File | Type | Proxy |
RemoteChainVerifier.sol |
Singleton(on supported chains) | No proxy |
is responsible for verifying states on remote chains and sending results back to the main chain verifier through Abridge. It handles state verification requests and manages bridge fee payments.
- Remote state verification
- Cross-chain result transmission
- State manager integration
- Constants:
uint128 private constant EXECUTE_GAS_LIMIT = 500_000; // Gas limit for bridge messages
- State Variables:
IAbridge public immutable abridge; // Bridge interface
IStateManager public stateManager; // State manager interface
uint256 public immutable mainChainId; // Main chain identifier
address public immutable mainChainVerifier; // Main chain verifier address
The contract implements ownership-based access control:
- Owner: Can withdraw returned bridge fees
- Anyone: Can request state verification with sufficient fee
function verifyState(
address user,
uint256 key,
uint256 blockNumber
) external payable
Verifies state on remote chain and sends result to main chain.
- Queries state from state manager
- Encodes verification result
- Sends result through bridge
- Emits VerificationProcessed event
- State manager must be set
- Sufficient ETH provided for bridge fee
- State must exist at specified block
function withdraw(address to) external onlyOwner
Withdraws returned bridge fees.
- Only owner can call
- Valid recipient address
The contract integrates with:
- State manager for local state queries
- Abridge for cross-chain message passing
- Main chain verifier for result reception
Key interactions:
- Queries local state history
- Estimates and pays bridge fees
- Transmits verification results to main chain