 | +12x | +
+ errorbar.data <- pc.ests$errorbardata+ |
249 | +12x | +
+ step.methods <- method.names[pc.ests$idx.step]+ |
250 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
251 | +3x | +
+ PC.data <- data.frame(+ |
252 | +3x | +
+ method = character(0), pv = character(0),+ |
253 | +3x | +
+ percentile = numeric(0), score = numeric(0), estimate = numeric(0)+ |
254 | ++ |
+ )+ |
255 | +3x | +
+ pc.ests <- errorbar.data <- NULL+ |
256 | +3x | +
+ step.methods <- character(0)+ |
257 | ++ |
+ }+ |
258 | ++ | + + | +
259 | ++ |
+ # Predictive Value Data+ |
260 | +15x | +
+ if (show.pv) {+ |
261 | +14x | +
+ PV.data <- getPVdata(outcome = outcome, score = score, methods = methods, pc.ests = pc.ests)+ |
262 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
263 | +1x | +
+ PV.data <- data.frame(+ |
264 | +1x | +
+ method = character(0), score = numeric(0), percentile = numeric(0),+ |
265 | +1x | +
+ outcome = numeric(0), estimate = numeric(0),+ |
266 | +1x | +
+ MNPV = numeric(0), NPV = numeric(0), PPV = numeric(0)+ |
267 | ++ |
+ )+ |
268 | ++ |
+ }+ |
269 | ++ | + + | +
270 | ++ |
+ # show.nonparam.pv+ |
271 | +15x | +
+ if (show.nonparam.pv) {+ |
272 | +10x | +
+ tmp <- nonParametricPV(outcome = outcome, score = score) %>%+ |
273 | +10x | +
+ mutate(method = "non-parametric", estimate = NA)+ |
274 | +10x | +
+ PV.data <- bind_rows(PV.data, tmp)+ |
275 | ++ |
+ }+ |
276 | ++ | + + | +
277 | ++ |
+ # Dataset of inputs+ |
278 | +15x | +
+ df.in <- data.frame(outcome, score, percentile = ecdf(score)(score))+ |
279 | ++ | + + | +
280 | ++ |
+ # Adjust based on user defined prevalence+ |
281 | +15x | +
+ if (!is.null(prev.adj)) {+ |
282 | ++ | + + | +
283 | +1x | +
+ cdf.cases <- ecdf(score[outcome == 1])+ |
284 | +1x | +
+ cdf.controls <- ecdf(score[outcome == 0])+ |
285 | ++ | + + | +
286 | +1x | +
+ df.in$percentile <- adjPrevPerc(+ |
287 | +1x | +
+ perc = df.in$score, prev.new = prev.adj,+ |
288 | +1x | +
+ cdf.case = cdf.cases, cdf.control = cdf.controls+ |
289 | ++ |
+ )+ |
290 | ++ | + + | +
291 | +1x | +
+ if (show.pc) {+ |
292 | +1x | +
+ PC.data <- adjPrevPC(+ |
293 | +1x | +
+ dat = PC.data, prev = prev, prev.new = prev.adj,+ |
294 | +1x | +
+ cdf.case = cdf.cases, cdf.control = cdf.controls+ |
295 | ++ |
+ )+ |
296 | ++ |
+ }+ |
297 | ++ | + + | +
298 | +1x | +
+ if (show.pv) {+ |
299 | +1x | +
+ PV.data <- adjPrevPV(+ |
300 | +1x | +
+ dat = PV.data, prev = prev, prev.new = prev.adj,+ |
301 | +1x | +
+ cdf.case = cdf.cases, cdf.control = cdf.controls+ |
302 | ++ |
+ )+ |
303 | ++ |
+ }+ |
304 | ++ | + + | +
305 | +1x | +
+ prev <- prev.adj+ |
306 | ++ |
+ }+ |
307 | ++ | + + | +
308 | ++ |
+ # pivot PV data+ |
309 | +15x | +
+ if (show.pv) {+ |
310 | +14x | +
+ PV.data <- PV.data %>%+ |
311 | +14x | +
+ rename(`1-NPV` = "MNPV") %>%+ |
312 | +14x | +
+ tidyr::pivot_longer(+ |
313 | +14x | +
+ cols = all_of(c("1-NPV", "NPV", "PPV")), names_to = "pv", values_to = "pvValue"+ |
314 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
315 | +14x | +
+ mutate(pv = factor(.data$pv, levels = c("NPV", "1-NPV", "PPV"))) %>%+ |
316 | +14x | +
+ arrange(.data$method, .data$pv, .data$percentile)+ |
317 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
318 | +1x | +
+ PV.data <- data.frame(+ |
319 | +1x | +
+ method = character(0), score = numeric(0), percentile = numeric(0),+ |
320 | +1x | +
+ outcome = numeric(0), estimate = numeric(0),+ |
321 | +1x | +
+ pv = character(0), pvValue = numeric(0)+ |
322 | ++ |
+ )+ |
323 | ++ |
+ }+ |
324 | ++ | + + | +
325 | ++ |
+ # If showing percentiles, add row with 0th percentile+ |
326 | +15x | +
+ if (!plot.raw) {+ |
327 | +13x | +
+ if (show.pc) {+ |
328 | +10x | +
+ PC.data <- add0thPercPC(PC.data)+ |
329 | ++ |
+ }+ |
330 | +13x | +
+ if (show.pv) {+ |
331 | +12x | +
+ PV.data <- add0thPercPV(PV.data)+ |
332 | ++ |
+ }+ |
333 | ++ |
+ }+ |
334 | ++ | + + | +
335 | ++ |
+ # Subset PC data+ |
336 | +15x | +
+ smoothPC <- PC.data[!PC.data$method %in% step.methods, , drop = FALSE]+ |
337 | +15x | +
+ stepPC <- PC.data[PC.data$method %in% step.methods, , drop = FALSE]+ |
338 | ++ | + + | +
339 | ++ |
+ # Subset PV data+ |
340 | +15x | +
+ smoothPV <- PV.data[+ |
341 | +15x | +
+ PV.data$pv %in% include & !PV.data$method %in% step.methods, ,+ |
342 | +15x | +
+ drop = FALSE+ |
343 | ++ |
+ ]+ |
344 | +15x | +
+ stepPV <- PV.data[+ |
345 | +15x | +
+ PV.data$pv %in% include & PV.data$method %in% step.methods, ,+ |
346 | +15x | +
+ drop = FALSE+ |
347 | ++ |
+ ]+ |
348 | ++ | + + | +
349 | ++ |
+ # Different aes based on what is to be shown+ |
350 | ++ |
+ # (if one kind of PV value, use both coloring and linetype for distinguishing estimation methods)+ |
351 | +15x | +
+ if (show.one.only) {+ |
352 | +2x | +
+ aes.pc <- aes(+ |
353 | +2x | +
+ x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$estimate,+ |
354 | +2x | +
+ colour = .data$method, linetype = .data$method+ |
355 | ++ |
+ )+ |
356 | +2x | +
+ aes.pv <- aes(+ |
357 | +2x | +
+ x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$pvValue,+ |
358 | +2x | +
+ colour = .data$method, linetype = .data$method+ |
359 | ++ |
+ )+ |
360 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
361 | +13x | +
+ aes.pc <- aes(+ |
362 | +13x | +
+ x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$estimate,+ |
363 | +13x | +
+ colour = .data$pv, linetype = .data$method+ |
364 | ++ |
+ )+ |
365 | +13x | +
+ aes.pv <- aes(+ |
366 | +13x | +
+ x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$pvValue,+ |
367 | +13x | +
+ colour = .data$pv, linetype = .data$method+ |
368 | ++ |
+ )+ |
369 | ++ |
+ }+ |
370 | ++ | + + | +
371 | ++ |
+ # Build plot+ |
372 | +15x | +
+ p <- ggplot() ++ |
373 | +15x | +
+ geom_line(aes.pc, data = smoothPC, alpha = 0.8) ++ |
374 | +15x | +
+ geom_step(aes.pc, data = stepPC, alpha = 0.8, direction = "vh") ++ |
375 | +15x | +
+ geom_line(aes.pv, data = smoothPV, alpha = 0.8) ++ |
376 | +15x | +
+ geom_step(aes.pv, data = stepPV, alpha = 0.8, direction = "vh") ++ |
377 | +15x | +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = prev, alpha = 0.8, col = "black", linetype = "dashed")+ |
378 | ++ | + + | +
379 | ++ |
+ # Best PVs+ |
380 | +15x | +
+ if (show.best.pv) {+ |
381 | +11x | +
+ if (!plot.raw) {+ |
382 | +9x | +
+ df.in <- bind_rows(dplyr::tibble(percentile = 0, score = NA), df.in)+ |
383 | ++ |
+ }+ |
384 | +11x | +
+ best <- df.in %>%+ |
385 | +11x | +
+ select(all_of(c("percentile", "score"))) %>%+ |
386 | +11x | +
+ distinct() %>%+ |
387 | +11x | +
+ arrange(.data$percentile, .data$score) %>%+ |
388 | +11x | +
+ mutate(+ |
389 | +11x | +
+ PC = ifelse(.data$percentile <= 1 - prev, 0, 1),+ |
390 | +11x | +
+ PPV = bestPPV(perc = .data$percentile, prev = prev),+ |
391 | +11x | +
+ `1-NPV` = bestMNPV(perc = .data$percentile, prev = prev),+ |
392 | +11x | +
+ NPV = 1 - .data$`1-NPV`+ |
393 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
394 | +11x | +
+ tidyr::pivot_longer(+ |
395 | +11x | +
+ cols = c("PC", "PPV", "1-NPV", "NPV"), names_to = "pv", values_to = "pvValue"+ |
396 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
397 | +11x | +
+ filter(.data$pv %in% include) %>%+ |
398 | +11x | +
+ mutate(+ |
399 | +11x | +
+ method = "Best PVs",+ |
400 | +11x | +
+ pv = paste("Best", .data$pv)+ |
401 | ++ |
+ )+ |
402 | ++ | + + | +
403 | +11x | +
+ if (show.one.only) {+ |
404 | +1x | +
+ p <- p ++ |
405 | +1x | +
+ geom_line(+ |
406 | +1x | +
+ data = best,+ |
407 | +1x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$pvValue, linewidth = .data$pv),+ |
408 | +1x | +
+ colour = "gray60"+ |
409 | ++ |
+ ) ++ |
410 | +1x | +
+ scale_linewidth_manual(+ |
411 | +1x | +
+ values = c("Best 1-NPV" = 0.3, "Best PPV" = 0.3, "Best PC" = 0.3, "Best NPV" = 0.3),+ |
412 | +1x | +
+ name = "Best PVs"+ |
413 | ++ |
+ )+ |
414 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
415 | +10x | +
+ p <- p ++ |
416 | +10x | +
+ geom_line(data = best, aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$pvValue, colour = .data$pv))+ |
417 | ++ |
+ }+ |
418 | ++ |
+ }+ |
419 | ++ | + + | +
420 | ++ |
+ # Add errorbars+ |
421 | +15x | +
+ if (show.pc && !is.null(errorbar.data)) {+ |
422 | +1x | +
+ p <- p ++ |
423 | +1x | +
+ geom_point(+ |
424 | +1x | +
+ data = errorbar.data,+ |
425 | +1x | +
+ aes(x = .data$midquantile, y = .data$bin.mid),+ |
426 | +1x | +
+ alpha = 0.8,+ |
427 | +1x | +
+ size = 0.2+ |
428 | ++ |
+ ) ++ |
429 | +1x | +
+ geom_errorbar(+ |
430 | +1x | +
+ data = errorbar.data,+ |
431 | +1x | +
+ aes(+ |
432 | +1x | +
+ x = .data$midquantile,+ |
433 | +1x | +
+ ymin = .data$bin.low,+ |
434 | +1x | +
+ ymax = .data$bin.high,+ |
435 | +1x | +
+ width = .02+ |
436 | ++ |
+ ),+ |
437 | +1x | +
+ alpha = 0.7,+ |
438 | +1x | +
+ linewidth = 0.2,+ |
439 | +1x | +
+ inherit.aes = FALSE+ |
440 | ++ |
+ )+ |
441 | ++ |
+ }+ |
442 | ++ | + + | +
443 | ++ |
+ # Set always the same colours for PVs+ |
444 | +15x | +
+ if (!show.one.only) {+ |
445 | +13x | +
+ clrs <- predictionColours(include, show.best = show.best.pv)+ |
446 | +13x | +
+ p <- p + scale_colour_manual(values = clrs, breaks = names(clrs))+ |
447 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
448 | +2x | +
+ p <- p + scale_colour_hue(l = 45)+ |
449 | ++ |
+ }+ |
450 | ++ | + + | +
451 | ++ |
+ # Finalize plot+ |
452 | +15x | +
+ p <- p ++ |
453 | +15x | +
+ labs(+ |
454 | +15x | +
+ title = "Predictiveness Plot",+ |
455 | +15x | +
+ x = ifelse(plot.raw, "Prediction Score", "Risk Percentile"),+ |
456 | +15x | +
+ y = "Predicted Risk / Predictive Value",+ |
457 | +15x | +
+ linetype = "Estimation Method",+ |
458 | +15x | +
+ colour = ifelse(show.one.only, "Estimation Method", "Predictive Quantity")+ |
459 | ++ |
+ ) ++ |
460 | +15x | +
+ scale_x_continuous(n.breaks = 6) ++ |
461 | +15x | +
+ scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 6) ++ |
462 | +15x | +
+ theme_bw() ++ |
463 | +15x | +
+ theme(legend.key.width = unit(2, "line"))+ |
464 | ++ |
+ + |
465 | ++ |
+ # Add prevalence annotation if requested+ |
466 | +15x | +
+ if (show.prev) {+ |
467 | ++ |
+ # x-value for plotting prevalence label+ |
468 | +15x | +
+ prev_x <- ifelse(plot.raw, min(score), 0)+ |
469 | +15x | +
+ prev_nudge_x <- ifelse(plot.raw, (max(score) - min(score)) / 10, 0.1)+ |
470 | +15x | +
+ prev_nudge_y <- ggplot2::layer_scales(p)$y$get_limits()[2] / 10+ |
471 | ++ |
+ + |
472 | +15x | +
+ p <- p + annotate(+ |
473 | +15x | +
+ geom = "text",+ |
474 | +15x | +
+ x = prev_x + prev_nudge_x,+ |
475 | +15x | +
+ y = ifelse(prev > 0.8, prev - prev_nudge_y, prev + prev_nudge_y),+ |
476 | +15x | +
+ label = paste0("Prevalence: ", "\n", round(prev, 3)),+ |
477 | +15x | +
+ colour = "black",+ |
478 | +15x | +
+ alpha = 0.8,+ |
479 | +15x | +
+ size = 3.5+ |
480 | ++ |
+ )+ |
481 | ++ |
+ }+ |
482 | ++ | + + | +
483 | +15x | +
+ if (show.one.only) {+ |
484 | +2x | +
+ p <- p + guides(colour = guide_legend(order = 1), linetype = guide_legend(order = 1))+ |
485 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
486 | +13x | +
+ p <- p + guides(colour = guide_legend(order = 1), linetype = guide_legend(order = 2))+ |
487 | ++ |
+ }+ |
488 | ++ | + + | +
489 | +15x | +
+ if (show.best.pv) {+ |
490 | +11x | +
+ PV.data <- bind_rows(PV.data, mutate(best, pv = gsub("Best ", "", .data$pv)))+ |
491 | ++ |
+ }+ |
492 | ++ | + + | +
493 | +15x | +
+ return(+ |
494 | +15x | +
+ list(+ |
495 | +15x | +
+ plot = p,+ |
496 | +15x | +
+ data = bind_rows(+ |
497 | +15x | +
+ dplyr::as_tibble(PC.data),+ |
498 | +15x | +
+ dplyr::as_tibble(PV.data)+ |
499 | ++ |
+ ),+ |
500 | +15x | +
+ errorbar = errorbar.data+ |
501 | ++ |
+ )+ |
502 | ++ |
+ )+ |
503 | ++ |
+ }+ |
1 | ++ | + + | +
2 | ++ |
+ # Helper function to check the user input - bins and quantiles arguments+ |
