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GAM is a command line tool that allows administrators to manage many aspects of their Google Workspace (formerly G Suite / Google Apps) Account. This page provides simple instructions for downloading, installing and starting to use GAM.

GAM requires paid (or Education/non-profit) editions of Google Workspace. G Suite Legacy Free Edition has limited API support and not all GAM commands work.

While many GAM functions do not require domain administrative privileges, the setup does.

Download GAM

Windows Users

Head to the Releases page and download the latest Windows MSI version of GAM. The filename should look like (where 6.21 is the latest GAM version).

You then may proceed to Install GAM.

Mac and Linux Users

Open a shell prompt (Mac OS terminal app) and run:

bash <(curl -s -S -L

make sure you type the command exactly as above (best to use copy and paste). The script will download the latest release of GAM and install it.

If you're only updating your GAM install instead run this command.

bash <(curl -s -S -L -l

Install GAM

Windows Users

Download GAM, then run the MSI installer. By default, GAM will install to C:\GAM but you can change this to wherever you prefer. GAM will also be added to your path so you can run GAM even if you're not in the GAM folder.

At the end of the MSI install process, GAM will open a command prompt to allow you to setup a project and authorize GAM for admin management and user data/config access.

Mac and Linux Users

Download GAM, then after the script has downloaded and installed GAM it will prompt you to setup a project and authorize GAM for admin management and user data/config access.

Uninstall GAM

Also see Google Groups discussion

Cloud uninstallation

Visit and delete any project you Created for GAM.

Local uninstallation

Uninstalling GAM locally depends on how you installed it.

Windows Users

The GAM installer contains an uninstaller, so just run it.

Mac and Linux Users

Just delete the installed GAM folder.

For Linux users, then remove the line gam() { "/home/user/bin/gam/gam" "$@" ; } from the ~/.bashrc file.

Configure GAM

To run any of the commands, GAM needs three things to complete the configuration:

  • An API project which identifies your install of GAM to Google and keeps track of API quotas.
  • Authorization to act as your Google Workspace Administrator.
  • A special service account that is authorized to act on behalf of your users in order to modify user-specific settings and data such as Drive files, Calendars and Gmail messages and settings like signatures.

Creating a Project

If GAM isn't already prompting you to create a project, you can run:

gam create project

to get started.

  • GAM will prompt you for your Google Workspace admin email address. Enter the address of a super admin in your Google Workspace instance.
  • Depending on your choices, either a website will open automatically or you'll be given a URL to go to to authorize GAM to create projects as the admin you specified. Click allow, copy the code if given one and switch back to the GAM window.
  • GAM will now create the project, turn on necessary Google APIs for the project such as Drive, Gmail, Admin SDK, etc and finally create a service account.
  • Next, you'll be asked to go to a URL and perform a few actions to create a "OAuth client ID". Follow the steps as provided and copy the client ID and secret back into GAM when prompted.
  • Now you are asked to return to the browser window and make a change to your new service account. Once you've enabled Google Workspace Domain-wide Delegation, return to the GAM console window.

Authorize Admin Access

  • If you're not already prompted to authorize an admin as part of the install and configure process above, you can manually start the authorization by running gam oauth create. You'll be prompted for the email address of a super admin in your Google Workspace domain.
  • You'll be presented a long list of APIs that GAM can use. By default, the most important APIs are selected. Unless you know what you are doing you can leave this selection as is and press C to continue to authorization.
  • GAM will either open a web page for you or prompt you with a URL to visit in order to authorize admin access. Visit the URL and Authorize. You may need to copy a code from the browser back to the GAM window.
  • That's it, GAM is now authorized to perform admin actions.

Authorize User Data and Settings Access

  • If you're not already prompted to authorize user data access as part of the install and configure process above, you can manually start the authorization process by running gam user [email protected] check serviceaccount.
  • GAM will prompt you for the email address of a regular, non-admin user in your Google Workspace domain. Make sure this user has the Gmail, Drive and Calendar services enabled. If the service is not enabled, GAM will fail to connect to that service for the user.
  • Now GAM will attempt to authenticate with each service / scope via the service account and acting on behalf of the user you specified above. It's expected that the first time through these attempts will FAIL.
    • Logon to the Admin console as a Super Admin
    • Visit the URL GAM provided you
    • You should see a Add a new Client ID box
    • Make sure that Overwrite existing client ID is checked
    • Click Authorize
    • When the box closes you're done.
  • Once you've authorized the Client name for the scopes in the admin console, re-run the check by running gam user [email protected] check serviceaccount again. It may take a few minutes after authorizing the scopes for all tests to PASS. If you've confirmed the Client name and scopes are listed properly on the website, grab a coffee and then try again.

