Can you resolve this problem ?
Format : Hero{flag}
Author : SoEasY
- WTF.bin
This challenge in nothing more than a sudoku game enchanced with SSE inctructions (cf XMM registers). The binary is stripped and at the macho format (OSX) to harden binary analysis (sorry for that :D).
If we decompile the main function (_start
in this case), we have this :
__int64 __fastcall start(int a1, __int64 a2)
char *v2; // r12
char v3; // al
unsigned int v4; // ebx
__int64 v5; // r15
char v6; // r13
int v7; // ecx
__int64 i; // rax
char v10[8]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-98h]
__int128 v11[6]; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-90h] BYREF
if ( a1 <= 1 )
printf("Usage : %s <serial>\n", *(const char **)a2);
v2 = *(char **)(a2 + 8);
qmemcpy(v11, " 6", 81);
BYTE10(v11[0]) = 50;
WORD2(v11[1]) = 14643;
BYTE13(v11[1]) = 53;
BYTE4(v11[2]) = 55;
*(_WORD *)((char *)&v11[3] + 7) = 13877;
LOBYTE(v11[4]) = 49;
*(_WORD *)((char *)v11 + 3) = 13365;
BYTE5(v11[0]) = 54;
*(_WORD *)((char *)&v11[3] + 1) = 13113;
BYTE11(v11[3]) = 56;
*(_WORD *)((char *)&v11[4] + 3) = 14643;
BYTE8(v11[0]) = 57;
BYTE1(v11[1]) = 55;
WORD5(v11[1]) = 14644;
BYTE2(v11[2]) = 55;
BYTE11(v11[2]) = 50;
BYTE14(v11[4]) = 56;
v3 = *v2;
while ( 1 )
v4 = v3 - 49;
v5 = v2[1] - 49LL;
v6 = v2[2];
if ( (unsigned int)sub_100003A30(v11, v4, (unsigned int)v5, (unsigned int)v6) )
*((_BYTE *)v11 + 9 * (int)v4 + v5) = v6;
v2 += 3;
v7 = 0;
for ( i = 8LL; i != 89; i += 9LL )
v7 += (v10[i] != 32)
+ (v10[i + 1] != 32)
+ (v10[i + 2] != 32)
+ (v10[i + 3] != 32)
+ (v10[i + 4] != 32)
+ (v10[i + 5] != 32)
+ (v10[i + 6] != 32)
+ (v10[i + 7] != 32)
+ (*((_BYTE *)v11 + i) != 32);
if ( v7 == 81 )
v3 = *v2;
if ( !*v2 )
return 1LL;
puts("\nWell done ! You can validate with this flag : ");
return 0LL;
We can see at the end that a function is dedicated to print the flag, let's check this one :
This function will obviously iterate on a int[9][9] tab (or char[9][9] for example) and print all the content with "Hero{" at the beginning and "}" at the end : it prints 9 elements of an array and loop while i != 0x59 (== 0x89) with a start at 8, for a total of 81 (which is 9x9).
Afer conseidering the main loop of the _start
function, we can see that the programm will split 3 char of our input by loop like that :
- row number (as int)
- column number (as int)
- value to put (as char)
By the way we can consider the initialisation part before this loop :
v2 = *(char **)(a2 + 8);
qmemcpy(v11, " 6", 81);
BYTE10(v11[0]) = '2';
WORD2(v11[1]) = '93';
BYTE13(v11[1]) = '5';
BYTE4(v11[2]) = '7';
*(_WORD *)((char *)&v11[3] + 7) = '65';
LOBYTE(v11[4]) = '1';
*(_WORD *)((char *)v11 + 3) = '45';
BYTE5(v11[0]) = '6';
*(_WORD *)((char *)&v11[3] + 1) = '39';
BYTE11(v11[3]) = 56;
*(_WORD *)((char *)&v11[4] + 3) = '93';
BYTE8(v11[0]) = '9';
BYTE1(v11[1]) = '7';
WORD5(v11[1]) = '94';
BYTE2(v11[2]) = '7';
BYTE11(v11[2]) = '2';
BYTE14(v11[4]) = '8';
Thanks to all this clues we can understand that this is a 9x9 sudoku grid. After recovering the grid we have this :
We can then use an online sudoku solver to have the correct input.
So a correct input could be for example :
We can try :
$ ./WTF_macho 111127138172183214239243258261275286315326352367371388423442451464476498524531548556565579593616628632647674681695712744757773789791818834846877885892913929937941955962984
Well done ! You can validate with this flag :
The flag is then constituted of all the number of the sudoku grid completed !