3 | ++ |
+ checkBinsQuantiles <- function(bins, quantiles, score) {+ |
4 | ++ | + + | +
5 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
6 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::check_numeric(bins, any.missing = FALSE, sorted = TRUE),+ |
7 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(bins)+ |
8 | ++ |
+ )+ |
9 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
10 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::check_integerish(quantiles, lower = 1),+ |
11 | +15x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(quantiles)+ |
12 | ++ |
+ )+ |
13 | ++ | + + | +
14 | ++ |
+ # Check combination of quantiles and bins+ |
15 | +15x | +
+ if (!is.null(quantiles) && !is.null(bins)) {+ |
16 | +1x | +
+ stop("bins and quantiles cannot be specified together, choose one and set the other to NULL")+ |
17 | ++ |
+ }+ |
18 | ++ | + + | +
19 | +14x | +
+ if (is.null(quantiles) && is.null(bins)) {+ |
20 | +5x | +
+ quantiles <- 10+ |
21 | ++ |
+ }+ |
22 | ++ | + + | +
23 | ++ |
+ # Further check for bins+ |
24 | +14x | +
+ if (length(bins) > 1) {+ |
25 | +4x | +
+ if (bins[1] > min(score)) {+ |
26 | +1x | +
+ stop(paste("The first element of bins must be <= min(score), not", bins[1]))+ |
27 | ++ |
+ }+ |
28 | +3x | +
+ if (bins[length(bins)] < max(score)) {+ |
29 | +1x | +
+ stop(paste("The last element of bins must be >= max(score), not", bins[length(bins)]))+ |
30 | ++ |
+ }+ |
31 | ++ |
+ }+ |
32 | ++ | + + | +
33 | ++ |
+ # Scalar bins -> number of intervals+ |
34 | +12x | +
+ if (length(bins) == 1 && bins <= 1) {+ |
35 | +1x | +
+ stop("bins must be > 1 when provided as a scalar (i.e. number of bins)")+ |
36 | ++ |
+ }+ |
37 | ++ | + + | +
38 | ++ |
+ # Check discrete score+ |
39 | +11x | +
+ lu <- length(unique(score))+ |
40 | +11x | +
+ if (length(bins) == 1 && bins > lu) {+ |
41 | +1x | +
+ warning(+ |
42 | +1x | +
+ paste0(+ |
43 | +1x | +
+ "The number of `bins` (", bins, ") ",+ |
44 | +1x | +
+ "is > the number of unique score values (", lu, "). ",+ |
45 | +1x | +
+ "The results may be unreliable."+ |
46 | ++ |
+ )+ |
47 | ++ |
+ )+ |
48 | ++ |
+ }+ |
49 | +11x | +
+ if (length(bins) > 1 && length(bins) - 1 > lu) {+ |
50 | +1x | +
+ warning(+ |
51 | +1x | +
+ paste0(+ |
52 | +1x | +
+ "The number of `bins` (", length(bins) - 1, ") ",+ |
53 | +1x | +
+ "is > the number of unique score values (", lu, "). ",+ |
54 | +1x | +
+ "The results may be unreliable."+ |
55 | ++ |
+ )+ |
56 | ++ |
+ )+ |
57 | ++ |
+ }+ |
58 | +11x | +
+ if (!is.null(quantiles) && lu <= 10) {+ |
59 | +1x | +
+ warning(+ |
60 | +1x | +
+ "Using the quantile method for non-continuous score. ",+ |
61 | +1x | +
+ "The results may be unreliable."+ |
62 | ++ |
+ )+ |
63 | ++ |
+ }+ |
64 | ++ | + + | +
65 | +11x | +
+ return(list(bins = bins, quantiles = quantiles))+ |
66 | ++ |
+ }+ |
67 | ++ | + + | +
68 | ++ | + + | +
69 | ++ |
+ # Helper function to check the user input - errorbar.sem argument+ |
70 | ++ |
+ checkErrorbarSem <- function(errorbar.sem) {+ |
71 | +7x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
72 | +7x | +
+ checkmate::check_number(errorbar.sem, lower = 0), # this checks >= 0+ |
73 | +7x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(errorbar.sem)+ |
74 | ++ |
+ )+ |
75 | +7x | +
+ if (!is.null(errorbar.sem)) {+ |
76 | +2x | +
+ stopifnot("`errorbar.sem` must be > 0" = errorbar.sem > 0)+ |
77 | ++ |
+ }+ |
78 | +7x | +
+ return(errorbar.sem)+ |
79 | ++ |
+ }+ |
80 | ++ | + + | +
81 | ++ | + + | +
82 | ++ |
+ #' Binned Risk Estimates+ |
83 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
84 | ++ |
+ #' Calculates bins based on number of evenly spaced bins or n-tiles.+ |
85 | ++ |
+ #' Determines average risk within bins, used for risk estimates.+ |
86 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
87 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
88 | ++ |
+ #' @param quantiles Numeric; quantiles to split bins.+ |
89 | ++ |
+ #' @param bins Numeric; number of evenly spaced bins or bin locations.+ |
90 | ++ |
+ #' @param right Logical indicating right closed interval. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ |
91 | ++ |
+ #' @param errorbar.sem Scalar numeric representing the number of standard error from the means+ |
92 | ++ |
+ #' (SEM) used to calculate risk error bar.+ |
93 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
94 | ++ |
+ #' @return A data frame with 4 columns+ |
95 | ++ |
+ #' (score, score percentile, outcome, estimate).+ |
96 | ++ |
+ #' Additionally, there is an attribute "errorbar" holding the error-bar data if+ |
97 | ++ |
+ #' `errorbar.sem` was specified.+ |
98 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
99 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [getASISest()] [getCGAMest()] [getGAMest()] [getMSPLINEest()] [getPAVAest()]+ |
100 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
101 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
102 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
103 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
104 | ++ |
+ #' # Read in example data+ |
105 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
106 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted+ |
107 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
108 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
109 | ++ |
+ #' getBINNEDest(outcome = truth, score = rscore)+ |
110 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
111 | ++ |
+ getBINNEDest <- function(outcome,+ |
112 | ++ |
+ score,+ |
113 | ++ |
+ quantiles = NULL,+ |
114 | ++ |
+ bins = NULL,+ |
115 | ++ |
+ right = TRUE,+ |
116 | ++ |
+ errorbar.sem = NULL) {+ |
117 | ++ | + + | +
118 | ++ |
+ # Argument checks+ |
119 | +7x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(outcome)+ |
120 | +7x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(score, len = length(outcome))+ |
121 | +7x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(right)+ |
122 | +7x | +
+ errorbar.sem <- checkErrorbarSem(errorbar.sem)+ |
123 | ++ | + + | +
124 | ++ |
+ # Check bins and quantiles+ |
125 | +7x | +
+ bqp <- checkBinsQuantiles(bins = bins, quantiles = quantiles, score = score)+ |
126 | ++ | + + | +
127 | ++ |
+ # Retrieve data summaries+ |
128 | +7x | +
+ df <- getSummaries(+ |
129 | +7x | +
+ outcome = outcome, score = score,+ |
130 | +7x | +
+ quantiles = bqp$quantiles, bins = bqp$bins,+ |
131 | +7x | +
+ right = right+ |
132 | ++ |
+ )+ |
133 | ++ | + + | +
134 | +7x | +
+ if (!is.null(errorbar.sem)) {+ |
135 | +2x | +
+ errorbar <- getERRORest(binlvl = df[["binlvl"]], z = errorbar.sem) %>%+ |
136 | +2x | +
+ mutate(+ |
137 | +2x | +
+ percentile = df[["binlvl"]][["riskpercentile"]],+ |
138 | +2x | +
+ bin.mid = df[["binlvl"]][["avg.outcome"]]+ |
139 | ++ |
+ )+ |
140 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
141 | +5x | +
+ errorbar <- NULL+ |
142 | ++ |
+ }+ |
143 | ++ | + + | +
144 | ++ |
+ # Create binned.data+ |
145 | +7x | +
+ binned.data <- data.frame(+ |
146 | +7x | +
+ score = df[["binlvl"]][["avg.risk"]],+ |
147 | +7x | +
+ percentile = df[["binlvl"]][["riskpercentile"]],+ |
148 | +7x | +
+ outcome = NA,+ |
149 | +7x | +
+ estimate = df[["binlvl"]][["avg.outcome"]]+ |
150 | ++ |
+ )+ |
151 | +7x | +
+ attr(binned.data, "errorbar") <- errorbar+ |
152 | ++ | + + | +
153 | +7x | +
+ return(binned.data)+ |
154 | ++ |
+ }+ |
155 | ++ | + + | +
156 | ++ | + + | +
157 | ++ | + + | +
158 | ++ |
+ #' Get Summaries: observation level & bin level dataframes+ |
159 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
160 | ++ |
+ #' Given vectors of outcomes and risk scores, the function will return a list of+ |
161 | ++ |
+ #' observation level and bin level summary dataframes for the data.+ |
162 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
163 | ++ |
+ #' Observation level dataframe has columns for outcome, riskscore, risk percentile, bin number,+ |
164 | ++ |
+ #' and corresponding minimum and maximum score for that bin.+ |
165 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
166 | ++ |
+ #' Bin level dataframe has columns indicating bin number and the observation count,+ |
167 | ++ |
+ #' number of events, average outcome, average risk, and standard deviation of risk,+ |
168 | ++ |
+ #' within each of the bins. Risk percentile and bin intervals are also provided.+ |
169 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
170 | ++ |
+ #' @return List of observation level and bin level dataframes.+ |
171 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
172 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
173 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
174 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
175 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
176 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
177 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
178 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted+ |
179 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
180 | ++ |
+ #' # Bin by quantiles+ |
181 | ++ |
+ #' getSummaries(+ |
182 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
183 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
184 | ++ |
+ #' quantiles = 10+ |
185 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
186 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
187 | ++ |
+ #' # Bin by specific percentiles+ |
188 | ++ |
+ #' getSummaries(+ |
189 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
190 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
191 | ++ |
+ #' quantiles = 0,+ |
192 | ++ |
+ #' bin = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.8, 1)+ |
193 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
194 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
195 | ++ |
+ getSummaries <- function(outcome,+ |
196 | ++ |
+ score,+ |
197 | ++ |
+ quantiles = NULL,+ |
198 | ++ |
+ bins = NULL,+ |
199 | ++ |
+ right = TRUE) {+ |
200 | ++ | + + | +
201 | +16x | +
+ stopifnot(+ |
202 | +16x | +
+ !is.null(quantiles) | !is.null(bins),+ |
203 | +16x | +
+ quantiles != 0 | bins != 0,+ |
204 | +16x | +
+ is.logical(right)+ |
205 | ++ |
+ )+ |
206 | ++ | + + | +
207 | +15x | +
+ cdf.fit <- ecdf(score)+ |
208 | ++ | + + | +
209 | +15x | +
+ if (!is.null(quantiles)) {+ |
210 | +12x | +
+ bin.int <- Hmisc::cut2(score, g = quantiles)+ |
211 | ++ | + + | +
212 | +3x | +
+ } else if (length(bins) > 1) {+ |
213 | +! | +
+ bin.int <- cut(cdf.fit(score), breaks = bins, include.lowest = TRUE, right = right)+ |
214 | ++ | + + | +
215 | +3x | +
+ } else if (length(bins) == 1) {+ |
216 | +2x | +
+ bin.int <- cut(score, breaks = bins, include.lowest = TRUE, right = right)+ |
217 | ++ | + + | +
218 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
219 | +1x | +
+ stop("Unrecognized option")+ |
220 | ++ |
+ }+ |
221 | ++ |
+ + |
222 | ++ |
+ # get numeric label of interval+ |
223 | +14x | +
+ bin.num <- as.numeric(bin.int)+ |
224 | ++ | + + | +
225 | ++ |
+ # get interval borders (min, max)+ |
226 | +14x | +
+ min_max <- strsplit(+ |
227 | +14x | +
+ gsub("(?![-,.])[[:punct:]]", "", trimws(as.character(bin.int)), perl = TRUE),+ |
228 | ++ |
+ ","+ |
229 | ++ |
+ )+ |
230 | +14x | +
+ min_max <- lapply(+ |
231 | +14x | +
+ min_max, \(x) `if`(length(x) < 2, rep(x, 2), x)+ |
232 | ++ |
+ )+ |
233 | ++ | + + | +
234 | ++ |
+ # Observation level data: outcome, rscore, observation percentile, and interval+ |
235 | +14x | +
+ obslvl <- data.frame(+ |
236 | +14x | +
+ outcome = outcome,+ |
237 | +14x | +
+ score = score,+ |
238 | +14x | +
+ riskpercentile = cdf.fit(score),+ |
239 | +14x | +
+ bin = bin.num,+ |
240 | +14x | +
+ interval = as.character(bin.int),+ |
241 | +14x | +
