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MOVES Anywhere Guide

  • Lead Developer: Tim Fraser, PhD
  • Contributors: Erin Murphy, Junna Chen, Mahak Bindal, Shungo Najima, Carl Closs
  • Institution: Gao Labs @ Cornell University
  • Description: A Docker-based solution to run MOVES anywhere - on Windows, Mac, or Linux

0. Welcome

Welcome to moves_anywhere! This software suite includes several tools to help you run the Environmental Protection Agency's [MO]{.underline}tor [V]{.underline}ehicle [E]{.underline}missions [S]{.underline}imulator (MOVES) more easily. Developed by Tim Fraser and colleagues at Gao Labs at Cornell University, moves_anywhere aims to solve several common problems for planners, engineers, and researchers who need to know how many tons of emissions are produced from on-road transportation sources in their county or state. These problems include:

  • Writing runspec.xml documents faster (a recipe for your MOVES run)

  • Running MOVES on any OS (Windows, Mac, or Linux), using a Docker container.

  • Running MOVES with custom inputs when you have some (or none) of the required custom input tables, but not all.

  • Post-processing MOVES inventory output data into the more dataviz-friendly "CAT Format", developed for Cornell's Climate Action in Transportation (CAT) team's research.

  • Uploading CAT Formatted Data to a Google Cloud SQL server using a Docker container.

  • And more!

Note: This is a living document that will be updated continuously as development on moves_anywhere integrations continues, so be sure to check back for updates.

1. Key Terms in moves_anywhere

moves_anywhere: a software suite containing several tools for making it easier to run MOVES. Here is a list of key terms to help users and developers keep those tools straight!

  • MOVES: The Environmental Protection Agency's [MO]{.underline}tor [V]{.underline}ehicle [E]{.underline}missions [S]{.underline}imulator (MOVES) software. Used for estimating emissions from onroad transportation sources, for about ~100 types of pollutants. Originally developed for Windows. The most up-to-date information can be found on the MOVES Github Repository.

    • From Github, MOVES can be downloaded and implemented on linux, provided a fair amount of familiarity with Linux, Go, Java, and command line coding.

    • moves_anywhere is powered by MOVES v4.0, downloaded from Github.

  • runspec: A runspec file is a .xml file that lists every specification about your MOVES run, including the area (eg. Tompkins County), level of analysis (eg. county/state), year(s) under analysis (eg. 2025), pollutants (eg. CO2 equivalent = id 98), sourcetypes, fueltypes, and roadtypes, and level of geographic aggregation and temporal aggregation for results. See here for the EPA's guide "Anatomy of a Runspec" on interpreting a runspec document.

  • MOVES runs:

    • run: a run refers to running the MOVES software 1 time, using 1 runspec file. In moves_anywhere, this usually describes emissions for 1 county-year.

    • scenario: A bundle of MOVES runs for the same geographic area over time, often with distinct custom input tables for each year. (Eg. Tompkins County for 2020, 2025, and 2030.)

    • default MOVES run: A MOVES run that sources any required data directly from the MOVES default input database. In the MOVES GUI, under Domain/Scale, also called Default Scale. Produces approximate estimates of emissions in an area. For Emissions Reporting purposes, we should always use a custom MOVES run, which better reflects on-the-ground vehicle fleet activity and conditions.

    • custom MOVES run: A MOVES run for 1 county-year that draws on a set of ~40 specific custom input tables provided by the user in the form of a custom input database. Also draws on some background data from default input database. In the MOVES GUI, under Domain/Scale called County Scale. MOVES GUI provides County Data Manager to help users fill in the many required custom input tables.

  • input tables:

    • default input tables: Several hundred tables of default data for MOVES processing, which comes with moves. Stored as a MariaDB database, commonly referred to as the default input database. of several hundred default input tables and tables for internal MOVES processing that come with MOVES.

      • Contains all tables needed to perform a default MOVES run. Contains some but not all of the possible tables that can be provided in a custom MOVES run.

