diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b2b6d48..c5b8e85 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/asInvoker.manifest b/asInvoker.manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b9797e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asInvoker.manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/build.spec b/build.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1339c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
+block_cipher = None
+a = Analysis(['update.py'],
+ binaries=[],
+ datas=[],
+ hiddenimports=[],
+ hookspath=[],
+ runtime_hooks=[],
+ excludes=['matplotlib', 'numpy'],
+ win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
+ win_private_assemblies=False,
+ cipher=block_cipher,
+ noarchive=False)
+pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
+ cipher=block_cipher)
+exe = EXE(pyz,
+ a.scripts,
+ a.binaries,
+ a.zipfiles,
+ a.datas,
+ [],
+ name='FlashpointUpdater',
+ debug=False,
+ manifest='asInvoker.manifest',
+ bootloader_ignore_signals=False,
+ strip=False,
+ upx=True,
+ upx_exclude=[],
+ runtime_tmpdir=None,
+ console=True , icon='icon.ico')
+b = Analysis(['update_gui.py'],
+ binaries=[],
+ datas=[('icon.png', '.')],
+ hiddenimports=[],
+ hookspath=[],
+ runtime_hooks=[],
+ excludes=['matplotlib', 'numpy'],
+ win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
+ win_private_assemblies=False,
+ cipher=block_cipher,
+ noarchive=False)
+pyz = PYZ(b.pure, b.zipped_data,
+ cipher=block_cipher)
+exe = EXE(pyz,
+ b.scripts,
+ b.binaries,
+ b.zipfiles,
+ b.datas,
+ [],
+ name='FlashpointUpdaterQt',
+ debug=False,
+ manifest='asInvoker.manifest',
+ bootloader_ignore_signals=False,
+ strip=False,
+ upx=True,
+ upx_exclude=[],
+ runtime_tmpdir=None,
+ console=False , icon='icon.ico')
diff --git a/config.json b/config.json
index 4ac3aa3..efbe299 100644
--- a/config.json
+++ b/config.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- "index_endpoint": "https://unstable.life/fp-index",
- "file_endpoint": "https://unstable.life/fp"
+ "index_endpoint": "https://unstable.life/fp-index/",
+ "file_endpoint": "https://unstable.life/fp/"
diff --git a/core.py b/core.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..144eb76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+from collections import namedtuple
+from urllib.parse import urljoin
+import threading
+import requests
+import datetime
+import logging
+import queue
+import time
+import lzma
+import json
+import math
+# Allows you to retrieve the arguments passed to a function and
+# an arbitrary value by passing a 'store' or '_store' argument
+# as its return value. Good for use with concurrent.futures.
+def wrap_call(function, *args, **kwargs):
+ store = kwargs.pop('_store', kwargs.pop('store', None))
+ Wrap = namedtuple('Wrap', ['result', 'store', 'args', 'kwargs'])
+ return Wrap(function(*args, **kwargs), store, args, kwargs)
+class IndexServer(object):
+ # Index metadata schema:
+ # { name.str: { path.str, lzma.bool, info.str }, ... }
+ def __init__(self, endpoint):
+ self.endpoint = endpoint
+ r = requests.get(urljoin(self.endpoint, 'meta.json'))
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ self.meta = r.json()
+ def available_indexes(self):
+ return self.meta['indexes'].keys()
+ def get_latest(self):
+ return self.meta['latest']
+ def get_anchor(self):
+ return self.meta.get('anchor', None)
+ def autodetect_anchor(self, anchor_hash):
+ anchor = self.get_anchor()
+ autodetect = dict()
+ if anchor:
+ autodetect = anchor['autodetect']
+ return autodetect.get(anchor_hash, None)
+ def info(self, name):
+ return self.meta['indexes'][name]['info']
+ def fetch(self, name, reporter, block_size=2048):
+ index_meta = self.meta['indexes'][name]
+ r = requests.get(urljoin(self.endpoint, index_meta['path']), stream=True)
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ data = bytearray()
+ total_size = int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0))
+ for chunk, report in reporter.task_it('Fetching index %s' % name, r.iter_content(block_size), length=math.ceil(total_size / block_size)):
+ report()
+ data += chunk
+ if index_meta['lzma']:
+ data = lzma.decompress(data)
+ return json.loads(data)
+class PoisonPill(object):
+ pass
+class Task(object):
+ def __init__(self, title, unit, length):
+ self.title = title
+ self.unit = unit
+ self.length = length
+class ProgressReporter(object):
+ def __init__(self, logger='reporter'):
+ self._start = None
+ self._stopped = False
+ self._task = None
+ self._report_event = threading.Event()
+ self._step_queue = queue.Queue()
+ self._task_queue = queue.Queue()
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger)
+ def stop(self):
