Date: 2022-03-30
This is a greenfield build project, to evaluate options and settle on an initial architecture we have:
- Defined the functional scope of a MVP towards which we're building
- Mapped our understanding of the systems surrounding the MVP
- Surveyed and reviewed existing TTS projects and documentation such as
- Reviewed and discussed proposals as an engineering team
Proposed architecture which was reviewed by the engineering team:
Finding no immediate needs not met by TTS default
choices for infrastructure and datastore, we will build on a foundation of and;
- Use as our PaaS for development, staging, and production environments
- Use brokered Postgres AWS RDS instances for all data
- Use brokered S3 instances for storage of PDF blobs.
The frontend will be developed and hosted on Pages. We will maintain separation between the frontend and backend as distinct systems. This separation will;
- Allow us to leverage Pages functionality to streamline prototyping and development efforts
- De-couple development from the backend. A contributor to the frontend need not have any knowledge of the code, infrastructure, or build pipeline of the backend.
- Not add additional risk or cost should we later decide to serve the frontend from the backend system.
- Serve as the first consumer of the backend API
We will use Python & Django for the backend. Using Django will allow us to:
- Move quickly given the current engineering team's background
- Leverage existing patterns from other TTS efforts such as
- Provide functionality such as the admin interface which we believe will fulfill some MVP requirements with minimal modification
- We'll establish separate development and build environments for the backend and frontend
- The backend will be written in Python and we'll strive for idiomatic Django implementations leveraging existing work where ever possible.
- We'll need to tackle a legacy data migration from Oracle -> Postgres