+ min = vapply(min_max, "[[", character(1), 1),+ |
242 | +14x | +
+ max = vapply(min_max, "[[", character(1), 2)+ |
243 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
244 | +14x | +
+ arrange(.data$score)+ |
245 | ++ | + + | +
246 | ++ |
+ # Bin level data: within each bin: n, avg risk, sd risk, quantile, error bar+ |
247 | +14x | +
+ binlvl <- obslvl %>%+ |
248 | +14x | +
+ group_by(.data$bin, .data$interval) %>%+ |
249 | +14x | +
+ summarise(+ |
250 | +14x | +
+ n = dplyr::n(),+ |
251 | +14x | +
+ events = sum(.data$outcome),+ |
252 | +14x | +
+ avg.outcome = mean(.data$outcome),+ |
253 | +14x | +
+ sd.outcome = sd(.data$outcome, na.rm = TRUE),+ |
254 | +14x | +
+ avg.risk = mean(.data$score, na.rm = TRUE),+ |
255 | +14x | +
+ sd.risk = sd(.data$score),+ |
256 | +14x | +
+ riskpercentile = max(.data$riskpercentile),+ |
257 | +14x | +
+ .groups = "drop"+ |
258 | ++ |
+ )+ |
259 | ++ | + + | +
260 | ++ |
+ # Replace NAs with 0+ |
261 | +14x | +
+ binlvl[is.na(binlvl)] <- 0+ |
262 | ++ | + + | +
263 | +14x | +
+ return(list(obslvl = obslvl, binlvl = binlvl))+ |
264 | ++ |
+ }+ |
265 | ++ | + + | +
266 | ++ | + + | +
267 | ++ |
+ # ERROR BAR Estimates+ |
268 | ++ |
+ getERRORest <- function(binlvl, z) {+ |
269 | ++ | + + | +
270 | +2x | +
+ stopifnot(+ |
271 | +2x | +
+ is.data.frame(binlvl),+ |
272 | +2x | +
+ is.numeric(z)+ |
273 | ++ |
+ )+ |
274 | ++ | + + | +
275 | +2x | +
+ binlvl %>%+ |
276 | +2x | +
+ mutate(+ |
277 | +2x | +
+ bin.low = .data$avg.outcome - (z * (.data$sd.outcome / sqrt(.data$n))),+ |
278 | +2x | +
+ bin.low = ifelse(.data$bin.low < 0, 0, .data$bin.low),+ |
279 | +2x | +
+ bin.high = .data$avg.outcome + (z * (.data$sd.outcome / sqrt(.data$n))),+ |
280 | +2x | +
+ midquantile = .data$riskpercentile - (diff(c(0, .data$riskpercentile)) / 2)+ |
281 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
282 | +2x | +
+ select(all_of(c("midquantile", "bin.high", "bin.low"))) %>%+ |
283 | +2x | +
+ tidyr::replace_na(list(bin.high = 0, bin.low = 0))+ |
284 | ++ |
+ }+ |
285 | ++ | + + | +
286 | ++ | + + | +
287 | ++ |
+ #' PAVA Risk Estimates+ |
288 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
289 | ++ |
+ #' Determines isotonic regression estimates via pava, given a vector of binary outcomes,+ |
290 | ++ |
+ #' and a vector of scores.+ |
291 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
292 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
293 | ++ |
+ #' @param weights Vector of numerics to specify PAVA observation weighting.+ |
294 | ++ |
+ #' @param ties String to specify how ties should be handled for PAVA.+ |
295 | ++ |
+ #' @param low_events Numeric, specifying number of events in the lowest bin.+ |
296 | ++ |
+ #' @param low_nonevents Numeric, specifying number of nonevents in the lowest bin.+ |
297 | ++ |
+ #' @param high_events Numeric, specifying number of events in the highest bin.+ |
298 | ++ |
+ #' @param high_nonevents Numeric, specifying number of nonevents in the highest bin.+ |
299 | ++ |
+ #' @param hilo_obs Numeric, specifying number of observations in the highest and lowest bins.+ |
300 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
301 | ++ |
+ #' @return A data frame with 4 columns+ |
302 | ++ |
+ #' (score, score percentile, outcome, estimate).+ |
303 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
304 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [getASISest()] [getBINNEDest()] [getCGAMest()] [getGAMest()] [getMSPLINEest()]+ |
305 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
306 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
307 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
308 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
309 | ++ |
+ #' # Read in example data+ |
310 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
311 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted+ |
312 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
313 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
314 | ++ |
+ #' tail(getPAVAest(outcome = truth, score = rscore), 10)+ |
315 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
316 | ++ |
+ getPAVAest <- function(outcome,+ |
317 | ++ |
+ score,+ |
318 | ++ |
+ weights = rep(1, length(outcome)),+ |
319 | ++ |
+ ties = "primary",+ |
320 | ++ |
+ low_events = NULL,+ |
321 | ++ |
+ low_nonevents = NULL,+ |
322 | ++ |
+ high_events = NULL,+ |
323 | ++ |
+ high_nonevents = NULL,+ |
324 | ++ |
+ hilo_obs = NULL) {+ |
325 | ++ | + + | +
326 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(outcome)+ |
327 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(score, len = length(outcome))+ |
328 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(weights, any.missing = FALSE, len = length(outcome))+ |
329 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::assert_character(ties, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)+ |
330 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
331 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_integerish(low_events, lower = 1, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1),+ |
332 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(low_events)+ |
333 | ++ |
+ )+ |
334 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
335 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_integerish(low_nonevents, lower = 1, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1),+ |
336 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(low_nonevents)+ |
337 | ++ |
+ )+ |
338 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
339 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_integerish(high_events, lower = 1, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1),+ |
340 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(high_events)+ |
341 | ++ |
+ )+ |
342 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
343 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_integerish(high_nonevents, lower = 1, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1),+ |
344 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(high_nonevents)+ |
345 | ++ |
+ )+ |
346 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
347 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_integerish(hilo_obs, lower = 1, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1),+ |
348 | +5x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(hilo_obs)+ |
349 | ++ |
+ )+ |
350 | ++ | + + | +
351 | +5x | +
+ pava.est <- isotone::gpava(z = score, y = outcome, weights = weights, ties = ties)$x+ |
352 | ++ | + + | +
353 | ++ |
+ # if constrained, then replace percentiles....+ |
354 | +5x | +
+ check <- any(+ |
355 | +5x | +
+ is.numeric(low_events), is.numeric(low_nonevents), is.numeric(high_events),+ |
356 | +5x | +
+ is.numeric(high_nonevents), is.numeric(hilo_obs)+ |
357 | ++ |
+ )+ |
358 | +5x | +
+ if (check) {+ |
359 | +! | +
+ percentile <- getConstraints(+ |
360 | +! | +
+ outcome = outcome, rscore = score,+ |
361 | +! | +
+ low_events = low_events, low_nonevents = low_nonevents,+ |
362 | +! | +
+ high_events = high_events, high_nonevents = high_nonevents,+ |
363 | +! | +
+ hilo_obs = hilo_obs+ |
364 | ++ |
+ )+ |
365 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
366 | +5x | +
+ percentile <- ecdf(score)(score)+ |
367 | ++ |
+ }+ |
368 | ++ | + + | +
369 | +5x | +
+ return(data.frame(score, percentile, outcome, estimate = pava.est))+ |
370 | ++ |
+ }+ |
371 | ++ | + + | +
372 | ++ | + + | +
373 | ++ |
+ #' Constrained Risk Percentile Estimates+ |
374 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
375 | ++ |
+ #' Adjusts PAVA risk percentile estimates for the first and last bin, to meet criteria+ |
376 | ++ |
+ #' for events, non-events, or total observation count.+ |
377 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
378 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
379 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
380 | ++ |
+ #' @return A vector of constrained risk percentiles.+ |
381 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
382 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
383 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
384 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
385 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
386 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
387 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
388 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted+ |
389 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
390 | ++ |
+ #' getConstraints(outcome = truth, rscore = rscore, low_events = 3, high_nonevents = 3)+ |
391 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
392 | ++ |
+ getConstraints <- function(outcome,+ |
393 | ++ |
+ rscore,+ |
394 | ++ |
+ low_events = NULL, # min events in lower bin (useful for a PC)+ |
395 | ++ |
+ low_nonevents = NULL, # min non-events in lower bin+ |
396 | ++ |
+ high_events = NULL, # min events in upper bin+ |
397 | ++ |
+ high_nonevents = NULL, # min non-events in upper bin (useful for a PC)+ |
398 | ++ |
+ hilo_obs = NULL) { # min total obs in upper AND lower bin+ |
399 | ++ | + + | +
400 | +1x | +
+ n <- length(rscore)+ |
401 | +1x | +
+ rscore <- seq_along(rscore) / length(rscore)+ |
402 | ++ |
+ # rscore_cons: scores with binning constraint (same as rscore if no constraint specified)+ |
403 | +1x | +
+ rscore_cons <- rscore+ |
404 | ++ | + + | +
405 | +! | +
+ if (!is.null(low_events) && low_events == 0) low_events <- NULL+ |
406 | +! | +
+ if (!is.null(low_nonevents) && low_nonevents == 0) low_nonevents <- NULL+ |
407 | +! | +
+ if (!is.null(high_events) && high_events == 0) high_events <- NULL+ |
408 | +! | +
+ if (!is.null(high_nonevents) && high_nonevents == 0) high_nonevents <- NULL+ |
409 | +! | +
+ if (!is.null(hilo_obs) && hilo_obs == 0) hilo_obs <- NULL+ |
410 | ++ | + + | +
411 | +1x | +
+ if (is.numeric(low_events) && is.numeric(low_nonevents)) {+ |
412 | +! | +
+ warning(+ |
413 | +! | +
+ paste(+ |
414 | +! | +
+ "Specified both a minimum number of events and non-events for the lower bin.",+ |
415 | +! | +
+ "Combining for total observations instead."+ |
416 | ++ |
+ )+ |
417 | ++ |
+ )+ |
418 | +! | +
+ hilo_obs <- round(low_events + low_nonevents)+ |
419 | +! | +
+ rscore_cons[1:hilo_obs] <- min(rscore)+ |
420 | ++ | + + | +
421 | +1x | +
+ } else if (is.numeric(high_events) && is.numeric(high_nonevents)) {+ |
422 | +! | +
+ warning(+ |
423 | +! | +
+ paste(+ |
424 | +! | +
+ "Specified both a minimum number of events and non-events for the upper bin.",+ |
425 | +! | +
+ "Combining for total observations instead."+ |
426 | ++ |
+ )+ |
427 | ++ |
+ )+ |
428 | +! | +
+ hilo_obs <- round(high_events + high_nonevents)+ |
429 | +! | +
+ rscore_cons[(n + 1 - hilo_obs):n] <- max(rscore)+ |
430 | ++ | + + | +
431 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
432 | ++ |
+ # Apply upper / lower constraints+ |
433 | +1x | +
+ if (is.numeric(low_events)) {+ |
434 | +1x | +
+ low_events <- round(low_events)+ |
435 | +1x | +
+ indlo <- match(TRUE, cumsum(outcome) == low_events)+ |
436 | +1x | +
+ rscore_cons[1:indlo] <- min(rscore)+ |
437 | ++ |
+ }+ |
438 | +1x | +
+ if (is.numeric(low_nonevents)) {+ |
439 | +! | +
+ low_nonevents <- round(low_nonevents)+ |
440 | +! | +
+ indlo <- match(TRUE, cumsum(1 - outcome) == low_nonevents)+ |
441 | +! | +
+ rscore_cons[1:indlo] <- min(rscore)+ |
442 | ++ |
+ }+ |
443 | +1x | +
+ if (is.numeric(high_nonevents)) {+ |
444 | +1x | +
+ high_nonevents <- round(high_nonevents)+ |
445 | +1x | +
+ indhi <- match(TRUE, cumsum(1 - outcome[n:1]) == high_nonevents)+ |
446 | +1x | +
+ rscore_cons[(n + 1 - indhi):n] <- max(rscore)+ |
447 | ++ |
+ }+ |
448 | ++ | + + | +
449 | +1x | +
+ if (is.numeric(high_events)) {+ |