+ self._stopped = True
+ self._step_queue.put(PoisonPill())
+ self._task_queue.put(PoisonPill())
+ def is_stopped(self):
+ return self._stopped
+ def task(self, title, unit=None, length=None):
+ if self._stopped:
+ raise ValueError('operation on stopped reporter')
+ self._task = Task(title, unit, length)
+ self._task_queue.put(self._task)
+ if not self._start:
+ self._start = time.time()
+ else:
+ self._step_queue.put(PoisonPill())
+ def task_it(self, title, iterator, unit=None, length=None):
+ if not length:
+ length = len(iterator) if iterator else None
+ self.task(title, unit=unit, length=length)
+ for item in iterator:
+ if self._stopped:
+ raise ValueError('operation on stopped reporter')
+ yield item, self.report
+ if not self._report_event.isSet():
+ raise RuntimeError('report not called in previous iteration')
+ self._report_event.clear()
+ def report(self, payload=None):
+ if not self._report_event.isSet():
+ self._step_queue.put(payload)
+ self._report_event.set()
+ def get_current_task(self):
+ return self._task
+ def tasks(self):
+ while True:
+ payload = self._task_queue.get()
+ if isinstance(payload, PoisonPill):
+ break
+ self.logger.info('*** Task Start: %s ***' % payload.title)
+ yield payload
+ self.logger.info('*** Task End: %s ***' % payload.title)
+ def steps(self):
+ while True:
+ payload = self._step_queue.get()
+ if isinstance(payload, PoisonPill):
+ break
+ #self.logger.info('Step > %s' % payload)
+ yield payload
+ def step(self, payload=None):
+ if self._stopped:
+ raise ValueError('operation on stopped reporter')
+ self._step_queue.put(payload)
+ def elapsed(self):
+ elapsed = 0
+ if self._start:
+ elapsed = time.time() - self._start
+ return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed))
diff --git a/icon.ico b/icon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee9513
Binary files /dev/null and b/icon.ico differ
diff --git a/icon.png b/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..220f529
Binary files /dev/null and b/icon.png differ
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 75aaba4..b24ad18 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 198398c..0000000
--- a/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
-# Dependencies are automatically detected, but it might need fine tuning.
-build_exe_options = {"packages": ["os", "asyncio", "idna.idnadata"], "excludes": ["numpy", "matplotlib"], 'include_files': ['config.json']}
-PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.__file__))
-if sys.platform == "win32":
- build_exe_options['include_files'] += [
- os.path.join(PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR, 'DLLs', 'libcrypto-1_1.dll'),
- os.path.join(PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR, 'DLLs', 'libssl-1_1.dll'),
- ]
-setup( name = "flashpoint-updater",
- version = "0.1",
- description = "Updater for BlueMaxima's Flashpoint",
- options = {"build_exe": build_exe_options},
- executables = [Executable("update.py"), Executable("index.py")])
diff --git a/update.py b/update.py
index 3bd1f73..f677288 100644
--- a/update.py
+++ b/update.py
@@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from index import win_path
+from core import IndexServer, Task, ProgressReporter
from tqdm import tqdm
-from urllib.parse import quote
+from urllib.parse import quote, urljoin
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
import concurrent.futures
+import threading
import urllib3
import datetime
import requests
import backoff
import shutil
+import index
import stat
import json
import lzma
import time
+import core
import sys
import os
-@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, (requests.exceptions.RequestException, urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError))
+@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, (requests.exceptions.RequestException, urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError, urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError), logger='reporter')
def download_file(session, url, dest):
with session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=10) as r:
with open(dest, 'wb') as f:
@@ -26,54 +29,40 @@ def download_file(session, url, dest):
def chown_file(path):
os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
-def fetch_index(version, endpoint):
- r = requests.get('%s/%s.json.xz' % (endpoint, version))
- return json.loads(lzma.decompress(r.content))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
- config = json.load(f)
- if len(sys.argv) != 4:
- print('Usage: update.py ')
- sys.exit(0)
- flashpoint = win_path(sys.argv[1])
- if not os.path.isdir(flashpoint):
- print('Error: Flashpoint path not found.')
