This project describes the university management system. The system contains information about faculties, teachers, students and the university library.
- Spring MVC as a design pattern (CRUD operations)
- Maven for adding dependencies
- Hibernate to connect the application with databases
- PostgreSQL as a database
- Hibernate Validation for validating JSP forms
- JSP to display data
- AOP for logging some methods
- Tomcat for Local Application Deployment
Spring application configuration written using Java The following structure was used: Controller (GET and POST methods) Model Service DAO View (used JSP)
All dependencies are specified in pom.xml
Various relationships between tables were used, namely: Many-To-Many, Many-To-One, One-To-One
All JSP forms are validated using the Hiberante Validator. Basic annotations were used, as well as a pattern was set and an annotation was created (for e-mail validation)
The project uses AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming). In the project, it is used to log information when executing some methods. A separate file is created where all the logs are written.
Tomcat was used to test the application on the local server
P.S.: The structure presented in the project is imperfect and can contain errors and shortcomings. The project was developed to consolidate knowledge of Spring MVC, Hibernate, AOP. The project will be improved in the future.