450 | +! | +
+ high_events <- round(high_events)+ |
451 | +! | +
+ indhi <- match(TRUE, cumsum(outcome[n:1]) == high_events)+ |
452 | +! | +
+ rscore_cons[(n + 1 - indhi):n] <- max(rscore)+ |
453 | ++ |
+ }+ |
454 | ++ | + + | +
455 | +1x | +
+ if (is.numeric(hilo_obs)) {+ |
456 | +! | +
+ hilo_obs <- round(hilo_obs)+ |
457 | +! | +
+ rscore_cons[1:hilo_obs] <- min(rscore)+ |
458 | +! | +
+ rscore_cons[(n + 1 - hilo_obs):n] <- max(rscore)+ |
459 | ++ |
+ }+ |
460 | ++ |
+ }+ |
461 | ++ | + + | +
462 | +1x | +
+ return(as.vector(rscore_cons))+ |
463 | ++ |
+ }+ |
464 | ++ | + + | +
465 | ++ | + + | +
466 | ++ |
+ #' GAM Risk Estimates+ |
467 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
468 | ++ |
+ #' Fits a Generalized Additive Model to estimate risk, given a vector of binary outcome,+ |
469 | ++ |
+ #' and a vector of scores.+ |
470 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
471 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
472 | ++ |
+ #' @param k Numeric to specify the upper limit of basis functions to fit for GAM.+ |
473 | ++ |
+ #' See [mgcv::s()] for more details. Defaults to -1.+ |
474 | ++ |
+ #' @param bs Character string to specify spline type.+ |
475 | ++ |
+ #' See [mgcv::s()] for more details. Defaults to `"tp"`.+ |
476 | ++ |
+ #' @param method Character string to specify method type.+ |
477 | ++ |
+ #' See [mgcv::s()] for more details. Defaults to "REML".+ |
478 | ++ |
+ #' @param logscores Logical; if `TRUE`, fit gam on log scores. Defaults to `FALSE`.+ |
479 | ++ |
+ #' @param fitonPerc Logical; if `TRUE`, fit gam on risk percentiles. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ |
480 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
481 | ++ |
+ #' @return A data frame with 4 columns+ |
482 | ++ |
+ #' (score, score percentile, outcome, estimate).+ |
483 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
484 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [getASISest()] [getBINNEDest()] [getCGAMest()] [getMSPLINEest()] [getPAVAest()]+ |
485 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
486 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
487 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
488 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
489 | ++ |
+ #' # Read in example data+ |
490 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
491 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted+ |
492 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
493 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
494 | ++ |
+ #' tail(getGAMest(outcome = truth, score = rscore), 10)+ |
495 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
496 | ++ |
+ getGAMest <- function(outcome,+ |
497 | ++ |
+ score,+ |
498 | ++ |
+ k = -1,+ |
499 | ++ |
+ bs = "tp",+ |
500 | ++ |
+ method = "REML",+ |
501 | ++ |
+ logscores = FALSE,+ |
502 | ++ |
+ fitonPerc = TRUE) {+ |
503 | ++ | + + | +
504 | +23x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(outcome)+ |
505 | +23x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(score, len = length(outcome))+ |
506 | +23x | +
+ checkmate::assert_number(k)+ |
507 | +23x | +
+ checkmate::assert_character(bs, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)+ |
508 | +23x | +
+ checkmate::assert_character(method, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)+ |
509 | +23x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(logscores)+ |
510 | +23x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(fitonPerc)+ |
511 | ++ | + + | +
512 | +23x | +
+ mygrid <- ecdf(score)(score)+ |
513 | +23x | +
+ df <- data.frame(outcome = outcome, score = score, perc = mygrid)+ |
514 | ++ | + + | +
515 | ++ |
+ # mgcv::s does not work in formula, need to define it here+ |
516 | +23x | +
+ s <- mgcv::s+ |
517 | ++ | + + | +
518 | +23x | +
+ if (fitonPerc && logscores) {+ |
519 | +1x | +
+ formula <- outcome ~ s(log(perc), k = k, bs = bs)+ |
520 | +22x | +
+ } else if (fitonPerc && !logscores) {+ |
521 | +15x | +
+ formula <- outcome ~ s(perc, k = k, bs = bs)+ |
522 | +7x | +
+ } else if (!fitonPerc && logscores) {+ |
523 | +1x | +
+ formula <- outcome ~ s(log(score), k = k, bs = bs)+ |
524 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
525 | +6x | +
+ formula <- outcome ~ s(score, k = k, bs = bs)+ |
526 | ++ |
+ }+ |
527 | ++ | + + | +
528 | +23x | +
+ gam.fit <- mgcv::gam(formula, data = df, family = "binomial", method = method)+ |
529 | ++ | + + | +
530 | +23x | +
+ gam.est <- mgcv::predict.gam(gam.fit, type = "response")+ |
531 | ++ | + + | +
532 | +23x | +
+ return(data.frame(score, percentile = mygrid, outcome, estimate = gam.est))+ |
533 | ++ |
+ }+ |
534 | ++ | + + | +
535 | ++ | + + | +
536 | ++ | + + | +
537 | ++ |
+ #' Constrained GAM (cgam) Risk Estimates+ |
538 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
539 | ++ |
+ #' Fits a Constrained Generalized Additive Model to estimate risk,+ |
540 | ++ |
+ #' given a vector of binary outcomes and a vector of scores.+ |
541 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
542 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
543 | ++ |
+ #' @param numknots Numeric to specify the number of knots.+ |
544 | ++ |
+ #' Passed to the `smoother` function. Defaults to 3.+ |
545 | ++ |
+ #' @param smoother Character string to specify the smoother (from cgam package).+ |
546 | ++ |
+ #' Defaults to "s.incr".+ |
547 | ++ |
+ #' @param logscores Logical; if `TRUE`, fit gam on log scores. Defaults to `FALSE`.+ |
548 | ++ |
+ #' @param fitonPerc Logical; if `TRUE`, fit gam on risk percentiles. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ |
549 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
550 | ++ |
+ #' @return A data frame with 4 columns+ |
551 | ++ |
+ #' (score, score percentile, outcome, estimate).+ |
552 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
553 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [getASISest()] [getBINNEDest()] [getGAMest()] [getMSPLINEest()] [getPAVAest()]+ |
554 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
555 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
556 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
557 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
558 | ++ |
+ #' # Read in example data+ |
559 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
560 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted+ |
561 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
562 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
563 | ++ |
+ #' tail(getCGAMest(outcome = truth, score = rscore), 10)+ |
564 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
565 | ++ |
+ getCGAMest <- function(outcome,+ |
566 | ++ |
+ score,+ |
567 | ++ |
+ numknots = 0,+ |
568 | ++ |
+ smoother = "s.incr",+ |
569 | ++ |
+ logscores = FALSE,+ |
570 | ++ |
+ fitonPerc = TRUE) {+ |
571 | ++ | + + | +
572 | +3x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(outcome)+ |
573 | +3x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(score, len = length(outcome))+ |
574 | +3x | +
+ checkmate::assert_number(numknots)+ |
575 | +3x | +
+ checkmate::assert_character(smoother, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)+ |
576 | +3x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(logscores)+ |
577 | +3x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(fitonPerc)+ |
578 | ++ | + + | +
579 | +3x | +
+ mygrid <- ecdf(score)(score)+ |
580 | +3x | +
+ df <- data.frame(outcome = outcome, score = score, perc = mygrid)+ |
581 | ++ | + + | +
582 | ++ |
+ # cgam::s does not work in formula, need to define it here+ |
583 | +3x | +
+ assign(smoother, do.call(`::`, list(pkg = "cgam", name = smoother)))+ |
584 | ++ | + + | +
585 | +3x | +
+ formula <- as.formula(+ |
586 | +3x | +
+ paste0(+ |
587 | +3x | +
+ "outcome ~ ",+ |
588 | +3x | +
+ smoother, "(",+ |
589 | +3x | +
+ `if`(logscores, "log("),+ |
590 | +3x | +
+ `if`(fitonPerc, "perc", "score"),+ |
591 | +3x | +
+ `if`(logscores, ")"),+ |
592 | +3x | +
+ ", numknots = ", numknots, ")"+ |
593 | ++ |
+ )+ |
594 | ++ |
+ )+ |
595 | ++ | + + | +
596 | +3x | +
+ cgam.fit <- cgam::cgam(formula, data = df, family = "binomial")+ |
597 | ++ | + + | +
598 | +3x | +
+ cgam.est <- cgam::predict.cgam(cgam.fit, type = "response")$fit+ |
599 | ++ | + + | +
600 | +3x | +
+ return(data.frame(score, percentile = mygrid, outcome, estimate = cgam.est))+ |
601 | ++ |
+ }+ |
602 | ++ | + + | +
603 | ++ | + + | +
604 | ++ |
605 | ++ | + + | +
606 | ++ |
+ # Function written by willtownes, joseph paulson.+ |
607 | ++ |
+ mspline <- function(x, y, k = 10, lower = NA, upper = NA) {+ |
608 | ++ |
+ # fits a monotonic spline to data+ |
609 | ++ |
+ # small values of k= more smoothing (flatter curves)+ |
610 | ++ |
+ # large values of k= more flexible (wiggly curves)+ |
611 | ++ |
+ # k is related to effective degrees of freedom and number of knots+ |
612 | ++ |
+ # use unconstrained gam to get rough parameter estimates+ |
613 | ++ |
+ # lower, upper optional bounds on the function+ |
614 | ++ |
+ # basically a slight modifimessageion of an example in the mgcv::pcls documentation+ |
615 | +6x | +
+ dat <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)+ |
616 | +6x | +
+ s <- mgcv::s # mgcv::s does not work in formula, need to define it here+ |
617 | +6x | +
+ init_gam <- mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, k = k, bs = "cr"))+ |
618 | ++ |
+ # Create Design matrix, constraints etc. for monotonic spline....+ |
619 | +6x | +
+ sm <- mgcv::smoothCon(s(x, k = k, bs = "cr"), dat, knots = NULL)[[1]]+ |
620 | +6x | +
+ mc <- mgcv::mono.con(sm$xp, lower = lower, upper = upper) # monotonicity constraints+ |
621 | +6x | +
+ M <- list(+ |
622 | +6x | +
+ X = sm$X, y = y, # design matrix, outcome+ |
623 | +6x | +
+ C = matrix(0, 0, 0), # equality constraints (none)+ |
624 | +6x | +
+ Ain = mc$A, bin = mc$b, # inequality constraints+ |
625 | +6x | +
+ sp = init_gam$sp, p = sm$xp, # initial guesses for param estimates+ |
626 | +6x | +
+ S = sm$S, # smoothness penalty matrix+ |
627 | +6x | +
+ w = y * 0 + 1, off = 0 # weights, offset+ |
628 | ++ |
+ )+ |
629 | ++ |
+ # fit spine using penalized constrained least squares+ |
630 | +6x | +
+ p <- mgcv::pcls(M)+ |
631 | +6x | +
+ return(list(sm = sm, p = p))+ |
632 | ++ |
+ }+ |
633 | ++ | + + | +
634 | ++ |
+ # Function written by joseph paulson+ |
635 | ++ |
+ predict.mspline <- function(msp, x) {+ |
636 | ++ |
+ # using the monotone spline msp, predict values for the vector x+ |
637 | +6x | +
+ as.vector(mgcv::Predict.matrix(msp$sm, data.frame(x = x)) %*% msp$p)+ |
638 | ++ |
+ }+ |
639 | ++ | + + | +
640 | ++ | + + | +
641 | ++ | + + | +
642 | ++ |
+ #' Monotone Spline Risk Estimates+ |
643 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
644 | ++ |
+ #' Fits a Monotone constrained Generalized Additive Model (GAM) to estimate risk,+ |
645 | ++ |
+ #' given a vector of binary outcomes and a vector of scores.+ |
646 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
647 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams getGAMest+ |
648 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
649 | ++ |
+ #' @return A data frame with 4 columns+ |
650 | ++ |
+ #' (score, score percentile, outcome, estimate).+ |
651 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
652 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [getASISest()] [getBINNEDest()] [getCGAMest()] [getGAMest()] [getPAVAest()]+ |
653 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
654 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
655 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
656 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
657 | ++ |