That's it! GAM is now setup and ready to run.

Note: If you're getting a 401 error "client not found" from Google OAuth Authorization, please check that the client_secrets.json file inside your GAM directory matches your Google Workspace API client ID and customer secrets (recursive creation of projects creates new files on the filesystem instead of overwriting the default one).

Running GAM for the First Time

Open a command prompt, shell or terminal on your computer. On Windows, you can do this by going to Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. Now run:

gam info user

You'll be asked to specify which "scopes" you'd like the OAuth token to support. For now, select the last option to continue, all scopes will be selected. Next GAM will open up a web page in order for you to grant access to retrieve data and make changes to your Google Workspace account. Make sure you are logged in to a Google Workspace Administrator account before granting access. Once you've granted access, switch back to the command prompt window, GAM should already be working to display information about your user account.

Congrats, you're up and running with GAM.

More simple GAM commands

Try the following GAM commands to get a feel for how the program works. I suggest creating a test user account for experimenting, or if you don't have a test account, use your account, we'll call our test user crashtestdummy in the examples below.

If you haven't already, we can just create our crashtestdummy account with GAM:

gam create user crashtestdummy firstname Crash lastname "Test Dummy" password "BuckleUp"

We can give crashtestdummy an alias so that emails to idontwearseatbelts go to him:

gam create alias idontwearseatbelts user crashtestdummy

We can create a group for crash test dummy's friends:

gam create group test-dummies-united name "Test Dummies United" description "Support Group Against Plastic Abuse"

Crash test dummy likes Gmail but sometimes he prefers to use IMAP with his favorite email client, Thunderbird, let's enable IMAP for him:

gam user crashtestdummy imap on

these are just a few examples, more are available under the topics to the right. Have fun!

Running GAM on Android or a Chromebook

See running GAM on a Chromebook and running GAM on Android

Using GAM with a HTTP Proxy

GAM should be run on a server with direct access to talk to Google servers via the Internet. However, if you must push GAM traffic through an HTTP proxy this can be done by setting the HTTP_PROXY / HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.

export HTTP_PROXY=""
export HTTPS_PROXY=""
gam info domain

Using GAM with SSL / TLS MitM Inspection

By default, GAM verifies the Google HTTPS servers it talks to using public certificates signed by known certificate authorities. The authorities are listed in this file. GAM should be run on a server with direct access to talk to Google servers via the Internet, SSL / TLS inspection should NOT be used. If it must be used, you should assume that the SSL / TLS MitM proxy has complete access to your Google Workspace admin settings and user data (since it can see the unencrypted GAM API calls). You can tell GAM to check the SSL / TLS certificates against your own certificate authority file by setting the GAM_CA_FILE which should point to a PEM formatted file which contains your certificate authority.

Hostnames Used By GAM

GAM talks to the following hosts

hostname protocol port required? how to disable description HTTPS 443 No Manually download the GAM MSI/tar file. Create a file called noupdatecheck.txt Used by GAM installer script at and by GAM to check for updates. HTTPS 443 No Manually create the projectapis.txt file. Determines which APIs need to be enabled. HTTPS 443 No Create a file called noshorturls.txt in the GAM folder. Create short URL links for the very long Google authorization URLs that need to be copied and pasted. HTTPS 443 Yes N/A required for OAuth authentication and refresh flows.
* HTTPS 443 Yes N/A Google APIs are hosted on domains like and If you can't allow a wildcard domain then start with, and the hosts listed here.

This list may not be exhaustive. To see what hosts a given GAM command is trying to talk to you can enable HTTP logging.

The following hostnames are NOT accessed directly by GAM. However GAM will direct the admin to access the hostnames within a web browser. These Google services should be enabled and allowed for general user browser access. These Google services may also require additional hostnames to be allowed in order for the service to function.

hostname protocol port description HTTPS 443 GAM directs the user to the Google Cloud Console in order to create an OAuth client ID. HTTPS 443 GAM directs the user to the Google Admin Console in order to authorize domain-wide delegation of the service account. HTTPS 443 GAM may generate a Google Sheet document and point the user to opening the document in their browser.
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