id | title | desc | updated | created |
8d5e7xbq6dq94a7pesadqqt |
Manager Common Point |
1695278123798 |
1695266026230 |
pass common point to member var of class on contructor, if point is null, will new point assign to member
- should to free outside point?
- what is the best way to free the member point which alloc by contructor when outside point is null?
- use one mark correspond to if outside point pass to the contructor is null
- use unique_ptr to wrap outside point assign to member point
- question: whether unique_ptr will auto free the point which from outside
- answer: yes, the default behaviour of unique_ptr is auto free the point when leaving scope regardless of the source of the pointer
- so:using stack pointer pass to the constructor of unique_ptr will raise runtime error!
FFmpegH264Decode(VideoDecodeCallback* decode_callback, const std::string& video_path)
: is_outside_callback_(true), decode_callback_(decode_callback), decode_listener_(nullptr), video_path_(video_path), video_info_("") , is_out_decode_(false){
if (decode_callback == nullptr) {
decode_callback_ = new VideoDecodeCallback();
is_outside_callback_ = false;
FFmpegH264Decode(VideoDecodeListener* decode_listener, std::string& video_path)
: is_outside_callback_(true), decode_listener_(decode_listener), decode_callback_(nullptr), video_path_(video_path), video_info_("") , is_out_decode_(false){
if (decode_listener == nullptr) {
decode_listener_ = new VideoDecodeListener();
is_outside_callback_ = false;
virtual ~FFmpegH264Decode() {
decode_callback_ == nullptr ? delete decode_listener_ : delete decode_callback_;
decode_callback_ = nullptr;
decode_listener_ = nullptr;
#include <memory>
#include <stdio.h>
struct var1 {
int a = 0;
var1(int aa){ a = aa;printf("var1 construct:%d\n", a);}
~var1(){printf("var1 destruct:%d\n", a);};
class MyClass {
std::unique_ptr<var1> myPtr;
std::unique_ptr<var1> myPtr2;
MyClass(var1* externalPtr) {
myPtr = std::unique_ptr<var1>(externalPtr); // 使用外部指针
myPtr2 = std::unique_ptr<var1>(new var1(2));
int main() {
// int* externalPtr = new int; // 外部分配内存
var1* var = new var1(1);
var1 var2(3);
MyClass obj(&var2);
return 0;
how to optimize this scene
- redecalre function argument, instead of unique_ptr
- noting to do, because it's compatible using stack variable pass to constructor