+ #' # Read in example data+ |
658 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
659 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted+ |
660 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
661 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
662 | ++ |
+ #' tail(getMSPLINEest(outcome = truth, score = rscore), 10)+ |
663 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
664 | ++ |
+ getMSPLINEest <- function(outcome,+ |
665 | ++ |
+ score,+ |
666 | ++ |
+ k = 10,+ |
667 | ++ |
+ fitonPerc = TRUE) {+ |
668 | ++ | + + | +
669 | +6x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(outcome)+ |
670 | +6x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(score, len = length(outcome))+ |
671 | +6x | +
+ checkmate::assert_integerish(k, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)+ |
672 | +6x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(fitonPerc)+ |
673 | ++ | + + | +
674 | +6x | +
+ stopifnot(!is.null(k), is.logical(fitonPerc))+ |
675 | ++ | + + | +
676 | +6x | +
+ scorefit <- ecdf(score)+ |
677 | +6x | +
+ mygrid <- scorefit(score)+ |
678 | ++ | + + | +
679 | +6x | +
+ if (!fitonPerc) {+ |
680 | +1x | +
+ fitspl <- mspline(x = score, y = outcome, k = k)+ |
681 | +1x | +
+ mspline.est <- predict.mspline(fitspl, score)+ |
682 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
683 | +5x | +
+ fitspl <- mspline(x = mygrid, y = outcome, k = k)+ |
684 | +5x | +
+ mspline.est <- predict.mspline(fitspl, mygrid)+ |
685 | ++ |
+ }+ |
686 | ++ | + + | +
687 | +6x | +
+ mspline.est[mspline.est < 0] <- 0+ |
688 | +6x | +
+ mspline.est[mspline.est > 1] <- 1+ |
689 | ++ | + + | +
690 | +6x | +
+ return(data.frame(score, percentile = mygrid, outcome, estimate = mspline.est))+ |
691 | ++ |
+ }+ |
692 | ++ | + + | +
693 | ++ | + + | +
694 | ++ |
+ #' "As is" estimates+ |
695 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
696 | ++ |
+ #' This function does no estimation, but uses the score as it is+ |
697 | ++ |
+ #' (it works like an identity function).+ |
698 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
699 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams getGAMest+ |
700 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
701 | ++ |
+ #' @return A data frame with 4 columns+ |
702 | ++ |
+ #' (score, score percentile, outcome, estimate).+ |
703 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
704 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [getBINNEDest()] [getCGAMest()] [getGAMest()] [getMSPLINEest()] [getPAVAest()]+ |
705 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
706 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
707 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
708 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
709 | ++ |
+ #' # Read in example data+ |
710 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
711 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted+ |
712 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
713 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
714 | ++ |
+ #' tail(getASISest(outcome = truth, score = rscore), 10)+ |
715 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
716 | ++ |
+ getASISest <- function(outcome, score) {+ |
717 | ++ |
+ # Argument checks+ |
718 | +17x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(outcome)+ |
719 | +17x | +
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(score, len = length(outcome))+ |
720 | +17x | +
+ return(+ |
721 | +17x | +
+ data.frame(+ |
722 | +17x | +
+ score = score,+ |
723 | +17x | +
+ percentile = ecdf(score)(score),+ |
724 | +17x | +
+ outcome,+ |
725 | +17x | +
+ estimate = score+ |
726 | ++ |
+ )+ |
727 | ++ |
+ )+ |
728 | ++ |
+ }+ |
729 | ++ | + + | +
730 | ++ | + + | +
731 | ++ |
+ # Returns Risk Estimates.+ |
732 | ++ |
+ # This function calls all the other getXXXest functions+ |
733 | ++ |
+ # Used for Predictiveness Curve Data+ |
734 | ++ |
+ getEsts <- function(methods, outcome, score) {+ |
735 | ++ | + + | +
736 | ++ |
+ # check methods+ |
737 | +41x | +
+ stopifnot(is.list(methods))+ |
738 | ++ | + + | +
739 | ++ |
+ # Get function names (and perform checks)+ |
740 | +38x | +
+ fun.names <- getEstMethods(methods, with.names = TRUE)+ |
741 | ++ | + + | +
742 | ++ |
+ # Run estimations+ |
743 | +38x | +
+ m.est <- lapply(methods, \(x) getEst(x, outcome = outcome, score = score))+ |
744 | ++ | + + | +
745 | ++ |
+ # Special case: get errorbar data if existing+ |
746 | +36x | +
+ idx.binned <- fun.names == "binned"+ |
747 | +36x | +
+ m.er <- lapply(+ |
748 | +36x | +
+ which(idx.binned),+ |
749 | +36x | +
+ \(i) attr(m.est[[i]], "errorbar")+ |
750 | ++ |
+ )+ |
751 | ++ | + + | +
752 | ++ |
+ # Bind together and convert to long data frame+ |
753 | +36x | +
+ m.est <- bind_rows(m.est, .id = "method")+ |
754 | +36x | +
+ rownames(m.est) <- NULL+ |
755 | ++ | + + | +
756 | ++ |
+ # Bind together and convert to long data frame; otherwise return NULL+ |
757 | +36x | +
+ m.error <- bind_rows(m.er, .id = "method")+ |
758 | +36x | +
+ if (nrow(m.error) == 0) {+ |
759 | +35x | +
+ m.error <- NULL+ |
760 | ++ |
+ }+ |
761 | ++ | + + | +
762 | ++ |
+ # Return indexes of step methods and risk methods+ |
763 | +36x | +
+ idx.step <- fun.names %in% c("binned", "pava")+ |
764 | +36x | +
+ names(idx.step) <- names(fun.names)+ |
765 | +36x | +
+ idx.asis <- fun.names == "asis"+ |
766 | ++ | + + | +
767 | ++ |
+ # Check if asis was called multiple times+ |
768 | +36x | +
+ if (sum(idx.asis) > 1) {+ |
769 | +1x | +
+ stop("Please use 'asis' just once (as it does not have any further arguments).")+ |
770 | ++ |
+ }+ |
771 | ++ | + + | +
772 | +35x | +
+ return(+ |
773 | +35x | +
+ list(+ |
774 | +35x | +
+ plotdata = m.est, errorbardata = m.error,+ |
775 | +35x | +
+ idx.step = idx.step, idx.asis = idx.asis,+ |
776 | +35x | +
+ idx.binned = idx.binned, idx.pava = fun.names == "pava"+ |
777 | ++ |
+ )+ |
778 | ++ |
+ )+ |
779 | ++ |
+ }+ |
780 | ++ | + + | +
781 | ++ |
+ # Define estimation functions+ |
782 | ++ |
+ est.funs <- function() {+ |
783 | +104x | +
+ list(+ |
784 | +104x | +
+ gam = getGAMest,+ |
785 | +104x | +
+ cgam = getCGAMest,+ |
786 | +104x | +
+ mspline = getMSPLINEest,+ |
787 | +104x | +
+ binned = getBINNEDest,+ |
788 | +104x | +
+ pava = getPAVAest,+ |
789 | +104x | +
+ asis = getASISest+ |
790 | ++ |
+ )+ |
791 | ++ |
+ }+ |
792 | ++ | + + | +
793 | ++ |
+ # Generic and S3 methods for estimations+ |
794 | ++ |
+ getEst <- function(x, outcome, score) {+ |
795 | +54x | +
+ UseMethod("getEst")+ |
796 | ++ |
+ }+ |
797 | ++ | + + | +
798 | ++ | + + | +
799 | ++ |
+ getEst.list <- function(x, outcome, score) {+ |
800 | +14x | +
+ do.call(+ |
801 | +14x | +
+ est.funs()[[x[["method"]]]],+ |
802 | +14x | +
+ append(list(outcome = outcome, score = score), x[names(x) != "method"])+ |
803 | ++ |
+ )+ |
804 | ++ |
+ }+ |
805 | ++ | + + | +
806 | ++ | + + | +
807 | ++ |
+ getEst.character <- function(x, outcome, score) {+ |
808 | +36x | +
+ do.call(+ |
809 | +36x | +
+ est.funs()[[x]],+ |
810 | +36x | +
+ list(outcome = outcome, score = score)+ |
811 | ++ |
+ )+ |
812 | ++ |
+ }+ |
813 | ++ | + + | +
814 | ++ | + + | +
815 | ++ |
+ getEst.function <- function(x, outcome, score) {+ |
816 | ++ | + + | +
817 | ++ |
+ # Run estimation+ |
818 | +4x | +
+ out <- x(outcome = outcome, score = score)+ |
819 | ++ | + + | +
820 | ++ |
+ # Check output+ |
821 | +4x | +
+ check1 <- is.data.frame(out) &&+ |
822 | +4x | +
+ identical(c("estimate", "outcome", "percentile", "score"), sort(colnames(out)))+ |
823 | +4x | +
+ if (!check1) {+ |
824 | +1x | +
+ stop(+ |
825 | +1x | +
+ paste(+ |
826 | +1x | +
+ "User defined estimation functions must return a data.frame of 4 columns:",+ |
827 | +1x | +
+ "score - the predictions,",+ |
828 | +1x | +
+ "percentile - the percentile of score,",+ |
829 | +1x | +
+ "outcome - the original outcome,",+ |
830 | +1x | +
+ "and estimate - the estimated value"+ |
831 | ++ |
+ )+ |
832 | ++ |
+ )+ |
833 | ++ |
+ }+ |
834 | ++ |
+ + |
835 | +3x | +
+ check2 <- vapply(out, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), USE.NAMES = TRUE)+ |
836 | +3x | +
+ if (!all(check2)) {+ |
837 | +1x | +
+ stop(+ |
838 | +1x | +
+ paste(+ |
839 | +1x | +
+ "All columns of the returned data.frame in user defined estimation function",+ |
840 | +1x | +
+ "must be numeric.",+ |
841 | +1x | +
+ paste0("`", names(which(!check2)), "`", collapse = ", "), "is/are not numeric."+ |
842 | ++ |
+ )+ |
843 | ++ |
+ )+ |
844 | ++ |
+ }+ |
845 | ++ | + + | +
846 | +2x | +
+ return(out)+ |
847 | ++ |
+ }+ |
848 | ++ | + + | +
849 | ++ |
+ # Generic and S3 methods for estimation method as string (actual estimation function used)+ |
850 | ++ |
+ getEstMethod <- function(x) {+ |
851 | +67x | +
+ UseMethod("getEstMethod")+ |
852 | ++ |
+ }+ |
853 | ++ | + + | +
854 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
855 | ++ |
+ getEstMethod.character <- function(x) {+ |
856 | +43x | +
+ x+ |
857 | ++ |
+ }+ |
858 | ++ | + + | +
859 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
860 | ++ |
+ getEstMethod.list <- function(x) {+ |
861 | +19x | +
+ x[["method"]]+ |
862 | ++ |
+ }+ |
863 | ++ | + + | +
864 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
865 | ++ |
+ getEstMethod.function <- function(x) {+ |
866 | +5x | +
+ "udf"+ |
867 | ++ |
+ }+ |
868 | ++ | + + | +
869 | ++ |
+ getEstMethods <- function(x, with.names) {+ |
870 | +48x | +
+ vapply(x, getEstMethod, FUN.VALUE = character(1), USE.NAMES = with.names)+ |
871 | ++ |
+ }+ |
1 | ++ |
+ #' Calibration plot+ |
2 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
3 | ++ |
+ #' Calibration curve risk estimates+ |
4 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
5 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
6 | ++ |
+ #' @param methods Character vector of method names (case-insensitive) for plotting curves or+ |
7 | ++ |
+ #' a named list where elements are method function and its arguments.+ |
8 | ++ |
+ #' Default is set to `list(gam = list(method = "gam", fitonPerc = FALSE))`.+ |
9 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
10 | ++ |
+ #' Full options are: `c("binned", "pava", "mspline", "gam", "cgam")`.+ |
11 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
12 | ++ |
+ #' To specify arguments per method, use lists. For example:+ |
13 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
14 | ++ |
+ #' list(+ |
15 | ++ |
+ #' pava = list(method = "pava", ties = "primary"),+ |
16 | ++ |
+ #' mspline = list(method = "mspline", fitonPerc = TRUE),+ |
17 | ++ |
+ #' gam = list(method = "gam", bs = "tp", logscores = FALSE),+ |
18 | ++ |
+ #' bin = list(method = "binned", bins = 10),+ |
19 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
20 | ++ |
+ #' ```+ |
21 | ++ |
+ #' See section "Estimation" for more details.+ |
22 | ++ |
+ #' @param include Character vector (case-insensitive, partial matching) or `NULL` specifying+ |
23 | ++ |
+ #' what quantities to include in the plot.+ |
24 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
25 | ++ |
+ #' Default is: `c("loess", "citl")`.+ |
26 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
27 | ++ |
+ #' Full options are: `c("loess", "citl", "rug", "datapoints")` or `NULL`.+ |
28 | ++ |
+ #' "loess" adds a Loess fit, "citl" stands for "Calibration in the large",+ |
29 | ++ |
+ #' "rug" adds rug ticks of `score` by `outcome` (top x-axis: `score` for `outcome == 1`,+ |
30 | ++ |
+ #' bottom x-axis: `score` for `outcome == 0`),+ |
31 | ++ |
+ #' "datapoints" adds jittered `score` by `outcome` (slightly shifted away from 0 / 1 y-values),+ |
32 | ++ |
+ #' "`NULL`" stands for no extra information.+ |
33 | ++ |
+ #' @param plot.raw Logical to show percentiles or raw values.+ |