      • Current default input database version is named movesdb20240104. Available for download here in MariaDB format. Installed automatically when MOVES is installed.

    • custom input tables: About ~40 input tables required by MOVES to perform a custom MOVES run. Provided to MOVES as a custom input database.

  • catr: an R package containing tools in the R programming language for running various moves_anywhere processes.

    • adapt(): an R function that adapts the MOVES default input database
    • custom_rs(): an R function that writes customized runspec documents.
    • postprocess_format(): An R function that combines a movesoutput and movesactivityoutput table from your outputdatabase into a data.csv file.
    • Other Example Helper Functions:
      • translate_rs(): an R function that extracts important metadata from a runspec into an R list object.
      • connect(): an R function that helps you quickly connect to your output or input database.
      • and more!
  • CAT Format: This format refers to the act of joining and aggregating a movesoutput table and movesactivityoutput table from your output database. CAT Format has 16 types of aggregation possible, each with their own unique id called the by field. by can therefore range from aggregation id by = 1 to by = 16. Each set of aggregated data can therefore be bundled atop each other, as long as they are differentiated by a by column, enabling easy filtering of ready-to-use data. This means that emissions and activity variables can be seen for each county year at different levels of aggregation.

    • For example, by=16 means completely aggregated, showing the total emissions and vehicle miles traveled among other metrics for a given pollutant in a given year in a given county. by = 8 shows total emissions and activity metrics for given pollutants in a given year in a given county disaggregated by sourcetype (type of vehicle). by = 1 means total emissions and activity metrics for a given pollutant in a given year in a given county completely disaggregated by source type, fuel type, regulatory class, and road type.

    • For a detailed explanation of CAT Format, please see this markdown document!

2. moves_anywhere process

2.1 Process Overview

moves_anywhere follows the following process:

  1. First, a runspec is made, named rs_custom.xml. The catr package's custom_rs function can swiftly produce run specs from a limited set of inputs.

  2. Then, a bucket (eg. folder) is made to hold the runspec and any custom input tables.

  3. Any other custom input tables are placed into the bucket, where their names match their respective tables exactly, with no spaces, typically lowercase, written as .csv files. For example, the sourceTypeYear table would be saved in the bucket as sourcetypeyear.csv.

  4. The runspec rs_custom.xml is placed in the bucket.

  5. Then, a container is made from the 'moves' docker image (from image_moves/), where the bucket has been mounted to that container to the file path cat-api/inputs/. Any changes that the container makes to the contents of that folder occur to the contents of the bucket itself.

  6. Upon starting the moves container, this container runs the bash shell script cat-api/ This script conducts settings, preprocessing, invokes moves, and then conducts data postprocessing.

  7. For members of the CAT research team, data can be optionally uploaded to the CATSERVER orderdata Cloud SQL server, dubbed catcloud.

2.2 Understanding the moves docker image

Let's take a closer look at step 6 from above, where the magic happens in the container.

2.2.1 Settings

Settings involves starting up the MySQL server on the container and loading environmental variables necessary for running moves from the script.

2.2.2 Preprocessing

Preprocessing involves using the runspec and user supplied custom input tables to run the adapt.r function. As discussed earlier, adapt() imports into the default input database any provided custom input tables. Then, if a given custom input table was not supplied, it develops suitable approximations from the default input data and save these as custom input tables. Additionally, it filters other relevant tables to reflect the metadata of that moves run, fixing the county, year, region, etc. At the end, the resulting database still bears the same name as its original form as a default input database, but it is now a custom input database and must be listed in the runspec as such.

2.2.3 Running MOVES

Running MOVES involves compiling Go and Java, then directing MOVES to run using the specific runspec from the bucket. A typical county MOVES runtime for 1 county-year varies depending on CPU. We have found that a virtual machine with 4GB of RAM and 1 CPU can run MOVES in inventory mode in 5-10 minutes. With more CPU, that number can decrease to about 2 minutes. Running MOVES in rate mode may require upwards of 30 minutes for a large number of pollutants.