- sys.exit(0)
- endpoint = config['index_endpoint']
- try:
- current, target = fetch_index(sys.argv[2], endpoint), fetch_index(sys.argv[3], endpoint)
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
- print('Could not retrieve indexes for the versions specified.')
- sys.exit(0)
- start = time.time()
+def perform_update(flashpoint, current, target, file_endpoint, reporter):
tmp = os.path.join(flashpoint, '.tmp')
- os.mkdir(tmp)
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(tmp)
+ except FileExistsError:
+ reporter.logger.info('Temp folder exists. We are resuming.')
to_download = list()
- print('Preparing contents...')
- for hash in tqdm(target['files'], unit=' files', ascii=True):
+ for hash, report in reporter.task_it('Preparing contents...', target['files'], unit='hash'):
+ report(hash)
+ tmpPath = os.path.join(tmp, hash)
if hash in current['files']:
path = os.path.normpath(current['files'][hash][0])
- os.rename(os.path.join(flashpoint, path), os.path.join(tmp, hash))
- else:
+ if not os.path.isfile(tmpPath):
+ try:
+ os.rename(os.path.join(flashpoint, path), tmpPath)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ reporter.logger.warning('File from current index not found. Queued for download: %s (%s)' % (path, hash))
+ to_download.append(hash)
+ elif not (os.path.isfile(tmpPath) and index.hash(tmpPath, 'sha1') == hash):
+ else:
+ reporter.logger.info('File from target index already in temp folder. Skipped: %s' % hash)
- print('Downloading new data...')
session = requests.Session()
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as executor:
tasks = list()
for hash in to_download:
- url = '%s/%s' % (config['file_endpoint'], quote(target['files'][hash][0]))
- tasks.append(executor.submit(download_file, session, url, os.path.join(tmp, hash)))
- for future in tqdm(as_completed(tasks), total=len(tasks), unit=' files', ascii=True):
- future.result()
+ path = target['files'][hash][0]
+ url = urljoin(file_endpoint, quote(path))
+ tasks.append(executor.submit(core.wrap_call, download_file, session, url, os.path.join(tmp, hash), store=path))
+ for future, report in reporter.task_it('Downloading new data...', as_completed(tasks), length=len(tasks), unit='file'):
+ report(os.path.basename(future.result().store))
- print('Removing obsolete files...')
+ reporter.task('Removing obsolete files...')
for r, d, f in os.walk(flashpoint, topdown=False):
if r == tmp:
@@ -87,8 +76,8 @@ def fetch_index(version, endpoint):
- print('Creating file structure...')
- for hash in tqdm(target['files'], unit=' files', ascii=True):
+ for hash, report in reporter.task_it('Creating file structure...', target['files'], unit='hash'):
+ report(hash)
paths = target['files'][hash]
while paths:
path = os.path.normpath(paths.pop(0))
@@ -106,4 +95,44 @@ def fetch_index(version, endpoint):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(flashpoint, os.path.normpath(path)))
- print('Update completed in %s' % str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start)))
+ reporter.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
+ config = json.load(f)
+ if len(sys.argv) != 4:
+ print('Usage: update.py ')
+ sys.exit(0)
+ flashpoint = index.win_path(sys.argv[1])
+ if not os.path.isdir(flashpoint):
+ print('Error: Flashpoint path not found.')
