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Gentle is a compiler for a Java subset called "MiniJava" and was developed during the 2021/22 compiler construction course at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. In this course, students implement a fully-functional compiler from the ground up. Gentle is comprised of

  • a simple string-based lexer
  • a recursive-descent parser utilizing precedence climbing for expressions that builds an abstract syntax tree
  • a semantic analysis and conversion step that ensures the program is semantically valid and attributes the AST with type information
  • a conversion into the libFirm SSA-based intermediate representation (IR)
  • many optimizations operating on the libFirm IR
  • a backend step lowering the libFirm IR to our own Ikea IR
  • a final step generating x86-64 assembly
  • invoking gcc to assemble and link the output with our custom runtime

Intermediate Representations

As mentioned above, our compiler makes heavy use of the FIRM intermediate representation using libFirm. Firm is a graph-based intermediate representation in SSA form. LibFirm offers a C99 frontend (cparser) and can output optimized assembly for multiple architectures, including x86 (32/64 bit), RISC-V 32, MIPS and a few more.

We weren't allowed to use many of the conveniences and analysis results libFirm computes, so our compiler only depends on the graph structure, the initial insertion of phis to build up a proper SSA structure and dominance to properly implement global value numbering.

Integrating libFirm

LibFirm is written in C and must therefore be called using JNI - the Java native interface. Thankfully, there is already a library providing JNA (Java native access) bindings for it: jFirm. We forked this project, converted it to a more standard maven build and included a few pre-built native binaries. This ensures that gentle is self-contained and can be run on its own, without needing to also manually compile and provide a libFirm binary. You can find this fork in our organization.

Organization and authors

As you can't effectively build a compiler with 20 people working all over each other, we were split in groups of four to five students. Each group created their own compiler for the same MiniJava language, but the approaches, workflows and even programming languages varied considerably.

Our group consisted of @Chrisliebaer, @Garmelon, @I-Al-Istannen, @pbrinkmeier and @SirYWell.

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is using the build and run scripts in the root directory. These scripts are used by CI and also the benchmark and testing suite - they should work out of the box.

Additionally, we also provide a docker image built with jib which is automatically pushed to the GitHub Container Registry. You can find it here.

Finally, if you are familiar with Gradle, you can also directly build gentle using it. The build script is just a thin wrapper around distInstall.


Gentle supports every feature MiniJava has to offer, meaning you will have to live without some conveniences. Notably, MiniJava does not contain any object-oriented features like inheritance or some basic concepts like for-loops or a String type. This doesn't stop you from writing proper programs in it though! Our team produced a working from-scratch re-implementation of the classic asciiquarium as well as a fully-functional fraction-based raytracer. Some dedicated individuals even re-implemented bitwise operations using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division resulting in a few beautiful images of Voronoi-noise.


Gentle has quite a few optimizations, many of which do indeed rapidly speed up the produced binaries. The main choke point currently is the lack of a proper register allocator. The "Lego" backend contains a work-in-progress graph coloring register allocator, but that didn't get finished in time. It can produce valid coloring for simple programs, but has problems with anything else. Turns out, graph based register allocation isn't easy :) The implemented optimizations are quite decent and it would have been interesting to see how fast the compiler would be with a proper backend.

Currently, gentle implements the following optimizations:

  • Algebraic identities (distributive, associative, additive/multiplicative identities and many more)
  • Boolean optimizations (e.g. elimination of unnecessary jumps)
  • Escape analysis (able to completely omit allocating objects or statically accessed arrays)
  • Global Value Numbering (a form of common subexpression elimination)
  • Constant folding (this one was required) (computes constant expressions at compile-time)
  • Control Flow Optimizations (e.g. omit unnecessary jumps, merge blocks where possible, …)
  • Loop-invariant code motion (move computations outside of loops if they don't depend on the iteration)
  • Method Inlining (essentially copy-paste one method into all callsites)
  • Pure Function Analysis (e.g. deduplicate calls to pure functions or omit calling them if the result is never used)
  • Strength Reduction (e.g. convert costly divisions and multiplications into bit shifts)
  • Unused Parameter Elimination (remove parameters from methods if they are never used)


To spice up the course a bit a competition was held and a prize awarded for the compiler producing the fastest correct binaries. Gentle has quite a few interesting optimizations but some major parts, like load-store optimizations and especially register allocation, weren't finished in time.

Despite this we had lots of fun working on the project and learned a lot about how compilers work and why they (don't) do certain things. Learning this on our own time and happily cooking up weird optimizations beyond what was needed took up considerable time though and far exceeded what the course credits suggest. If you are interested in compilers and have fun hacking away on one, the course is still a good choice :)

As our team consisted of quite a few people with an interest in modern software development practices, we also went ham with our CI pipeline and static analysis tools, resulting in quite a robust and stable compiler. During the course we integrated Qodana, wrote a Github Action to interpret its output, created a docker image, standardized on a development workflow with mandatory code review and also wrote Flammenwehrfer while we were at it. Flammenwehrfer is our cross-repository test bot, running all tests from our shared test framework against the compilers of every group, opening and closing other teams' GitHub issues depending on how well their compiler coped with new tests. Not yet satisfied with the existential dread we caused, we continued on and wrote an annotation processor parsing ascii art program graphs and emitting type-safe tree matching code we could use from java.


The following section serves to answer what we believe to be common questions, especially if you are a fellow student and consider taking this course.

What language does it compile? Is it a real compiler?

Gentle is able to compile Mini-Java. Mini-Java is a subset of Java - technically it contains programs which would be invalid in Java due to some edge cases. The language has been purposefully modified to reduce the scope of supported language features while maintaining all essential control primitives. It completely elides polymorphism, for a start, but also simpler things like for loops: After all, a while statement is perfectly sufficient! You might suspect that writing programs in MiniJava would be extremely tedious as a result and no sane person would try to write code in it. This isn't wrong, but as you might have noticed by now we are far from sane. During the course we wrote our own from-scratch version of the popular asciiquarium, a brainfuck interpreter, a fraction-based raytracer, a solution for the first day of Advent Of Code and a few more larger programs.

To better understand what we are dealing with, you can find a summary of Mini-Java below:

  • (mostly) a subset of Java
  • no dynamic binding, interfaces or vtables
  • only one input file
  • very basic IO (only able to read and write to/from stdin/stdout)
  • no memory management, memory will never be free-ed
  • no constructors, no overloading and no visibility modifiers (or any modifiers)
  • no static variables and methods

But isn't Java using garbage collection and supposed to run everywhere?

The Java language itself only defines the semantics of the language, not implementation details. It does, in fact, not require a garbage collector. There is nothing preventing you from compiling it directly to native code and there exist projects that do just that (e.g. Oracle's graal native-image).

This sounds really complicated, how did you not get overwhelmed?

Quite simple: Don't make mistakes, duh. (If you do, blame someone else! The last person to have merged code into master is a good candidate to start with. If it was you or you reviewed it, blame the person who wrote the failing test. Resort to git-blame-someone-else if necessary.)

Part of the assignment was to contribute test cases to a common pool, shared by all groups. This ensured a solid foundation of test cases existed. However, as we later learned, our collection of tests turned out to be very lackluster. It failed to spot quite a lot of very basic bugs, forcing us to rely on our mentors to report bugs in our weekly meetings. They could fall back on the combined test suite of all the years before us, allowing them to uncover bugs a lot more efficiently.

Towards the end of the project we started using jazzer which was eye-opening: It found a bug we were stumped on for a week in a few minutes and continued to produce bugs crashing our compiler, the compilers of other groups and even the holy reference compiler itself.