34 | ++ |
+ #' Defaults to `TRUE` (i.e. raw `score`).+ |
35 | ++ |
+ #' @param rev.order Logical to reverse ordering of scores. Defaults to `FALSE`.+ |
36 | ++ |
+ #' @param margin.type Type of additional margin plot, can be one of+ |
37 | ++ |
+ #' `c("density", "histogram", "boxplot", "violin", "densigram")`.+ |
38 | ++ |
+ #' See [ggExtra::ggMarginal()] for more details.+ |
39 | ++ |
+ #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [ggExtra::ggMarginal()].+ |
40 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
41 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritSection riskProfile Estimation+ |
42 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
43 | ++ |
+ #' @return A list containing the plot and data, plus `citl` data if they were requested.+ |
44 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
45 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
46 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
47 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [riskProfile()] [sensSpec()]+ |
48 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
49 | ++ |
+ #' [getPAVAest()] [getBINNEDest()] [getGAMest()] [getCGAMest()] [getMSPLINEest()]+ |
50 | ++ |
+ #' [getASISest()]+ |
51 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
52 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
53 | ++ |
+ #' # Read in example data+ |
54 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
55 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted_calibrated+ |
56 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
57 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
58 | ++ |
+ #' # Default calibration plot+ |
59 | ++ |
+ #' p1 <- calibrationProfile(outcome = truth, score = rscore)+ |
60 | ++ |
+ #' p1$plot+ |
61 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
62 | ++ |
+ #' # Specifying multiple estimation methods+ |
63 | ++ |
+ #' # By default, all the methods fit on percentiles+ |
64 | ++ |
+ #' calibrationProfile(+ |
65 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
66 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
67 | ++ |
+ #' methods = c("gam", "mspline", "binned")+ |
68 | ++ |
+ #' )$plot+ |
69 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
70 | ++ |
+ #' # Specifying multiple estimation methods with parameters+ |
71 | ++ |
+ #' calibrationProfile(+ |
72 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
73 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
74 | ++ |
+ #' methods = list(+ |
75 | ++ |
+ #' gam = list(method = "gam", fitonPerc = FALSE, k = 3),+ |
76 | ++ |
+ #' mspline = list(method = "mspline"),+ |
77 | ++ |
+ #' bin = list(method = "binned", quantiles = 5)+ |
78 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
79 | ++ |
+ #' )$plot+ |
80 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
81 | ++ |
+ #' # Additional quantities and marginal histogram with specified number of bins+ |
82 | ++ |
+ #' calibrationProfile(+ |
83 | ++ |
+ #' outcome = truth,+ |
84 | ++ |
+ #' score = rscore,+ |
85 | ++ |
+ #' include = c("rug", "datapoints", "citl"),+ |
86 | ++ |
+ #' # or use partial matching: include = c("r", "d", "c"),+ |
87 | ++ |
+ #' margin.type = "histogram",+ |
88 | ++ |
+ #' bins = 100 # passed to ggExtra::ggMarginal+ |
89 | ++ |
+ #' )$plot+ |
90 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
91 | ++ |
+ calibrationProfile <- function(outcome,+ |
92 | ++ |
+ score,+ |
93 | ++ |
+ methods = list(gam = list(method = "gam", fitonPerc = FALSE)),+ |
94 | ++ |
+ include = c("loess", "citl"),+ |
95 | ++ |
+ plot.raw = TRUE,+ |
96 | ++ |
+ rev.order = FALSE,+ |
97 | ++ |
+ margin.type = NULL,+ |
98 | ++ |
+ ...) {+ |
99 | ++ | + + | +
100 | ++ |
+ # Argument checks (except outcome, score, methods - below)+ |
101 | +10x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
102 | +10x | +
+ checkmate::check_character(include),+ |
103 | +10x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(include)+ |
104 | ++ |
+ )+ |
105 | +10x | +
+ if (is.character(include)) {+ |
106 | +9x | +
+ include <- matchArgSubset(tolower(include), choices = c("loess", "citl", "rug", "datapoints"))+ |
107 | ++ |
+ }+ |
108 | +10x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(plot.raw)+ |
109 | +10x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(rev.order)+ |
110 | +10x | +
+ checkmate::assert(+ |
111 | +10x | +
+ checkmate::check_character(margin.type, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE),+ |
112 | +10x | +
+ checkmate::check_null(margin.type)+ |
113 | ++ |
+ )+ |
114 | ++ | + + | +
115 | +10x | +
+ if (plot.raw) {+ |
116 | +9x | +
+ xvar <- "score"+ |
117 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
118 | +1x | +
+ xvar <- "percentile"+ |
119 | ++ |
+ }+ |
120 | ++ | + + | +
121 | ++ |
+ # Standardize/Check outcome, scores+ |
122 | +10x | +
+ op <- inputCheck(outcome = outcome, score = score)+ |
123 | ++ | + + | +
124 | ++ |
+ # Order Data by scores+ |
125 | +10x | +
+ tempdf <- orderInputs(outcome = op$outcome, score = op$score, rev.order = rev.order)+ |
126 | +10x | +
+ score <- tempdf$score+ |
127 | +10x | +
+ outcome <- tempdf$outcome+ |
128 | ++ | + + | +
129 | ++ |
+ # Check methods+ |
130 | +10x | +
+ methods <- methodCheck(methods = methods)+ |
131 | +10x | +
+ method.names <- names(methods)+ |
132 | +10x | +
+ if ("asis" %in% getEstMethods(methods, with.names = FALSE)) {+ |
133 | +1x | +
+ stop('"asis" method is not suitable for this plot. Please remove it.')+ |
134 | ++ |
+ }+ |
135 | ++ | + + | +
136 | ++ |
+ # Get estimates+ |
137 | +9x | +
+ pc.ests <- getEsts(methods = methods, outcome = outcome, score = score)+ |
138 | +9x | +
+ PC.data <- pc.ests$plotdata+ |
139 | +9x | +
+ step.methods <- method.names[pc.ests$idx.step]+ |
140 | ++ | + + | +
141 | ++ |
+ # Calculate percentiles+ |
142 | +9x | +
+ ecdf.score <- ecdf(score)+ |
143 | +9x | +
+ percentile <- ecdf.score(score)+ |
144 | ++ | + + | +
145 | ++ |
+ # Calculate Calibration in the large+ |
146 | +9x | +
+ citl.data <- data.frame(+ |
147 | +9x | +
+ outcome = mean(outcome),+ |
148 | +9x | +
+ score = mean(score),+ |
149 | +9x | +
+ percentile = ecdf.score(mean(score)),+ |
150 | +9x | +
+ method = "Calibration In The Large"+ |
151 | ++ |
+ )+ |
152 | ++ | + + | +
153 | ++ |
+ # Subset PC data for plotting+ |
154 | +9x | +
+ smoothPC <- PC.data[!PC.data$method %in% step.methods, , drop = FALSE]+ |
155 | +9x | +
+ stepPC <- PC.data[PC.data$method %in% step.methods, , drop = FALSE]+ |
156 | ++ | + + | +
157 | ++ |
+ # data.frame with user inputs+ |
158 | +9x | +
+ ddf <- data.frame(score, percentile, outcome)+ |
159 | ++ | + + | +
160 | ++ |
+ # Shape type storage+ |
161 | +9x | +
+ shapes <- c()+ |
162 | ++ | + + | +
163 | ++ |
+ # Add empty scatterplot layer for ggMarginal+ |
164 | +9x | +
+ if (!is.null(margin.type)) {+ |
165 | +1x | +
+ p <- ggplot() ++ |
166 | +1x | +
+ geom_point(+ |
167 | +1x | +
+ data = ddf,+ |
168 | +1x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$outcome), shape = NA, na.rm = TRUE+ |
169 | ++ |
+ )+ |
170 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
171 | +8x | +
+ p <- ggplot()+ |
172 | ++ |
+ }+ |
173 | ++ | + + | +
174 | ++ |
+ # Build plot+ |
175 | +9x | +
+ p <- p ++ |
176 | +9x | +
+ geom_line(+ |
177 | +9x | +
+ data = smoothPC,+ |
178 | +9x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$estimate, linetype = .data$method, colour = .data$method),+ |
179 | +9x | +
+ alpha = 0.8,+ |
180 | +9x | +
+ linewidth = 0.5+ |
181 | ++ |
+ ) ++ |
182 | +9x | +
+ geom_step(+ |
183 | +9x | +
+ data = stepPC,+ |
184 | +9x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$estimate, linetype = .data$method, colour = .data$method),+ |
185 | +9x | +
+ direction = "vh",+ |
186 | +9x | +
+ alpha = 0.8,+ |
187 | +9x | +
+ linewidth = 0.5+ |
188 | ++ |
+ ) ++ |
189 | +9x | +
+ geom_abline(+ |
190 | +9x | +
+ aes(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linewidth = "Identity line"),+ |
191 | +9x | +
+ colour = "gray50",+ |
192 | +9x | +
+ linetype = "solid"+ |
193 | ++ |
+ )+ |
194 | ++ | + + | +
195 | ++ |
+ # Add loess if requested+ |
196 | +9x | +
+ if ("loess" %in% include) {+ |
197 | +8x | +
+ p <- p + geom_smooth(+ |
198 | +8x | +
+ data = ddf,+ |
199 | +8x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$outcome, linetype = "loess", colour = "loess"),+ |
200 | +8x | +
+ method = "loess", formula = y ~ x, se = FALSE,+ |
201 | +8x | +
+ linewidth = 0.5+ |
202 | ++ |
+ )+ |
203 | ++ |
+ }+ |
204 | ++ | + + | +
205 | ++ |
+ # Add calibration in the large if requested+ |
206 | +9x | +
+ if ("citl" %in% include) {+ |
207 | +8x | +
+ p <- p + geom_point(+ |
208 | +8x | +
+ data = citl.data,+ |
209 | +8x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$outcome, shape = .data$method),+ |
210 | +8x | +
+ colour = "red",+ |
211 | +8x | +
+ size = 3,+ |
212 | +8x | +
+ stroke = 1+ |
213 | ++ |
+ )+ |
214 | +8x | +
+ shapes <- c(shapes, c("Calibration In The Large" = 4))+ |
215 | ++ |
+ }+ |
216 | ++ | + + | +
217 | ++ |
+ # Add datapoints if requested+ |
218 | +9x | +
+ if ("datapoints" %in% include) {+ |
219 | +1x | +
+ p <- p + geom_jitter(+ |
220 | +1x | +
+ data = data.frame(+ |
221 | +1x | +
+ score,+ |
222 | +1x | +
+ percentile,+ |
223 | +1x | +
+ outcome = ifelse(outcome == 0, -0.1, 1.1),+ |
224 | +1x | +
+ method = "Data points"+ |
225 | ++ |
+ ),+ |
226 | +1x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$outcome, shape = .data$method),+ |
227 | +1x | +
+ colour = "black",+ |
228 | +1x | +
+ size = 1.5,+ |
229 | +1x | +
+ alpha = 0.4,+ |
230 | +1x | +
+ position = position_jitter(seed = 5, height = 0.03)+ |
231 | ++ |
+ )+ |
232 | +1x | +
+ shapes <- c(shapes, c("Data points" = 16))+ |
233 | ++ |
+ }+ |
234 | ++ | + + | +
235 | ++ |
+ # Add rug if requested+ |
236 | +9x | +
+ if ("rug" %in% include) {+ |
237 | +1x | +
+ p <- p + geom_rug(+ |
238 | +1x | +
+ data = ddf[ddf$outcome == 0, ],+ |
239 | +1x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]]),+ |
240 | +1x | +
+ sides = "b",+ |
241 | +1x | +
+ show.legend = FALSE+ |
242 | +1x | +
+ ) + geom_rug(+ |
243 | +1x | +
+ data = ddf[ddf$outcome == 1, ],+ |
244 | +1x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]]),+ |
245 | +1x | +
+ sides = "t",+ |
246 | +1x | +
+ show.legend = FALSE+ |
247 | ++ |
+ )+ |
248 | ++ |
+ }+ |
249 | ++ | + + | +
250 | ++ |
+ # Fix shape legend ...+ |
251 | +9x | +
+ if (all(c("citl", "datapoints") %in% include)) {+ |
252 | +1x | +
+ shape_guide <- guide_legend(+ |
253 | +1x | +
+ override.aes = list(+ |
254 | +1x | +
+ colour = c("Calibration In The Large" = "red", "Data points" = "black"),+ |
255 | +1x | +
+ alpha = 1, size = 2.5+ |
256 | ++ |
+ ),+ |
257 | +1x | +
+ order = 3+ |
258 | ++ |
+ )+ |
259 | +8x | +
+ } else if (any(c("citl", "datapoints") %in% include)) {+ |
260 | +7x | +
+ shape_guide <- guide_legend(+ |
261 | +7x | +
+ override.aes = list(alpha = 1, size = 2.5),+ |
262 | +7x | +
+ order = 3+ |
263 | ++ |
+ )+ |
264 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
265 | +1x | +
+ shape_guide <- NULL+ |
266 | ++ |
+ }+ |
267 | ++ | + + | +
268 | ++ |
+ # Finalize graph+ |
269 | +9x | +
+ p <- p ++ |
270 | +9x | +
+ scale_linewidth_manual(values = c("Identity line" = 0.5)) ++ |
271 | +9x | +
+ scale_shape_manual(values = shapes) ++ |
272 | +9x | +
+ scale_colour_hue(l = 45) ++ |
273 | +9x | +
+ scale_x_continuous(n.breaks = 6) ++ |
274 | +9x | +
+ scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 6) ++ |
275 | +9x | +
+ labs(+ |
276 | +9x | +
+ title = "Calibration Plot",+ |
277 | +9x | +
+ x = "Predicted Probability",+ |
278 | +9x | +
+ y = "Observed",+ |
279 | +9x | +
+ linetype = "Estimation Method",+ |
280 | +9x | +
+ linewidth = NULL,+ |