+ sys.exit(0)
+ try:
+ server = IndexServer(config['index_endpoint'])
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ print('Could not retrieve index metadata: %s' % str(e))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def worker(reporter, root_path, server, file_endpoint, current, target):
+ try:
+ current, target = server.fetch(current, reporter), server.fetch(target, reporter)
+ except KeyError as e:
+ print('Could not find index: %s' % e.args[0])
+ sys.exit(0)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ print('Could not retrieve index: %s' % str(e))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ perform_update(root_path, current, target, file_endpoint, reporter)
+ reporter = ProgressReporter()
+ threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(reporter, flashpoint, server, config['file_endpoint'], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])).start()
+ for task in reporter.tasks():
+ print(task.title)
+ for step in tqdm(reporter.steps(), total=task.length, unit=task.unit or 'it', ascii=True):
+ pass
+ print('Update completed in %s' % reporter.elapsed())
diff --git a/update_gui.py b/update_gui.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..483cd53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/update_gui.py
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from core import IndexServer, Task, ProgressReporter
+from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
+from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, QSize, Qt, pyqtSignal
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
+from datetime import datetime
+import threading
+import requests
+import logging
+import ctypes
+import update
+import index
+import json
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+class UpdateThread(QThread):
+ sig_exc = pyqtSignal(Exception)
+ def __init__(self, reporter, root_path, server, file_endpoint, current, target):
+ QThread.__init__(self)
+ self.reporter = reporter
+ self.root_path = root_path
+ self.server = server
+ self.file_endpoint = file_endpoint
+ self.current = current
+ self.target = target
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ current = self.server.fetch(self.current, self.reporter)
+ target = self.server.fetch(self.target, self.reporter)
+ update.perform_update(self.root_path, current, target, self.file_endpoint, self.reporter)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if not self.reporter.is_stopped(): # Interrupted from outside (on exit)
+ self.reporter.logger.critical('Update failed', exc_info=True)
+ self.reporter.stop()
+ self.sig_exc.emit(e)
+class ReporterThread(QThread):
+ sig_task = pyqtSignal(str, str, int)
+ sig_step = pyqtSignal(object)
+ sig_done = pyqtSignal(str)
+ def __init__(self, reporter):
+ QThread.__init__(self)
+ self.reporter = reporter
+ def run(self):
+ for task in self.reporter.tasks():
+ self.sig_task.emit(task.title, task.unit, task.length or 0)
+ for step in self.reporter.steps():
+ self.sig_step.emit(step)
+ self.sig_done.emit(self.reporter.elapsed())
+class Updater(QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, server, file_endpoint, parent=None):
+ super(Updater, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.server = server
+ self.file_endpoint = file_endpoint
+ self.reporter_thread = None
+ self.update_thread = None
+ self.step_unit = None
+ self.progress = 0
+ self.root_path = QLineEdit()
+ self.browse_button = QPushButton('Browse...')
+ self.browse_button.clicked.connect(self.on_browse_button)
+ self.progress_bar = QProgressBar()
+ self.progress_bar.setValue(0)
+ self.from_combo_box = QComboBox()
+ self.from_combo_box.addItems(self.server.available_indexes())
+ self.from_combo_box.setEnabled(False)
+ self.autodetect_checkbox = QCheckBox('Autodetect')
+ self.autodetect_checkbox.setChecked(True)
+ self.autodetect_checkbox.toggled.connect(self.on_autodetect_checked)
+ self.to_combo_box = QComboBox()
+ self.to_combo_box.addItems(self.server.available_indexes())
+ self.update_button = QPushButton('Go!')
+ self.update_button.clicked.connect(self.on_update_button)
+ self.status_label = QLabel('Idle.')
+ self.step_label = QLabel()
+ # Update to the latest version by default
+ pos = self.to_combo_box.findText(self.server.get_latest())
+ if pos != -1:
+ self.to_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(pos)
+ self.win_taskbar = None
+ if os.name == 'nt':
+ from PyQt5.QtWinExtras import QWinTaskbarButton
+ self.win_taskbar = QWinTaskbarButton(self)
+ self.win_taskbar.progress().setVisible(True)
+ bottom = QVBoxLayout()
+ bottom.addWidget(self.status_label)
+ bottom.addWidget(self.progress_bar)
+ bottom.addWidget(self.step_label)
+ layout = QGridLayout()
+ layout.addWidget(QLabel('Root Path'), 0, 0)
+ layout.addWidget(self.root_path, 0, 1)
+ layout.addWidget(self.browse_button, 0, 2)
+ layout.addWidget(QLabel('From'), 1, 0)
+ layout.addWidget(self.from_combo_box, 1, 1)
+ layout.addWidget(self.autodetect_checkbox, 1, 2)
+ layout.addWidget(QLabel('To'), 2, 0)
+ layout.addWidget(self.to_combo_box, 2, 1)