2.2.4 Post-processing

  • At the conclusion of the MOVES container's process, it has written its output files to the aptly named output database "moves". These tables will only exist as long as the container runs, so they must be collected from the database and written to file in the bucket as csvs.

  • The postprocess.r script extracts relevant tables depending on what type of run was specified in your runspec.

    • If your runspec specified an Emissions Inventory run, the movesoutput and movesactivityoutput tables are extracted from your output database. They are saved to the mounted /inputs bucket as movesoutput.csv and movesactivityoutput.csv.

      • Additionally, if a parameter.json is provided in the inputs/ folder, then catr will run some formatting functions, combining these two tables into the more dataviz friendly CAT Format and save it as data.csv in the bucket.
    • If your runspec specified an Emissions Rates run, the rateperhour, ratepervehicle, rateperdistance, rateperstart, startspervehicle, rateperprofile, and movesrun tables are extracted and saved to the mounted /inputs bucket as rateperhour.csv, ratepervehicle.csv, rateperdistance.csv, rateperstart.csv, startspervehicle.csv, rateperprofile.csv, and movesrun.csv.

3. Configuring your /inputs bucket

3.1 Basic Requirements

All docker images used in moves_anywhere involve a folder/bucket that gets mounted to the path /cat-api/inputs in the container. This is the location where we can pass files to the container, and receive new outputted files from the container. Your bucket may contain the following information:

  • Mandatory Inputs

    • /inputs/rs_custom.xml: a runspec file.
  • Optional Inputs

    • /inputs/your_custom_input_table_here.csv: any custom input tables can be added here, where the file should share the name of your custom input table, followed by .csv. For example, sourceTypeYear should be sourcetypeyear.csv.

    • /inputs/parameters.json: The Cornell CAT system uses a parameters.json for several extra functionalities of moves_anywhere, like having catr aggregate data into a data.csv or having the file uploaded to catcloud. A parameters.json is not otherwise required.

  • Potential Outputs

    • /inputs/movesoutput.csv: a summary of a emissionsQuant by pollutantID, sourceTypeID, roadTypeID, fuelTypeID, countyID, etc. [Inventory mode only]

    • /inputs/movesactivityoutput.csv: a summary of activity metrics by activityTypeID, and any other stratification variables. [Inventory mode only]

    • /inputs/data.csv: a CAT-formatted aggregated data table, according to the specifications requested in parameters.json. [Inventory mode only]

    • /inputs/rateperhour.csv [Rate mode only]

    • /inputs/ratepervehicle.csv [Rate mode only]

    • /inputs/rateperdistance.csv [Rate mode only]

    • /inputs/rateperstart.csv [Rate mode only]

    • /inputs/startspervehicle.csv [Rate mode only]

    • /inputs/rateperprofile.csv [Rate mode only]

    • /inputs/movesrun.csv [Rate mode only; may be added for Inventory mode in future.]

3.2 custom input tables required by MOVES

There are up to 39~41 total custom input tables that must be edited to use moves_anywhere with MOVES 4.0. This includes 13~15 [required]{.underline} user-supplied tables, which users must supply in the traditional County Data Manager user interface (Table 1), and 17 [optional]{.underline} user-supplied tables, for which MOVES typically automatically sources defaults if not supplied (Table 2). Further, 9 background tables must be updated to reflect the geography, time frame, regions, etc. on the run (Table 3). Any of the remaining ~200 tables in the MOVES default input database can also be updated. See here for a full list of all MOVES database tables.

One of the key challenges of using MOVES is that unless someone crafts all required user-supplied tables, MOVES [refuses]{.underline} to perform a custom run. This was extremely difficult as a user and developer working with MOVES, and was the motivation for creating the adapt() function.

adapt(): So, the first step of the moves_anywhere team was to develop a strategy to populate these required custom input tables with 'good-enough' values, by borrowing relevant values from the default database and/or transforming them where needed. This was to make it possible that even if you don't have all the possible input data about your scenario, you can still run MOVES. We refer to this process as the adapt() function in the catr package, which adapts the default input database and any supplied custom input tables into a fully operational custom input database.

