File tree
867 files changed
lines changed- adjoint
- tests
- assemble
- tests
- bathymetry
- debug
- diagnostics
- error_measures
- tests
- examples
- backward_facing_step_3d
- driven_cavity
- flow_past_sphere_Re1
- flow_past_sphere_Re10
- flow_past_sphere_Re100
- flow_past_sphere_Re1000
- lock_exchange
- restratification_after_oodc
- tephra_settling
- tides_in_the_Mediterranean_Sea
- top_hat
- water_collapse
- femtools
- doc
- tests
- forward_interfaces
- horizontal_adaptivity
- tests
- hyperlight
- libadaptivity
- libalgencan
- libjudy
- src
- Judy1
- JudyCommon
- JudyHS
- JudyL
- JudySL
- libmba2d
- libspud
- libvtkfortran
- libwm
- main
- manual
- ocean_forcing
- tests
- parameterisation
- tests
- preprocessor
- python
- reduced_modelling
- scripts
- sediments
- spatialindex-1.5
- tests
- 1mat-shocktube
- 1mat-shocktube-gmsh
- 2d_periodic_p1p1_streamfunction
- 3material-droplet
- 3material-droplet-adapt
- 3material-oneblobs
- 3material-oneblobs-reversed
- 3material-twoblobs
- 3material-twoblobs-reversed
- 5material-droplet-adapt
- 5material-droplet-adapt-lumped
- 5material-droplet-parallel
- 5material-droplet-serial
- Instability
- Stokes_3d_busse_1a_p2p1
- Stokes_Subduction_VK_Case_1b
- Stokes_mms_cg_p1bp1
- Stokes_mms_cg_p1p1
- Stokes_mms_cg_p2p1
- Stokes_mms_cg_p2p1_tdepvisc
- Stokes_mms_cg_p2p1_varvisc
- Stokes_mms_p0p1cv
- Stokes_mms_q1p0
- Stokes_square_convection_1e4_p1dgp2
- src
- Stokes_square_convection_1e4_p1p1
- src
- Stokes_square_convection_1e4_p1p1_parallel
- src
- Stokes_square_convection_1e4_p1p1cv
- src
- Stokes_square_convection_1e4_p2p1
- src
- Stokes_square_convection_1e4_p2p1_adaptive_parallel
- src
- Stokes_square_convection_1e4_p2p1_parallel
- src
- Stommel_streamfunction
- adapt_extrude_bathymetry_1p1d
- adaptive-timestep-test
- backward_facing_step_2d
- backward_facing_step_2d_zoltan_sam
- backward_facing_step_3d
- backward_facing_step_3d_zoltan_sam_small
- balance-pressure
- barotropic_double_gyre
- bdfm1_kelvin_wave
- binary_detectors
- biology-nophysics
- biology-nophysics_checkpoint
- biology_6_component
- biology_conservation
- biology_conservation_adapt
- buoyancy_adjustment_dg_two_element
- buoyancy_adjustment_dg_with_projection_two_element
- burgers_mms_diffusion_replay
- burgers_mms_diffusion_time_integral
- burgers_mms_gaussian
- burgers_mms_gaussian_advection
- burgers_mms_replay
- burgers_mms_steady_adjoint_gradient_init
- burgers_mms_steady_adjoint_gradient_src
- cdisk_2d_dg
- channel-flow-dg
- channel-flow-p0p1
- channel_wind_drag_parallel
- channel_wind_drag_rotated
- circle-2d-drag-zoltan
- circular_duct
- coarse-corner-limited
- coarse-corner-locked
- cube-1
- cube-dg
- darcy_p1dgp2_pressBCinlet_1d
- darcy_p1dgp2_velBCinlet_1d
- data
- intersection_finder
- detectors
- detectors_parallel_adaptivity
- diagnostic_time_averaged_scalar
- diff_src_dirichlet_1d
- diff_src_robin_1d
- diffusion-dg
- diffusion-dg-stretched
- diffusion_2d_p0_adaptive_parallel
- diffusion_2d_p0_adaptive_serial
- diffusion_2d_p0_parallel
- diffusion_2d_p0_serial
- div_conforming_projection
- driven_cavity_2d
- driven_cavity_2d_dg
- ekman
- electrochemical_p1p1_2d
- electrokinetic_p1p1_2d
- electrothermal_p1p1_2d
- explicit-hyperc-hexes
- explicit-hyperc-hexes-gmsh
- explicit-hyperc-quads
- explicit-hyperc-tets
- explicit-hyperc-tets-gmsh
- explicit-hyperc-tris
- explicit-hyperc-tris-p2
- explicit-hyperc-tris-periodic-local
- explicit-hyperc-tris-periodic-projgd
- explicit-hyperc-tris-periodic-projpt
- fladapt
- fldecomp
- fldecomp_1d
- foam_2d_p1dgp2_weak_strong
- forcing
- forcing_inst_vals
- forcing_single_position
- galerkin_projection_meshes
- geopressure_convergence
- geopressure_convergence_p1
- geopressure_convergence_p3
- gls-Kato_Phillips-mixed_layer_depth
- gls-StationPapa-biology
- gls-relax
- grandy_projection
- gravity-col-p0p1-weak-adaptive-parallel
- gravity-col-p0p1-weak-adaptive-serial
- grid_peclet_number
- gyre_2d
- gyre_layered
- heat-transfer-eqn-channel
- heat_2d_dg
- heat_2d_dg_ip
- hh_bdfm1
- hybridized_balance
- hybridized_helmholtz
- hyperc-shear-moving-mesh
- hyperc-shear-moving-mesh-divfree
- hyperc-shear-moving-mesh-divfree-pseudolagrangian
- implicit_body_1way_sphere_re200_parallel
- implicit_body_1way_sphere_re20_serial
- implicit_cylinder3d_fs
- implicit_cylinder3d_fs_p1dgp2
- implicit_cylinder3d_fs_parallel
- implicit_cylinder3d_parallel_adaptive
- internal_wave
- just-coarsen-parallel
- k-epsilon_mms_cg_p1p1
- kelvin_wave
- kovasznay
- lagrange_tracer_lowcourant
- lagrangian_detectors
- lagrangian_detectors_3d
- lauwerier
- lock_exchange_2d_cg
- lock_exchange_2d_cg_parallel
- lock_exchange_2d_dg
- lock_exchange_2d_dg_p0_p1_adaptive_parallel
- lock_exchange_2d_dg_p1dg_p2_adaptive_parallel
- lock_exchange_2d_dg_quad
- lotka_volterra_0d
- mixing_stats_test
- mmat-adapt-after-checkpoint
- mmat-balancepressure
- mmat-balancepressure-extrude
- mmat-balancepressure-extrude-parallel
