id | title | desc | updated | created |
jw7o7tx92o6sqh19mjjhknp |
Template_member_function |
1699347034314 |
1699279184196 |
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#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
struct cfg_init_to_server
struct i30_network_
std::string listen_ip;
int listen_port;
std::string upload_ip;
int upload_port;
int upload_connect_timeout_ms;
int upload_connect_retry_max;
struct objective_network_
std::string listen_ip;
int listen_port;
struct log_
/* data */
//log output mode controled by commond line argument input
int level;
std::string root_path;
std::string testbed_stdout_name;
//not required
std::string server_stdout_name;
struct objective_runtime_
/* data */
int objective_run_testbed_process_max;
int objective_download_thread_max;
int objective_upload_thread_max;
int objective_cache_video_max;
std::string modify_date;
std::string default_parse_version;
log_ log;
objective_network_ objective_network;
i30_network_ i30_network;
objective_runtime_ objective_runtime;
private: \
TYPE TYPE##_ = TYPE(); \
mutable std::mutex mutex_##TYPE##_; \
public: \
void set_##TYPE(const TYPE& value) { \
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(mutex_##TYPE##_); \
TYPE##_ = value; \
}; \
TYPE get_##TYPE() const { \
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(mutex_##TYPE##_); \
return TYPE##_; \
} ;\
const TYPE& get_##TYPE##ref() const{ \
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(mutex_##TYPE##_); \
return TYPE##_; \
class CfgFocus {
static CfgFocus& get_ins();
//adapt protocol to struct, hide protocol
template <typename T>
T load_cfg_by_path(const std::string& in_path);
template <typename T>
T load_cfg_by_iostream(std::ifstream& instream);
template <typename T>
T load_cfg_by_content(const std::string& in_content);
CfgFocus() = default;
virtual ~CfgFocus() = default;
inline CfgFocus& CfgFocus::get_ins() {
static CfgFocus cfg_focus{};
return cfg_focus;
template <>
inline cfg_init_to_server CfgFocus::load_cfg_by_path(const std::string& in_path) {
// auto toml_from_txt = toml::parse(in_path);
// return toml::from<cfg_init_to_server>::from_toml(toml_from_txt);
std::cout<<"template specialization " << in_path<<std::endl;
return cfg_init_to_server{};
int main()
cout<<"Hello World\n";
return 0;
- 可以只声明不定义,若未定义调用则编译报错 目标函数未定义
- 使用特化,可以在开发过程中持续添加
- 保持函数名,返回值以及其他部分类型不同
- 将特化函数嵌入到一些重载函数中