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uwiger edited this page Oct 31, 2012 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the exodm wiki!

This is an integration project for the Exosense Device Manager. It should be usable as a skeleton for other systems as well.

The idea is to be able to quickly modify the system setup, add or remove applications, and change the configuration, and then rebuild, regenerate, and get the system up and running.

Change log

Exodm architecture

How to configure the system

How to the exosense configuration system works

Commands, in order

  • make, or make compile pulls down dependencies and does a normal rebar compile

  • make release (does a make compile and) sets up a system configuration for RelTool

  • make generate generates the configuration setup by make release

  • n=<Node> make node sets up a local directory for starting an erlang node (e.g. n=n1 make node)

  • n=<Node> make start | console | attach | stop starts, stops or attaches to the given node

  • make tar creates a compressed tar file of the current release (after removing all debug_info)

  • make test runs an EUnit-based test suite for the exodm system

  • make test_console, after having run make test, moves into the directory created for the test system (.eunit/exodm_tmp) and starts the test system in 'console mode' (i.e. you get an erlang shell prompt)

Which commands to run depends on what changes you've made (would be wonderful if the make system could determine this for you, but we're not there yet):

  • If you've made changes to code and/or config data: make generate to update the system build. Note that the code is copied to a separate file structure, so just recompiling won't suffice.
  • If you've made changes to e.g. the list of applications, or the rel/reltool.config.src: make release
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