- Added better client dashboard to see monthly work unit statistics.
- Refactored the way that work_units are loaded in the calendar.
- Upgraded to rails 3.2
- Removed fnordmetric as it was not compatible with the rails 3.2 upgrade
- Ticket descriptions now render with markdown
- Made minor modifications to the api for the cli app
- Added data vault to store username and passwords
- Added release note and xrono note functionality to projects
- Added ability to create tickets while creating a new work unit
- Added realtime metrics
- Added github integration
- Bar graphs for work units
- Fixed a bug in work unit creation
Now when you try to submit a work unit without a ticket you get a dialog
- New client login feature:
Users can now be given special login behavior via a "Client Login" checkbox Users with "Client Logins" will be isolated to the client_login namespace Users with "Client Logins" have an awesome experience to manage (add/update) their contacts and view their work units Users with "Client Logins" will also be able to see reporting on a per-ticket basis that shows a fancy pie chart. The pie chart displays a percentage of completion based on estimated time to complete a ticket and the ammount of that estimated time that remains.
- Email notifications to clients as background jobs using Resque::Mailer
- Styling changes to the admin/invoices page
- A centralized reporting page for admins.
- Ticket numbers on the project's index.
- Reporting on Tickets based on estimated time to complete a ticket versus total effective hours on the ticket.
- Showing the add ticket partial to admins.
- No release notes were really kept prior to this date. Oops :)