- Frontend demo URL: https://youtu.be/cypa1Fu46HQ
- Added Create Course button and modal in Instructor Dashboard #33
- Created course details component with dynamic url #33
- Populated student dashboard with enrolled courses #14
- Instructor can add course description #6
- Instructor can update course description #6
- Wrote Unit Tests using Karma Jasmine
- Wrote automation tests using Cypress
- Backend demo URL: https://youtu.be/uJ0GS2_R4Yw
- Back-end API documentation
- Front-End routes issue created by go-embed fixed by creating a middleware. #35
- Course creation by the instructor #33
- Course content Video upload to AWS S3 bucket and its path is stored into the database.#3
- Getting course description of instructor's course.#6
- Updating course description by the instructor only.#6
- Getting enrollment status of a student. #14
- Enrolling student for a course.#14
- Displaying all courses enrolled by a student(student Dashboard)#15
- Displaying all courses in the database. #34
- Automated API testing is done for all API's using postman and newman
- Unit testing is done for other functionalities.PRLink