id | title | desc | updated | created |
zr82dxk945c58occ6i52qi6 |
Event_system |
1697815483547 |
1697506550946 |
- offical: event system
- offical: another look at events
- offical: QEvent
- tao ge: 理解事件循环
- blog: 深入理解qt事件循环
- blog: event dispatcher create
- blog: qt 从0到1机制
- zhihu: 源码分析事件循环 event dispatcher
- blog: QT事件传递与事件过滤器
- blog: qt event
- blog: qt事件系统
- blog: Qt widget事件传递顺序以及监听特定控件是否接收某个事件_qt时间响应的顺序-程序员宅基地
event occurs event deliver event source event type event handler
passive call, dependent the occurrence and delivered of event spontaneous event posted event sent event
- for cross platform
- passive call
- provide the specification(post: define->reigster->execute, send: define->execute) to bind event trigger and evnet handler
- convenience of coding, provide a large num of event and default handler and process loop/thread previously, just to define the handler or event which you need actually and to combine them.
- core idea of event system is to provide a way to
mark various known event
andcontrol corresponding response behavior
key: 在 post 以及 send 时,已经获取到了执行 handler 的obj,以及 handler,event 。每一个 object 都存储了父对象指针,通过这种对象结构,形成树状依赖关系,来进行内存管理和数据的传递回溯
- who execute the handler and ergodic widget structure?
- the machanism of event propageted? when will the event be propageted? related fuhnction?
to stop propagate further <==> reimplement and not calling default handler callignore()
to continue propagate further <==> call default handler passing up depends on default handler of qt 事件传递的过程实现就是一个 事件发送(send)或循环方(post->queue) 遍历和选择对象执行其event处理函数的过程
mouse press event spontaneous event how to pass target object??