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About |
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of enthusiastic programming friends decided to meet weekly to discuss and learn new concepts, tools, technologies and beyond. That's how GETPro (Study Group - Technology & Programming (from Grupo de Estudos - Tecnologia e Programação in portuguese) started on July 13, 2020.
Almost a year later we decided to create this blog to share our experiences with the community and keep learning, feel free to contact us.
You can check out the projects and code that we created during our meetings in our repository on Github.
We hope you enjoy it! 😃
{% avatar brnomendes %} Bruno @brnomendes
{% avatar dsambugaro %} Danilo @dsambugaro
{% avatar thiagohoh %} Thiago @thiagohoh
{% avatar romavini %} Vinicius @romavini