diff --git a/code/modules/clothing/head/f13head.dm b/code/modules/clothing/head/f13head.dm index 4a175424bc..5e5902f8b0 100644 --- a/code/modules/clothing/head/f13head.dm +++ b/code/modules/clothing/head/f13head.dm @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ desc = "An old military grade pre-war combat helmet." icon_state = "combat_helmet" item_state = "combat_helmet" - armor = list("melee" = 30, "bullet" = 30, "laser" = 20, "energy" = 20, "bomb" = 50, "bio" = 60, "rad" = 10, "fire" = 60, "acid" = 20, "wound" = 50) + armor = list("melee" = 40, "bullet" = 40, "laser" = 40, "energy" = 25, "bomb" = 55, "bio" = 60, "rad" = 15, "fire" = 60, "acid" = 30, "wound" = 55) strip_delay = 50 flags_inv = HIDEEARS|HIDEHAIR resistance_flags = LAVA_PROOF | FIRE_PROOF @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ desc = "An advanced pre-war titanium plated, ceramic coated, kevlar, padded helmet designed to withstand extreme punishment of all forms." icon_state = "combat_helmet_mk2" item_state = "combat_helmet_mk2" - armor = list("melee" = 50, "bullet" = 40, "laser" = 30, "energy" = 25, "bomb" = 55, "bio" = 60, "rad" = 10, "fire" = 60, "acid" = 20, "wound" = 55) + armor = list("melee" = 50, "bullet" = 50, "laser" = 50, "energy" = 35, "bomb" = 65, "bio" = 65, "rad" = 15, "fire" = 65, "acid" = 35, "wound" = 60) flags_inv = HIDEEARS|HIDEEYES|HIDEHAIR flags_cover = HEADCOVERSEYES salvage_loot = list(/obj/item/stack/crafting/armor_plate = 5) diff --git a/code/modules/clothing/suits/f13armor.dm b/code/modules/clothing/suits/f13armor.dm index 59cdf1e059..855cd76f3f 100644 --- a/code/modules/clothing/suits/f13armor.dm +++ b/code/modules/clothing/suits/f13armor.dm @@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ desc = "An old military grade pre war combat armor." icon_state = "combat_armor" item_state = "combat_armor" - armor = list("melee" = 30, "bullet" = 30, "laser" = 20, "energy" = 20, "bomb" = 50, "bio" = 60, "rad" = 10, "fire" = 60, "acid" = 20, "wound" = 50) + armor = list("melee" = 40, "bullet" = 40, "laser" = 40, "energy" = 25, "bomb" = 55, "bio" = 60, "rad" = 15, "fire" = 60, "acid" = 30, "wound" = 55) slowdown = 0.12 salvage_loot = list(/obj/item/stack/crafting/armor_plate = 5) /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/f13/combat/laserproof name = "ablative combat armor" desc = "An old military grade pre war combat armor. This one switches out its ballistic fibers for an ablative coating that disrupts energy weapons." - armor = list("melee" = 25, "bullet" = 25, "laser" = 40, "energy" = 40, "bomb" = 50, "bio" = 60, "rad" = 10, "fire" = 60, "acid" = 20, "wound" = 50) + armor = list("melee" = 25, "bullet" = 25, "laser" = 60, "energy" = 50, "bomb" = 55, "bio" = 60, "rad" = 15, "fire" = 60, "acid" = 30, "wound" = 55) /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/f13/combat/dark name = "combat armor" @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ icon = 'icons/obj/clothing/suits.dmi' icon_state = "combat_armor_mk2" item_state = "combat_armor_mk2" - armor = list("melee" = 40, "bullet" = 40, "laser" = 30, "energy" = 25, "bomb" = 55, "bio" = 60, "rad" = 10, "fire" = 60, "acid" = 20, "wound" = 55) + armor = list("melee" = 50, "bullet" = 50, "laser" = 50, "energy" = 35, "bomb" = 65, "bio" = 65, "rad" = 15, "fire" = 65, "acid" = 35, "wound" = 60) slowdown = 0.15 salvage_loot = list(/obj/item/stack/crafting/armor_plate = 8)