- mmat-gravity-col
- mmat-gravity-col-p0p1-weak
- mmat-gravity-col-p0p1-weak-adaptive-parallel
- mmat-gravity-col-p0p1-weak-adaptive-serial
- mmat-gravity-col-p0p1cv-weak
- mmat-gravity-col-p1bp1-2d
- mmat-gravity-col-p1bp1-3d
- mmat-gravity-col-p1bp1cv-2d
- mmat-gravity-col-p2lumpedp1
- mmat-gravity-col-p2p1
- mmat-impact
- mmat-interpolation
- mmat-interpolation-2d-parallel
- mmat-interpolation-lumped
- mmat-interpolation-pseudo2d-parallel
- mmat-interpolation-represcribe
- mmat-meniscus
- mmat-shocktube
- mmat-square-blob
- mmat_overlapping_vfracs
- mms_ns_p2p0_steady
- mms_tracer_P1dg_cdg_diff_steady_3d_cjc
- mms_tracer_cv_adv_excludemass
- mms_tracer_cv_adv_steady
- mms_tracer_cv_advdiff_eg_excludemass
- mms_tracer_cv_advdiff_excludemass
- mms_tracer_cv_diff_eg_excludemass_excludeadv
- mms_tracer_cv_diff_excludemass_excludeadv
- mms_tracer_fv_diff_excludemass_excludeadv
- mms_tracer_p0_diff_circumcentred
- mms_tracer_p0_diff_excludemass_excludeadv
- moving_internal_wave_cg
- moving_lock_exchange_2d_dg
- moving_mesh_advection
- moving_seiche
- mphase_divergence_free_velocity
- mphase_identical_velocities
- mphase_identical_velocities_dg
- mphase_mms_p1p1stabilised_no_interactions
- mphase_rising_body
- mphase_sedimentation_1d
- mphase_sedimentation_2d
- mphase_stokes_law
- mphase_tephra_settling
- mphase_test1_2d
- mphase_three_layers
- optimality
- src
- parallel_dg
- parallel_p0_consistent_interpolation
- parallel_p0_consistent_interpolation_3d
- parallel_p1_consistent_interpolation
- parallel_p1_consistent_interpolation_2p1d
- parallel_p1_consistent_interpolation_3d
- parallel_p2_consistent_interpolation
- parallel_p2_consistent_interpolation_2p1d
- parallel_p2_consistent_interpolation_3d
- parallel_periodic_adaptivity
- parallel_region_ids_2p1d
- parallel_region_ids_3d
- periodic_2plus1_adaptivity
- periodic_2plus1_adaptivity_parallel
- periodic_2plus1_parallel
- periodic_adaptivity
- periodic_adaptivity_3d
- periodic_adaptivity_tracer
- periodic_advection_1d_cg
- periodic_channel_convergence
- photosynthetic_radiation
- photosynthetic_radiation_cg
- porous_medium_p1p1_2d
- preditor_prey_0d
- prescribed_adaptivity
- prescribed_diffusivity
- python_diagnostic_field
- python_persistent
- python_shape_dshape_test
- src
- python_shape_dshape_test_2d
- src
- raleigh-bernard_2d_dg
- region_id
- region_id_2d
- region_id_extrude_bathymetry_1p1d
- region_id_parallel
- rossby_equatorial_soliton_dg
- saltfinger2d_quad
- src
- saltfinger_adapt_periodic
- src
- sc_barotropic_fplane_balance_p1dgp2
- sc_barotropic_fplane_balance_p1p1
- sediment_critical_shear
- sediment_deposition
- sediment_reentrainment_one_sediment
- sem
- shallow_water_adjoint_default_controls
- src
- shallow_water_adjoint_default_controls_2d
- src
- shallow_water_adjoint_eta
- src
- shallow_water_adjoint_func_eval
- src
- shallow_water_adjoint_func_eval_2d
- src
- shallow_water_mms_wave
- src
- shallow_water_mms_wave_source/src
- shallow_water_mms_wave_source_2d/src
- shallow_water_optimisation
- src
- shallow_water_optimisation_2d
- src
- shallow_water_optimisation_bounds
- src
- shallow_water_optimisation_check_gradient_2d
- src
- shallow_water_optimisation_sphere/src
- shelf_meshtransform_freesurfaceinitialcondition
- shocktube_1d
- shocktube_1d_explicit
- sinking_velocity
- sinking_velocity_cv
- sloshing_tank_deep
- sloshing_tank_tracer
- square-2d
- square-convection
- square-convection-dg
- square-convection-parallel
- src
- square-convection-parallel-trivial
- square-dg
- su_stabilisation
- sw_fsphere
- sw_kelvin_wave
- sw_kelvin_wave_xz
- test_adapt-at-first-time-step
- test_advection_diffusion
- test_advection_stratification_DG
- test_coupler
- test_energy_stats
- test_metric_advection_parallel
- test_pressure_solve_small
- test_shallow_water
- tet_mixing_bin_test_serial
- tidal_channel
- tidal_channel_2d
- time_in_vtus
- top_hat_cg_adapt_consist
- top_hat_cg_adapt_gp
- top_hat_cg_supg
- top_hat_cv
- top_hat_cv_1d
- top_hat_dg
- top_hat_dg_limiter
- tracer_absorption_dg
- tracer_gyre_dg
- tracer_inflow_1d_cg
- tracer_inflow_1d_dg
- tracer_inflow_2d_dg
- tracer_inflow_2d_dg_cg
- tracer_source_dg
- tri_mixing_bin_test_serial
- turbine_dirichlet_3d
- turbine_dirichlet_3d_moving_mesh
- turbine_flux_dg_2d/mesh
- turbine_flux_dg_2plus1/mesh
- turbine_flux_penalty_2d/mesh
- turbine_flux_penalty_2plus1/mesh
- unresolvable_diagnostic_dependency
- unresolvable_diagnostic_dependency2
- unresolvable_mesh_dependency
- vb_parallel
- vb_slope_limiter_front
- vertical_integration
- viscosity_2d_dg
- viscosity_2d_p0_adaptive_serial
- viscosity_2d_p0_parallel
- viscosity_2d_p0_serial
- water_collapse_2d
- water_collapse_pseudo2dadapt
- src
- wetting_and_drying_balzano1_cg/mesh
- wetting_and_drying_balzano2_cg/mesh
- wetting_and_drying_balzano3_cg_parallel/mesh
- wind_stratification
- tools
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
