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102 lines (82 loc) · 2.86 KB


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ECDSAServiceManagerBase.sol Abstract Base Contract UUPS proxy

ECDSAServiceManagerBase is an abstract base contract that provides core infrastructure provided by EigenLayer for the AVS. It manages operator registration, stake tracking, and rewards distribution for ECDSA-based services.

High-level Concepts

  1. Operator Management
  2. Rewards Distribution
  3. AVS Metadata Management

Core Components

Immutable Contracts

address public immutable stakeRegistry;        // Manages operator registration and stake
address public immutable avsDirectory;         // Stores AVS-related operator data
address internal immutable rewardsCoordinator; // Handles rewards distribution
address internal immutable delegationManager;  // Manages staker delegations

State Variables

address public rewardsInitiator;  // Authorized to create rewards submissions

Access Control

The contract implements role-based access control:

  • StakeRegistry: Can register/deregister operators
  • RewardsInitiator: Can submit AVS rewards
  • Owner: Can update AVS metadata and configurations

Core Functions

Operator Management

function registerOperatorToAVS(
    address operator,
    ISignatureUtils.SignatureWithSaltAndExpiry memory operatorSignature
) external onlyStakeRegistry

Registers an operator with the AVS:

  • Validates operator signature
  • Records registration in AVS directory
  • Enables operator participation
function deregisterOperatorFromAVS(
    address operator
) external onlyStakeRegistry

Removes an operator from the AVS:

  • Cleans up operator records
  • Updates AVS directory
  • Disables operator participation

Rewards Management

function createAVSRewardsSubmission(
    IRewardsCoordinator.RewardsSubmission[] calldata rewardsSubmissions
) external onlyRewardsInitiator

Creates rewards submissions for operators:

  • Validates submission data
  • Forwards to rewards coordinator
  • Updates reward distributions

AVS Configuration

function updateAVSMetadataURI(
    string memory _metadataURI
) external onlyOwner

Updates AVS metadata:

  • Sets new metadata URI
  • Updates AVS directory
  • Maintains service information

Integration Points

The contract integrates with several EigenLayer components:

  1. StakeRegistry: For operator stake management
  2. AVSDirectory: For operator service data
  3. RewardsCoordinator: For rewards distribution
  4. DelegationManager: For delegation management


event OperatorRegistered(address indexed operator)
event OperatorDeregistered(address indexed operator)
event AVSMetadataURIUpdated(string newMetadataURI)
event RewardsInitiatorSet(address newRewardsInitiator)


This base contract is inherited by SpottedServiceManager.