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JavaDoc 1.2.1

Simple Spigot&Bungee Redis API based on Jedis library. ForestRedisAPI allows developers to comfortably maintain communication between servers using simple API calls and Events. Supports both BungeeCord and Spigot servers.

Table of contents

Getting started

Make sure the server has ForestRedisAPI plugin installed. Otherwise, look at Standalone Usage.

Add ForestRedisAPI to your project


First, you need to setup the dependency on the ForestRedisAPI. Replace VERSION with the version of the release.


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.ForestTechMC:ForestRedisAPI:VERSION'

Plugin configuration

You need to (soft)depend on ForestRedisAPI in order to work properly. Choose depend(s) for mandatory usage of the ForestRedisAPI or softdepend(s) for optional usage.

plugin.yml (Spigot)
# Required dependency
depend: [ForestRedisAPI]
# Optional dependency
softdepend: [ForestRedisAPI]
bungee.yml (BungeeCord)
# Required dependency
depends: [ForestRedisAPI]
# Optional dependency
softDepends: [ForestRedisAPI]

Subscribing the channel

To receive data from Redis server, you need to subscribe selected channels. You can do it simply just by calling:

// You can check if the channel is subscribed or not
        this.log().warning("Channel 'MyChannel' is already subscribed!");

// You can subscribe as many channels as you want. 
// Already subscribed channels will be skipped.

Publishing messages / objects

You can easily publish messages and objects to Redis server. It is not required to subscribe channel you want to send data in.

// For simple messages in String format use #publishMessage method.
RedisManager.getAPI().publishMessage("MyChannel1","Hello, how are you?");

// You can also publish any object. They'll be serialized using JSON.
RedisManager.getAPI().publishObject("MyChannel1",new MyObject());

Events & Incoming messages

Using ForestRedisAPI you can retrieve data from Redis using bukkit's (bungee's) Listeners. But make sure the correct Event is chosen as the names are same for Bungee and Spigot!

// Use bungee event import for BungeeCord!!!


public class MyListener implements Listener {

    public void onRedisMessageReceived(RedisMessageReceivedEvent event) {

        // Whether the message was sent by this server or not.
        // Uses the serverIdentifier from ForestRedisAPI config.yml
        boolean isSelfMessage = event.isSelfSender();

        // Name of the channel. Must be subscribed first.
        String channel = event.getChannel();

        // Identifier of the sender server.
        String senderServerId = event.getSenderIdentifier();
        // Date when the message was sent
        long timestamp = event.getTimeStamp();

        // Text of the message received.
        String messageText = event.getMessage();

        // Parses any object from JSON. Can be used instead of #getMessage()
        // Returns 'null' if it couldn't be parsed.
        MyObject myObject = event.getMessageObject(MyObject.class);



Standalone usage

You can use the ForestRedisAPI as a standalone library. Then you need to initialize RedisManager and provide him with required data.

This approach however IS NOT RECOMMENDED unless you know what you're doing!

Example plugin main class
import cz.foresttech.forestredis.shared.RedisManager;

public class MyExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {

    private RedisManager redisManager;
    public void onEnable() {
        // ...
        // ...

    public void onDisable() {
        // Close the RedisManager
        if (redisManager != null) {

    public void loadRedis() {
        // Construct RedisConfiguration object
        RedisConfiguration redisConfiguration = new RedisConfiguration(
                "localhost", //hostname
                6379, //port
                null, //username (null if not any)
                null, //password (null if not any)
                false //ssl

        // Initialize RedisManager instance (singleton)
        // Since init, use RedisManager#getAPI() to obtain the instance
        redisManager = new RedisManager(this, "MyServer", redisConfiguration);
        // Now setup the connection

        // Now you can use #getAPI() call to get singleton instance

    public void reloadRedis() {
        // Just call reload function on the RedisManager object.
        // If you set something to "null", the already existing values are used.
        // In this case, the redis configuration is kept.
        redisManager.reload("MyNewServerName", null, true);


ForestRedisAPI is licensed under the permissive MIT license. Please see LICENSE.txt for more information.