867 files changed
lines changed+98-52
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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29 |
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32 |
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33 |
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34 | 39 |
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35 | 42 |
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36 |
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37 | 49 |
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38 | 50 |
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39 | 51 |
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50 | 62 |
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51 | 63 |
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52 | 64 |
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53 |
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54 | 66 |
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55 | 67 |
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56 | 68 |
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61 | 73 |
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62 | 74 |
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63 | 75 |
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64 |
| - | |
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65 | 77 |
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66 | 78 |
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67 | 79 |
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92 | 104 |
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93 | 105 |
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94 | 106 |
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95 |
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96 | 108 |
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97 | 109 |
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98 | 110 |
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153 | 165 |
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155 | 167 |
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167 | 179 |
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231 | 243 |
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235 |
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236 | 248 |
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237 | 249 |
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238 | 250 |
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261 | 273 |
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268 | 282 |
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303 | 317 |
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305 | 319 |
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306 |
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307 | 321 |
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308 | 322 |
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309 |
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310 | 324 |
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311 | 325 |
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312 | 326 |
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338 | 352 |
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339 | 353 |
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340 | 354 |
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341 |
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342 |
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343 |
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344 |
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346 |
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347 |
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348 | 355 |
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349 | 356 |
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350 | 357 |
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423 | 430 |
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424 | 431 |
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425 | 432 |
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426 |
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427 | 434 |
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428 | 435 |
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433 | 440 |
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434 |
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435 | 480 |
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436 | 481 |
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438 | 483 |
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448 | 493 |
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451 | 496 |
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452 |
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453 | 498 |
