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Franklin DM edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 13 revisions


This is the wiki of TGS where you'd find information about the extension. Feel free to navigate by using the right sidebar. Do note that most of the pages here were initially derived from AiOS' website.

What is TGS?

The Good 'ol Sidebar (TGS) is a sidebar control add-on for the Pale Moon web browser, inspired by Opera's. Click on the left edge of your browser window to open the sidebar and get easy access to all your panels. It lets you quickly switch between sidebar panels, view dialog windows such as downloads, add-ons, and more in the sidebar, or view websites in the sidebar. It includes a slide-out button and a toolbar, all of which can be extensively customized.

  • You can set the orientation to left or right, set the minimum, default and maximum width and the behavior on browser startup.
  • The Good 'ol Sidebar provides enhancements for many built-in features, which are related to the sidebar.
  • The options dialog gives you the ability to configure many features, behaviors and the appearance of The Good 'ol Sidebar.
  • Enjoy a clear browser window, more toolbar space and much more...

This extension is a fork of All-in-One Sidebar, an extension originally made for Mozilla Firefox, which is now discontinued.

Some notes about the point of this extension

What it is and what it should remain

The intention of TGS is to improve and enhance the sidebar handling and the related built-in features of Pale Moon itself. Nothing more, nothing less.

What it is not and what it should not become

TGS is not an extension for a lot of new sidebar panels like tab lists, notes, RSS reader, instant messenger, social bookmark services, browsing sessions and so on. But if you need help/tutorial on making sidebar panels, a page about that will be in this wiki if time permits.

Where to download?

The Good 'ol Sidebar is available for download either at the releases page of this repository or by visiting its page at the Pale Moon Add-ons site which in the other hand, provides updates via the Add-ons Manager.

Keyboard shortcuts (default settings)

All keyboard shortcuts are fully configurable to prevent conflicts with other extensions. Open the options dialog to configure the shortcuts, click the button "Shortcuts" and change them to your needs.

The following list shows you the default shortcut settings using the English locale. Please note that they can vary depending upon language (the translators of this extension specifies the default settings).

  • F4 - toggle sidebar and associated elements
  • Ctrl+Shift+F4 - Open the options dialog
  • Ctrl+Shift+A - Toggle Add-ons sidebar
  • Ctrl+Shift+P - Toggle Page Info sidebar
  • Ctrl+Shift+M - Toggle Multi Panel sidebar
  • Ctrl+Shift+L - Toggle Cookies sidebar
  • Ctrl+Shift+Y - Open sidebar content in a new tab
  • Ctrl+Shift+X - Open tab content in the sidebar

Supported Languages

Active Languages Inactive Languages
en-GB ar-SA hu-HU ro
en-US by-BY hy-AM ru-RU
es-AR cs-CZ it sk-SK
es-ES da ja-JP sq-AL
de ko-KR sr
el lt-LT sv-SE
et-EE nb-NO tr-TR
fi-FI nl uk-UA
fr pl vi
he-IL pt-BR zh-CN
hr-HR pt-PT zh-TW

If you would like to translate The Good 'ol Sidebar to your language and join the list of translators, feel free to fork this project and create the necessary directories and files for your language and send a pull request. If your language is in the list of inactive ones, create an issue in the tracker and I'll try my best to re-add it to the list of available locales.

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