Can you recover the flag.png image ?
Format : Hero{flag}
Author : xanhacks
The xor function is from the pwntools module.
We know that if flag ^ key = enc, then enc ^ key = flag. So, we need to recover the key. The flag.png.enc appears to be a PNG file and all the PNG image starts with the same magic bytes.
The key is 9 bytes long with the last byte only from 0 to 9. The 8 first bytes can be recovered thanks to the PNG magic bytes. The last byte can be bruforced easily, only 10 choices.
Let's solve this challenge with python.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import xor
# Open the encrypted image
flag_enc = open("flag.png.enc", "rb").read()
# Retrieve the first 8 bytes of the key thanks to the PNG magic bytes
png_magic_bytes = [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10]
key_dec = []
for i, magic in enumerate(png_magic_bytes):
key_dec.append(flag_enc[i] ^ magic)
# Bruteforce the last byte (0 to 10)
key = bytes(key_dec)
for i in range(10):
flag = open(f"flag_{i+1}.png", "wb")
flag.write(xor(flag_enc, key + bytes([i])))
Let's check the 10 images. Bingo, the last image was valid !