281 | +9x | +
+ colour = "Estimation Method",+ |
282 | +9x | +
+ shape = `if`(all(c("citl", "datapoints") %in% include), "Points", NULL)+ |
283 | ++ |
+ ) ++ |
284 | +9x | +
+ theme_bw() ++ |
285 | +9x | +
+ theme(legend.key.width = unit(2, "line")) ++ |
286 | +9x | +
+ guides(+ |
287 | +9x | +
+ linetype = guide_legend(order = 1),+ |
288 | +9x | +
+ colour = guide_legend(order = 1),+ |
289 | +9x | +
+ linewidth = guide_legend(order = 2),+ |
290 | +9x | +
+ shape = shape_guide+ |
291 | ++ |
+ )+ |
292 | ++ | + + | +
293 | ++ |
+ # Add margin plot+ |
294 | +9x | +
+ if (!is.null(margin.type)) {+ |
295 | +1x | +
+ p <- ggExtra::ggMarginal(p, type = margin.type, margins = "x", ...)+ |
296 | ++ |
+ }+ |
297 | ++ | + + | +
298 | +9x | +
+ return(list(plot = p, data = dplyr::as_tibble(PC.data), citl = citl.data))+ |
299 | ++ |
+ }+ |
1 | ++ |
+ #' Sensitivity and specificity plot+ |
2 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
3 | ++ |
+ #' Sensitivity and specificity risk estimates+ |
4 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
5 | ++ |
+ #' Given individual binary outcomes and scores, this function plots sensitivity and specificity+ |
6 | ++ |
+ #' (using each score as a cutoff) on their respective score percentiles.+ |
7 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
8 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams riskProfile+ |
9 | ++ |
+ #' @param show.best Logical; Include best possible sensitivity and specificity? Defaults to `TRUE`.+ |
10 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
11 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritSection riskProfile Estimation+ |
12 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
13 | ++ |
+ #' @return A list containing the plot and data.+ |
14 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
15 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
16 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
17 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [riskProfile()] [calibrationProfile()]+ |
18 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
19 | ++ |
+ #' [getPAVAest()] [getBINNEDest()] [getGAMest()] [getCGAMest()] [getMSPLINEest()]+ |
20 | ++ |
+ #' [getASISest()]+ |
21 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
22 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
23 | ++ |
+ #' # Read in example data+ |
24 | ++ |
+ #' auroc <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sample.csv", package = "stats4phc"))+ |
25 | ++ |
+ #' rscore <- auroc$predicted_calibrated+ |
26 | ++ |
+ #' truth <- as.numeric(auroc$actual)+ |
27 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
28 | ++ |
+ #' # Plot sensitivity and specificity+ |
29 | ++ |
+ #' p1 <- sensSpec(outcome = truth, score = rscore)+ |
30 | ++ |
+ #' p1$plot+ |
31 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
32 | ++ |
+ #' # Same with smoothed estimates+ |
33 | ++ |
+ #' p2 <- sensSpec(outcome = truth, score = rscore, methods = c("asis", "gam"))+ |
34 | ++ |
+ #' p2$plot+ |
35 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
36 | ++ |
+ sensSpec <- function(outcome,+ |
37 | ++ |
+ score,+ |
38 | ++ |
+ methods = "asis",+ |
39 | ++ |
+ show.best = TRUE,+ |
40 | ++ |
+ plot.raw = FALSE,+ |
41 | ++ |
+ rev.order = FALSE) {+ |
42 | ++ | + + | +
43 | ++ |
+ # Argument checks+ |
44 | +7x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(show.best)+ |
45 | +7x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(plot.raw)+ |
46 | +7x | +
+ checkmate::assert_flag(rev.order)+ |
47 | ++ | + + | +
48 | ++ |
+ # Check methods+ |
49 | +7x | +
+ methods <- methodCheck(methods = methods)+ |
50 | ++ | + + | +
51 | +7x | +
+ if (plot.raw) {+ |
52 | +2x | +
+ xvar <- "score"+ |
53 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
54 | +5x | +
+ xvar <- "percentile"+ |
55 | ++ |
+ }+ |
56 | ++ | + + | +
57 | ++ |
+ # Standardize/Check outcome, scores+ |
58 | +7x | +
+ op <- inputCheck(outcome = outcome, score = score)+ |
59 | ++ | + + | +
60 | ++ |
+ # Order Data by scores+ |
61 | +7x | +
+ tempdf <- orderInputs(outcome = op$outcome, score = op$score, rev.order = rev.order)+ |
62 | +7x | +
+ score <- tempdf$score+ |
63 | +7x | +
+ outcome <- tempdf$outcome+ |
64 | ++ | + + | +
65 | ++ |
+ # Calculate spec and sens+ |
66 | +7x | +
+ dat <- getEsts(outcome = outcome, score = score, methods = methods)$plotdata+ |
67 | +7x | +
+ dat <- split(dat, dat$method) %>%+ |
68 | +7x | +
+ lapply(\(d) nonParametricTR(outcome = d$outcome, score = d$estimate)) %>%+ |
69 | +7x | +
+ bind_rows(.id = "method")+ |
70 | ++ |
+ + |
71 | +7x | +
+ if (!plot.raw) {+ |
72 | +5x | +
+ dat <- add0thPercTR(dat)+ |
73 | ++ |
+ }+ |
74 | ++ | + + | +
75 | ++ |
+ # Plot+ |
76 | +7x | +
+ p <- ggplot(dat) ++ |
77 | +7x | +
+ geom_step(+ |
78 | +7x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$value, colour = .data$method, linetype = .data$pf),+ |
79 | +7x | +
+ direction = "hv"+ |
80 | ++ |
+ )+ |
81 | ++ | + + | +
82 | ++ |
+ # Add best possible sensitivity and specificity+ |
83 | +7x | +
+ if (show.best) {+ |
84 | +7x | +
+ prev <- mean(outcome)+ |
85 | +7x | +
+ if (plot.raw) {+ |
86 | +2x | +
+ best <- data.frame(percentile = ecdf(score)(score), score = score)+ |
87 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
88 | +5x | +
+ best <- data.frame(percentile = c(0, ecdf(score)(score)), score = c(NA, score))+ |
89 | ++ |
+ }+ |
90 | +7x | +
+ best <- best %>%+ |
91 | +7x | +
+ distinct() %>%+ |
92 | +7x | +
+ mutate(+ |
93 | +7x | +
+ Sensitivity = bestSens(perc = .data$percentile, prev = prev),+ |
94 | +7x | +
+ Specificity = bestSpec(perc = .data$percentile, prev = prev)+ |
95 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
96 | +7x | +
+ tidyr::pivot_longer(+ |
97 | +7x | +
+ cols = c("Sensitivity", "Specificity"), names_to = "pf", values_to = "value"+ |
98 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
99 | +7x | +
+ mutate(method = "best")+ |
100 | +7x | +
+ p <- p ++ |
101 | +7x | +
+ geom_line(+ |
102 | +7x | +
+ aes(x = .data[[xvar]], y = .data$value, linetype = .data$pf, linewidth = "Best Possible"),+ |
103 | +7x | +
+ data = best,+ |
104 | +7x | +
+ colour = "gray70"+ |
105 | ++ |
+ ) ++ |
106 | +7x | +
+ scale_linewidth_manual(values = c("Best Possible" = 0.5), name = NULL)+ |
107 | ++ |
+ }+ |
108 | ++ | + + | +
109 | ++ |
+ # Finalize plot+ |
110 | +7x | +
+ p <- p ++ |
111 | +7x | +
+ labs(+ |
112 | +7x | +
+ title = "Sensitivity and Specificity Plot",+ |
113 | +7x | +
+ x = ifelse(plot.raw, "Prediction Score", "Risk Percentile"),+ |
114 | +7x | +
+ y = "True Positive / Negative Rate",+ |
115 | +7x | +
+ colour = "Estimation Method",+ |
116 | +7x | +
+ linetype = "Predictive Quantity"+ |
117 | ++ |
+ ) ++ |
118 | +7x | +
+ scale_x_continuous(n.breaks = 6) ++ |
119 | +7x | +
+ scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 6) ++ |
120 | +7x | +
+ scale_linetype_manual(values = c("Sensitivity" = "solid", "Specificity" = "dashed")) ++ |
121 | +7x | +
+ scale_colour_hue(l = 45) ++ |
122 | +7x | +
+ theme_bw() ++ |
123 | +7x | +
+ theme(legend.key.width = unit(2, "line")) ++ |
124 | +7x | +
+ guides(+ |
125 | +7x | +
+ linetype = guide_legend(order = 1, override.aes = list(colour = "black")),+ |
126 | +7x | +
+ colour = guide_legend(order = 2),+ |
127 | +7x | +
+ linewidth = guide_legend(order = 3)+ |
128 | ++ |
+ )+ |
129 | ++ | + + | +
130 | +7x | +
+ if (show.best) {+ |
131 | +7x | +
+ dat <- bind_rows(dat, best)+ |
132 | ++ |
+ }+ |
133 | ++ | + + | +
134 | +7x | +
+ return(list(plot = p, data = dplyr::as_tibble(dat)))+ |
135 | ++ |
+ }+ |
1 | ++ | + + | +
2 | ++ |
+ # Calculate Predictive Value (PV) Estimates+ |
3 | ++ |
+ getPVdata <- function(methods, outcome, score, pc.ests = NULL) {+ |
4 | ++ | + + | +
5 | ++ |
+ # Calculate estimates if not provided+ |
6 | +16x | +
+ if (is.null(pc.ests)) {+ |
7 | +5x | +
+ pc.ests <- getEsts(outcome = outcome, score = score, methods = methods)+ |
8 | +5x | +
+ pc.data <- pc.ests$plotdata+ |
9 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
10 | +11x | +
+ pc.data <- pc.ests$plotdata+ |
11 | ++ |
+ }+ |
12 | ++ | + + | +
13 | ++ |
+ # locf and zip for pava and/or binned data+ |
14 | +16x | +
+ if (any(pc.ests$idx.step)) {+ |
15 | +4x | +
+ name.binned <- names(methods)[pc.ests$idx.binned]+ |
16 | +4x | +
+ name.pava <- names(methods)[pc.ests$idx.pava]+ |
17 | +4x | +
+ pc.data <- locf(pc.data, method.binned = name.binned, method.pava = name.pava)+ |
18 | ++ |
+ }+ |
19 | ++ | + + | +
20 | ++ |
+ # Calculate PV+ |
21 | +16x | +
+ PV.data <- parametricPV(pc.data = pc.data)+ |
22 | ++ | + + | +
23 | +16x | +
+ return(as.data.frame(PV.data))+ |
24 | ++ |
+ }+ |
25 | ++ | + + | +
26 | ++ | + + | +
27 | ++ |
+ # Calculates PV values from cutoff thresholds+ |
28 | ++ |
+ nonParametricPV <- function(outcome, score) {+ |
29 | ++ | + + | +
30 | +11x | +
+ prev <- mean(outcome, na.rm = TRUE)+ |
31 | ++ | + + | +
32 | +11x | +
+ thresh.predictions <- lapply(score, function(x) as.numeric(score > x))+ |
33 | ++ | + + | +
34 | +11x | +
+ ppv <- vapply(+ |
35 | +11x | +
+ thresh.predictions,+ |
36 | +11x | +
+ function(x) {+ |
37 | +440x | +
+ tp <- sum(outcome == 1 & x == 1)+ |
38 | +440x | +
+ fp <- sum(outcome == 0 & x == 1)+ |
39 | +440x | +
+ tp / (tp + fp)+ |
40 | ++ |
+ },+ |
41 | +11x | +
+ numeric(1)+ |
42 | ++ |
+ )+ |
43 | ++ | + + | +
44 | +11x | +
+ npv <- vapply(+ |
45 | +11x | +
+ thresh.predictions,+ |
46 | +11x | +
+ function(x) {+ |
47 | +440x | +
+ tn <- sum(outcome == 0 & x == 0)+ |
48 | +440x | +
+ fn <- sum(outcome == 1 & x == 0)+ |
49 | +440x | +
+ tn / (tn + fn)+ |
50 | ++ |
+ },+ |
51 | +11x | +
+ numeric(1)+ |
52 | ++ |
+ )+ |
53 | ++ | + + | +
54 | +11x | +
+ threshold.data <- data.frame(+ |
55 | +11x | +
+ score = score,+ |
56 | +11x | +
+ percentile = ecdf(score)(score),+ |
57 | +11x | +
+ PPV = ppv,+ |
58 | +11x | +
+ NPV = npv+ |
59 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
60 | +11x | +
+ mutate(MNPV = 1 - .data$NPV) %>%+ |
61 | +11x | +
+ tidyr::fill(+ |
62 | +11x | +
+ all_of(c("PPV", "NPV", "MNPV")),+ |
63 | +11x | +
+ .direction = "downup"+ |
64 | ++ |
+ )+ |
65 | ++ | + + | +
66 | +11x | +
+ return(threshold.data)+ |
67 | ++ |
+ }+ |
68 | ++ | + + | +
69 | ++ | + + | +
70 | ++ |
+ # Calculates PV values based on pracma::cumtrapz+ |
71 | ++ |
+ parametricPV <- function(pc.data) {+ |
72 | ++ | + + | +
73 | ++ |
+ # Calculate PVs+ |
74 | +16x | +
+ PV.data <- pc.data %>%+ |
75 | +16x | +
+ group_by(.data$method) %>%+ |
76 | +16x | +
+ mutate(+ |
77 | +16x | +
+ MNPV = pracma::cumtrapz(.data$percentile, .data$estimate)[, 1] / .data$percentile,+ |
78 | +16x | +
+ NPV = 1 - .data$MNPV,+ |
79 | +16x | +
+ PPV =+ |
80 | ++ |
+ (+ |
81 | +16x | +
+ max(pracma::cumtrapz(.data$percentile, .data$estimate), na.rm = TRUE) -+ |
82 | +16x | +
+ pracma::cumtrapz(.data$percentile, .data$estimate)[, 1]+ |
83 | +16x | +
+ ) / (max(.data$percentile) - .data$percentile)+ |
84 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
85 | +16x | +
+ ungroup() %>%+ |
86 | +16x | +
+ arrange(.data$method, .data$percentile)+ |
87 | ++ | + + | +
88 | ++ |
+ # Fill NAs (starting points)+ |
89 | +16x | +
+ PV.data <- PV.data %>%+ |
90 | +16x | +
+ group_by(.data$method) %>%+ |
91 | +16x | +
+ mutate(+ |
92 | +16x | +
+ MNPV = ifelse(.data$percentile == min(.data$percentile) & is.na(.data$MNPV), 0, .data$MNPV),+ |
93 | +16x | +
+ NPV = ifelse(.data$percentile == min(.data$percentile) & is.na(.data$NPV), 1, .data$NPV)+ |
94 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
95 | +16x | +
+ as.data.frame()+ |
96 | ++ | + + | +
97 | ++ |
+ # Fill NAs (ending points)+ |
98 | +16x | +
+ PV.data <- tidyr::fill(+ |
99 | +16x | +
+ PV.data,+ |
100 | +16x | +