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454 | 499 |
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455 | 500 |
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456 |
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457 | 502 |
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458 | 503 |
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459 | 504 |
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488 | 533 |
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498 | 539 |
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518 | 559 |
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520 | 561 |
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522 | 563 |
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532 |
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533 | 574 |
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534 |
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535 | 576 |
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536 |
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537 | 578 |
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538 | 579 |
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539 |
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540 | 581 |
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541 |
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542 | 583 |
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543 |
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544 | 585 |
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545 | 586 |
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546 | 587 |
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547 | 588 |
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549 | 590 |
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551 | 592 |
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552 |
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553 | 594 |
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554 | 595 |
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555 | 596 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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30 | 33 |
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31 | 34 |
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41 | 44 |
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42 | 45 |
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43 | 46 |
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44 |
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45 | 48 |
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46 | 49 |
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47 | 50 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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39 | 42 |
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40 | 43 |
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41 | 44 |
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42 |
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43 | 46 |
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44 | 47 |
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45 | 48 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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29 | 32 |
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31 | 34 |
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41 | 44 |
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42 | 45 |
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43 | 46 |
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44 |
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45 | 48 |
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46 | 49 |
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47 | 50 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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40 | 43 |
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41 | 44 |
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42 | 45 |
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43 |
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44 | 47 |
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45 | 48 |
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46 | 49 |
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55 | 58 |
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56 | 59 |
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57 | 60 |
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58 |
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59 | 62 |
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60 |
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61 | 64 |
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62 | 65 |
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63 | 66 |
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0 commit comments