Table 1: User-Supplied Tables Required by County Data Manager

Menu Table Adaptation
Vehicle Type VMT monthVMTFraction Used if VMT is Annual
Vehicle Type VMT dayVMTFraction Used if VMT is Annual
Vehicle Type VMT hourVMTFraction Used if VMT is Annual or Daily
Vehicle Type VMT SourceTypeYearVMT OR HPMSVtypeYear
Vehicle Type VMT SourceTypeDayVMT OR HPMSVTypeDay1
Source Type Population sourceTypeYear Using national-level default sourceTypeYear, [interpolated and population-weighted]2
Fuel AVFT Using samplevehiclepopulation, group by sourceTypeID, modelYearID, fuelTypeID, and engTechID and sum stmyFraction to make fuelEngFraction.
Fuel FuelSupply Filter by fuelRegionID, fuelYearID, monthGroupID
Fuel FuelUsageFraction Filter by countyID, fuelYearID
Fuel FuelFormulation3 Untouched
(Avoid Tinkering)
Average Speed Distribution avgSpeedDistribution Filter by hourDayID
Age Distribution sourceTypeAgeDistribution Filter by yearID
Road Type Distribution roadTypeDistribution Untouched
I/M Programs IMCoverage Filter by stateID, countyID, yearID
Meteorology Data zoneMonthHour Filter by zoneID, monthID, hourID

Table 2: Optional Tables for County Data Manager

Menu Table Adaptation
Starts startsHourFraction Filter by dayID and hourID
Starts starts Filter by yearID
Starts startsPerDay Filter by dayID
Starts StartsPerDayPerVehicle Filter by dayID
Starts startsMonthAdjust Untouched
Starts startsAgeAdjustment Untouched
Starts startsOpModeDistribution Filter by opModeID, dayID, hourID
Hotelling hotellingActivityDistribution Filter by zoneID
Hotelling hotellingHours Untouched
Hotelling hotellingHourFraction Untouched
Hotelling hotellingAgeFraction Untouched
Hotelling hotellingMonthAdjust Untouched
Idle totalIdleFraction Filter by idleRegionID, countyTypeID, monthID, dayID
Idle idleModelYearGrouping Untouched
Idle idleMonthAdjust Untouched
Idle idleDayAdjust Untouched
Retrofit Data onRoadRetrofit Untouched

Table 3: Generic Tables to be Updated

Menu Table Adaptation
Generic year Filter by yearID
Generic county Filter by countyID
Generic state Filter by stateID
Generic idleRegion Filter by idleRegionID
Generic zone Filter by countyID
Generic zoneRoadType Filter by zoneID
Generic regionCounty Filter by countyID, fuelYearID
Generic pollutantProcessAssoc Filter by pollutantID
Generic opModePolProcAssoc Filter by polProcessID

Adaptations of Note

Several of the table adaptations outlined in Table 1 deserve extra attention, as they could not be handled just by filtering, for example.

Issue 1: VMT data

A custom input database can only have 1 of these four VMT tables: sourcetypeyearvmt, hpmsvtypeyear, sourcetypedayvmt, or hpmsvtypeday. If a year-level table sourcetypeyearvmt or hpmsvtypeyear is chosen, then other year-relevant VMT tables can be uploaded, namely, monthVMTFraction, dayVMTFraction, and hourVMTFraction. However, if day-level table sourcetypedayvmt or hpmsvtypeday is chosen, then other day-relevant VMT tables can be uploaded, namely hourVMTFraction.

Issue 2: Population Projection

Some tables required adjustments using population projections, discussed further in Item 3. To do so, we assembled a county dataset from 1990 to 2060 of population projections, listed in catr::projections. We rely on the following data:

  • For the years 1990 to 2020, we use county-level estimates for every US county, sourced from the National Historical Geographic Information Systems' IPUMS database, which records various census data historically over time. We use decennial census estimates for 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020, and fill in missing years 2008-2019 using American Community Survey 5-year average estimates (ACS-5). For example, 2008 is represented by 2006-2010, 2009 is represented by 2007-2011, etc.