+ layout.addWidget(self.update_button, 2, 2)
+ layout.addLayout(bottom, 3, 0, 2, 0)
+ self.setLayout(layout)
+ self.setGeometry(100, 100, 350, 100)
+ self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint, False)
+ def set_task(self, task, unit, length):
+ self.status_label.setText(task)
+ self.progress_bar.setRange(0, length)
+ self.progress_bar.setValue(0)
+ if self.win_taskbar:
+ self.win_taskbar.progress().setRange(0, length)
+ self.win_taskbar.progress().setValue(0)
+ self.step_unit = unit
+ if not self.step_unit:
+ self.step_label.setText('')
+ def step(self, payload):
+ self.progress_bar.setValue(self.progress_bar.value() + 1)
+ if self.win_taskbar:
+ self.win_taskbar.progress().setValue(self.progress_bar.value())
+ if self.step_unit:
+ self.step_label.setText('Current %s: %s' % (self.step_unit, payload))
+ def set_done(self, elapsed):
+ self.update_button.setEnabled(True)
+ self.status_label.setText('Finished in %s' % elapsed)
+ self.step_label.setText('')
+ def update_failed(self, exception):
+ QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Update failed', str(exception))
+ def perform_autodetect(self):
+ path = str(self.root_path.text())
+ if self.autodetect_checkbox.isChecked() and self.server.get_anchor():
+ try:
+ hash = index.hash(os.path.join(path, self.server.get_anchor()['file']), 'sha1')
+ pos = self.from_combo_box.findText(self.server.autodetect_anchor(hash))
+ if pos != -1:
+ self.from_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(pos)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ def on_autodetect_checked(self):
+ self.from_combo_box.setEnabled(not self.autodetect_checkbox.isChecked())
+ self.perform_autodetect()
+ def on_browse_button(self):
+ dialog = QFileDialog(self, 'Select root path...')
+ dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.DirectoryOnly)
+ if dialog.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted:
+ folder = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
+ if self.server.get_anchor():
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(folder, topdown=True):
+ if r.count(os.sep) - folder.count(os.sep) == 1:
+ del d[:]
+ if self.server.get_anchor()['file'] in f:
+ folder = os.path.normpath(r)
+ break
+ self.root_path.setText(folder)
+ self.perform_autodetect()
+ def on_update_button(self):
+ root_path = index.win_path(str(self.root_path.text()))
+ if not os.path.isdir(root_path):
+ QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Cannot proceed', 'Please make sure that the root path exists.')
+ return
+ self.update_button.setEnabled(False)
+ current = str(self.from_combo_box.currentText())
+ target = str(self.to_combo_box.currentText())
+ logger.info('Starting update from %s to %s' % (current, target))
+ reporter = ProgressReporter()
+ self.reporter_thread = ReporterThread(reporter)
+ self.reporter_thread.sig_task.connect(self.set_task)
+ self.reporter_thread.sig_step.connect(self.step)
+ self.reporter_thread.sig_done.connect(self.set_done)
+ self.reporter_thread.start()
+ self.update_thread = UpdateThread(reporter, root_path, self.server, self.file_endpoint, current, target)
+ self.update_thread.sig_exc.connect(self.update_failed)
+ self.update_thread.start()
+ def showEvent(self, event):
+ self.setFixedSize(self.size()) # Make non-resizable
+ if self.win_taskbar:
+ self.win_taskbar.setWindow(updater.windowHandle())
+ event.accept()
+ def closeEvent(self, event):
+ if self.update_thread and self.update_thread.isRunning():
+ self.update_thread.reporter.stop()
+ self.update_thread.wait()
+ self.reporter_thread.wait()
+ event.accept()
+os.makedirs('logs', exist_ok=True)
+logger = logging.getLogger('reporter')
+logFormatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(datetime.now().strftime('logs/update_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.log'), delay=True)
+if os.name == 'nt':
+ ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID('flashpoint.updater')
+res_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+app = QApplication([sys.argv])
+app.setApplicationName('Flashpoint Updater')
+app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(os.path.join(res_path, 'icon.png')))
+ with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
+ config = json.load(f)
+except FileNotFoundError:
+ logger.critical('Could not find configuration file. Aborted.')
+ QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Initialization error', 'Config file not found!')
+ sys.exit(0)
+except ValueError:
+ logger.critical('Could parse configuration file. Aborted.')
+ QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Initialization error', 'Config file cannot be parsed!')
+ sys.exit(0)
+ server = IndexServer(config['index_endpoint'])
+except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ logger.critical('Could not retrieve index metadata: %s' % str(e))
+ QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Initialization error', 'Could not retrieve index metadata. Please, check the log file for more details.')
+ sys.exit(0)
+updater = Updater(server, config['file_endpoint'])