+ all_of(c("estimate", "MNPV", "NPV", "PPV")),+ |
101 | +16x | +
+ .direction = "down"+ |
102 | ++ |
+ )+ |
103 | ++ | + + | +
104 | +16x | +
+ return(as.data.frame(PV.data))+ |
105 | ++ |
+ }+ |
106 | ++ | + + | +
107 | ++ | + + | +
108 | ++ |
+ # consistent colors for PVs+ |
109 | ++ |
+ predictionColours <- function(x, show.best) {+ |
110 | +13x | +
+ clrs <- c(+ |
111 | +13x | +
+ "Best NPV" = "gray80",+ |
112 | +13x | +
+ "NPV" = "#53B400",+ |
113 | +13x | +
+ "Best PPV" = "gray65",+ |
114 | +13x | +
+ "PPV" = "red",+ |
115 | +13x | +
+ "Best PC" = "black",+ |
116 | +13x | +
+ "PC" = "plum",+ |
117 | +13x | +
+ "1-NPV" = "royalblue2",+ |
118 | +13x | +
+ "Best 1-NPV" = "gray50"+ |
119 | ++ |
+ )+ |
120 | +13x | +
+ if (show.best) {+ |
121 | +10x | +
+ x <- c(x, paste("Best", x))+ |
122 | ++ |
+ }+ |
123 | +13x | +
+ return(clrs[names(clrs) %in% x]) # keep the ordering above+ |
124 | ++ |
+ }+ |
125 | ++ | + + | +
126 | ++ | + + | +
127 | ++ |
+ # Calculates sensitivity and specificity (true positive / negative rate)+ |
128 | ++ |
+ nonParametricTR <- function(outcome, score) {+ |
129 | ++ | + + | +
130 | ++ |
+ # Tresh_predictions are lists of 0,1's based on each finer_rscore as a cutpoint+ |
131 | +9x | +
+ thresh.predictions <- lapply(score, function(x) as.numeric(score > x))+ |
132 | ++ | + + | +
133 | ++ |
+ # Calc sensitivities and specificities at each risk percentile threshold+ |
134 | +9x | +
+ senses <- vapply(+ |
135 | +9x | +
+ thresh.predictions,+ |
136 | +9x | +
+ function(x) {+ |
137 | +360x | +
+ sum(outcome == 1 & x == 1) / sum(outcome == 1)+ |
138 | ++ |
+ },+ |
139 | +9x | +
+ numeric(1)+ |
140 | ++ |
+ )+ |
141 | ++ | + + | +
142 | +9x | +
+ specs <- vapply(+ |
143 | +9x | +
+ thresh.predictions,+ |
144 | +9x | +
+ function(x) {+ |
145 | +360x | +
+ sum(outcome == 0 & x == 0) / sum(outcome == 0)+ |
146 | ++ |
+ },+ |
147 | +9x | +
+ numeric(1)+ |
148 | ++ |
+ )+ |
149 | ++ | + + | +
150 | ++ |
+ # Create a data.frame+ |
151 | +9x | +
+ dat <- data.frame(+ |
152 | +9x | +
+ score = score,+ |
153 | +9x | +
+ percentile = ecdf(score)(score),+ |
154 | +9x | +
+ Sensitivity = senses,+ |
155 | +9x | +
+ Specificity = specs+ |
156 | ++ |
+ ) %>%+ |
157 | +9x | +
+ tidyr::pivot_longer(+ |
158 | +9x | +
+ cols = c("Sensitivity", "Specificity"),+ |
159 | +9x | +
+ names_to = "pf",+ |
160 | +9x | +
+ values_to = "value"+ |
161 | ++ |
+ )+ |
162 | ++ | + + | +
163 | +9x | +
+ return(as.data.frame(dat))+ |
164 | ++ |
+ }+ |
165 | ++ | + + | +
166 | ++ | + + | +
167 | ++ | + + | +
168 | ++ |
+ adjPrevPerc <- function(perc, prev.new, cdf.case, cdf.control) {+ |
169 | +4x | +
+ prev.new * cdf.case(perc) + (1 - prev.new) * cdf.control(perc)+ |
170 | ++ |
+ }+ |
171 | ++ | + + | +
172 | ++ |
+ adjPrevEst <- function(x, prev, prev.new) {+ |
173 | +5x | +
+ f2 <- prev / (1 - prev)+ |
174 | +5x | +
+ f3 <- (1 - prev.new) / prev.new+ |
175 | +5x | +
+ 1 / (((1 / x) - 1) * f2 * f3 + 1)+ |
176 | ++ |
+ }+ |
177 | ++ | + + | +
178 | ++ |
+ adjPrevPC <- function(dat, prev, prev.new, cdf.case, cdf.control) {+ |
179 | +1x | +
+ mutate(+ |
180 | +1x | +
+ dat,+ |
181 | +1x | +
+ percentile = adjPrevPerc(+ |
182 | +1x | +
+ perc = .data$score, prev.new = prev.new,+ |
183 | +1x | +
+ cdf.case = cdf.case, cdf.control = cdf.control+ |
184 | ++ |
+ ),+ |
185 | +1x | +
+ estimate = adjPrevEst(x = .data$estimate, prev = prev, prev.new = prev.new)+ |
186 | ++ |
+ )+ |
187 | ++ |
+ }+ |
188 | ++ | + + | +
189 | ++ |
+ adjPrevPV <- function(dat, prev, prev.new, cdf.case, cdf.control) {+ |
190 | +1x | +
+ mutate(+ |
191 | +1x | +
+ dat,+ |
192 | +1x | +
+ percentile = adjPrevPerc(+ |
193 | +1x | +
+ perc = .data$score, prev.new = prev.new,+ |
194 | +1x | +
+ cdf.case = cdf.case, cdf.control = cdf.control+ |
195 | ++ |
+ ),+ |
196 | +1x | +
+ MNPV = adjPrevEst(x = .data$MNPV, prev = prev, prev.new = prev.new),+ |
197 | +1x | +
+ NPV = 1 - .data$MNPV,+ |
198 | +1x | +
+ PPV = adjPrevEst(x = .data$PPV, prev = prev, prev.new = prev.new)+ |
199 | ++ |
+ )+ |
200 | ++ |
+ }+ |
201 | ++ | + + | +
202 | ++ | + + | +
203 | ++ | + + | +
204 | ++ |
+ bestPPV <- function(perc, prev) {+ |
205 | +12x | +
+ ifelse(perc > 1 - prev, 1, prev / (1 - perc))+ |
206 | ++ |
+ }+ |
207 | ++ | + + | +
208 | ++ |
+ bestMNPV <- function(perc, prev) {+ |
209 | +12x | +
+ ifelse(perc <= 1 - prev, 0, 1 - ((1 - prev) / perc))+ |
210 | ++ |
+ }+ |
211 | ++ | + + | +
212 | ++ |
+ bestSens <- function(perc, prev) {+ |
213 | +8x | +
+ ifelse(perc <= 1 - prev, 1, (1 - perc) / prev)+ |
214 | ++ |
+ }+ |
215 | ++ | + + | +
216 | ++ |
+ bestSpec <- function(perc, prev) {+ |
217 | +8x | +
+ ifelse(perc > 1 - prev, 1, perc / (1 - prev))+ |
218 | ++ |
+ }+ |
1 | ++ | + + | +
2 | ++ |
+ #' zipFastener for two dataframes of unequal length+ |
3 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
4 | ++ |
+ #' The following function acts like a “zip fastener” for combining two dataframes.+ |
5 | ++ |
+ #' It takes the first row of the first data frame and places it above of+ |
6 | ++ |
+ #' the first row of the second data frame and so on.+ |
7 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
8 | ++ |
+ #' @param df1 dataframe 1+ |
9 | ++ |
+ #' @param df2 dataframe 2+ |
10 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
11 | ++ |
+ #' @return Zipped data.frame+ |
12 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
13 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
14 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
15 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
16 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
17 | ++ |
+ #' df1 <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 1:3, c = 1:3)+ |
18 | ++ |
+ #' df2 <- data.frame(a = letters[1:3], b = letters[1:3], c = letters[1:3])+ |
19 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
20 | ++ |
+ #' zipFastener(df1, df2)+ |
21 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
22 | ++ |
+ zipFastener <- function(df1, df2) {+ |
23 | ++ | + + | +
24 | +8x | +
+ if (ncol(df1) != ncol(df2)) {+ |
25 | +1x | +
+ stop("the no. of columns has to be equal to merge them by zip feeding")+ |
26 | ++ |
+ }+ |
27 | ++ | + + | +
28 | +7x | +
+ d1 <- nrow(df1)+ |
29 | +7x | +
+ d2 <- nrow(df2)+ |
30 | ++ | + + | +
31 | +7x | +
+ if (d1 != d2) {+ |
32 | +1x | +
+ stop("the no. of rows has to be equal to merge them by zip feeding")+ |
33 | ++ |
+ }+ |
34 | ++ | + + | +
35 | ++ |
+ # zip fastener preperations+ |
36 | +6x | +
+ i1 <- 1:d1 # index vector 1+ |
37 | +6x | +
+ i2 <- 1:d1 + d1 # index vector 2+ |
38 | ++ | + + | +
39 | ++ |
+ # zip fastener operations+ |
40 | +6x | +
+ index <- as.vector(matrix(c(i1, i2), ncol = d1, byrow = TRUE))+ |
41 | +6x | +
+ index <- index[!is.na(index)] # remove NAs+ |
42 | ++ | + + | +
43 | +6x | +
+ colnames(df2) <- colnames(df1) # keep 1st colnames+ |
44 | +6x | +
+ res <- rbind(df1, df2)[index, ] # reorder data frame+ |
45 | ++ | + + | +
46 | +6x | +
+ return(res)+ |
47 | ++ |
+ }+ |
48 | ++ | + + | +
49 | ++ | + + | +
50 | ++ |
+ #' last observation carried forward: for binned+ |
51 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
52 | ++ |
+ #' Function assumes columns in data frame are: percentile, estimate, method+ |
53 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
54 | ++ |
+ #' @param df dataframe containing predcurve estimates+ |
55 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
56 | ++ |
+ #' @return dataframe with adjusted points+ |
57 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
58 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
59 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
60 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
61 | ++ |
+ locf.binned <- function(df) {+ |
62 | ++ | + + | +
63 | +4x | +
+ df.copy <- df+ |
64 | ++ |
+ # keep same x, slide y back one spot+ |
65 | +4x | +
+ df.copy$estimate <- df.copy$estimate[c(2:length(df.copy$estimate), NA)]+ |
66 | +4x | +
+ combined.df <- zipFastener(df, df.copy)+ |
67 | +4x | +
+ combined.df <- combined.df[-nrow(combined.df), ] # removes a redundant point+ |
68 | ++ | + + | +
69 | +4x | +
+ return(combined.df)+ |
70 | ++ |
+ }+ |
71 | ++ | + + | +
72 | ++ |
+ #' last observation carried forward: for pava+ |
73 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
74 | ++ |
+ #' Function assumes columns in data frame are: percentile, estimate, method+ |
75 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
76 | ++ |
+ #' @param df dataframe containing predcurve estimates+ |
77 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
78 | ++ |
+ #' @return dataframe with adjusted points+ |
79 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
80 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
81 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
82 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
83 | ++ |
+ locf.pava <- function(df) {+ |
84 | ++ | + + | +
85 | ++ |
+ # save first and last points+ |
86 | +2x | +
+ first <- df[1, ]+ |
87 | +2x | +
+ last <- df[nrow(df) - 1, ]+ |
88 | ++ | + + | +
89 | ++ |
+ # adjust data to remove extra points+ |
90 | +2x | +
+ diff_y <- diff(c(0, df$estimate))+ |
91 | +2x | +
+ pava.int <- df[diff_y != 0, ]+ |
92 | ++ | + + | +
93 | ++ |
+ # re-add first and last points+ |
94 | +2x | +
+ df <- rbind(first, pava.int, last)+ |
95 | +2x | +
+ df <- df[order(df$percentile), ] # order on percentile+ |
96 | ++ | + + | +
97 | +2x | +
+ df.copy <- df+ |
98 | ++ |
+ # keep same x, slide y back one spot+ |
99 | +2x | +
+ df.copy$percentile <- df.copy$percentile[+ |
100 | +2x | +
+ c(2:(length(df.copy$percentile)), NA)+ |
101 | ++ |
+ ]+ |
102 | +2x | +
+ combined.df <- zipFastener(df, df.copy)+ |
103 | ++ | + + | +
104 | ++ |
+ # Combine smooth estimate to fixed df+ |
105 | +2x | +
+ combined.df <- na.omit(combined.df)+ |
106 | +2x | +
+ combined.df <- combined.df[-nrow(combined.df), ] # removes a redundant point+ |
107 | ++ | + + | +
108 | +2x | +
+ return(combined.df)+ |
109 | ++ |
+ }+ |
110 | ++ | + + | +
111 | ++ |
+ #' Last observation carried forward for specific estimation methods+ |
112 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
113 | ++ |
+ #' Iterates locf for multiple methods: calls locf.binned and locf.pava+ |
114 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
115 | ++ |
+ #' @param df dataframe containing predcurve estimates+ |
116 | ++ |
+ #' @param method.binned vector of "binned" methods+ |
117 | ++ |
+ #' @param method.pava vector of "pava" methods+ |
118 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
119 | ++ |
+ #' @return dataframe with adjusted points+ |
120 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
121 | ++ |
+ #' @keywords internal+ |
122 | ++ |
+ #' @noRd+ |
123 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
124 | ++ |
+ locf <- function(df, method.binned, method.pava) {+ |
125 | ++ | + + | +
126 | +4x | +
+ complete.data <- df[!df$method %in% c(method.binned, method.pava), ]+ |
127 | +4x | +
+ binned.data <- df[df$method %in% method.binned, ]+ |
128 | +4x | +
+ pava.data <- df[df$method %in% method.pava, ]+ |
129 | ++ | + + | +
130 | ++ |
+ # pava locf+ |
131 | +4x | +
+ if (nrow(pava.data) >= 1) {+ |
132 | +2x | +
+ pava.plotdata <- locf.pava(pava.data)+ |
133 | +2x | +
+ complete.data <- bind_rows(complete.data, pava.plotdata)+ |
134 | ++ |
+ }+ |
135 | ++ | + + | +
136 | ++ |
+ # binned locf+ |
137 | +4x | +
+ if (nrow(binned.data) >= 1) {+ |
138 | +4x | +
+ binned.plotdata <- locf.binned(binned.data)+ |
139 | +4x | +
+ complete.data <- bind_rows(complete.data, binned.plotdata)+ |
140 | ++ |
+ }+ |
141 | +4x | +
+ rownames(complete.data) <- NULL+ |
142 | ++ | + + | +
143 | +4x | +
+ return(complete.data)+ |
144 | ++ |
+ }+ |