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AWS Deployer Docker Image

This repository contains Docker image for running AWS cli commands that assumes a IAM role baked into one cli command. They can be useful for deploying AWS CloudFormation templates in e.g. a build server where the build server need to assume some other role to deploy.

How to use

Displaying help.

> docker run -it scaniadevtools/aws-deployer --help
  assume [-h|--help] [-v|--version] -a|--account <aws account number> [-r|--role <IAM role>] [-p|--profile <aws cli profile name>] []

  Assumes a role in the specified AWS account and creates temporary credentials in the named profile.
    -h|--help      prints this help
    -v|--version   prints the current version of this script
    -a|--account   the AWS account number to deploy to. (mandatory)
    -r|--role      the IAM role to assume
    -p|--profile   the name of the resulting aws cli profile to use

Displaying script version.

> docker run -it scaniadevtools/aws-deployer --version
  assume version 1.0.0

Assuming an AWS role. (Main use case)

In this example the command:

assume --account 123456789012 --profile assumed-profile

is used in a Gitlab .gitlab-ci.yml file for CI/CD. The Gitlab project contains an AWS CloudFormation template named cloudformation-template.yml that is validated in the AWS account 123456789012 by assuming the arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/DeployRole role that exist in the specified AWS account and have cloudformation:ValidateTemplate permissions. The temporary credentials resulting from the assume command are stored in an AWS profile named assumed-profile.


image: scaniadevtools/docker-aws-deployer

  - validate-template 

  stage: validate-template

    - assume --account 123456789012 --profile assumed-profile
    - aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://cloudformation-template.yml --region eu-west-1 --profile assumed-profile

The account number (123456789012 in this example) can be located in the AWS console when logged into the account by selecting "Support"->"Support Center" in the menu.

Start a bash session inside the container.

Starting a bash session in the container can be useful for debugging purposes.

   > docker run -it scaniadevtools/aws-deployer bash


Docker image on Dockerhub

Happy Hacking

Scania Devtools Team

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