  • For the years 2021 to 2060, we use county-level population projections developed by Matt Hauer (2019) and published in Nature: Scientific Data. Hauer outlines 5 potential Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) as population change scenarios for every county between 2015 and 2100, each depicting certain population change patterns depending on broader national socioeconomic conditions. These senarios include "Sustainability", "Middle of the Road", "Regional Equity", "Inequality", and "Fossil-Fuel Development". To be conservative, we use their population projections for a "Middle of the Road" scenario (SSP #2).

    • Paper Citation: Hauer, M. Population projections for U.S. counties by age, sex, and race controlled to shared socioeconomic pathway. Sci Data 6, 190005 (2019).

    • Data set citation: Hauer, M., and Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University. 2021. Georeferenced U.S. County-Level Population Projections, Total and by Sex, Race and Age, Based on the SSPs, 2020-2100. Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC).

  • Any gaps (eg. 1991 to 1999) are filled in using linear interpolation between available data for each specific county over time. (The American Community Survey did not begin until 2006.)

  • Our final population projections dataset is built into the catr package under catr::projections, a 347,985 row dataset with 5 variables including the county geoid, year, estimated population, total national population projected in that year, and the fraction represented by the county pop divided by the national total population. See Figure 1 for an example of these population projections.

Figure 1: Population Projections in catr::projections

Issue 3: Population Weighting and Linear Interpolation

In several cases, default input tables contain nation-level estimates for the year 2020. Examples include sourceTypeYear, which measures sourceTypePopulation by vehicle type, and HPMSVtypeYear, which measures VMT by vehicle types. To adapt these values to the county level, we keep that same split of the stratifying variable (sourcetypes) (eg. 20% cars, 10% buses), but re-weight the data using the ratio of county population vs. national population projections (see Issue 2), for any year between 1990 and 2060.

Example: Building a Custom sourceTypeYear Table using Population Projections

  • sourceTypeYear: In the default input database, sourceTypeYear is recorded at the nation level for the year 2020, recording the number of vehicles (sourceTypePopulation) per sourceTypeID. But, we down-weight the metric (sourceTypePopulation) for each level of the stratifying variable (each sourceTypeID) by multiplying it by the ratio of county population vs. national population. This estimates what a true vehicle population might look like in the county, supposing that the number of vehicles is related to population. Naturally, this is an imperfect estimate, but it provides much more realistic values for sourceTypePopulation than otherwise available.

Issue 4: Fuel Inputs

According to recent EPA guidance, because fuel properties can be quite variable, the EPA does not consider single or yearly station samples adequate for substitution. In other words, just don't touch FuelFormulations table, and take all the contents of the fuel supply table. Read more in Section 4.8.1 Fuel Formulation and Fuel Supply Guidance (2020).

4. How does catr write Runspecs and Parameters?

4.1 How does catr write runspec files?

moves_anywhere uses the catr package and its function custom_rs() to write runspec.xml files, based off a template stored in catr::rs_template. It programmatically replaces runspec contents, according to several parameters. See catr/R/custom_rs.R for a detailed explanation and source code.

To write a runspec, you need your...

  • .geoid (eg. "36109") - geographic area of analysis, using US FIPS codes.

  • .year (eg. 2020) - year of analysis

  • .level (eg. "county", "state") - level of analysis

  • .default (eg. FALSE) - is it a default run or a custom run? (ie. county data manager style)

  • .path output path for your runspec

  • .rate (eg. FALSE) - is it an inventory mode run (FALSE) or an emissions rates mode run (TRUE).

  • .geoaggregation (eg. "county", "link", "state") should your results be aggregated/disaggregated to a different geographic level afterwards?

  • .timeaggregation (eg. "year", "hour") should your results be aggregated/disaggregated to a different temporal level?

4.2 How does catr write parameters.json files?

moves_anywhere can write a parameters.json file from any runspec file, plus a few optional values, using catr package and its function rs_to_parameters().